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09-20 投稿


ligate 发音

英:[lɪ'geɪt]  美:[laɪ'ɡet]

英:  美:

ligate 中文意思翻译



ligate 网络释义

vt. 结扎(血管等);绑

ligate 短语词组

1、ligate adapters ─── 系带适配器

2、ligate adapter ─── 系带适配器

ligate 词性/词形变化,ligate变形

动词过去式: ligated |动词过去分词: ligated |动词现在分词: ligating |动词第三人称单数: ligates |

ligate 相似词语短语

1、ligative ─── 结扎的

2、liftgate ─── n.提升式门

3、ligates ─── v.结扎,绑扎(动脉或血管等);n.(Ligate)(加、美、拉)赖盖特(人名)

4、ligated ─── v.结扎,绑扎(动脉或血管等);n.(Ligate)(加、美、拉)赖盖特(人名)

5、lichgate ─── 有屋顶的公墓入口(可暂时停放棺材等待主持牧师等到来)

6、levigate ─── vt.把…磨细,把…混合;澄清;adj.[植]光滑的

7、alligate ─── vt.带蛹

8、legate ─── n.罗马教皇的使节;使者;vt.当做遗产让与;n.(Legate)人名;(英)莱盖特

9、ligase ─── n.[生化]连接酶

ligate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Conclusion: the most suitable position to ligate lingual artery is the hyoglossus segment. ─── 结论:舌动脉舌骨舌肌段是行口外舌动脉结扎最理想的部位。

2、2.Next, dissect between it and the posterolateral corner of the joint capsule;ligate or cauterize the lateral superior genicular arterial branches located in this area. ─── 接着,在腓肌外侧头和关节囊后外侧角之间解剖,结扎或电凝位于此区内的膝外上动脉的分支。

3、Methods Ligate rat left common carotid artery 1 h, then reperfuse, inject verapamil intraperitoneally at the same time, exam retina ERG in 1 h, 6 h, 12 h, 24 h, 48 h, 72 h. ─── 方法 :通过结扎大鼠左颈总动脉 1h ,然后再灌注 ,同时向腹腔注射异博定 ,检测 1h ,6h ,12h ,2 4h ,48h ,72h视网膜erg的变化。

4、Fractures of ligate removable denture base: reasons analysis ─── 胶连式可摘局部义齿基托折断的原因浅析

5、Legal libel ligate local literate, ─── 法律的诽谤罪绑当地的学者。

6、Conclusion The authors considered that it is the optimal way for treatment of head-neck AVFs to obhterate or isolate the fistula rather than to ligate or occlude the end of ... ─── 结论头颈部动静脉瘘的正确治疗方法是闭塞瘘或行瘘孤立术,而不是结扎或闭塞瘘近心端供血动脉。

7、Open identify ligate irrigate close. ─── 打开, 确认, 结扎, 移出, 冲洗,缝合.

8、Objective To explore the safety and feasibility of using ordinary silk thread to ligate cystic duct and cystic artery in three-port laparoscopic cholecystectomy. ─── 目的探讨三孔法腹腔镜胆囊切除术中运用丝线结扎胆囊管及胆囊动脉的可行性。

9、If the condition is permitted, application disinfects hemal clamp to clip haemorrhage to nod, redo ligate is hemostatic. ─── 如条件许可,应用消毒血管钳夹住出血点,再做结扎止血。

10、After the flesh that carry Gao and seminiferous duct ligate but short-term be in local the phlogistic sex that forms an asepsis sex area, cause ache. ─── 提睾肌和输精管结扎后可短期在局部形成一个无菌性的炎性区域,引起疼痛。

11、Methods 50 patients of LC the cystic duct and the cystic artery were ligate with common silk threads respectively. ─── 方法在LC手术中使用笔者研制的新型器械,用丝线结扎胆囊管和胆囊动脉50例。

12、At that time, it had only been demonstrated that RNA could cleave or ligate phosphodiester bonds. ─── 当时只能证明RNA可以切割和连接磷酸二酯键.

