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09-20 投稿


recollects 发音


英:  美:

recollects 中文意思翻译



recollects 词性/词形变化,recollects变形

动词过去分词: recollected |动词第三人称单数: recollects |动词现在分词: recollecting |副词: recollectively |形容词: recollective |动词过去式: recollected |

recollects 反义词


recollects 同义词

reminisce | review | call back | reflect | summon up | recall | retrieve |remember | call to mind | call up | think | think of

recollects 相似词语短语

1、recollections ─── n.回忆;记忆(recollection的复数形式)

2、collects ─── v.收集,收藏;使聚集(collect的第三人称单数)

3、recollect ─── v.回忆,想起

4、re-collect ─── v.回忆,想起

5、recollets ─── 收藏

6、recollecting ─── v.回忆,想起

7、reconnects ─── v.再连接,再供应;重新沟通

8、recollected ─── adj.镇定的;回忆到的;v.回忆;想起(recollect的过去分词)

9、recollet ─── n.方济各会改革派成员

recollects 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Can you recollect the name of the author of Ivanhoe ? ─── 你能想起《劫后英雄传》的作者名字吗?

2、Do you recollect how to get there ? ─── 你能记得怎么去那儿吗?

3、Lonely recollects the sunset sunrise triviality! ─── 孤独地回忆日落日出的琐碎!

4、Recollect the days of his childhood. ─── 回想他的童年时代。

5、But though the features of this man were sufficiently marked and striking, he could not recollect that he had ever seen them before. ─── 可是,尽管这个人的相貌颇有特征,他却想不出曾经见到过。

6、We may have a lot of fun as we recollect our memory pieces. ─── 回忆往事的时候,我们能获得许多快乐。

7、"It is strange, but neither do I recollect meeting with you," observed Valentine, raising her beautiful eyes to the count. ─── “这就怪了,我也记不起和您见过面的。”瓦朗蒂娜抬起她那双美丽的眼睛望着伯爵说道。

8、He tried to recollect things and drown himself in them. ─── 他极力只回想过去,好让自己沉缅于回忆之中。

9、Can you recollect how to get there? ─── 你能想起到那去是怎麽走的吗?

10、If recollects likely steel and iron hard that me is this smile orsobs. ─── 如果回忆象钢铁般坚硬那么我是该微笑还是哭泣.

11、During 360-degree interviews, co-workers said, 'She's trying to be better than us, '' the coach recollects. ─── 在360度评测中,女高管的同事说:她想穿得比我们好。

12、Xing Shanhu recollects: "I commute everyday sit when the bus, begin to conceive, daydream. ─── 刑山虎回忆:“我每天上下班坐公交车时,就开始构思,遐想。

13、I am wondering whether perhaps you can recollect where you got it ? ─── 不知您是否回忆得起,您是哪儿弄到它的?

14、He could not recollect that the closing word had ever been applied in his case before. ─── 他想不起来以前有没有人对他说过“欢迎”一词。

15、One alone in the night ,may be is the truest. You may recollect lots of things or nothing. Night is your own kingdom , no one can pry. ─── 一个人在夜晚应该是最真实的吧,你可以回想过去种种或者是什么都不想,夜晚是你自己的王国,没人可以进来窥探。

16、Another guest also recollects: "He is a fervent and easy person, but also can become very chilly. ─── 另一名客人也回忆道:“他是个慷慨大方的人,但也会变得非常不友好。

17、"To today, the son again has not lain continuously to us. " The father recollects said. ─── “一直到今天,儿子再没有对我们撒过谎。”父亲回忆说。

18、Do you recollect meeting her ? ─── 你还记得曾见过她吗?

19、After, I often visit him to play the dwelling place with austere alley in Beijing stannum, listen to an old person to recollect the years in the past. ─── 以后,我就常常造访他在北京锡拉胡同简朴的寓所,听老人回忆过去的岁月。精明强干的“红心商人”张平,原名张焕文。

20、Can not you recollect what our father's Christian name was ? ─── 你记不得我们的父亲的教名是什么了吗?

21、You ought to recollect that the same divine will dispenses its streams to other kingdom as well as to Scotland. ─── 你应该想到,上帝的恩泽,实普降举世各国,不仅是苏格兰。

22、She thought back and tried to recollect the exact wording of the letter. ─── 她回忆着,试图回想起那封信的准确字眼。

23、Can you recollect how it was done? ─── 你还记得是怎麽做的吗?

