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09-20 投稿


masticating 发音

英:[ˈmæstɪkeɪtɪŋ]  美:[ˈmæstɪkeɪtɪŋ]

英:  美:

masticating 中文意思翻译



masticating 词性/词形变化,masticating变形

动词第三人称单数: masticates |动词现在分词: masticating |动词过去式: masticated |动词过去分词: masticated |名词: mastication |

masticating 相似词语短语

1、rusticating ─── v.(尤指在牛津、剑桥)罚(大学生)暂时停学;下乡;(使)成粗面石工;退归林下

2、domesticating ─── 驯化(domesticate的现在分词)

3、abdicating ─── vi.退位;放弃;vt.退位;放弃

4、apricating ─── 杏

5、busticating ─── 燃烧

6、masturbating ─── (对……)进行手淫(masturbate的现在分词)

7、elasticating ─── vt.将松紧带插入;使有灵活性(等于elasticize)(elasticate的变形)

8、castigating ─── vt.严惩;苛评;矫正;修订

9、mastication ─── n.咀嚼;粉碎

masticating 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He ate the fish raw, masticating with painstaking care, for the eating was an act of pure reason. ─── 他把鱼生吃下去,费劲地咀嚼着,因为吃东西已成了纯粹出于理智的动作。

2、stone mastic asphalt mixing material ─── 沥青玛蹄脂碎石混合料

3、bituminous mastic ─── 沥青玛碲脂

4、masticating cycle ─── 咀嚼周期

5、An analysis of asphalt mastic macadmix technology ─── 沥青玛蹄脂碎石混合料技术浅析

6、asphalt mastic ─── 地沥青粘剂石油沥青砂胶地沥青砂胶

7、furan mastic ─── 呋喃胶泥

8、mastic lined ─── adj. 胶泥衬里的

9、asphalt gum mastic ─── 沥青玛[王帝]脂

10、Mastic and cypress essence oil give you a thorough relaxation, and rich bubbles pampers your skin. ─── 乳香和丝柏精油使你全身心地放松,更有丰富的泡泡宠爱着你的肌肤。

11、The cement asphalt mastic,which is physical compoud mastic by netlike hydrate products and asphalt,improves the adherence of binder aggregation and mechanical properties of asphalt emulsion concrete. ─── 水泥与乳化沥青中的水相发生了水化反应,水化产物与水泥在水中的水化产物相同;

12、gum mastic tests ─── [医] 洋乳香试验(检脑脊髓梅毒)

13、mastic shrub ─── 乳香黄连木

14、cold mastic wax ─── 冷用接蜡

15、However,the thickness of the sealing coat is hard to be controlled,as the result,slumping of the asphalt mastic will occur under high temperature. ─── 国内外一般均采用热施工的沥青玛蹄脂作为沥青混凝土防渗面板的封闭层,这种封闭层施工厚度不易控制,高温下多出现流淌。

16、mastic coating ─── 厚浆涂料

17、Abstract: It describes the performance of HF-proof mastic and gives an example for its application in retention tower of gas cleaning section of acid-making with smelting gas. ─── 文摘:介绍了耐HF酸胶泥的性能及其在有色冶炼厂烟气制酸净化工段空塔上的应用实例。

18、Alkyd paints may have reduced adhesion to Epoxy Mastic Hold. ─── 如果复涂以醇酸漆,将会存在降低配套体系附着力的问题。

19、grafting mastic for trees ─── 树木嫁接用胶粘剂

20、mastic acid ─── 乳香酸

21、Functional magnetic resonance imaging of regional brain activity during masticating ─── 咀嚼时局部脑活动的功能性核磁共振成像

22、All kinds of alternative approaches have been tried, but by far the most successful is an ancient Greek remedy called mastic. ─── 人们已尝试了所有可能的替代性治疗方法,但迄今为止最见效的是一种名叫乳香的古希腊药物。

23、A case-control study of the relation between masticating hard food and vertical root fracture ─── 咀嚼硬物与牙根纵裂发病关系的研究

24、an aromatic exudate from the mastic tree; used chiefly in varnishes ─── 乳香树的带芳香味的树脂,多用于制清漆

25、Keywords waterborne coatings;mastic coatings;anti-rust coatings; ─── 水性涂料;厚浆涂料;防锈涂料;

26、the aromatic resin of the mastic tree,used especially in varnishes,lacquers,adhesives,and condiments and as an astringent ─── 乳香树脂,乳香黄连木的带芳香味的树脂,多用于作清漆、中国漆、粘合剂、辛辣调味品以及收敛剂

27、mastic cooker ─── 地沥青砂胶加热锅

28、Selection of Effective Composition of Mastic Gum against Helicobacter Pylori in vitro ─── 天然植物乳香胶体外抗幽门螺杆菌有效成分筛选

