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Greenwich 发音

英:[ˈɡrenɪtʃ; ˈɡrenɪdʒ]  美:[ˈɡrenɪtʃ; ˈɡrenɪdʒ]

英:  美:

Greenwich 中文意思翻译



Greenwich 网络释义

n. 格林威治(英国伦敦东南一市镇, 从前皇家天文台的所在地; 通过该天文台的经线被定为本初子午线)

Greenwich 短语词组

1、Greenwich time ─── 格林威治标准时间; ─── 格林威治时间; ─── 格林尼治时; ─── 格林时

2、Greenwich civil time ─── 格林威治民用时

3、Greenwich Meridian ─── [天] 格林威治子午线

4、Greenwich Sidereal Angle ─── 格林威治侧角

5、Greenwich Sidereal Time ─── 格林尼治恒星时

6、Greenwich Royal Observatory ─── 格林威治皇家天文台

7、Greenwich mean time ─── 格林威治平均时 [电] ─── 格林威治时间

8、Greenwich Conservatory Time ─── 格林威治音乐学院时间

9、Greenwich Time Signal ─── 格林威治时间信号

10、Greenwich Meridian Transit ─── 格林威治子午线交通

11、Greenwich Standard Time ─── 格林威治标准时间

12、Greenwich Apparent Civil Time ─── 格林威治法定时间

13、Greenwich Zone Time ─── 格林威治时间

14、Greenwich Apparent Time ─── 格林尼治真恒星时

15、Greenwich Meridian Time ─── 格林威治经络时间

16、Greenwich Central Time ─── 格林威治中央时间

17、Greenwich (mean) time ─── 格林威治(平均)时间

18、Greenwich Village ─── 格林威治村(美国纽约曼哈顿的区, 艺术家、作家等的聚居地)

19、Greenwich Hour Angle ─── 格林威治时角

Greenwich 常用词组

greenwich mean time ─── 格林威治标准时间(等于GMT)

Greenwich 相似词语短语

1、greenwash ─── n.漂绿(公司为树立支持环保的虚假形象而作的公关活动、捐赠等);vt.把大笔非法来源现金存入银行;匿存非法收入

2、greenwing ─── 绿翅鸭

3、Greenwich ─── n.格林威治(英国伦敦东南一市镇,从前皇家天文台的所在地;通过该天文台的经线被定为本初子午线)

4、green fish ─── 绿鱼

5、greenfish ─── n.鱾

6、greenlight ─── n.(交通)绿灯;许可,准许;v.许可,批准,为……开绿灯

7、greensick ─── 患绿色贫血的;患缺绿病的

8、greenfinch ─── n.欧洲绿金翅雀

9、greenish ─── adj.呈绿色的

Greenwich 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He walked slowly about Greenwich Village, too. ─── 他也慢慢地在格林威治村四周徘徊。

2、Or you could live in Greenwich Village. ─── 或者你可住在格林威治村。

3、At the age of nine, Tasha's parents divorced, and she moved to Greenwich Village with her mother. ─── 塔莎九岁时父母离异,她跟着母亲搬到了格林威治村。

4、With the exception of tasks, all dates in Microsoft Outlook are stored in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), also known as Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). ─── 中世界时(UTC),称为格林威治时间(GMT)除了的任务,是存储MicrosoftOutlook中所有日期。

5、The Royal Observatory in Greenwich, London, is staging an exhibition of some of the finest images of Saturn captured by Nasa's Cassini-Huygens probe since its mission began in 2004. ─── 伦敦格林威治的皇家天文台正在举办一场展览,其中展出了自2004年起,美国宇航局的卡西尼-惠更斯探测器在任务中拍摄到的一些土星的瑰丽照片。

6、arriving in New York, Dylan went directly to Greenwich Village. ─── 迪伦一到纽约就直接去了格林威治村。

7、How do you change Greenwich mean time to Beijing time? ─── 怎么计算格林尼治时间对应的北京时间?

