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09-20 投稿


lea 发音

英:[liː]  美:[li]

英:  美:

lea 中文意思翻译



lea 网络释义

n. 草地n. (Lea)人名;(西、意、罗、匈、挪、德、芬)莱亚;(英)利

lea 短语词组

1、lea e lea e ─── 公司

2、king lea ─── 李王

3、the lea es lea es ─── 酒店

4、noseband lea ─── 鼻带lea

5、fallen lea ─── 堕落的lea

6、lea es lea es ─── 公司

7、lea annees lumiere ─── 莉安娜·卢米埃

8、lea y pop lea and pop ─── 阅读和流行 ─── 阅读和流行

9、lea cut lea cut ─── 公司

10、lea esmaylowa Esmayl lea ─── 公司

11、lea shop lea ─── 商店

12、crazy lea ─── 疯狂的lea

13、lea lim lea lim ─── 公司

14、the branches and lea ─── 分支和lea

15、lea up lea up ─── 公司

16、lea der 【 ─── 名】(Leader)(英)利德(人 ─── 名)n.领导者,首领;领先者,佼佼者;首席小提琴手;指挥;社论;(报纸的)要闻,头条;(胶卷,磁带的)空白段;(渔线)接钩绳;(植物的)顶枝;(尤指表格中的)指向符

17、lea mchele Lea mchele ─── 公司

18、daisy lea ─── 雏菊叶

19、lea padovani lea padovani ─── 公司

lea 词性/词形变化,lea变形

异体字: ley |

lea 相似词语短语

1、flea ─── n.跳蚤;低廉的旅馆;生蚤的动物

2、Elea ─── n.埃里亚(意大利南部的地名)

3、lea. ─── n.草地;n.(Lea)人名;(西、意、罗、匈、挪、德、芬)莱亚;(英)利

4、Clea ─── n.克丽(女子名)

5、leak ─── v.使渗漏,泄露;漏,渗;泄漏出去;透露;n.泄漏;漏洞,裂缝;泄漏出的液体(或气体);(秘密信息的)透露;撒尿;漏电;n.(Leak)(美、印尼、新等)利克(人名)

6、lead ─── vt.领导;致使;引导;指挥;vi.导致;用水砣测深;n.领导;铅;导线;榜样;n.(Lead)(英)利德(人名)

7、leal ─── adj.忠诚的;n.(Leal)(美、爱)莱亚尔(人名)

8、ilea ─── abbr.(英国)内伦敦教育局(InnerLondonEducationAuthority);n.(Ilea)人名;(罗)伊莱亚

9、leaf ─── n.叶子;(书籍等的)一张;扇页;vi.生叶;翻书页;vt.翻…的页,匆匆翻阅;n.(Leaf)人名;(英)利夫

lea 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Lea: There have been quite a number of emergency calls and he's the only technician available to go out and deal with them at the moment. ─── 利:我们接到不少紧急求援电话,而目前只有他一个技术员可以外出处理问题。

2、Lea blood group antibody identification ─── Lea血型抗体鉴定

3、ectopmall Co.,Ltd is the WORLD'S LARGEST SUPPLIER OF FAMOUS BRAND'S GOODS. we are one of the lea... ─── 发布者:陈豪所在地:广东广州市行业:运动、休闲职位:业务主管工作年限:十年以上

4、drop lea ─── 地毯粗底布

5、Is vision screening in 3-year-old children feasible? Compar ison between the Lea Symbol chart and the HVOT ─── 对3岁儿童进行视觉筛选可行吗?比较lea Sym-bol表和HVOT(LM)表

6、I think Lea has missed the point that you don't need to make all accessor methods public, as I pointed out in "Java accessor visibility. " ─── 我想,Lea忽略了无需使所有读写方法公开这一观点(如同我在“Javaaccessorvisibility”中所指出的)。

