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09-20 投稿


lapel 发音

英:[ləˈpel]  美:[ləˈpel]

英:  美:

lapel 中文意思翻译




lapel 网络释义

n. 西服上的翻领n. (Lapel)人名;(法)拉佩尔

lapel 短语词组

1、notched lapel ─── 缺口领

2、notched lapel collar ─── 开槽翻领

3、lapel width ─── 翻领宽度

4、Gold Star Lapel Button ─── 金星笔记本按钮

5、lapel microphone ─── [电] 翻领微音器

lapel 词性/词形变化,lapel变形


lapel 相似词语短语

1、lapful ─── 满膝;满兜

2、lapels ─── n.翻领(lapel的复数)

3、lapheld ─── adj.放在腿上的

4、chapel ─── n.小礼拜堂,小教堂;礼拜;adj.非国教的;n.(Chapel)人名;(法)沙佩尔;(英)查普尔

5、lapsed ─── v.(权利的)终止;(协议的)满期;失效;(状态、活动)中止;(宗教或学说的追随者)背离;回复(先前或习惯的言语或行为);衰退;(时间)逝去(lapse的过去式及过去分词);adj.不再参与的,脱离的;(尤指宗教信仰)背弃的;终止的;不再付款的

6、label ─── n.标签;商标;绰号;唱片公司;词目标注;(计算机)标记;示踪剂;带垂饰的横带;v.贴标签于;把……归类,给……扣帽子;用示踪剂使(物质等)示踪;n.(Label)(美、法、巴)拉贝尔(人名)

7、lappet ─── n.垂饰;耳垂;[纺]浮纹织物;衣襟(等于lapel)

8、lapper ─── n.舐食流体食物的人或动物;研磨机;n.(Lapper)人名;(德)拉佩尔

9、lapped ─── adj.重叠的;互搭的;v.折叠;围绕(lap的过去分词)

lapel 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、On the way, I stopped at a florist.I bought a rose and put it in the lapel of my jacket. ─── 但遗憾的是,年轻人都太忙了,无暇留意有益的忠告,就像多年前的我一样。

2、She was wearing a red flower in her suit lapel, but it was a crimson sweet pea, not the little red rose they had agreed upon. ─── 在她外套的翻领上别了一朵红色的花,但它是深红色的香豌豆花,而非他们所约定的小红玫瑰。

3、Notched lapels were sometimes seen in the early 1990s as designers flirted with various styles and cuts, but the shape of the jacket dictates a peaked lapel that accentuates the shoulders. ─── 在上世纪90年代,锯齿装翻领作为设计者轻率的裁剪风格也时有出现,但是夹克的峰状翻领形状表明,这样可以出衬显出肩膀。

4、a lapel on a woman's garment; turned back to show the reverse side. ─── 女式外衣上的翻领;翻出来以显示衣服的反面。

5、She glanced briefly at his lapel badge. ─── 她扫了一眼他翻领上的徽章。

6、Keywords women apparel;lapel;structural principal;synthetic drafting method;value reflected form character;proportion of collar stand and collar fall; ─── 女装;翻领;结构原理;综合制图法;造型特征值;领宽比值;

7、She reached out and plucked a thread from the lapel of his coat. ─── 她伸出手去拉扯她大衣翻领上的一根线。

8、WARDEN SAMUEL NORTON strolls forth, a colorless man in a gray suit and a church pin in his lapel. ─── 监狱长塞缪。诺顿踱步上前,面无表情,一身灰色的西装,衣领上别着枚教徽。

9、But she forgot that she hadn’t switched off her little lapel mike, and the entire auditorium got to listen to her huffing and puffing and the grunted instructions she gave her husband. ─── 但她忘了关掉她的衣领麦克风,整个观众席都听到了她指派她爱人的叽哩咕噜声了。

10、The model of lapel shaper was established by ANSYS software in order to make the foundation for stress and finite element analysis by using ANSS with the formidable post processing function. ─── 使用ANSYS软件中时翻领成型器进行建模,旨在为ANSYS强大的后处理功能进行受力加载和有限元分析打下基础。

11、The really big bag sealed edges, round, square lapel Former high-dose packets back Yijuntuqi installed at home to unique cost-effective for customers with value for money services. ─── 公司的大袋真四边封,圆、方翻领成形器大剂量背封包装机在国内也异军突起,以独特性价比为客户提供了物超所值的服务。

12、Magician twist and roll the silk into a coil, the coil should resemble a rose. Then, he can takes a flower from his lapel and it becomes a silk. ─── 将丝巾捲起并放进线圈中,令线圈看似一朵玫瑰花。魔术师于是从领子中取出玫瑰花并把它变成一条丝巾。

13、wearingsome shamrock on his lapel ─── 他西装翻领上戴着白花酢浆草.