8、Day trip to London - Visit Greenwich University in the morning, GuidedTour ─── 全天参观伦敦并访问伦敦格林威治大学

9、I was invited to Greenwich Village to discuss literature and ideas. ─── 我被邀请到格林威治村去谈论文学,交流思想。

10、Since 1952, the civil time at Greenwich has been called Universal Time. ─── 1952年后,格林威治的民用时,已称为世界时。

11、Is the starting date and time for the report in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time or Greenwich Mean Time). ─── 报表的起始日期和时间,使用UTC(通用协调时间或格林尼治标准时间)时间表示。

12、Jane Jacobs was an activist in New York City. Her work defeated a road plan to build a big highway through the Greenwich Village area. ─── 她因1961年出版的“伟大的美国城市的消亡和生命”而为世人所知。她的另一本书是“经济的本质”。然而她并没有完成大学学业。

13、Pope of greenwich village Movie Poster ─── 大街小瘪三电影海报

14、Represents the signed time zone offset of your system from Greenwich Mean Time measured in hours. ─── 仅以整小时数为单位显示系统当前时区的时区偏移量。

15、China boasts the world's earliest observatory, built in Nanking in 1385 in the Ming Dynasty (1368 A.D.-1644 A.D.), three centuries ahead of the Greenwich Observatory built in Britain in 1670. ─── 中国建有世界上最早的气象台。 公元1385年, 明朝在南京建立观象台, 比英国格林尼治观象台(建于1670年)早三个世纪。

16、The following year, Flamsteed, educated at Cambridge, institutes reliable observations at Greenwich, near London, providing data from which Newton is later able to verify his gravitational theory. ─── 在随后的日子里,弗兰斯蒂德在剑桥接受教育,并在伦敦附近的格林尼治创立了可靠的观测点,提供了后来牛顿验证万有引力所需的数据。

17、It was a standard Greenwich Village we-are- finding-ourselves party and he came in late, dressed all wrong, his hands stretching his pockets out of shape. ─── 他当时来迟了,衣服穿得很不合时宜,双手插在口袋中,把口袋弄得不成形。

18、I want to ask you if this bus goes down Fifth Avenue as far as Greenwich Village. ─── 我想问一下,这车是否沿15大道直至格林威治村。

19、You can stand astride the Greenwich meridian 0 line and have one foot in the Western Hemisphere and one foot in the Eastern. ─── 您可以横跨在格林威治子午线零度线上,使一只脚在西半球,一只脚在东半球。

20、So, to quaint old Greenwich Village the art people soon came prowling, hunting for north windows and eighteenth-century gables and Dutch attics and low rents. ─── 所以,画家们很快就来到离奇古老的格林威治村巡游、猎取坐南朝北的橱窗、十八世纪的屋顶三角墙、荷兰的阁楼、以及低廉的房租。

21、Rit Dye was a moribund brand until artists in Greenwich Village used it to make T- shirts that they sold at the Woodstock music festival. ─── 大胆新奇的事物,逗趣的事物;引人注目的事物;秘密(保守秘密或揭发秘密)在现实生活中,人很容易产生认识偏差。

22、By age 16 he was playing professionally with bands in Greenwich Village. ─── 到16岁时,他已在与格林尼治村的各乐队进行职业演出了。

23、They landed at Greenwich Pier. ─── 他们在格林威治码头靠岸了。

24、It starts from Washington Square Park in downtown New York, extending through Greenwich Village, Midtown, the Upper East Side, Harlem, and into The Bronx in the north. ─── 大道始于纽约市区的华盛顿广场公园,穿过格林威治村、中城、上东区、哈莱姆区,直至北端的布朗克斯区。

25、For five long years, Tharp and her troupe practiced virtually every day in the basement of a Greenwich Village church. ─── 整整五年时间里,萨普和她的舞蹈团每天不停地在一个格林威治村子的教堂地下室里训练。

26、A: Which line do I take for Greenwich Village? ─── 到格林威治村该乘哪一线车?

27、"I name this the Dome Hotel, " says John Cohen, 72, as he makes his way through the vast Millennium Dome in Greenwich. ─── 72岁的约翰·科恩在前往宏伟的格林威治千禧穹顶时说:“我叫它‘穹顶旅馆’。”

28、Invisible University Library by Wynne Leung and Francesco Matteo Belfiore from the University of Greenwich . ─── 无形的大学图书馆温梁和弗朗切斯科利玛窦Belfiore从格林威治大学 。

29、Greenwich Village Halloween Parade is an annual holiday parade and street pageant presented the night of every Halloween in New York City. ─── 纽约市每年会在万圣节晚上举行盛大的节日巡游,欢迎市民到场参观热闹的万圣节嘉年华。

