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09-20 投稿


libraries 发音

英:[ˈlaɪbrəriz]  美:[ˈlaɪˌbrɛriz]

英:  美:

libraries 中文意思翻译



libraries 短语词组

1、staging libraries ─── [计] 分级库

2、additional libraries ─── 其他库

3、cannot specify link libraries ─── 无法指定链接库

4、support libraries ─── 支持库

5、dependent libraries ─── 从属库

6、macro libraries ─── 宏程序库

7、family place libraries ─── 族放置库

8、portable fortran libraries ─── [计] 可移植的fortran库

9、online libraries ─── 在线图书馆,网上图书馆

10、go to libraries ─── 转到库

11、libraries give kids a quiet ─── 图书馆让孩子们安静

12、national libraries ─── 国家图书馆

13、device libraries ─── 设备库

14、mobile libraries ─── 流动图书馆;图书馆车;宣传车

15、public libraries ─── 公共图书馆; ─── 公立图书馆

16、compare libraries ─── 比较库

17、error loading shared libraries ─── 加载共享库时出错

18、native libraries ─── 本机库

19、take notes in libraries ─── 在图书馆做笔记

libraries 词性/词形变化,libraries变形

名词复数: libraries |

libraries 相似词语短语

1、librarians ─── n.图书管理员(librarian的复数)

2、Februaries ─── 二月

3、librairie ─── 图书馆

4、libraires ─── n.(法)书店;书商

5、librations ─── n.振动(形容词librational);[天]天平动

6、siseraries ─── 操作

7、librates ─── vt.摆动;平均

8、librairies ─── 图书馆

9、librarian ─── n.图书馆员;图书管理员

libraries 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、An excellent resource for all libraries. ─── 一个很好的资源,为所有图书馆。

2、Libraries organize and store their book collections on shelves called "stacks. ─── 图书馆组织并将馆藏图书收藏在书架上。

3、Children in rural areas and orphanages in Asia deserve books and libraries. ─── 亚洲的农村孩子和孤儿值得拥有教科书和图书馆。

4、The All Site Content page opens, displaying a list of document libraries for the selected project. ─── “所有网站内容”页随即打开,其中显示所选项目的文档库列表。

5、So, very playfully, libraries were designed in many different modes. ─── 因此,非常地有趣,图书馆以许多不同的模式被设计。

6、In the absence of the extension, the software appends the platform-specific default file extension for libraries. ─── 在没有扩展名的情况下,该软件附加平台特定的缺省库文件扩展名。

7、Many distributions make it easy to install a basic selection of development tools and libraries in a single operation. ─── 很多发行版可以很容易地在一次操作中安装一个开发工具和库的基本选项。

8、NET framework, First is CLR and a set of based class libraries provided by it. ─── NET开发框架的几个主要组成部分:首先是CLR以及它所提供的一组基础类库;

9、Branch libraries serve their immediate locality. ─── 分馆为它们的本地段服务。

10、He began to use his money to build free public libraries. ─── 他开始把他的钱用来兴建免费的公共图书馆。

11、In large libraries, the stacks are often closed to the public. ─── 在大图书馆,藏书书架通常不对公众开放。

12、In theory, both are binary compatible, but now is up to the Ruby code for some libraries how is going to interact with that. ─── 理论上,两种都是二进制兼容的,但是现在需要明白的是,使用某些库的Ruby代码是如何和这些库交互的。

13、It is constant innovation that drives the development of libraries. ─── 唯有不断的创新才能推动图书馆蓬勃发展。

14、The History of mankind forever preserved because of Libraries. ─── 人类的历史将因为图书馆而永久保存。

15、This may look a bit verbose compared to other libraries, but I've spread things out a bit in the name of readability. ─── 比起其他库,这看起来有点冗长,这是因为,为了便于阅读我展开了一些。

16、They all laughed artificially, and Carol obediently talked libraries. ─── 她们都很不自然地笑了起来,卡萝尔很听话果然谈起图书馆来了。

17、If you already have one of these libraries present on your computer, you do not need to install this documentation update. ─── 如果您的电脑上已经有这些程式库中的任何一版,就不需要再安装此一文件更新。

18、Do you think that the Internet will replace Libraries? ─── 你认为互联网会代替图书馆么?

19、Create macro libraries to store common macro routines in one place. ─── 在同一个地方建库,存放所有类似的宏文件。

20、How to do the project management in libraries? ─── 图书馆的项目管理怎么做?

