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09-20 投稿


wharfage 发音

英:['wɔːfɪdʒ]  美:['hwɔrfɪdʒ]

英:  美:

wharfage 中文意思翻译



wharfage 词性/词形变化,wharfage变形

动词现在分词: wharfing |动词第三人称单数: wharfs |动词过去分词: wharfed |名词复数: wharves |动词过去式: wharfed |

wharfage 短语词组

1、wharfage charge ─── 码头费

2、dockage and wharfage ─── 码头和 ─── 码头

3、wharfage charges ─── [经] 码头费

wharfage 相似词语短语

1、wharfmaster ─── n.码头主管

2、Scarface ─── n.疤面煞星(电影名);疤面人(法国球员里贝里的昵称)

3、wharfages ─── n.码头;码头费;码头业务

4、Farage ─── n.(Farage)人名;(阿拉伯)法拉杰;(英)法拉奇

5、carfare ─── n.车资,票价;电车费,汽车费

6、wharfinger ─── n.码头管理员(等于wharfmaster)

7、wharfie ─── n.码头工人

8、wharfingers ─── n.码头管理员(等于wharfmaster)

9、warfare ─── n.战争;冲突

wharfage 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、terminal facilities wharfage ─── 码头设备

2、wharfage n. ─── 码头(费);

3、wharfage charges ─── [经] 码头费

4、Dockage; wharfage; wharfage charges ─── 码头费;船坞费

5、and so likewise, on the sea coast or on large rivers, may water carriage: though the wharfage or harbour-roomapplicable to the service of that mode of transport is in many situations far short of what would be used if easily attainable. ─── 海边或大河上的水运也是如此,不过在很多情况下,为这种运输方式服务的码头或泊位则远远不能满足需要。

6、Captain J. A. Cate's Tug and Wharfage Co. Ltd. v. Franklin Insurance Co. ─── 凯特上尉拖轮和码头公司诉富兰克林保险公司案

7、exemption from wharfage dues and any export tax , duty fee , and impost ─── 免除码头税和任何出口税费

8、With effect from WG working group whf wharfage ─── 码头搬运费

9、wharfage charge ─── 码头费

10、Unloading costs includinglighterage and wharfage charges, unless such costs and charges were for the seller's account under the contract of carriage; and ─── 包括驳运费和码头费在内的卸货费,除非这些费用根据运输合同应由卖方支付;及

11、Captain J.A. Cate's Tug and Wharfage Co. Ltd. v. Franklin Insurance Co. ─── 凯特上尉拖轮和码头公司诉富兰克林保险公司案

12、Exemption from wharfage dues and any export tax, duty, impost and fees. ─── 免除任何码头费及任何出口税、关税、进口税费。

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