13、Legal libel ligate local literate, ─── 法律的诽谤罪绑当地的学者。

14、Ligat's test ─── [医] 粒李加特氏试验(检腹部病的皮肤触觉过敏)

15、time, it had only been demonstrated that RNA could cleave or ligate phosphodiester bonds. ─── 当时只能证明rna可以切割和连接磷酸二酯键。

16、ligate aerobic bacteria ─── 专性好气细菌

17、Keywords patellar fracture;tension band;steel wire circular ligate;internal fixation; ─── 关键词髌骨骨折;张力带;钢丝环扎;内固定;

18、Ligate the anterior descending branch of the left coronary artery with slipknot to block the blood flow and reperfuse the myocardium. ─── 以活结结扎左冠状动脉的前降支,分别造成阻断冠脉血流和再灌注。

19、Discussed were the position to ligate ileocolie artery and the mark to seek for this artery. ─── 讨论了手术中结扎回结肠动脉的平面,寻找血管的标志等问题。

20、Open, identify, ligate, remove, irrigate, close. ─── [打开,确认,结扎,移出,冲洗,缝合.

21、1、Open, identify, ligate, remove, irrigate, close. ─── 打开,确认,结扎,移出,冲洗,缝合.

22、Insert and ligate any DNA fragment into a vector such as plasmid or viral vector, to form a recombinant DNA. ─── 通常重组DNA一词指的是将任何细胞来源的DNA片段接在染色体外的能迅速复制的质粒或病毒载体。

23、Keywords Arterial embolization;Pelvic tumor;Internal iliac artery;Ligate;Excision; ─── 动脉栓塞;骨盆肿瘤;髂内动脉;结扎;切除术;

24、In 1 or 2 minutes after being bitten, LIGATE the place about 3 to 5 centimetres above the wound with straps or things like that. ─── 被咬以后1到2分钟之内,用布条或像布条的东西结扎伤口以上3到5厘米的地方。

25、Ligat's tests ─── [医] 李加特氏试验(检腹部病的皮肤触觉过敏)

26、Distribution of lymph node metastasis in T1 sigmoid colon carcinoma: Should we ligate the inferior mesenteric artery? ─── T1期乙状结肠癌淋巴结转移的分布:是否结扎肠系膜下动脉?

27、If the pet is undergoing a surgical procedure in the abdomen, the increased layers of fat make surgery more difficult to visualize organs and other tissue and to securely ligate (tie off) vessels. ─── 若对宠物进行腹部手术,增厚的脂肪层会阻挡视线,令医生看不清内脏及其他器官的位置,难以安全地实施血管结扎术。

28、Methods:Cut off hepatic round ligament,ligate,and attach to liver.Cover the perforation with the fee and of the ligament and then suture and repair as routine. ─── 方法:将肝圆韧带在靠近脐部切断、结扎,紧贴前腹壁游离近肝侧至肝纵裂处与肝脏附着,再将肝圆韧带游离端覆盖在穿孔处,按常规方法缝合修补。

29、To commonFemaleFor, tubal ligate operation is a kind of very common contraceptive method, it is however in gynecologist, the scale that uses this kind of method is less than commonFemalehalf. ─── 对于普通女性来说,输卵管结扎手术是一种非常普遍的避孕方法,然而在妇科医生中,采用这种方法的比例不到普通女性的一半。

30、Acupoint Ligat Thread Embed ─── 穴位埋线结扎

31、Ways: 48 cases of vertical ordinate and fold teeth have been adopted annular steel wire to ligate and restore.. After perfect root-pipe treatment,metal all-crest has restored with circularity fixing. ─── 方法48例垂直性纵折牙采用环形钢丝结扎、复位,带环冠固定,经完善的根管治疗后,金属全冠修复。

32、to ligate a bleeding artery ─── 结扎一条出血的动脉

33、Open, identify, ligate, remove, irrigate, close. ─── 打开,确认,结扎,移出,冲洗,缝合。

34、One person exceeds the " of Yunnan Hunan Xiong Mou country unripe, whole village ligate! ─── 云南楚雄某农村的"一人超生,全村结扎!

35、Keywords Dog Transversesinus Haemodynamics Ligate; ─── 犬;横窦;血流动力学;结扎;

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