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09-20 投稿


lira 发音

英:[ˈlɪrə]  美:[ˈlɪərə]

英:  美:

lira 中文意思翻译




lira 网络释义

n. 里拉(意大利、土耳其货币单位)n. (俄、西、葡、罗)利拉(人名)

lira 词性/词形变化,lira变形


lira 短语词组

1、Maltese lira ─── [网络] 马耳他里拉;马尔他里拉;马耳他镑

2、Lira (instrument) ─── 利拉(仪器)

3、Italian lira un. ─── 意大利里拉 [网络] 义大利里拉

4、Turkish lira ─── [网络] 土耳其里拉;土耳其土耳其里拉;土耳其旧里拉

lira 相似词语短语

1、lirk ─── 里尔克

2、Ahira ─── 阿希拉。

3、libra ─── n.天秤座;磅(重量单位);n.(Libra)人名;(意、捷)利布拉

4、Mira ─── n.(鲸鱼星座中的)薴藁增二

5、liras ─── n.里拉(意大利、土耳其基本货币单位)(lira的复数);n.(Liras)(美)利拉斯(人名)

6、lila ─── n.淡紫色,紫色

7、lire ─── n.里拉(意大利货币单位);(法)阅读

8、liza ─── n.莉莎(女子名)

9、lipa ─── n.利帕(克罗地亚的货币);脂肪酶

lira 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、"Japanese yen( ), Canadian dollar (Can $ ), French franc (FF), Netherlands (Dutch) guilder (DG), Belgian. franc(BF), and the Italian Lira (IL)." ─── 日元,加拿大元,法国法朗,荷兰盾,比利时法朗和意大利里拉。

2、figure out the relative value of the Turkish lira, not a small matter with its many zeros. ─── 他们也学着去计算土耳其里拉的相对价值,这并不是一件容易的事。

3、Another bad out with the garbage from lockers Lira , transparent easily seen, easily forgotten throw garbage. ─── 又如垃圾桶从柜门里拉出来不好用,柜门容易弄脏,垃圾易忘倒掉。

4、Curiously the crunch has not shaken faith in two currencies favoured by yield-hungry investors: the Brazilian real and Turkish lira. ─── 令人奇怪的是信贷紧缩没有打击到饥渴投资者对于两种货币的信心:巴西的雷亚尔和土耳其的里拉。

5、Your Majesty, ever since I saw those poor people chasing behind you, tearing at each other just to get a bill worth 240 lira, I've had a question that's left me feeling uncomfortable ever since. ─── 陛下,自从我见到那些穷人追逐在您的后面,为了得到价值240里拉的一张纸币而互相撕打的情景时起,有一个问题一直使我感到不安。

6、OK, four lira. ─── 那好吧,就给四个里拉。

7、Vatican City has its own currency (equal to the Italian lira) and postal system. ─── “每年的,每年一次的”,指植物时是“一年生植物”。

8、Maltese lira is the currency of Malta. ─── 马耳他里拉(货币代码mtl)是马耳他的货币。

9、He was disguised as Lok’lira the Crone. ─── 他化身为巫婆洛莉拉。

10、He is honest hold back did not live, was in in lira of a corner so on a piece of newspaper. ─── 他实在憋不住了,所以在一个角落里拉在了一张报纸上。

11、The Update for InfoPath 2003 (KB887982) adds the ability to display the value of the Turkish Lira in both the old Lira format and the new Lira format. ─── 用于InfoPath 2003(KB887982)更新添加能够在同时旧里拉格式和新的里拉格式显示土耳其里拉值。

12、Prices rose by 9.9% in the year to May, and the lira fell by 16% against the dollar in the month before an emergency meeting of the central bank on June 7th. ─── 土耳其需要吸引外国资金弥补其高达GDP6.3%的经常项目赤字。到五月份,物价已经增长了9.9%。在6月7号中央银行的紧急会议之前,里拉相对美元已经下降16%。

13、Scurru - la parasitica Lira ─── 红花寄生

14、These savings, wrote the Fascist editors, will enable Italy's unfavorable trade balance to be overcome, will result in the stabilization of the lira. ─── 法西斯党编辑们报道说,这些节俭措施将改变现在意大利贸易顺差的现状,会起到稳定里拉的作用。

15、concentric lira ─── 同心线

16、The book costs 2,700 lira or l2,700. ─── 这本书花了二千七百里拉。

17、One was saying, ' I learned of your ad.from the doorman at the newspaper, the bastard took me for a hundred lira. ' ─── 其中一个人说,'我从一个报馆的门卫那里得知你的广告,这家伙向我索取了100里拉。

18、In addition, by not using bins from transparent Lira, transparent easily seen, garbage removal easily forgotten, classification can not do. ─── 另外,垃圾桶从柜门里拉出来不好用,柜门容易弄脏,倒垃圾容易忘,分类也做不到。

19、A dollar exchanges for? Lira. ─── 一美元可兑换?里拉。

20、Many Neapolitans earn their first lira selling contraband cigarettes in the city's mazeof alleys." ─── 很多那不勒斯人的第一块里拉,都是在这个迷宫般城市的巷道里,靠出售走私烟赚来的。

21、Ero rimasta senza nemmeno una lira. ─── 我那时是身无一分里拉.

