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interpolating 发音

英:[ɪnˈtɜːpəleɪtɪŋ]  美:[ɪnˈtɜːrpəleɪtɪŋ]

英:  美:

interpolating 中文意思翻译




interpolating 短语词组

1、interpolating noise ─── 插值噪声

2、interpolating function ─── [计] 插值函数

3、polynomial interpolating function ─── [计] 多项式插值函数

4、interpolating multiplier ─── [计] 插值乘法器

interpolating 常用词组

interpolating function ─── 插值函数;内插函数

interpolating 词性/词形变化,interpolating变形

动词过去式: interpolated |名词: interpolation |动词过去分词: interpolated |动词第三人称单数: interpolates |动词现在分词: interpolating |形容词: interpolative |

interpolating 相似词语短语

1、interpolative ─── adj.撺改的;添入的

2、intercalating ─── v.设置(闰年或闰月);添加(天)到日历中;把……插入(intercalate的现在分词)

3、interplanting ─── v.间作;间种(interplant的现在分词)

4、interpolations ─── n.孤起部;篡改;插入(interpolation的复数)

5、interfoliating ─── 相互融合

6、interrogating ─── v.[计]询问(interrogate的ing形式);质问

7、interpellating ─── vt.(议员在议会中就政府的行为或政策提出)质询;质问

8、interrelating ─── v.相互关连;vt.(使)相互关连

9、interpolation ─── n.插入;篡改;填写;插值

interpolating 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、as-rigid-as-possible interpolating ─── 保刚性插值

2、To constrain interpolating curves to be bounded in a given region is an important issue for shape control of curves. ─── 将插值曲线约束于给定的区域之内是曲线形状控制中的重要问题。

3、The operation procedure is based on the inner interpolating of the position and color of image pixels.They include two stages.One is to establish the corresponding relation of images. ─── 其算法一般都是基于图像的像素位置和颜色的内插,具体操作步骤包括:一、建立图像间的对应关系;

4、Interpol agent Jack Valentine could not be bought. ─── 国际刑警杰克。瓦伦丁就无法收买,

5、Most of the folding and interpolating ADCs were realized in bipolar process before the mid 90s. ─── 在90年代中期以前,折叠内插结构的模数转换器基本上都是用双极型工艺实现的。

6、Interpol Search hereby expressly disclaims any and all warranties, express or implied, including the warranty of fitness for a particular purpose and shall not be liable for any claims or liabilities related to such search results. ─── 华生侦探社因此在这里声明如下:任何的和全部的保证,表达和暗示包括为某个特别目的适用的保证,并且不应对任何要求负责,或者关联到这些查询结果的责任.

7、osculatory rational interpolating function ─── 切触有理插值函数

8、Interpol Agent Louis Salinger and Manhattan Assistant District Attorney Eleanor Whitman are determined to bring to justice one of the world's most powerful banks. ─── 你把你的钱交给银行,但你有想过,他们把你的钱拿去做什麽用途吗?

9、Interpol has been giving threat assessments to the Chinese authorities and conducting training sessions in crisis and major event operations. ─── 国际刑警已给与中国官方威胁评估,并就危机及重要事件操作进行了训练。

10、They warn Interpol that the criminal may be disguised as women. ─── 他们提醒国际刑警组织,罪犯可能是男扮女装或假扮成女人。

11、The interpolating and confining operator of the unequal interval dispersing geophysical model are stereotyped .And the program codes for poission equation are written in C environment. ─── 同时也编写出了不等距剖分多重网格方法求解泊松方程类偏微分方程的C程序代码。

12、Mannen every occasion, he burned the shop owner hijacked the female, and the police and confrontation, Interpol captain decisively to replace the female boss as hostages. ─── 万念俱焚之际,他劫持了小卖部的女老板,并和警方对峙,刑警队长果断地替换了女老板作为人质。

13、From the view of application of Lifting Scheme, the fitting curve can contain more low frequency components of a specific data's contour than the interpolating curve. ─── 从提升格式的应用来说,数据的拟合曲线比数据的插值曲线更能代表数据包络线的低频成分。

