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09-20 投稿


Godfrey 发音

英:[ˈɡɑːdfri]  美:[ˈɡɒdfri]

英:  美:

Godfrey 中文意思翻译



Godfrey 短语词组

1、miss godfrey forever ─── 永远的戈弗雷小姐

2、godfrey alexwong ─── 戈弗雷·亚历克斯旺

3、team godfrey godfrey ─── 团队

4、miss you godfrey ─── 想念你,戈弗雷

5、godfrey lei ─── 戈弗雷·雷

6、godfrey wang godfrey wang ─── 公司

7、godfrey ted ─── 戈弗雷特德

8、miss godfrey ─── 戈弗雷小姐

9、best godfrey ─── 最佳戈弗雷

10、Godfrey Harold Hardy ─── 戈弗雷·哈罗德·哈代

11、always godfrey ─── 总是戈弗雷

12、godfrey gao ─── 戈弗雷高

13、godfrey tsao ─── 泡 ─── 泡糖

14、Godfrey's cordial ─── [医] 戈弗雷氏香酒

15、godfrey ggao ─── 戈弗雷·高奥

16、My Man Godfrey ─── [电影]彩凤伴金龙

Godfrey 相似词语短语

1、Audrey ─── n.奥德丽(女子名)

2、comfreys ─── n.紫草科植物

3、Gorey ─── 戈里(人名)

4、comfrey ─── n.紫草科植物

5、Corey ─── n.科里(等于Cory)

6、Geoffrey ─── n.杰弗里(男子名)

7、Cowdrey ─── n.考德瑞

8、Godfrey ─── n.戈弗雷(男人名)

9、woodfree ─── 不含磨木浆的

Godfrey 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、'So will you please have the first dance with me? 'asked Godfrey, beginning to feel better. She had not refused him! ─── “那你能否和我跳第一支舞?”戈弗雷的感觉好了一点儿。她没有拒绝自己!

2、Godfrey Yeh Kan Nee ─── 叶庚年(1900-?),英国人,香港实业家。

3、I had hitherto continued to board with Godfrey. ─── 迄今我仍在戈费雷处用膳。

4、Great Godfrey! Uncle Willie is sitting on top of the flagpole. ─── 乖乖!威利叔叔坐在旗竿上了。

5、by guess and by Godfrey ─── 凭猜测; 凭直觉和约略估计

6、One day Jack and Stella's Great-aunt Iris and Great-uncle Godfrey came to lunch. ─── 有一天,杰克和斯特拉的伯祖母艾瑞斯奶奶和伯祖父哥德费雷爷爷来吃午饭。

7、It turned out that Godfrey had also seen Franklin move the diamond that night and, knowing that Franklin would be accused, he had taken it. ─── 结果是那天夜里戈弗里也看到富兰克林挪动那块宝石,并且,他知道富兰克林肯定会被起诉的,因此他偷走了那块宝石。

8、Godfrey paused. It was not easy to say what came next. ─── 戈弗雷停了下来。要说出后面的事儿很不容易。

9、Waiter: Welcome to Godfrey's on the Beach, where every meal is an adventure. ─── 侍者:欢迎来到加佛列海滩餐厅,在这里的每一顿饭都是一次探险。

10、Lord Godfrey says: Give it up, Krennan. It's time to put this one down. It's protocol. ─── 加德佛雷领主说道:放弃吧,克伦南。是时候把这一位抛弃了。这是理应的。

11、Godfrey Kneller ─── 内勒(1646-1723),英国人,肖像画家。

12、"They need to understand the responsibility that goes along with having access to a car," Godfrey said. ─── 不应在申请材料中透露家长参与的痕迹。

13、But if Mr. Godfrey didn't turn over a new leaf, he might say good-bye to Miss Nancy Lammeter. ─── 如果高德夫雷先生不悔过自新的话,他就得同南茜·拉梅特“一刀两断”了。

14、Yes, sir, yes, that is Master Godfrey all over ─── 是的,先生,是的,这才是真正的高得弗里少爷呢。

15、Godfrey walked into the sitting room carrying a scarf. ─── 哥德费雷拿着一条围巾进了起居室。

16、Godfrey Ablewhite is a hypocritical villain whose real nature betrays his disguised gentleman like behavior. ─── GodfreyAblewhite是一个伪善的恶人,他的本性背叛他伪装的绅士行为。