30、For five long years, Tharp and her troupe practiced virtually every day in the basement of a Greenwich Village church . ─── 在长达5年的时间里,撒普和她的舞蹈团几乎每天都在格林尼治村一所教堂的地下室里排练。

31、Formats the date and time as Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). ─── 将日期和时间格式化为格林威治标准时间(GMT)。

32、In New York City there is a small district called Greenwich Village. ─── 在纽约市有一个小区域称作格林威治村。

33、When more than 26,000 gather at Greenwich tomorrow morning, only a few will be in the running to win the big prize money. ─── 当明天上午26000多人齐聚格林威治时,只有少数人能够赢得巨额奖金。

34、Damals leisteten Schwule und Lesben bei einer Razzia in der Gaybar ”Stonewall Inn” in Greenwich Village der Polizei Widerstand. ─── 当时,同性恋者在警察格林威治村“石墙酒吧”大搜捕中进行了抵抗。

35、a meridian from which east and west are reckoned (usually the Greenwich (England) longitude). ─── 一条分开东西的经线,通常指英国的格林威治经线。

36、Mr Bernanke may have been guided by the idea “talking about the dollar is one of those things best left untouched”, said Alan Ruskin, chief international strategist at RBS Greenwich Capital. ─── RBS greenwich Capital首席国际策略师艾伦拉斯金(Alan Ruskin)表示,伯南克可能受到这个看法的引导,即“讨论美元是最好不要触及的话题之一。”

37、The start time, which is in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time or Greenwich Mean Time), specifies when the vacuumer should run. ─── 开始时间采用UTC(通用协调时间)或格林尼治标准时间的形式,指定vacuumer应在何时运行。

38、Chinese haven't experienced the Greenwich Village era in the U.S, when intellectuals only spoke to the public. ─── 中国没有美国格林威治村的时代,那时代的知识分子只对公众发言。

39、Then why not go to the fishing village of Sansalito --- a little like London's Chelsea or New York's Greenwich Village --- to see people painting and to look at their pictures. ─── 接着,你何不去游玩一下桑萨利托渔村呢?那里有点像伦敦的切尔西区,也有些象纽约的格林威治村。有些人在渔村里绘画,你不妨去看看,观赏一下他们的作品。

40、The time zones on the earth are established according to Greenwich Mean Time. ─── 世界上的时区是以世界时为标准划定的。

41、He got tired of running and confessed to robbing a jewelry store in Maryland. But because of a computer foulup, Greenwich Village police did not believe Daniel Valencia and nearly wrote him off as another oddball. ─── 他对于东奔西逃感到疲倦,招认了打动马里兰州一家珠宝店。可是由于电脑错误,格林威治村警方不相信瓦伦西亚,几乎将他视为又一个神经病。

42、He presented his finding to the Royal Observatory in Greenwich, England. ─── 他把他的发现提交给英国的格林威治皇家天文台。

43、Like, if I tell you that my name is Thurston and that I grew up in Greenwich, Connecticut, will you know who I am? ─── 就好比,如果我告诉你,我的名字叫瑟斯顿,在康涅狄格州格林威治市长大,难道你就会知道我是谁了吗?

44、What's the difference between Beijing time and GMT (Greenwich Mean Time)? ─── 北京时间和格林威治时间的时差是多少?

45、I first heard this story a few years ago from a girl I had met in New York's Greenwich Village. ─── 几年前我在纽约的格林尼治村从一位遇到的姑娘那儿第一次听到这个故事。

46、Date and time that event batch collection started, in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time or Greenwich Mean Time). ─── 开始收集事件批次的日期和时间,采用UTC(通用协调时间)格式或格林尼治标准时间格式。

47、UTC is the high-precision atomic clock version of GMT (Greenwich Mean Time). ─── UTC:协调世界时(Universal Time Coordinated),过去曾用格林威治平均时(GMT)来表示。

48、Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) was approved by International Meridian Conference in Washington, DC, USA on October 13. ─── 1884年10月13日,在美国华盛顿召开的国际子午线会议通过使用格林尼治国际标准时间(GMT)。

49、New Jersey的Bergen County, New York State的Westchester, Connecticut的Greenwich Village, Long Island的Hampton, 我感觉life比住在City里好... ─── 当然钱多的就是城里一套公寓,长岛一撞别墅了...