14、the double directional interpolating model ofANNS ─── 双向时间序列

15、Because police organization varies from country, the NCBs were established to act as the one special group to handle Interpol chores and unsure maximum cooperation between nations. ─── 如果公司收益在今后几个季度里令人失望的话,这种买进古片的狂热行为就可能消失。

16、Interpol DNA MEG is the main reference source for DNA unit,which recommends guidelines on DNA sampling and evidence collection,DNA databasing,quality assurance,and training,etc. ─── DNA专家组是DNA组的主要咨询机构,负责推荐DNA采样和证据采集、DNA数据库、质量控制、DNA技术培训等方面的指导原则。

17、However, the same resolution single-channel folding and interpolating ADC designed in China can only operate at 200MSPS, while the power dissipation is 181mW. ─── 与国际先进水平相比,我国研制的同等分辨率的折叠内插模数转换器仅可达到200MHz,181mW功耗的性能。

18、Hunt:You heard about Scotland Yard?Interpol?Interstate Authority? I can make them all go away. ─── 亨特:你听说过苏格兰场、国际刑警和州际警察署吗?他们统统都没法跟我比。

19、Finding cubic spline interpolating functions automatically ─── 三次样条函数的自动求法

20、To illustrate the concepts described in this article, I wrote a small demo, which shows an object interpolating between a series of randomly generated orientations. ─── 为了说明此文的意图,我写了一个演示,用其展现了对象在一系列随机产生的定位处的插值。

21、The head of the world's largest police organization, Interpol, says he is satisfied with China's security preparations for the Beijing Olympics. ─── 国际刑警组织负责人说,他对北京奥运会的安全准备工作感到满意。

22、In the case of GPU, we can also use interpolating texture units instead of computing some expensive expression. ─── 在GPU情况下,我们也能使用中断处理单元替代高昂的计算处理。

23、An 8-bit folding and interpolating ADC using auto-zero compensation technique is presented and simulated by means of Star-Sim program. ─── 分析了高速折叠内插式ADC结构和各种影响ADC性能的因素,基于自动调零技术原理,在前置放大器与折叠放大器之间引入差分对,实现放大器失调电压的补偿。

24、will discuss various ways of interpolating the values later in this article. ─── 后面将介绍在这些值之间插值的几种方法。

25、The analysis shows that the algorithm is of high interpolating speed and can obtain any required interpolating accuracy. ─── 结果表明,该算法具有较快的插补速度,能获得任何要求的插补精度。

26、Wanted by Interpol: Homosexual Pedophile John E. ─── Hamilton 3 个新帖 (共 3 个) Dave U.

27、International DNA users conference and regional DNA training is also organized under the umbrella of the Interpol DNA unit. ─── 国际刑警组织还定期召开国际DNA用户大会,开展地区性DNA技术培训,以促进DNA技术的普及、应用和发展。

28、interpolating complicated curve and surface ─── 复杂曲线曲面插值

29、Estimated positions will be generated by interpolating the tracker position in-between nearby keyed or tracked positions. ─── 估计位置将由插值生成的跟踪位置中间的键控或跟踪位置附近。

30、A digital integration interpolating principle is built on the basis of analysis made on circular involute forming principle. ─── 在分析圆的渐开线形成原理的基础上,建立了数字积分法渐开线插补原理。

31、Agent 47 manages to escape, but leaves his things behind, which are examined by the Interpol. ─── 代理47设法逃脱,但他留下的东西背后,这是审查国际刑警组织。

32、In January this year, we joined hands with the Interpol to organise the ICAC-Interpol Conference, attracting over 500 delegates from 61 jurisdictions and eight international organisations. ─── 今年一月,我们与国际刑警在香港联合主办国际反贪会议,有超过500位代表参加,他们分别来自61个司法管辖区及八个国际组织。