17、Mr. Godfrey made an effort, and came out with a new and amended version of the affair. ─── 于是高孚利先生搜索枯肠,终于想出一种新的说法来讲了。

18、Upon this compulsion, Mr. Godfrey made an effort, and came out with a new and amended version of the affair ─── 于是高孚利先生搜索枯肠,终于想出一种新的说法来讲了。

19、1 The land and people of Australia / Blunden, Godfrey K961.1 / LB1 Lippincott, c1972. ─── 2澳大利亚地理总论托马斯.麦克奈特,陕西师范大学澳大利亚地理总论翻译组K961.1/544陕西人民出版社77.08

20、Godfrey said you just had to pay attention and the egg would tell you when it was ready. ─── 哥德费雷说你只要用心,鸡蛋会告诉你它熟了。

21、Builders started arriving at Iris and Godfrey's house. ─── 建筑工人来到艾瑞斯和哥德费雷的家,

22、Give them responsibility"Teach them as little ones the natural consequences of money," said Godfrey. ─── 身教还应该包括做家务。在一个平等和谐的家庭里, 每个人都有责任分担部分家务。

23、I am glad to meet Godfrey's son. ─── 我很高兴见到高德弗雷的儿子。

24、Breusch - Godfrey test ─── Breusch-Godfrey检验

25、He was more than surprised when Mr. Godfrey produced the moonstone ─── 等到高孚利先生拿出月亮宝石时,他吓得不得了。

26、Godfrey had the makings of a successful journalist. ─── 戈弗雷具备一个成功记者的素质。

27、Hardy, Godfrey Harold ─── 哈代

28、Godfrey Harold Hardy ─── 哈代(1877-1947),英国人,数学家。

29、By the end of our second day together, Godfrey and I had fallen into the train's easy rhythm. ─── 到了第二天晚上,我和高德弗利一起已经融合在火车轻快的节奏中了。

30、Godfrey n. ─── 男人名 ...

31、Godfrey Bloom, MEP for the UK Independence Party, argued recently, that employing women of child-bearing age constituted a serious risk to the small-business owner. ─── 当时,一位年轻的同事把它修改了一下。她是毕业实习生,看了我的简历后就说,这份简历不合格。

32、After one town hall meeting in Godfrey, an older gentleman came up and expressed outrage that despite my having opposed the Iraq War, I had not yet called for a full withdrawal of troops. ─── 在一次戈弗雷市的市政厅集会之后,一位年长的男士走近我,表达了他的愤怒,因为我反对伊拉克战争,但我却没有号召军队的全面撤军。

33、[6]Godfrey, who describes himself as a “pretty big” Disney fan, founded the Down Under Disneyana Club 13 years ago. ─── [6]戈弗雷自称是一位“相当大的”迪斯尼爱好者,他于13年前建立了“澳大利亚迪斯尼阿娜”俱乐部。

34、Mr. Robert Footman, Commissioner for Transport presenting souvenir to Mr. Godfrey Tsang, General Manager, Crown Motors Limited ─── 署长颁赠纪念品与香港皇冠汽车有限公司营业部总经理曾林堂先生

35、Later, setting up at the convention center Tiff, Ocean, and Kai arrive for dinner at a restaurant in Malibu Waiter: Welcome to Godfrey's on the Beach, where every meal is an adventure. ─── (续上期:)蒂芙、阿海、小凯到马里布的一家高级餐厅吃晚餐侍者:欢迎来到加佛列海滩餐厅,在这里的每一顿饭都是一次探险。

36、Great-aunt Iris and Great-uncle Godfrey were quite old. ─── 艾瑞斯奶奶和哥德费雷爷爷很老了。

37、Godfrey gave me a hen and he's made her the most splendid henhouse you can imagine. ─── 哥德费雷给了我一只鸡,他还给她建了一个非常漂亮的鸡房子。”

38、Absent a solution, people like Sue Godfrey will just keep on fighting. ─── 若没有个解决方案,像休·戈弗雷这样的人就会继续争斗。