29、The aromatic resin of the mastic tree, used especially in varnishes, lacquers, adhesives, and condiments and as an astringent. ─── 乳香树脂乳香黄连木的带芳香味的树脂,多用于作清漆、中国漆、粘合剂、辛辣调味品以及收敛剂

30、He ate the fish raw, masticating with painstaking care, for the eating was an act of pure reason. ─── 他把鱼生吃下去,费劲地咀嚼着,因为吃东西已成了纯粹出于理智的动作。

31、an aromatic exudate from the mastic tree; used chiefly in varnishes. ─── 乳香树的带芳香味的树脂,多用于制清漆。

32、Engineering Quality Control of SMA Asphalt Mastic Crushed Stone Pavement ─── SMA沥青玛蹄脂碎石路面的工程质量控制

33、Air Sampling During Asbestos Abatement of Floor Tile and Mastic ─── 地板和胶粘剂中石棉去除期间的空气取样

34、15 When you hear the sound of marching in the tops of the mastic trees, then go forth to battle, for God has already gone before you to strike the army of the Philistines. ─── 你一听见桑树梢上有脚步声,要即刻出战,因为天主在你前面出击培肋舍特人的军队。

35、It describes the performance of HF-proof mastic and gives an example for its application in retention tower of gas cleaning section of acid-making with smelting gas. ─── 介绍了耐HF酸胶泥的性能及其在有色冶炼厂烟气制酸净化工段空塔上的应用实例。

36、Experimental Study on Mastic Gum Therapy for Helicobacter Pylori Infection ─── 乳香胶治疗幽门螺杆菌感染的实验研究

37、Keywords mastic gum;garlic oil;Rhizoma coptidis;Helicobacter pylori;in vitro induction of resistance; ─── 关键词乳香胶;大蒜油;黄连提取物;幽门螺杆菌;体外诱导耐药;

38、Star Maling Ballast Epoxy Mastic is a heavy duty, high build coating for protection of steel in corrosive environments. ─── 本产品是一种高固含的重防腐涂料,用于腐蚀环境下钢结构防护。

39、During the human evolution, the masticating apparatus have been weakened by the changes of producing and living style. ─── 在人类长期的演化过程中,随着生产生活方式的改变,人类的咀嚼器官总体呈现出一个逐渐退化的趋势。

40、Two-component, high build, glass flake reinforced epoxy mastic. ─── 双组分厚浆型玻璃磷片补强环氧漆。

41、Methods Use the TLC distinguishing method to distinguish the radix notoginseng, radix angelicae dahuricae,rhizoma chuanxiong,radix angelicae sinensis and mastic of the Fufang Sanqi pill. ─── 方法采用薄层层析法对复方三七滴丸中的三七、白芷、川芎、当归、乳香进行定性鉴别。

42、The following is the list of STAC petrolatum tapes、Petrolatum Paste 、Petrolatum Mastic. ─── 以下是STAC矿酯胶带、矿酯油膏、矿酯胶泥的规格型号。

43、Results The content of the mastic of zinc norfloxacin was determind by UV spectrophotometer. ─── 建立了性状、鉴别、酸碱度、含量测定等质控方法,并进行了体外抑菌实验。

44、masticating apparatus ─── 咀嚼器官, 咀嚼器

45、masticating cycles ─── 咀嚼循环

46、theoretical maximum specific gravity of Stone Mastic Asphalt(SMA) mixtures ─── 最大理论相对密度

47、The reform craft, eliminates or the reduction sticks in the mastic the toxic ingredient, key harm and so on elimination benzene, normal hexane; ─── 改革工艺,消除或减少粘胶剂中有毒成分,重点消除苯、正己烷等危害;

48、Abstract: A fermented arrowroot starch beverage with the combined flavour of mastic and aroma was developed from arrowroot starch as the main material. ─── 摘要: 以葛粉为主要原料,研制了具乳香和果香特有复合香味的葛粉发酵饮料。

49、UINTAITE Mastic Asphalt ─── 北美岩沥青

50、The mastic tree. ─── 乳香黄连木,乳香树

51、Star Marine Epoxy Mastic NTC is a high build coating with excellent adhesion to rusted area and most aged coatings. ─── 本产品是厚浆型涂料,对锈蚀部分和大部分旧涂层具有优异的附着力。

52、European Mastic Asphalt Associatio ─── 欧洲柏油涂料协会

53、This is a natural chewing gum from the sap of the mastic tree that grows wild in Greece. ─── 它是希腊野生的乳香黄连木的汁液中所产的天然胶状物。

54、The trench, absolute must of the Maison Gaultier, is proposed in many ways: coat-dress of black jersey with collar, wrist, belt and bavolet of mastic gabardine. ─── 也可以是黑色塔夫绸的晚装外套,多重皱褶的领子层层叠叠,内搭工装裙、短夹克,即现美丽妖娆;