7、Local Education Authority(LEA) ─── 地方教育局

8、His first partnership was with Paul and Phyllis Amburgh, owners of the Dharma Lea farm in New York. ─── 他的第一个合作伙伴是保罗·阿姆伯格和菲利斯·阿姆伯格,他们是纽约达摩·李农场的所有者。

9、Study of LEA proteins was one of the hot fields in plant embryology and stress physiology. ─── 对其研究主要集中在植物胚胎学以及逆境生理学的领域。

10、OXYGEN CONSUMPTION AND AMMONIA-N EXCRETION RATES OF Hyriopsis Cumingii Lea ─── 三角帆蚌的耗氧率和排氨率

11、LEA gene ─── LEA基因

12、"lea rning from Japan" movement ─── 学习日本活动

13、Would you care about a cup of lea? ─── 你喜欢喝杯茶吗?

14、The expression of LEA exhibited higher selectivity in well differentiated adenocarcinoma (P< 0.01). CEA had similar selectivity in well, moderately,and poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma(P< 0.05). ─── LEA对高分化腺癌表现出更高的选择性(P0.05);

15、Lea and Nurse permeameter ─── 利-努斯渗透仪

16、But thepeople, with lofty mountains and sweet bagpipes, lea distressfullives, and they thirsted so much for freedom as well as happylives. ─── 巍峨的山峰,悦耳的风笛声中的人们却过着苦难的生活。他们是那样的渴望着自由,渴望幸福的生活。

17、Lea Brimayer,Jack Goldsmith.Conflict of Laws:Cases and Material 5th ed.(M).Aspen Publishers,Inc.,2002 ─── 卢峻.国际私法之理论与实际(M).北京:中国政法大学出版社,1998

18、Xiang Siliang works for her Master of LEA ─── 应用外语硕士

19、AKWENYE, Lea N. ─── 利·阿坤耶

20、Up in the cottage called the Lea, four men with nothing to wait for closed the circle of their lives. ─── 在那座叫“草原”的小别墅里,四个没有什么指望的男人,结束了他们的人生旅程。

21、In adversity stress,some induced proteins were produced in plants,among which LEA proteins(Late embryogenesis abundant protein)was the one to be most studied. ─── 作者单位:河南农业大学农学院国家烟草栽培生理生化研究基地;

22、But Mr. Lea's being good enough to let them keep dragging on around here. ─── 但是李老爷让他们在这里苟延残喘已经够好心了。

23、An instantly disapproving expression came upon Massa Lea's face, as if by reflex ─── 似乎是一种反射作用,李老爷的脸上马上露出了不同意表情。

24、The endless lea will purify your thought. ─── 一望无际的草原会净化你的思想。

25、Cadbury has been struggling to register purple as a trade mark in Australia in the face of opposition from Darrell Lea since 1998. ─── 吉百利一直紫色作为注册商标在澳大利亚面对反对达雷尔李自1998年以来。

26、College degree, minimum 5 years relevant working experience at fashion company or foreign fashion company.2)Strong lea...... ... ─── 公司名称:广州市明玥服饰有限公司工作地点:广东省广州市发布时间:2009-7-30

27、Big Show Brie Bella vs.Katie Lea Cryme Tyme (JTG & Shad Gaspard) vs. ─── 上Q最常有的感觉是“无聊”,尽管在网络上花去了大把的时间 - Kofi Kingston vs.

28、Shiitake cap alkali-extracted and waterextracted components were purified respectively to give two kinds of shiitake polysaccharides (Lea,Lew). ─── 对香菇菌盖的碱浸物、水浸物分别纯化,得到了Lea,Lew两种香菇多糖。

29、Lea blood group typing ─── Lea血型分型

30、Tim Pawlenty authorized workers to open a National Guard armory in Albert Lea for travelers after gusts created whiteout conditions and the State Patrol reported more than 600 cars that had crashed or slid off roads on Saturday and Sunday. ─── 上周一上午,在明尼阿波利斯-圣保罗都会区,仅国家巡逻人员回应到80多个,涉及车祸的车辆损坏,被击毙的史密斯,一个主要与巡逻。