21、Any CGI programmer benefits from knowing and using ready-made libraries. ─── 任一个CGI程序员可以从熟悉和使用现成的库中受益。

22、Libraries must build their own digital warehouses of open access information. ─── 图书馆必须建立自己的开放获取信息数字仓库。

23、Libraries have had a long tradition of resources sharing and networking. ─── 图书馆具有悠久的资源共享和联网合作的传统。

24、He said he expects various clubs to adopt libraries to support. ─── 他预期各种俱乐部也会确认选择一些图书馆提供支持。

25、A rock-solid resource for all libraries. ─── 一石击固态资源,为所有图书馆。

26、You can borrow from your friends or libraries, too. ─── 也可以从你的朋友那里或者图书馆里借。

27、All libraries, like the brains of a drudge at examination time, are graveyards of learning. ─── 一切图书馆本来像死用功的人大考时的头脑,是学问的坟墓;

28、She could recite the law cocerning stat-funded libraries, chapter and verse. ─── 她能一字不漏地背诵有关州立图书馆的法律规定。

29、I searched bookstores and libraries for information, but found none. ─── 我查找了多家书店和图书馆,但没查到任何信息。

30、Nothing but Mozilla needs these libraries. ─── 只有Mozilla需要这些程序库。

31、It doesn't know about Darwin and only builds static libraries. ─── 它不认识Darwin并且只构建静态库。

32、Most packages won't build shared libraries. ─── 多数软件包都不能构建共享库。

33、Shared libraries can save memory, not just disk space. ─── 共享程序库不仅可以节省磁盘空间,而且还可以节省内存。

34、Libraries are powerless to relinquish them. ─── 图书馆却无法弃而不用。

35、Utility programs and libraries that allow the project back end to interact with the server complex. ─── 允许后台和联合服务器交互的有效的程序和库文件。

36、As has been argued, traditionally organized libraries have reached an impasse in terms of usability. ─── 如前所述,按传统方式组织的图书馆的可用性已陷入绝境。

37、Could not initialise the thread-safe libraries. ─── 30无法初始化线程安全库。

38、Subjects: A. Theoretical and general aspects of libraries and information. ─── 信息时代的新加坡图书馆事业。

39、Which provides a set of libraries for Unicode support and software internationalization and globalization. ─── 它提供了支持Unicode和软件国际化与全球化的一组库。

40、Such libraries exist in national capitals and in a number of other major or university cities. ─── 在各国首都和其他一些大城市或大学城设有此类图书馆。

41、Libraries are great complexes of tiny items. ─── 图书馆是细小类目的大综合体。

42、They all laughed artificially, and Carol obediently talked about libraries. ─── 她们都很不自然地笑了起来,卡萝尔很听话果然谈起图书馆来了。

43、The libraries used by the content adapter are different in both versions. ─── 两个版本的内容适配器所使用的库是不同的。

44、Not all the libraries outlined above will be up to date for you to build GIMP on your Linux distribution. ─── 要在您的Linux发行版上构建GIMP,并非上述所有库都需要最新版。

45、It is difficult for a lay person to gain access to medical libraries. ─── 非专业人员很难进入医学图书馆。

46、Acquisitions dollars spent per student FTE. 3rd out of 13 libraries. ─── 学生人均图书馆购书经费,在13间图书馆中排行第三。

47、Books are placed in categories in libraries and bookstores. ─── 图书馆和书店的书是分门别类摆放的。

48、COLLABORATION: Groupware technologies such as discussions, chat sessions and project libraries. ─── 协作层:群件技术,如讨论、交谈会话和项目库。

49、Also any needed tag libraries should be included here. ─── 另外,这里还应该包括任何所需的标记库。

50、Are Recommender Systems Good for Libraries? ─── - 推荐系统适用于图书馆吗?

