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09-20 投稿


jockeying 发音

英:[ˈdʒɒkiɪŋ]  美:[ˈdʒɑːkiɪŋ]

英:  美:

jockeying 中文意思翻译




jockeying 词性/词形变化,jockeying变形

动词现在分词: jockeying |名词复数: jockeys |动词过去式: jockeyed |动词过去分词: jockeyed |动词第三人称单数: jockeys |

jockeying 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Only after twenty years' jockeying for power did he attain this position of great influence. ─── 勾心斗角二十年,他才爬上了这把极有权势的金交椅。

2、The same old faces are jockeying for position before the 2012 election. ─── 2012年选举前仍是那些老面孔在争权夺利。

3、He goes into the politics and jockeying, from Mr Aldrin's vociferous campaign to be first, to Mr Armstrong's pulling rank (as commander of the module, he was higher in the NASA hierarchy). ─── 他从埃尔德林的竞选开始,到阿姆斯壮的军衔升迁(作为月球计划总指挥,他位居NASA高层),深入政治和飞机驾驶员内部。

4、Biden also met with Iraqi leaders in the disputed and oil-rich city of Kirkuk in northern Iraq, where Arabs, Turkmen and Kurds are jockeying for power. ─── 拜登还分别会见了伊拉克有争议地区领导人和在伊拉克北部地区石油资源丰富的基尔库克市领导人,在基尔库克地区阿拉伯人,土库曼人和库尔德人为了权力展开争夺。

5、This car that everybody takes serves as discard as useless the car has had history of 13 years, because do not have brake, when jockeying must jockey with ability of other object barge against. ─── 大家乘坐的这辆车作为报废车已经有13年的历史了,由于没有车闸,停车时必须与其它物体相撞才能停车。

6、The men on the horse were jockeying about to get into a proper line. ─── 为取得前一致,骑马的人都在移动着位置。

7、The men on the horses were jockeying about to get into a proper line. ─── 骑手们正在调整位置,以排成适当的行列。

8、continued for the two top European Union jobs being created by the Lisbon treaty. ─── 两个有里斯本条约提出的两个欧盟最高职位的竞争仍在继续着。

9、parties are already jockeying for power. ─── 各反对党已经在不择手段地谋取权势了。

10、But the dithering and electoral jockeying is not going down well with the business community. ─── 但紧张犹豫和选举的花招并不被商界所接受。

11、Part of the jockeying between the two Chinese pools of money reflects institutional rivalry. ─── 这两家中国投资机构之间的争斗,一定程度上也是对制度对立的反映。

12、“We're both jockeying to be in the lead position, but I'm not going to give anything away. ─── “我们都相互开玩笑地推到主角位置上,但我没损失什么。”

13、Like a herd of antelope, jockeying and shoving for position, 150 young women raced down Amsterdam's most famed fashion street in stiletto heels Thursday, racing for a $15,000 prize.The race on the P. ─── 她说她有点后悔选错了鞋,她的鞋跟将近4英寸,比赛跑要求的最低高度3.5英寸还高一点。

14、It's amusing to see all the middle managers jockeying for position to try to get the vacant general manager's job. ─── 看这些部门经理们正使出浑身解数以谋求那个空缺的总经理职位,真使人好笑。

15、In part, the strife also reflects jockeying for power ahead of the succession. ─── 泰国的政党争斗也部分地反映了在政权更替前对权利的争夺。

16、Also some of person grabs a car to be in in earn more jockeying cost, not hesitate inform against " betray " oneself friend. ─── 也有些人为了在抢车位中赚得更多的停车费,不惜举报“出卖”自己的朋友。

17、The jockeying is part of a high-stakes battle taking the crisis-ridden nation into uncharted waters. ─── 危机重重的巴基斯坦将因这场纠纷陷入更加前途莫测的境地。

18、It's amusing to see all the middle managers jockeying for position to try to get the vacant general manager's job. ─── 看这些部门经理们正使出浑身解数以谋求那个空缺的总经理职位,真使人好笑。

19、Much of the jockeying for appointments to top jobs is already underway, especially for key slots in the Politburo. ─── 现在围绕着高层职位的争夺工作已经开始了,尤其是政治局的关键席位。

20、The media dogged Hilton as she made her getaway, jockeying for position and snapping photos of the socialite for miles along the Los Angeles freeway system. ─── 在她逃离现场的时候媒体紧紧尾随跟踪她,想尽办法耍花招找寻最好的方位来拍这位社会名流,他们在洛杉矶的高速公路上跟监了数英里。

21、Recent military and political activity suggests that the world powers are jockeying for position as if the return of Planet X is imminent. ─── 最近的军事和政治活动表明世界力量正在做好准备,仿佛是X星即将回归。

22、3.Like a herd of antelope, jockeying and shoving for position, 150 young women raced down Amsterdam's most famed fashion street in stiletto heels Thursday, racing for a $15,000 prize. ─── 本周四,150名年轻女子踩着细高跟鞋在阿姆斯特丹最著名的购物街上抢夺有利位置、像羚羊一样奋力狂奔,夺冠者可获得1.5万美元的奖金。

23、And intermediary agents' misconducts: releasing false information and jockeying for undeserved margin. ─── 中介公司的违法行为有:“发布虚假信息”、“赚出价”等;

24、Now that the Prime Minister has been elected there will be a lot of jockeying for position to get the key posts in his administration. (Horse Racing) ─── 由于首相已被选定,所以在谋求其政府要职的过程中将会出现许多欺诈牟利的行为。(赛马)

25、2 Several candidates are jockeying for the same position. ─── 有几位人选在竞争同样的职位。

26、He and many others say that once technical issues get settled, mobile video could be a multibillion-dollar business. Many companies are jockeying to be on top. ─── 跟他一样,其他人也认为一旦技术的争论得到解决,移动视频就能成为百亿美元的产业。许多公司正努力成为这个行业领头羊。

27、Iraq is, and will be, the top foreign policy issue among the people jockeying for the White House. ─── 伊拉克,现在是并且依然是美国白宫那些决策者们的首要外交问题。

28、2. But all this jockeying for position and enticing users from one email service to another actually represents a great boon for the average Internet user. ─── 但是这一切山头阵地,唆使另一用户从一个电子邮件服务,实际上是一大好事,为网民平均.