31、The comparison of expression of LEA and CEA in the serum of colorectal adenoma and different differentiated colorectal carcinoma patients ─── 大肠腺瘤与不同分化大肠癌患者血清中LEA及CEA的表达比较

32、mov ecx,virus_size lea edi,pointer_to_code_to_crypt mov eax,crypt_key @@1: xor dword ptr [edi],eax add edi,4 loop @@1 ─── 一个简单的例子,好吗?好的,这里有6个块(每一条指令一个块)。想一下有多少不同的代码可能:

33、But neither from Roger nor anyone else could the Abbot get news of Sir Richard at Lea. ─── 但是修道院院长既不能从罗格也不能从任何其它的人得到李?理查德爵士的消息。

34、The Application of Lea contrast charts to cured amblyopic children ─── Lea对比度视力表在弱视治愈儿童中的应用

35、Study on Pathology of Hyriopsis cumingii Lea Disease Caused by Aeromonas hydrophila ─── 三角帆蚌嗜水气单胞菌病的病理研究

36、Cloning of a group 3 Lea cDNA from tworow barley ─── 二棱大麦LEA cDNA的克隆与测序

37、The sun has left the lea, ─── 太阳已离开了草原,

38、Eventually, the author, Doug Lea, decided to pursue making it a standard part of the Java platform as JSR-166. ─── 最终,作者DougLea决定设法让它成为Java平台的标准部分——JSR-166。

39、LEA Protein Functions to Tolerance Drought of the Plant ─── LEA蛋白与植物的抗旱性

40、Nothing in his life/ Became him like the lea ving it ─── 他一生行事,从来不曾像他临终的时候那样得体。

41、miniature score (126 p.) (lea pocket scores, n.d.). ─── 书名 the five sonatas for 'cello and piano.

42、LEA's programs take a variety of forms, from major competitions, lectures, small salons, to professional trainings and inter-school exchanges. ─── 协会以大型比赛、讲座、小型沙龙、专业培训、校际交流为主要形式。

43、The girl he lea ned against was his daughter. ─── 他靠着的那个女孩是他的女儿。

44、The machine is mainly suitable for cutting materials like lea ther, plastic,cloth, leather bags, toys, hats, spongy floss pieces, floor materials,soft wood pieces and materials meeded cutting out. ─── 主要内容:本机又名下料机,用于皮革塑料、布类、皮包、玩具、帽子、发泡片、地板材料、软木片等各种需要刀模裁断的裁剪物。

45、Keywords Hyriopsis cumingii(Lea);polysaccharides;determination;the best desiccative technics; ─── 三角帆蚌;总多糖;含量测定;最佳干燥工艺;

46、hyriopsis cumingi Lea ─── 三角帆蚌

47、In a memoir, "The Summer of Ordinary Ways," the Minnesota writer Nicole Lea Helget described her childhood on a family farm. ─── 在《夏天的平凡生活》这本回忆录中,明尼苏达的作家妮可?黎?赫杰描述她在家族农场的童年生活。

48、And Leah said, A troop cometh: and she called his name Gad. Berkatalah Lea: ""Mujur telah datang."" Maka ia menamai anak itu Gad. ─── 利亚说,万幸。于是给他起名叫迦得。

49、Blood group antigen Lea ─── Lea血型抗原

50、Mr.Kennedy vs.UmagaSantino Marella & Carlito vs.Hardcore Holly & Cody RhodesChris Jericho vs.JBLBeth Phoenix & Katie Lea Burchill vs.Mickie James & MelinaLance Cade vs.Trevor MurdochJohn Cena vs. ─── Jeff Hardy"爱情的过程远比计划的短,细节的感受远比知道的复杂,两个人从开始相爱到分手的思念,是爱情的前阶段。

51、Anatomy and Physiology of Farm Animals, R. D. Frandson, Lea& Febiger. ─── 兽医解剖生理学,兽医学要览(5)白火城等,中华民国兽医学会编印。