22、The Spanish Mudd lira - Paz Hospital (la paz hospital) once will indicate earlier from now on the inspection that what this Spanish famous elders result in is the star cytoma. ─── 早些时候,西班牙马德里拉-帕兹医院(lapazhospital)在检查过后曾表示,这位西班牙名宿得的是星细胞瘤。

23、5.This method of naming coins weighed heavily in naming of the Spanish peso and of the Italian lira. ─── 这种从重量上命名硬币的方法,对西班牙货币比索及意大利货币里拉来说显得特别重要。

24、One concerns the economy.Mr Erdogan's claims that the global meltdown had not affected Turkey angered voters, who face rising unemployment (13.6% in December), shrinking GDP and a tumbling lira. ─── 第一个教训事关经济:埃尔多安对于全球经济崩溃没有影响到土耳其的论断激怒了选民,后者正面对攀升的失业率(十二月为13.6%)、缩水的GDP以及贬值的里拉。

25、The recent stability in the Turkish lira could be interrupted by political noise near term. ─── 近期内,土耳其里拉目前的稳定状况将被政治喧闹声所中断。

26、the Turkish lira rose against the dollar this week. ─── 本周土耳其里拉对美元的汇率又升高了。

27、Nicholas of Lira ─── 尼古拉

28、The existence of the euro means that there are no George Soros-type speculators able to organise runs on the lira, peseta or drachma. ─── 欧元的存在让像索罗斯那类的投机商不能组织袭击里拉、比塞塔和德拉马克(译者注:分别为意大利、西班牙和希腊货币)。

29、But on Feburary 28 in the evening, in the hall of restaurant of sweet case lira that is located in Xi Zihu bank, it is happy and harmonious of a the awaken of spring, beaming picture however. ─── 但2月28日晚上,位于西子湖畔的香格里拉饭店大礼堂里,却是一片春意融融、喜气洋洋的景象。"

30、Arc of visibility lira long-line fuzzy white luminous spot. What alsois? ─── 视界里拉出长线模糊的白色光点。又昰什庅?

31、You have to put up two hundred lira to make twenty. ─── 你得花二百里拉去赢二十里拉。

32、Yes, it's goodbye to the franc, the mark, drachma, peseta, lira and many of the other currencies which now confront visitors to Europe. ─── 是啊,法郎、马克、德拉马克、比塞塔、里拉,还有游客们去欧洲时必须与之打交道的很多其他币种就要与我们说再见了。

33、Where can I exchange my dollars for lira? ─── 我可以在哪儿把美元换成里拉?

34、As for Rodrigo Lira, well, I already explained what had become of him. ─── 至于罗德里戈-里拉其人,我已经解释过他是何许人也。

35、Minister of Trade and Industry: Lira Motete. ─── 工贸大臣:里拉·莫特特。

36、5. Yunnan Li Jiang, when home returns utterly ignorant, early with the Land of Peach Blossoms " sweet case lira " famed at the world. ─── 云南丽江,在国内还一无所知的时候,早就以世外桃园的“香格里拉”闻名于世了。

37、Turkish Lira ─── 土耳其里拉

38、“We have bought birds for 500 to 600 new lira [roughly $400 to $500 US] and they tell us that they have to come to take them away. ─── “我们花了500到600的新伊朗币来买种禽(大致400到点00美元),他们来告诉我们必须将他们处理掉。

39、Among the weaklings: the won, the rupee, the rupiah, the rand, and the Turkish lira, all of which have lost ground versus the enfeebled dollar this year. ─── 韩圆、印度卢比、印尼卢比、南非兰特和土耳其里拉,今年以来这些货币兑美元汇率都下跌了。

40、Fuat Karatas, 41, a dental technician in Istanbul, buys some imported materials priced in euros but cannot pass on the rising price to customers, who pay in lira, he said. ─── 伊斯坦堡牙科技师、41岁的佛艾特.卡拉塔斯买了一些用欧元计价的进口原料,他说,他无法把汇差转嫁到付里拉的客户身上。

41、Italian lira ─── 意大利里拉

42、replacing currencies as famous as the German mark, the Franch franc, and the Italian lira. ─── 代替了原来众所周知的德国马克,法国法郎和意大利里拉。