55、Cutting's colloidal mastic test ─── [医] 卡丁氏胶体乳香试验(检脑脊液)

56、cold insulation mastic ─── 冷绝缘胶合铺料

57、Test Method for Determining Open Assembly Time of Carpet Mastic Adhesives ─── 毛毡胶粘剂开启使用时间检测试验方法

58、Keywords UINTAITE Mastic Asphalt;proportion;design; ─── 北美岩沥青;配合比;设计;

59、mastic for tyres ─── 充气轮胎粘合剂

60、caulking mastic ─── 嵌缝膏

61、Apply over properly prepared steel and/or on aged antifouling in good condition. Recommended primers are ZSS110 CR Primer, ZSS120 VT Primer, ZSS141 Epoxy Mastic NTC or others as recommended. ─── 可用于正确处理的钢材,或保持良好的防污漆旧涂层上。推荐底漆为:ZSS110氯化橡胶底漆、ZSS120乙烯焦油防锈底漆或者ZSS141改性环氧铝粉漆以及其他推荐底漆。

62、teeth Hard outgrowths on the jaws, roof of the mouth or pharynx; used for biting and masticating food. ─── 齿生长于颚,口或咽喉的顶部的骨质突起物;用以咀嚼食物。

63、sodium silicate mastic ─── 水玻璃胶泥

64、mastic cement ─── 水泥沙胶胶泥

65、oil-based mastic sealant ─── 厚浆型油基填缝料

66、Keywords Helicobacter pylori;mastic gum;trans-anethole;bactericidal activity;drug resistance;bactericidal mechanism; ─── 幽门螺杆菌;乳香胶;反式茴香烯;抗菌活性;耐药性;抗菌机制;

67、gum mastic ─── 乳香玛树胶玛脂


69、acid-proof mastic ─── 抗酸胶粘剂

70、He ate the fish raw, masticating with painstaking care, for the eating was an act of pure reason. ─── 他把鱼生吃了下去,小心翼翼地嚼着,因为吃纯粹是理性的选择。

71、Alkyd paints may have reduced adhesion to Star Marine Epoxy Mastic NTC. ─── 如果复涂以醇酸漆,将有可能降低配套体系的附着力。

72、Study and Application of PU Mastic Coatings ─── 厚浆型聚氨酯涂料的研究与应用

73、The Proportion Design of Butonite Mastic Asphalt Modified Asphalt Concrete ─── 布敦岩沥青改性沥青混凝土配合比设计

74、mastic pointing ─── 沥青填缝

75、Star Maling Epoxy Mastic Hold is a high build coating with excellent adhesion to steel, aluminium and most aged coatings. ─── 本产品是厚浆型涂料,对钢材、铝材和大部分旧涂层有非常好的附着力。

76、SHEN Jin-an.Modified bitumen and stone mastic asphalt pavement[M].Beijing : People 's Communications Press, 1999. ─── [1]沈金安.改性沥青与SMA路面[M].北京:人民交通出版社,1999.

77、That may be the result of masticating organs degeneration in human evolution. 2. ─── 这可能是人类进化过程中咀嚼器官退化的结果。

78、A case-control study of the relation between masticating hard food and vertical root fracture ─── 咀嚼硬物与牙根纵裂发病关系的研究

79、6.Ochre, for one, may have been used as mastic for attaching blades to wooden handles or as an antimicrobial agent for treating animal hides, skeptics note. ─── 例如赭石可能只是防水黏著料,让石器与木柄接得更牢靠,或是处理动物毛皮用的防腐剂。

80、UINTAITE Mastic Asphalt is an excellent natural bituminous material, which can improve the performance of asphalt pavement when mixed with conventional asphalt mixture. ─── 北美岩沥青是一种优质的天然沥青材料,与传统的沥青混合料混合使用,可改善沥青路面的使用性能。

81、NF P30-303-1998 Building covering. Extruded mastic sealing strips for fibre-cement roofing. Specifications. Tests. 13 ─── 1995建筑物屋顶.金属屋顶预制密封条.规格--试验11页

82、Keywords mastic gum;Helicobacter pylori;antibacterial experiment; ─── 天然植物乳香胶;幽门螺杆菌;抑菌实验;

83、organic mastic adhesive ─── 有机脂胶粘合剂

84、8.a medium for oil-paints; linseed oil mixed with mastic varnish or turpentine. ─── 一种油画颜料的溶解液,由亚麻子油和乳香、清漆或松节油混合而成。

85、Compound berberine mastic ─── 复方黄连素膏

86、To the left of the port, a dry stone stairway leads to the ruins, through the mastic trees and broom. ─── 在港口的左边,一段用石头搭建的楼梯穿过乳香树和金雀花从,通向建筑遗迹。

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