52、Single handle concea lea type shower sets ─── 单把暗装式淋浴器

53、Three novel genes in the group 3 Lea genes, named as TaLEAl, TaLEA2, TaLEA3, were cloned from wheat. TaLEAl was mainly located in cytoplasm and plasma membrane as revealed by the green fluorescent protein (GFP) fused to it. ─── 从小麦中克隆到三个新的第3组Lea蛋白基因,TaLEA1,TaLEA2,TaLEA3。

54、As it hears the Voice a-calling, a-calling from the Lea! ─── 因为它听到了草原的召唤!

55、Mike Lea has been consistent all the way through. ─── 基兰.李本赛季表现十分稳固。

56、Si hiciste daño a otra persona,conseguiste la felicidad? Se lo pregunto yo a cualquiera que lea esto. ─── '伤害了别人,你快乐了吗?'这个句子写在这里,不妨问所有看到此文的人。

57、An instantly disapproving expression came upon Massa Lea' s face, as if by reflex. ─── 似乎是一种反射作用,李老爷的脸上马上露出了不同意表情。

58、Vodka, Tomato Juice, Lea & Perrin, Celery Salt, Pepper and Tabasco. ─── 伏特加,番茄汁,李派林辣酱油,芹菜盐,胡椒粉和塔巴斯哥辣油

59、Now old and ailing, she summons a biographer to tell the truth about her extraordinary life: Margaret Lea, a young woman for whom the secret of her own birth remains an ever-present pain. ─── 但是,随着年龄的增长和疾病缠身,她决定说出自己真正的人生。写给玛格丽特的信就是召唤玛格丽特为她立传。

60、The RN, Associate Degree Nursing Program is a two-year curriculum comprising classroom, laboratory and clinical lea... ─── 在注册护士,护理学副学士课程是一个为期两年的课程,包括教室,实验室和临床...

61、John Cena vs.UmagaJeff Hardy vs.Carlito Hardcore Holly & Cody Rhodes vs.Cryme Tyme Paul & Katie Lea Burchill vs.Mr.Kennedy & Mickie James Triple H vs. ─── Chris Jericho你现在正在观看的"RAW 20080616"来自[最新电视剧 ]如果你觉得本站不错,那么就就推荐给您的朋友!

62、On yonder lea,on yonder lea, ─── 在那遥远的草地,遥远的草地

63、Let life be beautiful like summer flowers and death like autumn lea ves. ─── 使生如夏花之绚烂,死如秋叶之静美。

64、Michael Lea, born in Salford and brought up in Leigh, is a strong and quick defender. ─── 出生于萨尔福德在莱格长大的迈克尔李是一名强壮有速度的后卫。

65、computer science, ms degree or bs 3+ years‘ software development experience 2.having at lea... ─── 学历要求:本科以上|工作经验:0-2年|职位类型:|公司规模:1-49人

66、In velar rest position, the distance of LEA to VCL was greater in B group than in A group(P

67、Anadonta woodiana Lea ─── (拉)背角无齿蚌

68、"The Olympic Games would be the catalyst for the regeneration and development of the Lower Lea Valley, site for the Olympic Park," it reads. ─── “奥林匹克运动会对于奥林匹克公园所在的低山谷地区的重建和发展是一个催化剂,”它说道。

69、During the one year Traineeship they learn a lot about the product, the have to attend cooking classes, they need to lea...... ... ─── 公司名称:上海伯格人力资源有限公司工作地点:上海市发布时间:2009-7-22

70、E mise davanti le serve e i loro figliuoli, poi Lea e i suoi figliuoli, e da ultimo Rachele e Giuseppe. ─── 他叫两个婢女和她们的孩子走在前头,利亚和她的孩子跟着,拉结和约瑟走在最后。

71、All of the LEA sequences detected in animals to date, including those reported in this study, belong to LEA3 group. ─── 到目前为止,所有在动物中检测到的LEA序列,包括本研究中报道的,都属于LEA3群组。