33、Biorthogonal Interpolating Wavelet(BIW) ─── 双正交插值小波

34、The Cascade integrator comb filter (CIC) has played an important role as an interpolating and low pass filter in the Digital Down Converter (DDC) of software radio. ─── 在软件无线电的下变频模块中,级联梳状积分滤波器有着重要的应用,其主要作用是信号的抽取与低通滤波。

35、The triangular interpolating surface construction based on scattered data points has extensive applications in CAD/CAM, scientific visualization, image processing. ─── 基于散乱数据点集构造三角插值曲面的方法,在CAD/CAM、科学计算可视化、图像处理等领域有着广泛的应用。

36、The characteristic of cubic-Hermite interpolating function indicates that it can approach to the highway horizontal alignment curve with a high degree, and simple in calculation. ─── 埃尔米特插值函数的特点决定其能很好地逼近被插值函数,且计算过程简便。

37、Interpol Secretary General Ronald Noble praised China's security preparations for the Olympics, when he opened the police organization's Asian meeting in Hong Kong, Monday. ─── 国际刑警组织秘书长诺布尔星期一在香港亚洲地区会议上致开幕词时,称赞中国对奥运会进行的安全准备工作。

38、bivariate osculatory rational interpolating ─── 二元切触有理插值

39、In the case of GPU, we can also use interpolating texture units instead of computing some expensive expression. ─── 在GPU情况下,我们也能使用中断处理单元替代高昂的计算处理。

40、polynomial interpolating function ─── 多项式插值函数

41、Among a lot of ADC architectures, folding and interpolating technology possesses advantages of high speed, low power, small chip area, easiness to be compatible with digital process, etc. ─── 在众多种模数转换器电路结构中,折叠内插结构具有高速、低功耗、面积小及易与数字工艺兼容等优点。

42、DNA unit of Interpol provides technical support to enhance member states DNA capacity and promote widespread use in the international law enforcement environment. ─── 国际刑警组织为了对各成员国的DNA检验工作提供技术支持,促进DNA技术的广泛应用,设立了DNA组。

43、piecewise cubic Hermit interpolating ─── 分段三次Hermit插值

44、Four interpolating axes carry out the various grinding operations with the utmost precision and reliability. ─── 四个插补联动轴以最高精度和可靠性实现了各种磨削工艺流程。

45、We also summarize the filter parameter using small wave and interpolating cut method to differentiate frequency. ─── 同时总结出了小波滤波和插值切割作为分频方法的滤波参数设计方案。

46、He has since expanded his dragnet, tapping the network of agents and informers he cultivated during his previous role as an Interpol agent. ─── 他充分利用各种资源,动用了之前在担任国际刑警组织探员时建立起来的探员和线人网。

47、Interpol says, norwegian police was 2006 in the computer hard disk of a man the photograph that discovers a large number of children are encroached by the gender. ─── 国际刑警组织说,挪威警方2006年在一名男子的电脑硬盘中发现大量儿童遭性侵犯的照片。

48、The displacement boundary values of the small model use the results of the large model,which are obtained by interpolating with numerical inverse isoparametric mapping. ─── 二次细分网格位移边界值采用等参逆变换法由一次网格的计算结果插值得到。

49、Comparing with the existed interpolating wavelets, the new wavelets are greater flexible in design and the decomposition and synthesis algorithms can be realized completely by using FIR filter banks. ─── 与已有的内插子波相比,它可以通过FIR滤波器组进行快速分解和重构,并且设计上具有更大的灵活性。

50、The second argument that is commonly given for the use of quaternions is the possibility of smoothly interpolating between two orientations. ─── 使用四元数的第二个理由,就是其可实现两个状态间的平滑插值。

51、NURBS Skining Techniques Based on Interpolating ─── 基于插值的NURBS蒙皮技术

52、A polar radius interpolating principle is built on the basis of analysis made on circular involute forming principle. ─── 在分析圆的渐开线形成原理的基础上,建立了极径渐开线插补原理。

53、On any given night, all across Europe, Interpol officials could pinpoint exactly who was sleeping where. ─── 之所以这样,国际刑警的干员才能在全欧境内的酒店中精确的查出当晚是谁又是在哪里安歇的。

