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09-20 投稿


leaseholder 发音

[ 'lis'holdɚ]

英:  美:

leaseholder 中文意思翻译



leaseholder 词性/词形变化,leaseholder变形

名词: leaseholder |

leaseholder 短语词组

1、perpetual leaseholder ─── 永久租借人

leaseholder 相似词语短语

1、lampholder ─── n.灯座;灯架插头

2、leaseholders ─── n.租赁人,租借人

3、gas holder ─── 煤气容器;煤气筒;储煤气柜

4、leaseholds ─── n.租赁;租赁权;adj.租赁的

5、lens holder ─── 透镜架;透镜座;灯玻璃架;镜头支架

6、leasehold ─── n.租赁;租赁权;adj.租赁的

7、householder ─── n.户主,家长;房主;n.(Householder)人名;(英)豪斯霍尔德

8、lens holders ─── 镜头支架

9、gasholder ─── n.储气器

leaseholder 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、On the Nature of the Leasehold of Real Estate ─── 不动产租赁权性质初探

2、market-oriented leasehold market ─── 市场主导租赁市场

3、land leasehold system ─── 土地批租制

4、Substitution of long-term leasehold freehold ─── 依次政府降低介入程度为长期租赁权

5、However, in order to protect the interests of lessee, my recognizes leasehold especially real estate leasehold interests of the effectiveness of the emergence of a "leasehold interest" trend. ─── 但是,为了保护承租人的利益,我国民法承认租赁权尤其是不动产租赁权具有物权的效力,即出现了“租赁权物权化”的趋势。

6、The amount of added value is calculated by subtracting the cost the transferor recovers from the value of the leasehold at the time of transfer. ─── 土地增值额按土地使用权转让时的价值减去转让人应收回的成本后的余额计算。

7、lessor:9% of the monthly rent every month during the leasehold. ─── 出租人:月租金的9%(按实际出租月,每月支付)

8、leasehold system ─── 批租制度;租地制度

9、If be issued in the country all sorts of " lottery " , " leasehold place " , " capital serves place " etc, increase farmer burden already, diverted agriculture and rural fund again. ─── 如在农村中发行各种“彩票”、“借贷所”、“资金服务所”等,既增加农民负担,又转移了农业和农村资金。

10、In recent property right reform of tourism attraction,the whole leasehold mode is handled abroad,as well as disputed greatly. ─── 在当前对风景旅游区的产权制度改革中,整体租赁模式运用广泛但争议颇大。

11、Research of Project-financing Model for Leasehold Equip ment of Hydropower Stations ─── 水电站项目设备租赁融资模式研究

12、In mid-August, according to the City Center shops will be a public auction five years leasehold, said many businesses have expressed strong Jingpai intentions. ─── 8月中旬,本市中心城区的一处商铺将被公开拍卖5年租赁权,据说已有多位商家表示了强烈的竞拍意向。

13、leasehold insurance ─── [经] 租赁物的保险

14、Most person decorates the money of the building also is hard-earned, or it is live frugaly, or it is leasehold. ─── 大多数人装修房屋的钱也是来之不易的,或是省吃俭用,或是借贷。

15、In the case of great majority, buying is to pass leasehold will finish. ─── 在绝大多数的案例中,收购都是通过借贷来完成的。

16、Contracts for leasehold transference and joint business operations involving leaseholding should not contravene the lease contracts. ─── 土地使用权转让合同或联营合同不得违背土地使用权出让合同。

17、good leasehold title ─── [法] 租借地保有权

18、On cost management measures in maintenance by carrying about leasehold system ─── 实行设备租赁制以后机务内部的成本管理措施

19、The legal dispute between 2010 British GP venue Donington's leaseholder and owner has been settled out of court. ─── 之间的法律纠纷2010年英国大奖赛场地多宁顿的承租人和业主已达成庭外和解.