39、None of the Above: Lessons to be Learnt from the Police Force Structures Debate John Godfrey ─── 与上述的迥然不同:从警队搭建辩论中汲取教训

40、My son Godfrey'll be wanting to have a round with you if you run off with Miss Nancy. ─── 你要是跟南茜小姐跳舞,我儿子高德夫雷可要跟你干一场了。

41、the federal government replaced the powerfully pro-settler Sir Godfrey Huggins with the even tougher and more determined ex-trade unionist. ─── 联邦政府让更冷酷更果断的前工会主义者代替了手段强硬的代理调停者高德弗里.哈金斯爵士。

42、Upon this compulsion, Mr. Godfrey made an effort, and came out with a new and amended version of the affair . ─── 于是高孚利先生搜索枯肠,终于想出一种新的说法来讲了。

43、Godfrey says the organization's goal is to encourage everyone over 55 to become more active.Its efforts have been increasingly successful. ─── 高佛雷说,老年体协的宗旨就是发动更多的55岁以上的人保持更多的活力,体协的工作也越来越有成效。

44、“RX series is one of the most exciting and successful models of Lexus.” said Mr. Godfrey Tsang, Vice President of Toyota Motor (China) Investment Co., Ltd. ─── 负责LEXUS雷克萨斯业务的丰田汽车(中国)投资有限公司副总经理曾林堂先生说:“rx系列是LEXUS雷克萨斯最令人振奋、最成功的车型之一。”

45、Godfrey's cordial ─── [医] 戈弗雷氏香酒

46、At last, the real thief, Godfrey Ablewhite is discovered to be killed by the Hindus. ─── 最后,真正的贼,GodfreyAblewhite被发现被印度人杀死。

47、Godfrey has said he suffered a broken eardrum, broken blood vessels and temporary loss of hearing. Kittrell has said he received bruises along with emotional distress. ─── 原告之一Godfrey称其忍受了毁坏中耳和血管的痛苦,还有间歇性失听。另一位原告亦称他有着标准的瘀伤和精神伤害。

48、The love child was the result of an affair between Briggs and her dance instructor, Godfrey Moorhen, in 1957. ─── 该爱婴是碧歌斯与她的舞蹈老师葛菲·摩亨在1957年的爱情结晶。

49、Gerald Michael Godfrey ─── 高奕晕(1933-),英国人,曾任香港法官。

50、I entered the dining-room, and found myself face to face with Mr. Godfrey Ablewhite! ─── 我走进饭厅,不料我却在这里迎面碰见高孚利·艾伯怀特先生。

51、Godfrey Newbold Hounsfietd ─── 洪斯菲尔德

52、Godfrey spent even more time on the phone. ─── 哥德费雷打电话的时间更多了。

53、Iris told Godfrey her mouse had run away. ─── 艾瑞斯告诉哥德费雷,她的老鼠跑了。

54、Mr. godfrey made an effort, and came out with a new version of the affair. ─── 高孚利先生搜索枯肠,终于想出一种新的说法。

55、English: Godfrey of Bouillon, holding a pollax. ((Manta Castle, Cuneo, Italy ─── 这个文件并不在中文维基百科上,而是来自维基共享资源。

56、Godfrey woke up to find that Iris was already dressed and eating her breakfast. ─── 哥德费雷醒来的时候,发现艾瑞斯已经起床了,正在吃早餐。

57、Every morning Godfrey had a boiled egg for breakfast. ─── 每天早上,哥德费雷都会吃一个煮鸡蛋。

58、But if Mr Godfrey didn't turn over a new leaf, he might say good-bye to Miss Nancy Lammeter. ─── 如果高德夫雷先生不悔过自新的话,他就得同南茜·拉梅特“一刀两断”了。

59、Even dear Mr. Godfrey partakes of the fallen nature which we all inherit from Adam. ─── 就连可敬的高孚利先生,也有我们从亚当身上继承来的那种堕落本性。

60、while Godfrey talked and laughed. ─── 而爷爷则说啊,笑啊。

61、Marlin Godfrey and David Anthony Kittrell say Iverson even took part in the fight by hitting one of them with a bottle. ─── 两位被告称艾弗森甚至加入了打斗,艾弗森用瓶子打他们其中的一个。