54、Adaptivity in Solving PDE Using Interpolating Wavelets ─── 偏微分方程数值解的自适应插值小波法

55、An interpolating and error-modifying scheme proposed here integrates the sub-domains and leads to a more exact solution. ─── 修正误差的方法,使本算法得以实现并大幅度提高了计算精度。

56、Interpol is on Agent 47's trail, but they clash with Yuri, who doesn't want to do things quite the same way. ─── 国际刑警组织是在47的线索,但他们与俄罗斯的冲突,谁不想要做的事情非常相同的方式。

57、Created in 1923 to support police cooperation among 186 countries, Interpol, The international Criminal Police Organization, provides a means of communication for police around the world. ─── 创建于1923年,旨在协助186个国家的警员合作,国际刑警组织,这个国际(打击)罪犯警察组织,提供了一种为全世界警察交流的方式。

58、He said the police before his career is nothing to understand, this experience, he wanted to be a policeman, a Huang uncles the same as Interpol. ─── 他说,之前他对警察这个职业没什么了解,这次经历之后,他想当一名警察,一名像黄叔叔一样的刑警。

59、Interpol have searched all the corners of the earth for the elusive hijackers. ─── 国际刑警组织已在世界各地搜查在逃的飞机劫持者。

60、Interpol from the Zhou had served prison out of Zhou's fingerprint records than the right, and Cho-bottle on the fingerprint match. ─── 刑警从周某曾服刑的监狱调出周某的指纹记录比对,与赵某家酒瓶上的指纹相符。

61、Lagrange fuzzy interpolating controller ─── Lagrange模糊插值控制

62、Resampling from 4:2:2 to 4:4:4 involves interpolating Cb and Cr values for those Y samples that are missing one of these components. ─── 从4:2:2通过再采样转换为4:4:4格式,需要从那些缺乏Cb和Cr分量之一的Y样本中插值出Cb和Cr值。

63、Churches, lawyers and families are planning to take action against an expanding cult led by a former Moonie who is on Interpol's international wanted list for sexually abusing female followers. ─── (教会、律师和家庭计画对由一位被国际刑警组织以性侵犯女信徒而通缉的前统一教信徒所领导的一个快速扩张的邪教采取行动。

64、By means of interpolating wavelets theory, we construct an self-adaptive algorithm to solve twodimensional hyperbolic PDEs. ─── 借助插值小波理论,构造了用插值小波求解二维双曲偏微分方程的自适应算法。

65、Joining forces with Scotland Yard and Interpol, Alex fights his way through a torrent of false leads, impersonators, and foreign agents before he gets close to the heart of the crimes. ─── 在苏格兰场和国际刑警的配合下,亚历克斯在潮水般的错误线索中、在不断与冒名顶替者和外国探员打交道的过程中一路过关斩将,查清了罪恶的根源。

66、Interpolating 2D Data Set by Conic Spline with G~2 Continuity ─── 一种G~2连续的二次曲线样条插值方法

67、All the while he eludes the grasp of Interpol Agent Jack Valentine (very good Ethan Hawke), by keeping three steps ahead.Predictably Yuri's world comes crashing in upon him. ─── 同时他还通过各种手段巧妙地和抓捕他的国际刑警杰克瓦伦丁警官进行周旋,并且每次都能成功摆脱困境。

68、I listen to Interpol, Radiohead, Beatles, Nirvana. ─── 听向国际刑警组织,收音机,披头士,涅槃。

69、Application of B spline and smoothing spline on interpolating the DEM dased on rectangular grid[J].Acta Geodaetica et Cartographica Sinica,2000,29(3):240-244. ─── B样条与磨光样条在基于矩形格网的DEM内插中的应用[J].测绘学报,2000,29(3):240-244.