24、As far as I can recollect, he was once dismissed from school. ─── 就我所能回想起来的,他曾被开除出校。

25、He seemed to recollect himself presently, and smothered the storm. ─── 他仿佛马上又镇定了,压下了这场风波。

26、A Road VS One Person and Recollect. ─── 一段路,一个人加上回忆生生世世。

27、recollects in a next life most to feel the happy experience. ─── 回忆一下一生中最感幸福的经历。

28、Doug only partially recollects what happened next, but a witness has provided some information. ─── 以后发生的事,他只能记得一部分。

29、Can you recollect when he was born ? ─── 你还记得起他的出生年月吗?

30、Town had a nice inn, if I recollect. ─── 如果让我回想的话,镇上有个很棒的旅馆。

31、On some semi-official occasion or other, I do not recollect what, Count [this senator] and M. Myriel were to dine with the prefect. ─── 不知是在举行什么半官式典礼时,那位伯爵(就是那位元老)和米里哀先生都应在省长公馆里参加宴会。

32、Try hard to recollect what you saw before the accident. ─── 好好回想一下事故发生之前你看到的事情。

33、Like unique, like to recollect the past again, this is the account that he chooses Lin Yifeng to do concert of 3G portal balladry probably. ─── 喜欢独一无二,又喜欢回忆过去,这或许是他选择林一峰做3G门户民谣音乐会的原因。

34、Ah,now I recollect what he said. ─── 啊,现在我记起他说的话了。

35、She can recollect meeting the king. ─── 她能回忆起觐见国王的事.

36、Gentlemen do not seem to recollect that the people have any power to do anything for themselves. ─── 先生们似乎不记得人民有为他们自己做任何事情的权力。

37、But he seemed to recollect himself presently,smothered the storm in a brutal curse, muttered on my behalf: which, however, I took care not to notice. ─── 但是他很快控制住了自己,以他对我咕哝粗鲁的诅咒平息了这场风暴,而我只能假装没有听见。

38、She could no longer recollect the details of the letter. ─── 她想不起那封信的细节了。

39、Ah, I recollect that I once accidentally offended her, and I have never seen her since. ─── 啊,我想起来啦,有一次不知道为什么把她给得罪啦,从那儿以后,可就再也没和她见面。

40、Did you recollect that Helen came to see us last year? ─── 你是否记得海伦去年曾来看过我们?

41、No more initializing WSDL files, and no need to recollect the signature calls from the WSDL files. ─── 不再序列化WSDL文件,并且不需要重新收集WSDL文件中的签名调用。

42、Do you recollect her name? ─── 你记得她的名字吗?

43、Doug only partially recollects what happened next, but a witness has provided some information. ─── 以后发生的事,他只能记得一部分。

44、Can you recollect the name of the author of Ivanhoe? ─── 你能回忆起这名叫做伊万的作家么?

45、Xiao Wei of 36 years old recollects: I put forward I part company with his, he is very sad. ─── 36岁的晓薇回忆道:我和他的分手是我提出来的,他非常难过。

46、Do you recollect where she lives ? ─── 你记得她住在哪儿吗?

47、He tried hard to recollect the old scenes of his hometown. ─── 他翻来覆去地用心回忆他家乡旧时的情景。

48、If I recollect correctly, he said nothing before he went out. ─── 假如我没记错的话,他什么也没有说就走了。

49、He is able to clearly recollect her looking. ─── 他可以很清楚地回忆起她的容貌.

50、Moreover, he findsa corpse of a young female on the floor.He recollects she is his girlfriend.He regain most of this memory...He alleges that the woman is the kidnapper. ─── 他更发现地上一具年青女性尸体,他想起她是自己的女朋友,男子得回了大部份记忆,他直指女子是绑匪,女子真的是绑匪吗?

51、All only are recollects, all only are felt, all only not once putting behind. ─── 一切只是回忆,一切只是感觉,一切只是卜曾的忘却。

52、It was a grieving moment beyond any description, even now when I recollect it. ─── 在那一刻真的很难用言语来表达什么,即使是在现在。

53、As one who watches and reads the news quite frequently, I do not recollect hearing any major headline on this very important event. ─── 但作为一个经常看新闻节目和阅读新闻报的人,我确实没有回想起自己曾读过任何有关这个重大话题的新闻摘要。

54、If you feel frowsty, you can visit web sites at home while waiting for me, or go to shopping, or recollect some people but not your former boyfriend. ─── 如果你实在闷的话呢,你就在家里一边等着我一边上网,或者说去购物也可以,想一些跟前男友无关的人。

55、Recollects the child time dream, a look today the reality, has feeling which feels sorry not to have met sooner. ─── 回忆儿童时代的梦,看看今天的现实,有相见恨晚的感觉。

56、Whenever mentioning school days, they would recollect the endless hours when they sat in the classroom idly and boringly. ─── 对他们来说,提起学校,就会让他们回忆起无休止的无聊的坐在教室里的日子。

57、Can you recollect when he was born? ─── 你还记得起他的出生年月吗?