50、At an exhibition of Chinese paintings held in the Greenwich Museum of Britain, Xie's works won the praise of Francis Bacon, a world-class virtuoso in painting. ─── 参加英国格林威治博物馆中国画连展;作品得到世界绘画大师弗兰西斯·培根的赞赏;

51、Greenwich Village is generally known as an important landmark on the map of bohemian culture. ─── 所以,这里的气氛蛮富有艺术气息的。

52、The Caird Library of the National Maritime Museum, Greenwich ─── 先生、格林威治皇家海事博物馆凯尔德图书馆

53、GMT is a universal time zone, based on the Greenwich meridian corrected by the longitude of the location in which the time is set. ─── GMT是一种通用时区,是根据格林威治子午线,用设定时间所在位置的经度与其求差计算出来的。

54、Blogs are like a virtual Greenwich Village, but the spirit is filled with Bohemian style. ─── 我觉得博客是虚拟的美国格林威治村,但博客里弥漫的精神还是波西米亚风格。

55、Is the start date and time, in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time or Greenwich Mean Time), for scheduled subscriptions. ─── 以UTC(通用协调时间或格林尼治标准时间)表示的预定订阅的起始日期和时间。

56、"When you are no longer the head of monetary policy, 80 per cent of its market relevance has gone," said David Ader, a strategist at RBS Greenwich Capital. ─── "当你不再是货币政策负责人时,就失去了80%的市场关联度,"RBSGreenwichCapital策略师戴维o阿德表示。"

57、Fairfield Greenwich, which had $7. 5bn invested with Mr Madoff, faces at least one class action lawsuit from enraged investors. ─── FairfieldGreenwich交给马多夫投资的资金达75亿美元,该集团面临着愤怒投资者发起的至少一起集体诉讼。

58、Lower Manhattan is no exception as New Yorkers turn out en masse to the Greenwich Village Halloween Parade. ─── 当纽约人全体涌向格林威治村举办的万圣节游行时,下曼哈顿也不例外。

59、The Cutty Sark is now on exhibition at Greenwich. ─── 听听听听听听听听听听听remarkable ship.

60、S. is repeating Japan's 'lost decade' of stagnant growth, says RBS Greenwich Capital bond strategist David Ader. ─── 日本是美国国债第二大海外持有者。

61、Greenwich welcomed the focus on performance, but warned that the complexities of selecting, monitoring and managing alternative investments in general and hedge funds in particular required a significant commitment. ─── Greenwich对机构关注业绩表示欢迎,但它警告说,选择、监控和管理一般性替代性投资、特别是对冲基金非常复杂,需要相当程度的专业投入。

62、UCL students give it a 76.5% satisfaction score, which ranks it third in London (where NSS scores struggle) behind the part-timers at Birkbeck and the University of Greenwich. ─── 伦敦大学学院学生满意度为76.5%,在伦敦(学生满意度分数竞争激烈地区)排第三,仅次于博克贝克兼职大学和格林威治大学。

63、LONDON (AFP) - British adventurer Jason Lewis on Saturday arrived in Greenwich, south-east London, ending a 13-year round-the-world trip using only the power of the human body. ─── 伦敦(法新社)-周六,英国冒险家杰森.刘易斯抵达英国东北部的格林尼治,结束了13年仅凭人力进行环绕地球的旅行。

64、Behaves the same as strftime() except that the time returned is Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). ─── 和strftime()的行为相同,只除了返回时间是格林威治标准时(GMT)。

65、Provides properties for accessing the current local time and Universal Coordinated Time (equivalent to Greenwich Mean Time) from the system clock. ─── 提供用于从系统时钟中访问当前本地时间和协调通用时间(等同于格林威治时间)的属性。

66、And we should not miss seeing Greenwich Village a little west of Washington Square. ─── 另外我们千万不要错过参观华盛顿广场西面不远的格林威治村。

67、This famous timepiece, always regulated on the Greenwich meridian, which was now some seventy-seven degrees westward, was at least four hours slow. ─── 实际上,他这块宝贝表的时间还是按格林威治子午线计算的,格林威治距此往西约七十七经度之远,当然他的表就愈错愈慢,实际已经慢了四小时。

68、Also, indicate if the value refers to a longitude East or West of Greenwich. ─── 也需要说明是东经还是西经。

