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09-20 投稿


mise 发音

英:[miːz]  美:[mɪz]

英:  美:

mise 中文意思翻译



mise 短语词组

1、mise en place ─── [网络] 赛前工作准备;餐前准备;准备工作

2、date de mise en bouteille bouteille ─── 日期

3、date de mise ─── 开始日期

4、mise en scene ─── 舞台演出, ─── 舞台调度,周围环境

5、mise-en-scene n. ─── 舞台的布景、道具等, ─── 舞台布置; 事件的背景或环境

6、date de mise on bouteille bouteille ─── 上的日期

7、mise en abyme ─── [网络] 层结构;套层密藏;连环计

mise 相似词语短语

1、mises ─── n.米泽斯(奥地利经济学家)

2、Lise ─── n.利兹,人名;n.丽丝(库肯霍夫郁金香公园名);abbr.LISE:[航空学]空间激光综合试验,美国SDI空间试验卫星(LaserIntegratedSpaceExperiment)

3、miser ─── n.守财奴;吝啬鬼;(石油工程上用的)凿井机;n.(Miser)人名;(英)迈泽;(德)米泽;(西)米塞尔

4、Oise ─── 瓦兹河;n.(Oise)人名;(日)生濑(姓)

5、misce ─── 混合料

6、smise ─── 斯密斯

7、maise ─── n.玉蜀黍

8、-ise ─── n.伊势(日本本州岛南部城市)

9、Wise ─── adj.明智的;聪明的;博学的;vt.使知道;教导;vi.了解;n.(Wise)人名;(英)怀斯

mise 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Maintains cleanliness and mise-en-place level at bar counter, bar cabinets, shelves, floor and service pantry for smooth operation. ─── 保持吧台、吧柜、酒架、地板及用品橱的干净、整洁,物品齐备。

2、A compro mise was reached that in retrospec t satisfied nobody, and I went up to study Modern Languages. ─── 最后,达成了一个双方都不甚满意的妥协:我改学外语。

3、4.Ensure that all kitchen Mise en Place is prepared according to production plan. ─── 4. 确保对厨房内的所有储存物品的不断轮换;

4、sometimes i don't think i can carry on, with my MISE study, with my work here. ─── 有时,我简直觉得自己已经无法承受下去,无法承受继续MISE课程的学习,无法继续我在这里的工作。

5、Ensure the proper organization of all service equipment. Ensure proper mise en place and station set up to ensure a smooth operation. ─── 确保适当安排所有服务设备。确保餐前准备和送餐摆设完好以保证顺利运行。

6、Why must he hide in a mise of rague promises and unseen miracles? ─── 为什么他总是藏在半真半假的承诺和从来未实现的过的奇迹背后呢?

7、I believe I have gained what I should learn in MISE Program. ─── 我相信我已经获得了从MISE培训计划中应该学到的。

8、implementation (mise en oeuvre) of international responsibility and the settlement of disputes ─── 国际责任的执行和争端的解决

9、precondition of compro- mise ─── 妥协前提

10、We have a mise en place here and I am trying to assemble some notes which may effectively develop some fragments and a symphony. ─── 我们在这儿有一个约定,我正在试图聚集一些要点,可以有效地把一些碎片合成一首交响曲。

11、In the Mise, Louis sided entirely with Henry. ─── 在这个协定中路易完全倾向于亨利。

12、You have been selected for the MISE program and the assessments predict that you can make this transition and come out stronger on the other side. ─── 你被选出来参加MISE课程,你被评估胜任这种(职业)转换,各方面你将更强。

13、Mise en Scene is not an Art ─── 导演不是艺术

14、Ensure the proper organization of all service equipment. Ensure proper mise en place and station set up to ensure a smooth operation. ─── 确保适当安排所有服务设备。确保餐前准备和送餐摆设完好以保证顺利运行。

15、2.Supervises and prepares daily mise en place and assures that all sections are ready for service.During serving time, check every dish that is served to customers. ─── 掌管和准备每天的协定确保所有区域的定量,在开餐时间内检查给客人的每样食品.

16、Effects on Antibody in Sera and Respiratory of Mise in the Out-dry ─── 外燥对小鼠血清与呼吸道液抗体的影响

17、The FEA results show that initial crack comes into being as the maximal Von-Mise stress exceeds the compressive strength limit of rubber. ─── 结果显示,当最大接触应力大于橡胶材料压缩强度时,极易产生初始裂纹。

18、J’aimerais avoir le shampooing et une mise en plis. ─── 我想洗头和剪发。

19、Keywords mise a la masse”method;dynamic conductor;fracturing; ─── 充电法;动态导体;压裂;

20、mise en abyme ─── 嵌套式结构

21、Keywords time domain “mise a la masse” method;data processing and interpretation;field application; ─── 时间域充电法;资料处理及解释系统;野外应用;

