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09-20 投稿


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Laodicean 中文意思翻译



Laodicean 网络释义

adj. (对宗教、政治等)冷淡的n. (对宗教、政治等)不热心的人

Laodicean 相似词语短语

1、laodiceans ─── adj.(对宗教、政治等)冷淡的;n.(对宗教、政治等)不热心的人

2、theodicean ─── n.神正论者

3、Medicean ─── (15~17世纪意大利佛罗伦萨的)美第奇家族的;似美第奇家族的

4、Laodicean ─── adj.(对宗教或政治等)冷漠的;老底嘉的;n.(对宗教或政治等)冷漠者

5、caducean ─── caducean的

6、Laodicea ─── n.劳迪西亚(叙利亚最大海港拉塔基亚的古名)

7、Sadducean ─── adj.撒都该教教义的;撒都该教徒的

8、Cadmean ─── adj.卡德摩斯的

9、Boadicea ─── n.博阿迪西亚(女王名)

Laodicean 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He's saying that there's another letter sent by Paul to the Laodicean church. ─── 他说保罗把另一封信,送到了老底嘉教会。

2、Beaven is correct, we are adjusting our rules to meet the Laodicean lifestyle of an indulgent generation, or else our educational leaders do not know what is going on right under their noses. ─── 如果毕文博士是对的,我们就是在调整我们的规定以适应放纵的一代那老底嘉的生活方式,否则就是我们的教育领导者对在他们鼻子底下正发生的事毫无所知。

3、She did portray the sad, Laodicean condition of every level of church organization, rebuking, appealing, and weeping over its compromise with the world. ─── 她确实描述了教会机构每一层面那悲哀的老底嘉状况,她责备、申诉其与世界的妥协,并为此哀哭。

4、The church is in the Laodicean state. ─── 教会正处于老底嘉的状况。

5、The very condition described by Sister White settled over the Laodicean church. ─── 怀姐妹所描写的状况正是老底嘉教会所固有的。

6、There are critics of our church who feel that God's blessing can no longer rest upon it because of its Laodicean condition. ─── 一些人已经退出了教会,抗议教会的灵性衰退与标准流失。

7、Laodicean dj. ─── 冷淡的;

8、It is only the reality of Christ and the work of the Spirit of God in the hearts of his people that will keep a church from becoming what the Laodicean church was. ─── 除非信徒真正让基督在他心中作主,让圣灵在他心里工作,才可避免重蹈老底嘉教会的覆辙。

9、Your hearts may glow with a seraphic flame of love to Jesus, and yet the devil will try to bring you down to Laodicean lukewarmness. ─── 倘若你能告诉我上帝何时容许基督徒放下武器,我就能告诉你撒但何时会放弃试探人。

10、Laodicean policy ─── 冷淡的政策

11、Ministers and members must be willing to risk criticism in order to preach the Laodicean message. ─── 为要传扬老底嘉的信息,传道人与教友都必须甘愿冒着批评的危险。

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