20、1. Intangible assets are non-current items owned by business, such as a copyright, franchise, goodwill, patents, and leasehold. ─── 无形资产是企业拥有的非流动性的资产,例如版权、特许权、信誉、专利权和租赁权。

21、Further more, the development of peasant land market in England had close relationships with the custom of family inheritance, the rise of leasehold and capitalist farms. ─── 同时,英国农民土地市场的发展与家庭继承习俗的转变、新兴租佃地的兴起以及资本主义租地农场的形成都有着紧密的联系。

22、This favored policy was a great leap in land leasehold strategy in late Qing ti mes,and showed the Qing government had made positive attempts to adopt and supplement civil system in order to make himself a capital owner. ─── 当时这种优价优税政策,是晚清土地出租政策的一次飞跃,是清 统治者主动推动文明制度,“变成资产者”的有益尝试。

23、V. based on contract, leasehold not flawed, Mr.Hans should be a contractual relationship that the other party "while a principal tenant" as a defendant for the return of rent, damages. ─── 基于合同之诉,租赁物不应有瑕疵,韩先生应把合同关系的另一方即“二房东”作为被告,要求其返还租金,赔偿损失。

24、Summary: The right to rent real estate is that the right of the owners of real estate rent it to the leaseholder and get the rental from them. ─── 房地产租赁权,是指房地产所有人将房地产出租给承租人使用,从而获得租金收益的权利。

25、The implementation of the hypothec of the real estate should be limited by priority and leasehold that formerly exist. ─── 房地产抵押权的实行要受在先存在的优先权与租赁权的制约。

26、Real Leasehold ─── 不动产租赁权

27、Earlier this month, the company decreased its 2009 and 2010 drilling budget by a combined $2.9 billion, or 31%, and reduced its leasehold and property acquisition expenditures by $2.2 billion, or 78%. ─── 本月初,该公司将2009年和2010年的钻探预算总共降低了29亿美元,降幅为31%,将租赁和收购的支出降低了22亿美元,降幅高达78%。

28、When these two preemption rights get concurrent, taking legislation aim and other aspects into account, we should choose the preemption right of the part owner instead of that of the leaseholder. ─── 当两优先购买权发生竞合时,基于立法目的及其他方面的考虑,应该选择共有人优先购买权优先于承租人优先购买权。

29、As the two types are authorized by domestic legal academia, custodial and leasehold contracts are vital to exploration of the legal problems of parking. ─── 保管合同型泊车与场地租赁合同型泊车是目前法学界探讨的两大泊车合同类型,是探讨泊车法律问题必须涉及的重点内容。

30、leasehold ownership ─── [法] 租借地所有权

31、However, if the right of mortgage or leasehold is exterminated pursuant to a court decision, only the obligor of the mortgage or leasehold may apply for such deletion of registration. ─── 但抵押权或租赁权依法院裁判消灭者,得仅由抵押权或租赁义务人申请注销之。

32、The dual land property-right is a special land right structure in Chinese history,which is the usually called permanent leasehold arragements,or “one field, twin owners”. ─── 双层地权是中国历史上存在的一种特殊的土地结构,即通常所谓“永佃制”或“一田二主”。

33、The Provisions further regulates the regime over the increasingly popular construction leasehold granting through bidding, auction or listing. ─── 修订>更新了有关招标,拍卖或者挂牌的规定及详细程序,澄清了国有建设用地使用权。

34、"It was just something they were doing to pass the time, " the building's leaseholder, Ni Jixiong, said. ─── “这就是他们用来打发时间的活动,”大楼承租人倪际雄说。

35、Thus, the buyers will pay a total of 6.05 million yuan, together with the charges in return for lots two pieces of gold shops Jingan five years leasehold. ─── 如此一来,这位买家将付出连同手续费在内共计605万元,以换取静安黄金地段两块商铺5年的租赁权。

36、Unless requesting to renew the agreement, Party B shall, upon the expiry of this agreement, return the leasehold to Party A on the expiring date. ─── 2除非乙方要求续租,租赁期满后,乙方应在当天内将承租的房屋交还甲方;

37、If Party B intends to extend the leasehold, it will notify Party A in written form 30 days in advance.After Party A's agreement, new lease contract will be signed. ─── 如乙方有意续租,应提前30日向甲方提出书面续租要求,待甲方同意后,双方重新签署租赁合同。