69、We are off down stream to Greenwich. ─── 我们顺流而下到格林尼治。

70、One of his favourites is perhaps even more difficult to spot in a panelled library in a fine house in Greenwich, Connecticut. ─── 在他最喜爱的设计之一中,电视更难被发现,在康涅狄格州格林威治镇一座精美屋子中,他把电视藏在了装有隔板的图书室里。

71、Vincent got on the IRT downtown local at 42nd Street for Greenwich Village. ─── 文森特在42街坐上了站站停的市郊列车前往格林尼治村。

72、Is the report start date and time in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time or Greenwich Mean Time). ─── 报告的开始日期和时间,使用UTC(通用协调时间或格林尼治标准时间)表示。

73、A defining moment was the Triangle Shirtwaist fire of 1911: 146 garment workers, most of them young immigrant women, died as an overcrowded factory burned down in Greenwich Village. ─── 她的人生转折点在三角形服装厂1911年发生的那场大火。该工厂位于格林威治村,人满为患,大火把工厂夷为平地,也夺去了146名服装工人的生命,其中大部分是年轻的女性移民。

74、Standard time in Turkey is two hours ahead of Greenwich Mean Time. ─── 土耳其的标准时间,比格林威治时间早两小时。

75、In China, "Greenwich bell OK" is the "dream of Chak," the only agent; ─── 在中国,“格林威治钟行”目前是“克?梦泽”的惟一代理商;

76、Or this painting, from the 1740s, from Greenwich Village.Those are two students at King's College -- later Columbia University -- sitting on a hill, overlooking a valley. ─── 或是这幅1740年代描绘格林威治村的图画,两名国王学院(即后来的哥伦比亚大学)学生,坐在山丘上俯视著山谷。

77、Location Greenwich, overlooking London's River Thames, is steeped in history. ─── 地点俯瞰伦敦泰晤士河,格林威治蕴含许多历史意义。

78、is measured in degrees east or west of the Greenwich meridian. ─── 地球的经度是被格林威治子午线向东或向西以度数来表示的。

79、A tribe of artists live in Greenwich Village. ─── 在格林尼治村住着许多艺术家。

80、One of the most famous sailing ships of the nineteenth century, the Cutty Sark, can still be seen at Greenwich. ─── 人们在格林威治仍可看到19世纪最有名的帆船之一“卡蒂萨克”号。

81、of artists live in Greenwich Village. ─── 在格林威治村住着许多艺术家。

82、As collateral, among other items, she used town houses she owns in Greenwich Village, a country house, and something else: the rights to all of her photographs. ─── 她提供的抵押品包括纽约格林威治村的一些连栋透天厝、一栋乡间房子,外加她全部摄影作品的版权。

83、From Uptown traditional to Greenwich Village cool, choose which New York wedding youd like to turn into a brides dream come true. ─── 但是它的挑战性也同样是高难的!

84、There is a chinese hair salon at the main road near Greenwich University. I had been done twice,everybody said its nice.so u can try it. ─── 我的头发又多又厚,来英国7年,还没遇到好的美发师.不姐妹们有没有好的推荐给我,限伦敦地区,呵呵.

85、But because of a computer foulup, Greenwich Village police did not believe Daniel Valencia and nearly wrote him off as another oddball. ─── 可是由于电脑错误,格林威治村警方不相信瓦伦西亚,几乎将他视为又一个神经病。

86、By courtesy of the National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, Eng.; photograph, A. C. Cooper Ltd. ─── 《邱吉尔舰长》,袖珍珐琅肖像,约1705年由博伊特完成;现藏英国格林威治的国家海事博物馆。

87、May I ask what neighborhood? -Ah, in Greenwich Village. -Oh, ideal, yes. -Yeah. Very nice townhouse. ─── 我能问一下是在哪个社区里吗?-啊,在格林威治村。-哦,很理想,是的。-是。非常好的连栋房屋。

88、The time at Greenwich -- as measured by the sun -- is called Universal Time. For many years it was called Greenwich Mean Time. ─── 格林威治时间——由天阳测量的时间——被称作“世界时间”。多年来,它被称为“格林威治标准时间”。

89、He got tired of running and confessed to robbing a jewelry store in Maryland. But because of a computer foulup, Greenwich Village police didn't believe Daniel Valencia and nearly wrote him off as another oddball. ─── 他对于东奔西逃感到疲倦,招认了打动马里兰州一家珠宝店。可是由于电脑错误,格林威治村警方不相信瓦伦西亚,几乎将他视为又一个神经









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