62、Godfrey: You must be kidding. It was just beginner's luck. ─── 加菲:你在开玩笑吧,那只是新手的好运罢了。

63、Godfrey, J. C., Slater, M. J.Trans."Slip Velocity Relationship for Liquid-liquid Extraction Columns". Inst. Chem. Eng., 1991,69:130. ─── 吴秋林,陈靖等,脉冲萃取柱流体力学性能研究-模拟料液体系.高放废液分离技术研究1999年度进展报告:172

64、Mr. Godfrey made an effort, and came out with a new version of the affair. ─── 高孚利先生搜索枯肠,终于想出一种新的说法。

65、Godfrey Parke: The only difference between a derelict and a man is a job. ─── 一个玩忽职守的人和一个男人之间唯一的差别在于工作。

66、Godfrey, Gerald Michael ─── 高奕晖

67、But Godfrey said after the verdict that he was not disappointed he was only given the award for medical costs and pain and suffering. ─── 但是被告之一的Godfrey在陪审团做出判决后表示,他并不因仅仅得到医药费和伤害赔偿而感到失望。

68、The son of Godfrey, and elder brother to Baldwin.Strives to return power to the Caliginous Order, which was disenfranchised during his father's term as leader. ─── 由于前团长,也即是他的父亲,在任期间曾被褫夺公职的耻辱,他领导骑士团奋力拼杀力图挽回冥煌骑士团的荣誉。

69、Thomas Godfrey, a self-taught mathematician, great in his way, and after ward inventor of what is now called Hadley's Quadrant. ─── 汤马斯哥弗来,一个自学的数学家,且颇精此道,后来发明一种现在叫做哈德来式象限仪的东西。

70、Godfrey Ablewhite is a typical character employed in The Moonstone to represent Collins' purpose. ─── GodfreyAblewhite是本文中的典型人物,代表了Collins的意图。

71、Godfrey Mulela, First Secretary Mrs. ─── 莫雷拉夫人 Mr.

72、Along the way, members expected to mark the occasion with group photos in front of all the iconic Sleeping Beauty and Cinderella castles, said Wayne Godfrey, the organizer of the trip. ─── 该旅行的组织者韦恩?戈弗雷说,沿途中,成员们计划在所有标志性的睡美人与灰姑娘城堡前拍摄集体照以纪念每一个特殊时刻。

73、Jack and Stella brought out their mice to show Great-aunt Iris and Great-uncle Godfrey. ─── 杰克和斯特拉拿出他们的老鼠给爷爷奶奶看。

74、Godfrey, who describes himself as a “pretty big” Disney fan, founded the Down Under Disneyana Club 13 years ago. ─── 戈弗雷自称是一位“相当大的”迪斯尼爱好者,他于13年前建立了“澳大利亚迪斯尼阿娜”俱乐部。

75、Godfrey had been friendly to me. ─── 戈弗雷过去曾经对我是友好的。

76、So fervent still was the sisterly interest I felt in Mr. Godfrey ─── 我对高孚利先生那种情同手足的关心是至深且巨的。

77、Godfrey takes the lead because he is the oldest. ─── 戈德弗雷领头,因为他最年长。

78、Godfrey of Bouillon ─── 哥弗雷

79、A study led by Godfrey Pearlson at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore suggests the former. ─── 在巴尔的摩的约翰 - 霍普金斯大学医学院,由古德弗瑞 - 波尔森领导的一项研究认为这是先天而来的。

80、Godfrey thought for a moment. 'All right, 'he said. 'But make sure you bring me back all the money, Dunstan! ' ─── 戈弗雷想了一会儿。“好吧,”他说,“不过你必须把所有的钱拿回来给我!”


相信大家都看了电视剧,结局是小秋把指纹戒指扔到湖里了,觉得男主去世了。但是女主又一次和男主说只要他好好活着,她就会move on,她扔掉戒指不就是move on了吗,所以男主还好好的活着!关于这一点我在看导演的微博里面也证实了!附上被惊艳到的一张照片!




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