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09-20 投稿


mastodon 发音

英:['mæstədɒn]  美:['mæstə,dɑn]

英:  美:

mastodon 中文意思翻译



mastodon 网络释义

n. [古生] 乳齿象;庞然大物adj. 巨大的;庞大的

mastodon 短语词组

1、American mastodon ─── [网络] 美洲乳齿象

2、genus Mastodon ─── [网络] 属Mastodon

mastodon 词性/词形变化,mastodon变形

形容词: mastodonic |

mastodon 相似词语短语

1、mastodont ─── 乳齿象;庞然大物;巨大的;庞大的

2、mastodonic ─── 乳齿象

3、mastodons ─── n.[古生]乳齿象;庞然大物;adj.巨大的;庞大的

4、mastodontic ─── 乳牙

5、mastodonts ─── 乳齿象;庞然大物;巨大的;庞大的

6、masterdom ─── n.支配(权)

7、mastodynia ─── n.[妇产]乳腺痛

8、mastoid bone ─── 乳突骨;颞骨乳突部

9、chaetodon ─── 毛壳

mastodon 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Betty: Some poor mastodon is caught in the tar pits. ─── 好像有乳齿象陷入沥青坑了。

2、The rib containing the spear point was part of a collection of mastodon remains unearthed in the late 1970s. ─── 这一含有长矛尖的肋骨来自一批20世纪70年代后期采集出来的乳齿象遗骸。

3、North American mastodon; ─── 北美洲的乳齿象;

4、Marsha: He's out banging other women over the head with a club, while she sits at home trying to get the mastodon smell out of the carpet! ─── 他在外头乱搞女人,而她却待家里,设法去除地毯上乳齿象的味道!

5、He's out while she's home getting the mastodon smell out of the carpet. ─── 他在外头乱搞女人而她却待家里设法去除地毯上乳齿象的味道

6、Isn't the mastodon from the Pliocene Epoch? ─── 乳齿象不是上新世的吗?

7、8.Barnum called one of these animals, “The last mastodon on earth”.The animal was really an elephant called Jumbo. ─── 他们的捕食对象都是些庞然大物,比如跟现在的大象体型相似的乳齿象。

8、Betty: Some poor mastodon is caught in the tar pit, they ought to put a fence around the tar pit. ─── 好像有乳齿象陷入沥青坑了,他们应该在坑边围起栅栏。

9、Barney: Hi that's not a mastodon, its Fred singing. ─── 那可不是乳齿象,是弗雷德在唱歌。

10、A word was sufficient for him, sometimes a sign;the mastodon obeyed. ─── 他说一个字就已发生威力,有时甚至只须丢个眼色,那头大象便惟命是从了。

11、Barnum called one of these animals, “The last mastodon on earth”. ─── 伯纽姆把其中一种动物叫做“地球上最后一头乳齿象”。

12、The mammoths should not be confused with the American mastodon (Mammut americanum), another ancient elephant from North and Central America. ─── 猛犸应该不会与生活在北美洲和中美洲的另一种古象——美洲乳齿象相混淆(Mammutamericanum)。

13、North American mastodon; in some classifications considered a mammoth rather than a mastodon ─── 北美洲的乳齿象;在一些分类中被当作猛犸而不是乳齿象

14、The researchers say they have also done the first nuclear genetic analysis of the American mastodon. ─── 研究人员说他们已经完成了首个美洲乳齿象的细胞核遗传学分析。

15、Any of several very large, extinct proboscidian mammals of the genus Mammut(sometimes Mastodon), resembling the elephant but having molar teeth of a different structure. ─── 乳齿象美洲乳齿象属(有时为乳齿象)的几种已灭绝的高大、长鼻的哺乳动物,与大象外形相似,但臼齿结构不同

16、Perhaps without the megaherbivores like the mastodon of old or even the bison of yesteryear, the prairie won't come back. ─── 也许没有大型食草动物,如古时候的乳齿象乃至过去的野牛,大草原是不会回来的。”

17、in some classifications considered a mammoth rather than a mastodon. ─── 在一些分类中被当作猛犸而不是乳齿象。

18、North American mastodon; in some classifications considered a mammoth rather than a mastodon. ─── 北美洲的乳齿象;在一些分类中被当作猛犸而不是乳齿象。

19、barnum called one of these animals , " the last mastodon on earth " . the animal was really an elephant called jumbo. ─── 伯纽姆把其中一种动物叫做“地球上最后一头乳齿象”。其实那是一头名叫“大家伙”的大象。

20、Barnum called one of these animals, "The last mastodon on earth".The animal was really an elephant called Jumbo. ─── 伯纽姆把其中一种动物叫做“地球上最后一头乳齿象”。其实那是一头名叫“大家伙”的大象。

21、other women over head with a club, while she sits home trying to get the mastodon smell out of carpet. ─── 他在外面乱搞女人,她却呆在家里设法去除地摊上乳齿象的味道。

22、Of, relating to, or characteristic of a mastodon. ─── 乳齿象的乳齿象的,与乳齿象的有关的,或具有乳齿象特征的

23、Greater New Haven Watershed or "Mastodon" Study ─── 大纽黑文流域研究或“盲人摸象”研究

24、ROLL OVER different parts of Manny to learn more about this moody mastodon. ─── 辊超过曼尼各地,以了解更多这喜怒无常乳齿象。

25、Scientists have now accurately carbon-dated the sharp tip that itself carved from mastodon bone. ─── 如今,利用放射性碳素测定年代法,科学家已确定这一用乳齿象牙雕刻而成的长矛尖端的精确年代。

26、He's out banging other women over the head with a club, while she sits at home trying to get the mastodon smell out of the carpet! ─── 应该是“他在外面乱搞女人,而她却坐在家里,试图去掉地摊上的野象的味道。

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