58、I am fifty, and am obliged to recollect it. ─── 可我我已经是五十岁的人了,我不得不想念那些往事。

59、Let the time fly, schoolmate's friendship is after all kept, i leave a genuine smile to you.When you encounter frustration, recollect it. ─── 任那时光飞逝,同窗友情终存,留一个真诚的微笑给你,在你遇到挫折时,请你记起它。

60、She could not recollect being there. ─── 她回想不起曾经到过那儿。

61、Only then recollects on it which can pursue. ─── 只有回忆才追得上它.

62、Recollects hardware information on this computer. ─── 重新收集关于这台计算机的硬件信息。

63、Xing Shanhu recollects: "When Zhuhai, the job very idle. ─── 刑山虎回忆:“在珠海时,工作很闲。

64、It's funny what a young man recollects. ─── 你和别人一样,你没有什么不同你的男孩的...不同

65、"You simply define adventure as some kind of discomfort you can recollect in tranquillity," Cahill said, "Everybody's adventure is subjective. ─── 卡希尔说:“你可以把冒险简单地定义为你在安宁的环境中能回想起来的某种困苦经历,”“每一个人的冒险活动是带有主观性的。

66、May I fly,fly to a place henceforth not to recollect. ─── 可不可以让我飞去,飞到一个地方从此没有回忆。

67、Now I recollect what he said. ─── 啊, 现在我记起他说的话了。

68、When a person loses joyfully, only can do is lets oneself not have to forget is joyful, sometimes recollects very is also happy oh! ─── 因为错过将不能重来当一个人失去了快乐只能做的是不能忘记快乐有时回忆也是很快乐的.不知道我翻译的对不对?

69、"Ah, true," observed Monte Cristo; "I recollect now. ─── “啊,不错,”基督山说道,“我想起来了。

70、He often recollects days of old. ─── 他常常加快起往昔的日子。

71、I3o you recollect borrowing 10p from me? ─── 你记得曾向我借过10 便士吗?

72、As far as I can recollect,he was not home until 6 o'clock. ─── 就我所能回忆起来的,他到6点钟才回家。

73、Recollects fuzzily but is huge. ─── 回忆模糊但巨大。

74、Could you recollect where he was born? ─── 你还记得他在何地出生的吗?

75、Recollects fuzzily but is huge. ─── 回忆模糊但巨大.

76、I could not recollect his name to save my life. ─── 为救我的命,我无法想起他的名字来。

77、Do you recollect that Helen came to see us last year ? ─── 你还记得去年海伦曾来看过我们吗?

78、I am wondering whether perhaps you can recollect where you get it? ─── 不知您是否回忆得起,您是哪儿弄到它的?

79、He often recollects days of old. ─── 他常常回想起往昔的日子。

80、Do you recollect borrowing 1 0 p from me ? ─── 你还记得曾借我10个便士吗?

81、Between us recollects me to be able happily forever to collect! ─── 我们之间的美好回忆我会永远珍藏的!

82、But he seemed to recollect himself presently,and smothered the storm in a brutal curse,muttered on my behalf: which,however,I took care not to notice. ─── 可是他仿佛马上又镇定了,只冲着我咕噜了一句粗野的骂人的话,压下了这场风波,这句话,我假装没注意。

83、Cannot you recollect at all what she said? ─── 你根本回忆不起来她说了什么吗?

84、Almost all winners will exhale a sigh of his agonizing story when he recollect his past time and prides himself on being tried in the furnace . ─── 几乎所有的成功者回过头来,都会对曾经的艰苦发出感叹,对磨练出的坚韧精神感到自豪。

85、You know it's funny what a young man recollects. ─── 她说我们在某方面眼他有点关系。

86、When can I forget recollects? ─── 何时我才能忘记回忆?

87、He also argued that there was no evidence animals could recollect experiences, even if those experiences left an impression on them. ─── 他也表示,动物会对经验留下印象,但没有证据显示动物能回想自己的经历。

88、If you described them to me, I would no doubt be able to recollect them with greater clarity. ─── 如果你向我描述他们一下的话,我确定更能清楚记起他们来。

89、To recollect the duration of the whole thing, just like happened yesterday. ─── 回忆起整个事情经过,就好像在昨天发生似的。

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