43、One month ago 1 usd was 1,23 turkis lira now 1 usd is 1,70 turkish lira. ─── 这个是我客人,土耳其发过来的,还是要继续的升值啊,

44、The existence of the euro means that there are no George Soros-type speculators able to organise runs on the lira, peseta or drachma. ─── 欧元的存在让像索罗斯那类的投机商不能组织袭击里拉、比塞塔和德拉马克(译者注:分别为意大利、西班牙和希腊货币)。

45、And group of hotel of sweet case lira also announces to build Chinese to book a website. ─── 而香格里拉酒店集团也公布新建中文预订网站。

46、Six noughts will be removed from the face value of the lira; ─── 六没有将会从里拉的表面价值被移动;

47、The currency types of guarantee offered by the guarantor are only limited to US dollar, euro, German mark, French franc, Italian lira, Swiss franc, Japanese yen, Hong Kong dollar and UK pound. ─── 担保人提供保证的币种仅限于美元、欧元、德国马克、法国法郎、意大利里拉、瑞士法郎、日元、港币和英镑。

48、I can stall lira off. ─── 我有办法拖住他。

49、Predictions that Turkish companies that borrowed heavily abroad would fail to roll over their debt after the lira lost a third of its value have also proved wrong. ─── 之前,人们预测,里拉贬值1/3后,那些严重依靠外债的士耳其银行将无法翻身。这些预测如今也被证明是错误的。

50、The Cyprus Pound (currency code CYP), also known unofficially as the Cyprus Lira (from Greek) is the currency used in Cyprus. ─── 塞浦路斯镑(货币代码CYP),也被非官方称为塞浦路斯里拉(来自希腊)是在塞浦路斯流通的货币。

51、Cash of all kinds, the French franc, the German mark, and the Italian lira, is bound to disappear physically. ─── 各种现金货币,例如法国法郎、德国马克、和意大利里拉等都势必会消失。

52、Question:Italian currency is the “Lira” it? ─── 摘要:意大利货币是“里拉”吗?汇率如何?

53、Many Neapolitans earn their first lira selling contraband cigarettes in the city's maze of alleys. ─── 大多数那不列斯人靠在这座城市迷宫般的小巷里兜售违禁香烟来赚取第一笔钱。

54、The Turkish lira is slipping against the dollar, GDP is expected to shrink this year and unemployment is rising. ─── 土耳其里拉兑美元不断贬值,GDP今年预期将会萎缩,失业也一直上升。

55、Each country uses its own money -- currency, with names such as pound, mark, peso, lira, dollar, franc, yuan, and so on. ─── 各国使用本国的货币---货币的名称有,比如,英镑、马克、比索、里拉、美元、法郎、元等等。

56、Twenty lira, signalled the driver. ─── 二十里拉,司机做了一个手势。

57、Another bad out with the garbage from lockers Lira, transparent easily seen, easily forgotten throw garbage. ─── 又如垃圾桶从柜门里拉出来不好用,柜门容易弄脏,垃圾易忘倒掉。

58、Effect of constipation of what thing treatment is good? Do not go to again dead lira abdomen ah? ─── 什么东西治疗便秘效果好?又不往死里拉肚子啊?

59、The reason: the dollar stormed to an all-time high against the Turkish lira, driving Turkish prices for the precious metal to their own record and providing an incentive to sell. ─── 其中原因是:美元兑土耳其里拉飙升至历史新高,推动土耳其货币的黄金价格创下纪录高点,从而带来了抛售动力。

60、One was saying, ' I learned of your ad from the doorman at the newspaper, the bastard took me for a hundred lira. ' ─── 其中一个人说,'我从一个报馆的门卫那里得知你的广告,这家伙向我索取了100里拉。'

61、"We make sure that each girl has a minimum of 500 lira [$10] at the end of each night, no matter how bad business is," said the club manager. ─── “我们能肯定,每晚结束时,每个女孩至少都可以赚上500里拉(相当于10美元),无论生意怎么不好。”这家俱乐部经理说。

62、Curiously the crunch has not shaken faith in two currencies favoured by yield-hungry investors: the Brazilian real and Turkish lira. ─── 令人奇怪的是信贷紧缩没有打击到饥渴投资者对于两种货币的信心:巴西的雷亚尔和土耳其的里拉。

63、Such service is not an illusion, it has appeared in the hotel of sweet case lira of North America or Europe, and all these, it is the network prints those who help us come true. ─── 这样的服务并非幻想,它已经在北美或欧洲的香格里拉酒店里出现,而这一切,就是网络打印帮助我们实现的。

64、lira tube driving test ─── 最低混相压力

65、A full view of a table with a built-in storage area, by Lira Nikolovska. ─── 桌子的设计中,端部采用了独特的曲线。

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