70、In a world where cynicism and forgeries prevail, Mr Aboutaam insists no piece is purchased without being checked first, through the vendor, Interpol and various publications. ─── 在这个充斥著以假乱真和尔虞我诈的环境里,雅博达姆仍然坚称所有他经手的古董都一定会先经过检验,不管是透过卖主、国际刑事组织,还是各种出版品。。


72、interactive discrete interpolating curve ─── 交互式离散插值曲线

73、Several methods of the data interpolating and curve fitting are introduced. ─── 介绍了多种插值方法与曲线拟合方法,对光谱辐射照度标准灯在所需波长间隔上的照度值进行内插运算,包括这些方法的模型建立、参数计算及误差分析过程。

74、One of the main themes of this year's Interpol Asia conference is the tracing and apprehending of child-sex offenders in the region. ─── 今年国际刑警组织亚洲地区会议的主题之一是搜寻并逮捕亚洲地区的儿童性犯罪分子。

75、Four interpolating axes carry out the various grinding operations with the utmost precision and reliability. ─── 四个插补联动轴以最高精度和可靠性实现了各种磨削工艺流程。

76、Because of the exactitude of the polynomial interpolating in the interpolation node, the data of the worktable corresponds with target data, and this thesis accomplishes the processing of data. ─── 利用多项式插值在插值节点处求解的精确性,使联动台数据与目标数据映射,最终实现了联动台数据处理。

77、Sim was arrested in an Interpol operation in Singapore on July 6 and sent back to Malaysia, where he has been remanded for 60 days, the paper said. ─── 7月6日,沈昌迈在新加坡一场国际刑警组织的行动中被捕,随后被遣返马来西亚,他的还押候审期为60天,该报说。

78、Finally, the LPV model is identified by interpolating the linear models using total data.Further, nonlinear model predictive control based on operating-trajectory model is proposed. ─── 在此基础上,本文进一步提出一种基于操作轨迹模型的非线性预测控制算法,并采用多步线性化方法进行问题求解。

79、The fine- interpolator with high- speed interpolating is easy to be designed and applied. It can be used for high- speed machining control. ─── 该精插补器具有设计简单、易于实现、插补速度高等特点,可适用于高速数控系统的开发。

80、By means of interpolating wavelets theory , we construct an adaptive algorithm to solve linear and nonlinear hyperbolic PDEs. ─── 借助于插值小波理论,构造了用插值小波求解一维双曲偏微分方程的自适应算法。

81、Meanwhile, the transverse distribution of reservoir physical properties are described applying fractal interpolating theories. ─── 在比较光滑插值与分形插值的优缺点的基础上,提出主作用因素分析综合插值法。

82、By using SOLID module of GMS software and interpolating method between the drills, the three dimensional model containing water system in Songbei district was established. ─── 利用GMS(地下水流模拟系统)软件中SOLID模块,采用钻孔间插值法建立松北区含水系统三维立体模型,进行地下水壅高计算,给出地下水位临界深度,确定研究区内浸没范围;

83、The resampling of the passband signal with variable frequency is likely implemented by interpolating and decimating the original sequence according to the converting ratio (P/Q). ─── 可变载频带限信号的重采样,一般归结为按转换比P/Q(P为内插比,Q为抽取比)对原采样序列做内插和抽取。

84、One way of doing this is by using interpolating polynomials. ─── 实现这一目的的一种计算方法就是使用插值多项式。

85、It reported to the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL) immediately and assisted with the investigation. ─── 克罗地亚警方随即通报国际刑警组织,并配合各国警方展开跟踪调查。

86、Analyze distortion in the folding and interpolating ADC and discuss the method to restrain the effect of nonlinear distortion. ─── 2、详细分析了折叠内插模数转换器的非线性失真,探讨抑制非线性失真的方法。

87、The masses of onlookers, to see how just this, "Interpol" and some are uncomfortable at the end of the high vigilance of the people to immediately report to the police station. ─── 围观的群众,怎么看眼前这个“刑警”都有些别扭,最终,警惕性较高的群众立即向派出所报案。

88、After Interpolating Speed Controlling ─── 后加减速

89、Lagrange interpolating polynomial ─── Lagrange插值多项式

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