14、to wear a flower in your lapel ─── 在西服的翻领上佩戴一朵花

15、To preserve the roll line of a jacket lapel, a 1.3cm(1/2 inch) wide strip of interfacing may be fused to the roll line to prevent it from stretching out of shape. ─── 为了维护衣服驳头上的驳口线,用一根宽1.3cm(1/2英寸)的衬条粘合到驳口线上,防止驳口线伸长。

16、Our professional designers create a bridal bouquet with roses, freesias and other varieties in tender pinks and whites along with a handsome matching rose boutonniere to decorate the groom's lapel. ─── 专业设计师选用水晶布、长春藤及丝带装饰新娘花束,花材包括玫瑰、较剪兰、荷兰衬花及绿叶等,另配以玫瑰新郎襟花一个。

17、In July, let me back over the countless tears lapel Jul TANABATA Lianyuan obsession in that love story reen leaves, delicate fragrance of roses filled rhyme, in July I met with the season it? ─── 七月,让我无数回满襟泪涟于那个七月七夕戚戚惨惨凄凄的爱情故事。翠柳绿叶,满街幽香飘起的玫瑰花韵,是我与七月相约的时节麽?

18、Before I returned to the trade show, I stopped at a 13)floris t.I bought a rose and put it in the 14)lapel of my jacket. ─── 在返回展会之前,我在一个花商那停了下来,买了一朵玫瑰,把它别在夹克的翻领上。

19、Pattern factors affecting the lapel fitness of suits ─── 影响西装翻领服帖度的样板因素

20、Study on pattern factors of suits lapel collar fitness ─── 后屈体型西装衣身样板补正技术研究

21、a lapel on a woman's garment; turned back to show the reverse side ─── 女式外衣上的翻领;翻出来以显示衣服的反面

22、He was dressed carefully, his trousers creased, and a pink rose in his lapel ─── 他穿着得很讲究,裤子上折线笔挺,翻领上插着一朵粉红色的玫瑰花。

23、From suit silhouettes, pricing and fashionable obsolescence to pant fronts, button counts and lapel widths, theres much to consider. ─── 从服装的款式、价格、式样新旧到裤子前部的做法、纽扣数及翻领的宽度,要考虑很多问题。

24、New progresses of mathematic models, section profiles and engineering application for lapel shaper were introduced. ─── 介绍了国内外在翻领成型器的数学模型、截面形式和应用研究等方面的进展。

25、In the custom known as "drowning the shamrock" , the shamrock that has been worn on a lapel or hat is put in the last drink of the evening. ─── 因此在“淹没三叶草”这个众所周知的习俗中,节日里戴在西服翻领或者帽子上的三叶草最后会被放在酒里作为晚上最后一饮。

26、small lapel ─── 小卜头

27、LOUISE-FD operates lapel long sleeve clothes ─── 开襟长袖衣

28、"Excellent salad." She brushed vaguely at his lapel with a long, exquisite hand with crimson nails an inch and a half in length. ─── “上好的色拉,”那姑娘说,一边用她那纤纤素手往他上衣的翻领处做样子似地掸一掸。她的指甲足有一英寸半长,涂着猩红的蔻丹。

29、Frt lapel presentation is very closed...fty is too open the lapel w/ight pressing to ensure less up tight look. ─── 反襟位紧, 熨得太死,就打气后用手压, 反襟底回针位不能外露;

30、Dressed in a dark coat with a brooch2) of two small koalas pinned to the lapel, she appeared to be in her sixties. ─── 她身着黑色外套,翻领上别着一枚有两只小考拉图案的胸针,看上去六十来岁。

31、peaked lapel ─── 尖领

32、Dressed in a dark coat with a brooch of two small koalas pinned to the lapel, she appeared to be in her sixties. ─── 她穿着黑色的棉袄,领口别着两个小巧的树袋熊胸针,看上去有60多岁了。

33、Using the front pattern piece, make a pattern with the tracing wheel to interface lapel area only. ─── 使用擂盘在前身纸样裁片上描下驳头部位于衬布上。

34、Jack Front and Lapel Area ─── 前衣片与驳头

35、Therefore it is necessary to use the same interfacing, which will provide a smooth continuous line from the upper collar to the lapel. ─── 因此必须用相同的衬布,这样使得领面到驳头光滑平顺。

36、The difference in height between the collar stand and the collar is one of the main factors affecting the design of gradient data of lapel collar. ─── 摘要影响翻驳领倒伏量的因素很多,其中翻领与领座的高度差量是最主要的影响因素。

37、He sports a small red flower in his lapel. ─── 他炫耀自己衣服翻领上的一朵小红花。

38、Lapel pin, Coins, Badge, Medals, Keychain, Award, Embroidery Patch, Lanyard, Button, Belt Buckle,... ─── 分类标题:徽章、旗帜和纪念品|销售推广...