72、Keywords Woodiana anatonta Lea;orthogonal test;sulphoacid-phenol method;method of testing nitrogen; ─── 圆背角无齿蚌;正交试验;硫酸-苯酚法;凯式定氮法;

73、Blood group antibody Lea ─── Lea血型抗体

74、There oft as mild evening weeps over the lea, ─── 当温煦的黄昏铺满草地,芬芳的白桦树便将我和我的玛丽荫蔽。

75、Father Stephen Lea administered the last rites to the dying men. ─── 史蒂芬·利神父为死者主持了临终圣礼。

76、In the well, moderately,and poorly differentiated colorectal cancer,the positive rate of LEA was 100%,83.1%, and 51.8%,respectively; ─── LEA在高、中、低分化腺癌组织中表达阳性率分别为100%、83.1%和51.8%;

77、Info:Leather Bikers Jacket Our range of bikers jackets are crafted elegantly from pure and stylish lea ...... ─── 主要材质:真皮次要材质:真皮尺码:全码适用季节:秋

78、an eight-year-old daughter, Lea, from a previous relationship。 ─── 上一段关系留下一个了八岁大的女儿 Lea

79、Here are a few guidelines for married couples that Lea and I talked about and I'd like to share. . . ─── 我和Lea讨论过一些有关已婚夫妇使用社交网络的准则,我愿意在这里与大家分享。

80、The advantage of the emotions is that they lea us astray. ─── 情绪的好处在于引我们走入歧途。

81、Up in the cottage called the Lea, four men with nothing to wait for closed the circle of their lives. ─── 在那座叫“草原”的小别墅里,四个没有什么指望的男人,结束了他们的人生旅程。

82、The river Lea flows into the Thames which flows into the North Sea. ─── 利河流入泰晤士河,泰晤士河流入北海。

83、Lea, vedendo che avea cessato d’aver figliuoli, prese la sua serva Zilpa e la diede a Giacobbe per moglie. ─── 于是,拉结把自己的婢女辟拉给了雅各为妾,雅各就与她亲近。

84、The Full-Time MBA objective is to form a select group of students who wish to achieve the highest levels of academic excellence, effective communication, and lea... ─── 在全日制MBA的目标是形成学生谁希望实现最高学术水平,有效的沟通,和领导才能选择小组,以便有最好的发展前景。

85、Crocidura lea ─── n. 苏拉威西麝鼩

86、A Distributed Dynamic Delay-Constrained Lea st-Cost Multicast Routing Heuristic ─── 一种延时约束费用最小分布式动态组播路由算法

87、Significance of colorectal carcinoma - associated antigen LEA in diagnosis of patients with colorectal carcinoma ─── 大肠癌相关抗原LEA在大肠癌诊断中的意义

88、"Mike Lea has been consistent all the way through. ─── “麦克.李也是非常出色。

89、Members are bound to comply with the provisions of Article 9 orArticle 11 in respect of at lea st three of the following branches ofsocial security: ─── 各会员国应在下列社会保障部门中至少三个部门实施第9条或第11条的规定:


裘力斯凯撒是古罗马的一位重要政治家和军事统帅,他的经典句子流传至今。其中最著名的是"Veni, vidi, vici",意为"我来,我见,我征服",这句话展现了他的军事才能和胜利的决心。

另外,他还说过"Divide et impera",意为"分而治之",这是他在政治上的策略之一。

此外,他还说过"Et tu, Brute?",意为"连你也背叛我吗,布鲁图斯?",这是他在被刺杀时说的。这些经典句子体现了裘力斯凯撒的智慧和影响力,成为了历史上的名言。


“Cowards die many times before their deaths;

The valiant never taste of death but once.

Of all the wonders that I yet have heard,

It seems to me most ange that men should fear;

Seeing that death, a necessary end,

Will come when it will come.”

― William Shakespeare, Julius Caesar

tags: dramatist-quotes









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