51、Number of bound volumes per student FTE. 4th out of 11 libraries. ─── 学生人均图书数量,在11间图书馆中排行第四。

52、Most of the time you'll be using components from the standard Java libraries that come with your compiler. ─── 大多数时候,我们直接采用来自标准Java库的组件(部件)即可,它们是与编译器配套提供的。

53、And will pull in SELinux support libraries. ─── 且会将支援SELinux所需的档案安装进来。

54、A compiled list of the contents of two or more tape libraries. ─── 包括两个或多个磁带程序库的一种汇编目录

55、Lib - This contains all the shared libraries that are required by system. ─── lib这个是一个包含了系统需要调用的所有共享库文件的文件夹。

56、The ELF format has specifications for applications and libraries. ─── ELF格式中包含用于应用程序和程序库的规范。

57、Number of circulations excluding renewals. 7th out of 10 libraries. ─── 借阅数目(不包括续借)。在10间图书馆中排行第七。

58、Scholars listen after libraries. ─── 学者喜欢图书馆。

59、Another measure to educate the public, adopted in a few cities of Italy, was the establishment of libraries. ─── 在意大利的一些城市里用来启发公众的另一方法就是建立图书馆。

60、The libraries in large cities are well supplied with books on most subjects. ─── 大城市的图书馆藏书丰富,备有大部份类目的书籍。

61、Microfilms might even take over from the libraries one day. ─── 他们看到一种新的观点正在流行。

62、Dynamically Loading Link Libraries Overview. ─── 在程序执行时动态加载库。

63、National libraries can play a key role in this enterprise. ─── 国家图书馆在这项事业中能扮演关键角色。

64、The convenience of living near shops,schools,and libraries. ─── 住在商店、学校和图书馆附近之便

65、"Libraries have been a refuge for me too," he thought. ─── “图书馆对我来说也是一个避难所,”他想。

66、The libraries subscribed to more than 8622 titles of local and overseas newspapers and periodicals. ─── 图书馆并购备了逾8622份本港及海外报章和期刊。

67、Instant ligand libraries beat the time-to-market constraint. ─── 实时配位体库打破了时间的市场局限。

68、In most cases, site administrators or individuals who manage specific lists or libraries perform this task. ─── 在大多数情况下,网站管理员或管理特定列表或库的个人可执行此任务。

69、Contains all the records cataloged by OCLC member libraries. ─── 含有由OCLC成员图书馆编目的所有的纪录。

70、People who work in libraries spend a lot of time classifying books. ─── 图书馆工作人员要花很多时间把图书分类。

71、Libraries offer various other services besides lending books. ─── 图书馆除了出借书籍之外还提供种种其他服务。

72、Should universities finance student's sports activities equally as libraries? ─── 大学拨给图书馆和用于学生体育活动的经费是否应等同?

73、Have a look at our External Class Libraries Framework. ─── 先看一下你的外部类库框架。

74、Libraries were given a contemporaneous warning. ─── 图书馆得到一个及时的警告。

75、America why are your libraries full of tears? ─── 为什么你的图书馆充满了眼泪?

76、Most libraries are far too large for ready consultation. ─── 大多数图书馆规模过大,查询资料很不方便。

77、The reference libraries have built up more than 3000 CD-ROMs,including many multi-media and full-text databases. ─── 各参考书阅览室共藏有超过3000只唯读光碟,包括很多多媒体及全文数据库。

78、Schools and libraries and many television programs diffuse knowledge . ─── 学校、图书馆和很多电视节目都传播知识。

79、He insisted that China must have their own digital libraries. ─── 他坚持,中国必须拥有自己的数字图书馆。

80、The beginning of libraries came after the end of the prehistoric era. ─── 图书馆起源于史前时代结束之后。

81、The advantages accrues to the students from access to good libraries and other facilities for study. ─── 学生们因为可以使用到好的图书馆,实验室和其他设备而获得种种益处。

82、Most SOAP libraries give you a mechanism for directing a SOAP request through a proxy. ─── 多数SOAP库都提供通过代理定向SOAP请求的机制。

83、The entire paper contents of all libraries will eventually be scanned into computers. ─── 所有图书馆的全部纸质内容最终都会被扫描进电脑。

84、If Libraries matter, then benchmarking and value determination really matters! ─── 如果排名对图书馆而言很重要,那么图书馆服务的指标分析与价值测定更重要!

85、Consistent naming conventions help lower the learning curve for new libraries. ─── 一致的命名约定有助于降低新库的学习曲线。

86、Their libraries tend to make an orgy of overloading, giving the same name to dozens of different operations. ─── 人们编写的各种库中,重载泛滥,用一个名字(的方法)去实现许多不同操作。

87、Like units, dynamically loadable libraries contain sharable code or resources. ─── 和单元一样,动态可加载库含有共享的代码或资源。

88、Demonstrates use of separate type libraries and resource dynamic-link libraries (DLL) for localization. ─── 分别说明类型库和资源动态链接库(DLL)的本地化使用。

89、What are the achievable KM activities in libraries? ─── 图书馆可行的知识管理活动?

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