38、leasehold prperty ─── [法] 租借财产

39、Carrying out the daily maintenance for leasehold autos and guaranteeing the leaseholder safety of driving ─── 实行租赁汽车日常维护,保证租车人驾车安全

40、leasehold ground rent ─── [经] 租赁土地的租费

41、Great debates exist concerning the nature of real leasehold in academy.There are three different theories, creditor's right, real right and Lease rights changing of real right. ─── 关于不动产租赁权的性质在学界存在较大的争议,有租赁权债权说、租赁权物权化说、租赁权物权税三种不同学说。

42、The parcelling of a leasehold as inheritance should be conducive to construction and development purposes and shall in no way spoil its utilities. ─── 分割作为遗产的土地使用权,应当有利于开发建设和生产经营,不得损害该地段的效用。

43、house leaseholder ─── 房屋承租人

44、Right Conflicts in Leasehold Estate Register ─── 不动产租赁中的权利冲突与不动产登记

45、perpetual leaseholder ─── 永久租借人

46、However, occasionally they do become available as the leaseholder wishes to cash in the value of the asset. ─── 当租赁人希望以现金充当资产时候,他们偶尔也会变的有利用价值。

47、{0>For the registration of a subleased leasehold, the fee shell be calculated based on the remaining tenure resulted from the entire tenure minus the past portion. ─── 因租赁权转租而登记者,其已经过之期间,应自存续期间中扣除,以其馀期间视为存续期间,计算登记费。

48、Long-term leasehold land in Hong Kong 516,541.08 517,160.43 ─── 預付租賃款項根租賃期限以直線法攤銷。

49、Party B may, upon approval by Party A, fit up the leased premises and add equipment therein during the leasehold. ─── 乙方经甲方同意,可在不影响房屋结构的情况下,进行房屋内部装修及添置设备。

50、Estates in land are divided into two broad categories according to the duration of the estate: freehold estates and leasehold estates. ─── 根据地产持续期间的不同,地产可被分为两大类:完全保有地产权和租赁地产。

51、When pulling Xiao En 17 days to accept Reuter reporter to interview, say: "Agent of loan of a few mortgage is quite immoral, leasehold person entrap leasehold lair. ─── 拉肖恩17日接受路透社记者采访时说:“一些抵押贷款经纪人相当不道德,把借贷人骗入借贷泥潭。”

52、Land registered with the land registry, where the owner have a guarantee title to the land(absolute title also exist to leasehold land, give the proprietor a guarantee valid lease). ─── 指在土地登记处登记的土地,其所有人对土地享有被担保的所有权。租借土地也享有绝对所有权,它给予物主一个有担保的有效的租借权。

53、tenant farmer, leaseholder ─── 土地租用人

54、The legal dispute between 2010 British GP venue Donington's leaseholder and owner has been settled out of court. ─── 之间的法律纠纷2010年英国大奖赛场地多宁顿的承租人和业主已达成庭外和解。

55、9.If the customer agrees to the leasing conditions offered to him, leaseholder and lessee will sign the leasing agreement which is done by way of sending back a signed copy of the offer. ─── 如果客户同意租赁公司提出的租赁条件,出租人和租赁人通过寄回已签字承诺复印件的方式签订租赁合同。

56、The limitation of the !and leasehold is 20 years. ─── 土地出让期为20 年

57、The person or company that owns the property and grants the lease is called the “leassor” The rights granted to the leasee under the lease are called leasehold. ─── 拥有或给予财产的个人或公司就是“租赁者”。被租赁者被给予的权利叫做租赁权。

58、The listing first appeared on Sunday. The leaseholder, surnamed Wang, boasts it has special lights which 'create the feeling of being in space'. ─── 这条信息于周日发布。房东王女士吹嘘称特殊的灯光布置,使人“有置身太空的感觉”。

59、leasehold on - line ─── 在线租赁

60、Several Questions about Housing Leasehold concerning the Effect of Jus In Rem ─── 房屋租赁权物权化若干问题

61、creation of leasehold ─── [法] 租赁权的设定

62、This principle makes that leasehold begin to have real right effects and some corresponding system must be established in the legislation to support and perfect its real right and render a service. ─── 从而认为,租赁权就是租赁合同产生的具有物权效力的权利,租赁权虽为债权,但它具有物权的某些性质、特征和效力,其物权效力在立法中己有诸多体现。