22、Organisation pour la mise en valeur fleuve Senegal; ─── 塞内加尔河开发组织;

23、eg. Joe seems to be on his high horse these days. This is "When the cat's away, the mise will play" ─── 乔这几天很不可一世,正应了那句“猫不在家,耗子成精”(“山中无老虎,猴子称大王”)。

24、Convention portant creation de l'Organisation pour la mise en valeur dufleuve Senegal ─── 关于建立塞内加尔河开发组织的公约

25、Gli fece pure due anelli d’oro, sotto la ghirlanda, ai suoi due lati;li mise ai suoi due lati per passarvi le stanghe che servivano a portarlo. ─── 又替坛做了两个金环,安放在牙边以下,坛的两侧,就是坛的两旁,作穿杠的地方,用来抬坛。

26、Louis' judgment was issued at Amiens in January 1264, and was known as the Mise of Amiens. ─── 路易的判决1264年在亚眠公布,被称为“亚眠协定”。

27、Mise en place basic preparation. ─── 基本的准备工作。

28、mise en scène ─── 舞台演出,舞台调度

29、Keywords die-casting plunger;rate of signal to mise;parameters design;lasersurface melten treatment.; ─── 冲头;信噪比;参数设计;激光表面熔化处理。;

30、Clever people often mise their mark. ─── 聪明常被聪明误。

31、E Davide andava e riusciva bene dovunque Saul lo mandava: Saul lo mise a capo della gente di guerra, ed egli era gradito a tutto il popolo, anche ai servi di Saul. ─── 扫罗妒忌大卫扫罗无论差派大卫到哪里去,他都去,并且凡事亨通。于是扫罗立他作军兵的将领。所有的人民和扫罗的臣仆都非常高兴。

32、leaders of ETA, the armed Basque separatist group, for their video declaration yesterday was very familiar. ─── 巴斯克武装分离主义集团“埃塔”(ETA)组织的领导人昨天发布视频声明时所选用的现场布景非常眼熟。

33、These kilns produced not only yelloe-green celadons but also remarkable blue-green mise ("secret colour") celadons. ─── 不仅大量烧制青中闪黄的艾色越瓷,还成功地精制出青中闪绿的“秘色”瓷器。

34、Using buffer storage to mise the transport capacity in drifting coal waste ─── 利用缓冲仓提高掘进煤矸装运能力

35、the education Ministry, meanwhile, has been encouraging graduate studies at Japan's public universities, with the pro mise of funding for a new type of professional graduate school. ─── 与此同时,随着对新型的专业毕业学院基金的许诺,教育部一直鼓励在日本公立大学的研究生综合性大学的毕业生。

36、E fuse per essa quattro anelli d’oro;e mise gli anelli ai quattro canti, ai quattro piedi della tavola. ─── 又替桌子铸造四个金环,把环子安放在桌子四脚的四角上。

37、mise is apt to forget. ─── 轻诺者易忘.

38、mise en scene ─── 舞台演出, 舞台调度, 周围环境

39、While employment is still for life for Toyota's full-ti me workers, so me complain that the company is now mise rly with wage increases. ─── 尽管就业仍是为丰田车队的全职工作生活中,一些抱怨,该公司现正与工资增长吝啬。

40、The scientist tested oxydiazols oxadiazoles on laboratory mise mice. ─── 科学家在实验鼠上测试了萘磺酸水合物。

41、Literary theory thus tends to bring into its orbit diverse speculations on the problems of framing, communication about communication, and other forms of mise en abyme or infinite regress. ─── 文学的包罗万象性使任何不同寻常或引人入胜的理论都会加入到文学理论中去。

42、E mise davanti le serve e i loro figliuoli, poi Lea e i suoi figliuoli, e da ultimo Rachele e Giuseppe. ─── 他叫两个婢女和她们的孩子走在前头,利亚和她的孩子跟着,拉结和约瑟走在最后。

43、gli mise in capo un cappuccio di pelo di capra, e lo coperse d’un mantello. ─── 约拿单把大卫带到扫罗那里,他就像以前一样,侍候在扫罗面前。

44、A mise man can see more from the bottom of a well than a fool can from a mountain top. ─── 一个智者从井底看到的比一个傻瓜从山顶看到的还要多.

45、There is only one Barthelme’s peculiar sensibility or mise en scene under the rubric of innovation is for that writer to mess around with chaos and disaster and, worse, self-deception. ─── 真正的实验小说应该是全新的,如庞得所说。

46、Keywords DC method;prospecting for underground ores;comprehensive geophysical prospecting;copper deposit;mise a la masse method;IP in well;ground-well method;south Shaanxi; ─── 直流电法;深部找矿;综合物探;铜矿;充电法;井中激电;地-井方式;陕南;

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