29、Maneuvering through the crowded harbor was dicey, with each of the two-person teams jockeying for position while battling some heavy shorewind. ─── 我也没有让父母为我缴捐资助学费,因咨询公司为我知道自己的性格,如果那样我反而得不到资产评估师心灵的释然。

30、1. It's amusing to watch members jockeying for the Prime Minister's attention prior to Cabinet reshuffle . ─── 看到政府官员在内阁改组之前耍弄花招以讨得首相欢心是很有趣的。

31、The bands are constantly jockeying with each other for the number one spot. ─── 这些乐队经常相互耍手段以谋取榜首位置。

32、It was a good start, a whole lot better than last year. This time, the players are jockeying for positions, and everyone believes they have a chance of playing. ─── 这是个很好的的开始,比去年好很多。在这个时间,球员们正在适应位置中,而每个人都相信他们有机会比赛。

33、Officials said the divisions were serious, but it was unclear whether they were simply last-minute jockeying. ─── 官员们表示,分歧是严重的,但不清楚上述分歧是否仅是在最后关头的谈判造势。

34、They are at their most rowdy when jockeying for position on a large carcass. ─── 为了捕获猎物它们不惜一切手段。

35、That is how tenuous and competitive this jockeying is; how vital every game, every bucket, and every turnover. ─── 这告诉我们今年西部的竞争力和形势的微妙所在:每场比赛、每次进攻和每次失误都很关键。

36、Some people are seriously afflicted with selfish departmentalism: they are always ducking responsibility, jockeying for power and wrangling with others, thinking only of the interests of their own unit. ─── 有些本位主义严重的人,甚至遇到责任互相推诿,遇到权利互相争夺,扯不完的皮。

37、jockeying for a promotion. ─── 谋取晋升

38、The battleground would now take place in the offices of the NYSE's largest shareholders, with both sides jockeying for votes. ─── 战场将转到纽交所大股东的办公室里,双方都将努力拉票。

39、More than ten politicians are now jockeying for the leadership of the Party. ─── 十多位政客现在正在为谋取党的领导职位而施展纵横捭阖的手段。

40、Little progress has been made, because of incompetence, political jockeying and fundamental disagreements. ─── 由于能力不足,政治欺诈以及一些基本问题的分歧,第三项任务到目前为止尚未取得一丝进展。

41、The high Command was jockeying its force into place for attack. ─── 统帅部正在调遣部队进入攻击发动地带。

42、Advisers spend their time covering up their boss's frailties and jockeying for influence. ─── 各类顾问们整日忙着掩盖他们老板的病情,而且还不择手段地为自身谋求影响力。

43、In part, the strife also reflects jockeying for power ahead of the succession.With the king celebrating his 81st birthday on December 5th, that event looms ever larger. ─── 从某种意义上说,斗争反映出在王位继承权上的争锋,在国王12月5日的81岁生日庆典来临之际,这一争锋会显得越来越激烈。

44、"All the jockeying for support that has been going on recently has added a new dimension to the proceedings, as if there were a bake-off being held in the next room" (New York Times) ─── “所有最近进行的骑马比赛都在程序中增加了新的内容,好象隔壁房间里正在举行一场烘烤比赛”(纽约时报)

45、Officials said the divisions were serious, but it was unclear whether they were simply last-minute jockeying. ─── 官员们表示,分歧是严重的,但不清楚上述分歧是否仅是在最后关头的谈判造势。

46、These data suggest that, instead, it's a method of jockeying for status, chosen by strong men who excel at it. ─── 实际上,这些数据表明,对于那些强壮的男性而言,这种行为是一种改变社会地位的方法。

47、The bands are constantly jockeying with each other for the number one spot. ─── 这些乐队经常相互耍手段以谋取榜首位置。

48、CNPC's hassles could offer important lessons for other big international oil companies jockeying for a role in Iraq's oil industry. ─── 对其他希望在伊拉克石油行业争夺一席之地的大型跨国石油公司来说,中国石油的遭遇或许能给它们带来重要的教训。

49、The men on the horse were jockeying about to get into a proper line. ─── 为取得前一致,骑马的人都在移动着位置。

50、Some speculate that the political jockeying has been spurred by senior Sasac officials keen to enhance their nationalist credentials ahead of the next round of government promotions. ─── 有人猜测,引发此番政治博弈的原因是:在新一轮政府人事升迁开始之前,国资委高层官员迫切希望提高自己的民族主义声望。

51、Yeah, everybody's jockeying Phoenix and I still don't think they can do it. ─── 是啊,每个人都在阴太阳,但是我真的不觉得他们能够做到。

52、In light of the right-wing bloc's majority, Likud appears to face a brighter cabinet-making picture in the expectable intense political jockeying that is already underway. ─── 考虑到右翼集团在国会中占据的多数席位,利库德党在已经如火如荼进行中的政治斗争中好像将面临更加光明的内阁重组前景。

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