39、He at once took a pin from his lapel, ─── 他立即从衣服领子上拿下一枚别针,

40、Keywords lapel;basic ease allowance;changeable ease allowance;outer length of lapel; ─── 关键词翻领;基本松度;变动松度;翻领外口线长度;

41、He supports the group and wears its pin on his lapel. ─── 他支持这个团体,并在翻领上佩戴它的徽章。

42、Joe took a pin out of his lapel, ─── 乔从衣服的翻领上取下别针,

43、If possible, he should have a red ribbon in his lapel, through the buttonhole. He should wear pajamas on going to bed. ─── 如果有条件,他还应该在上衣翻领上系一条红缓带,穿过纽眼,上床睡觉时还要换睡衣。

44、A survey on recent studies of lapel shaper was made. ─── 摘要对国内外对翻领成形器的研究作了简要综述。

45、She pinned the brooch on [ to her lapel ]. ─── 她把胸针别在胸前[在衣领上]。

46、lapel bias ─── 卜头斜度

47、The customs officer in the front seat spoke tersely into his lapel-mounted radio: "We're on our way to the airport with a load of orphans. " ─── 车上,坐在前座的海关官员对着别在衣领上的无线麦克风简练地汇报说:“我们正在送一批孤儿去机场的路上。”

48、He at once took a pin from his lapel and was going to prick his flesh, but Tom said: ─── 他立即从衣服领子上拿下一枚别针,对着自己就要放血,这时汤姆说:

49、Youll recognize me, she wrote, by the red rose Ill be wearing on my lapel。 So at 7:00 he was in the station looking for the girl with the red rose。 ─── 你会认出我的,她写道,我会把一朵红玫瑰别在衣领上。所以那天晚上七点钟他就在车站寻找那位带着红玫瑰的女孩。

50、The Mechanic was asked to place on the buttonhole machine samples of Lapel and Buttonholes to ensure maintained standards for all to see, Operator, Supervisor and Management. ─── 到时,经理,主管和操作人员会全部观看机械工用钮扣孔机器抽取放置翻领和钮扣孔样品,来确定是否维护其制作标准!

51、Elizabeth absent-mindedly picked a thread from his lapel. ─── 伊丽莎白心不在焉地从他的翻领上拈起了一根线。

52、wore a jeweled scissor on her lapel. ─── 在她的翻领上带有珠宝装饰的剪状物

53、gradient data of lapel collar ─── 倒伏量

54、3. What is that badge on your lapel? ─── 你翻领上的是什麽徽章?

55、lapel microphone ─── 佩带式传声器小型话筒

56、seize sb by the hair, collar, lapel, etc ─── 抓住某人的头发、 衣领、 翻领等

57、Flower worn in the buttonhole of the lapel of a coat or jacket ─── 大衣或上衣翻领的钮扣孔上佩带的花

58、lapel roll line ─── 卜头线

59、she caught him up short on his lapel. ─── 她紧紧地抓住他的衣领把他抓了起来。

60、Our main business line including lapel pins, badges, key chains, cufflinks, bookmarks, coins, medals, nameplates, tie bars, lights, cigarette cases, etc. ─── 我们的生产工艺齐全:珐琅、仿(软)珐琅、烤漆滴胶、蚀刻(咬板)滴胶、印刷、合金填色、镭射等。

61、lapel mike ─── n. 衣襟麦克风(一种微型麦克风, 可别在衣领上)

62、There was a name tag on her right lapel, but I couldn't make out what it said because of the sweat stinging my eyes. ─── 在她右边的翻领子上,虽然有个名字签,但看不见上面到底写的什么,因为汗水粘住了我的眼睛。

63、lapel collar ─── 卜角领

64、The word Lron snarled in his guttural basso wasn't one Rick had heard in Zentraedi before, and he managed to query the thin, chip-size translating package clipped to his dress uniform lapel. ─── 勒荣用他低沉的喉音咆哮着说出来的词并不在瑞克听过的天顶星语之列,他只得询问制服翻领上别着的超薄芯片型翻译机。

65、The badge sits on the lapel of his suit. ─── 徽章佩在他西服的翻领上。

66、semi-peak lapel ─── 半尖领

67、A silver brooch was pinned to her lapel. ─── 她在翻领上别了一枚银色胸针。

68、Lapel Pins and Key Chain ─── 加拿大求购翻领别针和钥匙链

69、A new, jeweled lapel pin (reflecting the number of years certified) and certificate are awarded at the time of each recertification. ─── 一个新的、镶嵌有宝石的胸章(反映认证的年限)和职业资格证书将会授予给每一位重新认证的经理人。

