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09-19 投稿


lectureship 发音

英:[ˈlektʃəʃɪp]  美:[ˈlektʃərʃɪp]

英:  美:

lectureship 中文意思翻译



lectureship 词性/词形变化,lectureship变形

动词现在分词: lecturing |动词过去式: lectured |动词第三人称单数: lectures |动词过去分词: lectured |

lectureship 相似词语短语

1、lectures ─── n.演讲,讲演(lecture复数形式);v.向…讲演;训斥(lecture的第三人称单数)

2、hectorship ─── 赫克托

3、rectorship ─── n.教区长之职位及任期

4、lecture hall ─── 讲堂,大讲堂;演讲厅;大教室,阶梯教室;学术报告厅

5、lectureships ─── n.讲师职务;讲师的职位

6、creatureship ─── 创造者

7、indentureship ─── n.服务契约期间;学徒契约期间

8、lectorship ─── n.大学讲师教职(等于lectorate)

9、electorship ─── n.选举人,选举团成员

lectureship 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The lectureship is tenable for a period of three years. ─── 讲师这一职位任期三年。

2、LECTURESHIP IN JAPANESE( Vacancy uac. 270) ─── 日语讲师(奥克兰大学招字270号)

3、He advanced from a lectureship to a professorship. ─── 他从讲师晋升为教授。

4、Starting with a Fulbright Senior Lectureship in 1989 and 1990, Dr.Silver has researched urban development in Indonesia for more than a decade. ─── 从1989到1990担任富布莱特高级讲师以来,他已经从事印尼城市发展研究十余年。

5、to take up a three-year lectureship in media studies ─── 担任三年媒体学科的讲师

6、She is the first Chinese academic to be offered such an endowed lectureship by RSC. ─── 她是首位华人学者获颁授此荣誉。

7、She is the first Chinese academic to be offered such an endowed lectureship by RSC. ─── 她是首位华人学者获颁授此荣誉。

8、She's got a lectureship at Oxford. ─── 她已获得牛津大学讲师的职位。

9、Associate lectureship at Batley School of Art, West Yorkshire from 1981 to 2000. ─── 1981年到2000年在西约克郡的巴特雷艺术学院担任助理讲师。

10、lectureship in mathematics ─── 数学讲师

11、Due to my hard working and all these achievements, I was exceptionally promoted to be lectureship in 2007. ─── 由于我的认真工作和这些成就,我在2007年破格提拔为讲师。

12、The lectureship is tenable for a period of three years ─── 讲师这一职位任期三年

13、2. She's got a lectureship at Oxford. ─── 她已获得牛津大学讲师的职位。

14、The lectureship is tenable for a period of three years. ─── 讲师这一职务任期三年。

15、Associate lectureship at Batley School of Art, West Yorkshire from 1981 to 2000 . ─── 1年到2000年在西约克郡的巴特雷艺术学院担任助理讲师。

16、Conduct public lectures related to the research of Christianity, wherewith the Chuen King Lectureship as well as the Pommerenke Lectures on Christianity and Chinese Culture with DSCCC. ─── 举办基督教研究有关之公开讲座,并为崇基学院神学院之传经讲座及万伦基督教与中国文化讲座之协办单位。

17、lectureship or professorship of mathematics in Rome, but in 1503 he returned to his native land, where he was a canon of Frauenburg. ─── 数学于罗马,任讲师,或谓教授。1503年返回故国,任波兰佛劳恩堡地方牧师。

18、The senate advanced him from a lectureship to a professorship ─── 评议会把他从讲师提升为教授。

19、The lectureship is tenable for a period of three years. ─── 讲师这一职位任期三年。

20、In 1500 he had a lectureship or professorship of mathematics in Rome, but in 1503 he returned to his native land, where he was a canon of Frauenburg. ─── 1500年,授数学于罗马,任讲师,或谓教授。1503年返回故国,任波兰佛劳恩堡地方牧师。

21、Born in 1953. Studied at the Tokyo University of Art, Japan. Lectureship at Shixuoka University. Had eleven solo exhibitions in Japan and included in several mixed exhibitions. ─── 1953年生,日本东京艺术大学大学院毕业,现任静冈大学助教授。曾在东京、京都、静冈举行11次个展,并参加韩国、菲律宾、瑞士、日本重要联展10多次,发表多本著作。

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