63、Minsheng Bank's fiscal division, and the distinction between ordinary real estate investment, real estate leasehold assembly Trust negotiability excellent. ─── 民生银行的理财师表示,与普通不动产投资区别是,房产租赁权集合信托的流通性极好。

64、This article is an expatiation on the financing leasehold and loan fundraising, and make contrast through a case analyze, and optimize the case. ─── 摘要对融资租赁和贷款筹资进行了阐述,并用案例加以对比分析,择优确定方案。

65、if not, the administration authority shall terminate the leasehold relation. ─── 未于规定期限内订定书面契约者,管理机关得终止租赁关系。

66、The asking price, leasehold of course, ─── 关于要价,当然是租用的,

67、The Leasehold Business of Construction Machinery in Europe ─── 欧洲建筑设备租赁业

68、When you ask a group of businesspeople to list their assets, they quickly write down such items as equipment, furniture, leasehold improvements and inventory. ─── 如果你请一群生意人列出他们公司的资产,他们会很快写下设备、家具、租赁改良以及库存等项目。

69、Upper East Side three bedroom,280sqm,good decoration,¥16000/m,no want leaseholder with pets and children。13651044044 Ivy ─── 信息内容:阳光上东的三居室,280米,豪华装修,家具家电全齐备,租金1.6万/月,带小孩或者宠物的不租,中介不要打搅。13651044044牟海

70、Discussion on Developing Intensively- managed Eucalypt Plantations on Leasehold Forestry Land by Guangxi State Forest Farms ─── 广西国营林场租赁林业用地发展速丰桉浅议

71、Carrying out the daily maintenance for leasehold autos and guaranteeing the leaseholder safety of driving ─── 实行租赁汽车日常维护,保证租车人驾车安全

72、The capitalized value of leases and leasehold improvements included in property, plant, and equipment. ─── 在资本价值的租赁和租赁物的改良包括在财产,厂房和设备。

73、leasehold interests ─── [经] 租赁权益

74、Exploration on Developing Agricultural Machinery Leasehold Service Network ─── 发展农机租赁服务网络的探讨

75、This thesis starts with two cases issued on whether hypothec is prior to leasehold. ─── 在处理具有租赁权和抵押权的同一不动产时,抵押权的实现往往和租赁权发生冲突。

76、The Mathematical Model of the Optimal Land Leasehold of The Fruit Tree Planting ─── 果树种植最佳土地租赁期的数学模型建构

77、Increase in leasehold land and ─── 增加租用土地及土地使用权

78、The asking price, leasehold of course, is thirty-one thousand. ─── 关于要价,当然是租用的,是31, 000。

79、lease and leasehold ─── 佃租制

80、Charterer sub-tenant, lessee and the lessors leasing contract between the continuing validity and the third, who caused a loss of leasehold, the lessee shall make compensation for the losses. ─── 承租人转租的,承租人与出租人之间的租赁合同继续有效,第三人对租赁物造成损失的,承租人应当赔偿损失。

81、government-oriented leasehold market ─── 政府主导租赁市场

82、On the Law Thinking of Land Tenancy System of Countryside in China--Additionally Building and Perfecting the Leasehold of Countryside Land ─── 关于农地租赁制度的法律思考--兼谈我国农地租赁权的构建与完善

83、In this paper, four patters for practice to the realization of the leasehold of the intellectual product have been put forward. ─── 本文对知识产权产品的出租权的实现提出了四种具体的实践模式。

84、leasehold relation ─── [法] 租赁联系

85、Upper East Side three bedroom,280sqm,good decoration,¥16000/m,no want leaseholder with pets and children。 ─── 280米,豪华装修,家具家电全齐备,租金1.6万/月,带小孩或者宠物的不租,中介不要打搅。

86、For the registration of a subleased leasehold, the fee shell be calculated based on the remaining tenure resulted from the entire tenure minus the past portion. ─── 因租赁权转租而登记者,其已经过之期间,应自存续期间中扣除,以其馀期间视为存续期间,计算登记费。

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