70、Based on the design principle of the lapel collar, a mathematics model of the relationship between lapel ease, collar width and gradient data is established and its feasibility is verified by experiments. ─── 从翻驳领设计原理出发,推导建立了翻领松量、翻领宽度与倒伏量关系的数学模型,并通过实验验证了模型的可行性。

71、She used to pin a brooch on her lapel when she went to a party. ─── 她过去在赴宴时总是在衣领上别一枚别针。

72、Trace inside the roll line and remove the seam allowance from the front edge and peak of the lapel. ─── 描出里面的翻领线,去掉门襟止口处尖驳头处的缝份。

73、One Red Cross badge glittered with the solemn light of charity on Mr. Pan's lapel, giving its wearer a new kind of courage. ─── 一个红十字徽章早已辍上潘先生的衣襟,闪耀着慈善庄严的光,给与潘先生一种新的勇气。

74、Burberry Wool & Cashmere Peacoat A wide lapel starts off a double-breasted peacoat in a warm wool-cashmere blend.Buttoned side pockets.Back vent. ─── [quote]最初由[b]第33940楼[/b] 的 [b]正在减肥[/b] 发表:[hr]Burberry当季冬装终于开始打折了。

75、"You’ll recognize me, " she wrote, "by the red rose I’ll be wearing on my lapel. ─── “你会认出我的,”她写道,“我会把一朵红玫瑰别在衣领上。”

76、Though she still laughed when she spoke, her hands were trembling. She thrust her left hand behind her back while her right made a bulge under the lapel of her jacket. ─── 她讲话虽然仍和从前一样“喝喝”的,但她的手却开始畏缩起来,左手背在背后,右手在衣襟下面突出个小丘。

77、He was wearing a carnation in his lapel. ─── 他的翻领里别着一枝康乃馨。

78、I 'd like my Jacket with wide lapel and three buttons at the front. ─── 我希望我的短上衣带阔领,胸前用三个钮扣。

79、but in the lapel pocket. ─── 但是在胸前的口袋。

80、Constituent or congressman, one long arm over his shoulders, the other hand grasping his suit lapel or the strap of his overalls, chin lowered to ─── 他们要么是选举人要么是国会议员,一只长长的胳膊挂在肩膀上,另一只手紧紧抓住衣领或皮带,下巴垂到胸前

81、If possible, he should have a red ribbon in his lapel, through the buttonhole.He should wear pajamas on going to bed. ─── 如果有条件,他还应该在上衣翻领上系一条红缓带,穿过纽眼,上床睡觉时还要换睡衣。

82、He supports the group and wears its pin on his lapel. ─── 他支持这个团体,并在翻领上佩带它的徽章。

83、Joe took a pin out of his lapel and began to assist in exercising the prisoner. ─── 乔从衣服的翻领上取下别针,开始帮着操练这个小俘虏。

84、What is that badge on your lapel? ─── 你翻领上的是什么徽章?

85、"You'll recognize me," she wrote, "with the red rose I'll be wearing on my lapel. ─── “你会认出我,”她写到,“我会穿着我的翻领衬衣,戴着红玫瑰。”

86、Study on forming factors of apparel lapel collar pattern ─── 影响服装驳面样板成型因素的研究

87、Young Mrs. Wu pulled a white handkerchief from Chang Su-su's lapel and wiped the old man's lips with it. She cast a worried glance at her husband, who frowned. ─── 吴少奶奶在张素素襟头抢一方白丝手帕揩去了老太爷嘴,也是苦着脸。

88、I slightly shook the trunk, Pu Susu, drop me a lapel, Cher, are you tired today, I am for you vigil. ─── 我微微摇着树干,扑簌簌,落了我一襟,雪儿,你累了,今日,我为你守夜。

89、narrow notch lapel ─── 小方领



1. 翻领(Lapel):这是最常见的大衣领型,通常呈直角或微弧形。翻领可以是平的、宽的或窄的,也可以有扣子或无扣子。

2. 立领(Collar):立领是指紧贴颈部的领子,没有翻折部分。这种领型适合正式场合,可以显得更加端庄大方。

3. 帽领(Cape collar):帽领是一种宽大的披肩式领子,类似于披风。这种领型适合冬季穿着,可以保暖又时尚。

4. 高领(High collar):高领是指紧贴颈部的高领子,可以有效地保护颈部免受寒风侵袭。这种领型适合寒冷的天气穿着。

5. 褶皱领(Ruffled collar):褶皱领是指在翻领部分加入褶皱设计的领子,使大衣看起来更加优雅和女性化。

6. 披肩领(Shawl collar):披肩领是一种宽大的披肩式领子,类似于披肩。这种领型适合冬季穿着,可以保暖又时尚。

7. 圆领(Round collar):圆领是指没有翻折部分的圆形领口,适合休闲场合穿着。

8. 开襟领(Open collar):开襟领是指没有纽扣或扣子的敞开式领口,适合夏季穿着。

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