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09-20 投稿


longish 发音

英:['lɒŋɪʃ]  美:['lɔŋɪʃ]

英:  美:

longish 中文意思翻译



longish 网络释义

adj. 稍长的;略长的

longish 相似词语短语

1、longes ─── n.猛冲;绳索,套马索;扑,突然向前的动作;驯马索;(击剑中的)弓箭步刺;弓箭步;练马长绳(lunge的另一种拼写);v.驯马,遛马;刺,戳;(以肢体或武器)捅;猛扑,猛冲(尤指袭击);用驯马索训练马(或骑手);n.(Longe)(美、尼日利亚、英)朗格(人名)

2、youngish ─── adj.还年轻的,颇年轻的

3、longest ─── adj.最长的;n.(Longest)人名;(英)朗格斯特

4、slangish ─── 俚语

5、oblongish ─── adj.椭圆形的;长方形的(oblong的变形)

6、longlist ─── vt.入围初选名单;n.初选名单

7、long s ─── n.长s,印刷体s

8、longas ─── 长的

9、longwise ─── adv.纵长地

longish 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、I agree with most of what he writes - and he just did a longish post (for Seth Godin it was long).It was on Slack. ─── 那并不是说你不可能在你想要的任何地方变得富有(比如:总会有人到2008年拥有的钱比曾被评为世界上最富有的涡轮巴菲特的钱多)。

2、Fortunately most LNG is bought on longish fixed-price contracts, otherwise things would be much more serious for him. ─── 而幸运的是,大多数的液化天然气是按长期合作合同的固定价格出售的,否则,对他来说情况将会更加糟糕。

3、The main difference is that instead of relying on low-pressure mercury vapour in a longish twisted tube, the HIDs in headlamps use xenon gas under high pressure in a tough little quartz package. ─── 主要区别在于取代了在狭长螺旋灯管中的低压汞蒸汽,HIDs的前大灯使用石英封装的高压氙气。

4、There was a longish period where her spirits were on a seesaw,up and down. ─── 有很长一段时间,她的情绪时起时落,时好时坏。

5、After two longish fares, he felt a novel sensation: tenderness in his calves and an ache in the hips. ─── 拉过两个较长的买卖,他觉出点以前未曾有过的毛病,腿肚子发紧,胯骨轴儿发酸。

6、I must have had a longish sleep, for, when I woke, the stars were shining down on my face. ─── 我认为我是睡着了,因为我醒来的时候,发现满天星斗照在我的脸上。

7、It is only when a friend is going on a longish journey, and will be absent for alongish time ,that we turn up at the railway atation. ─── 但如此短的行程,从来无须我们上演“送别”一幕,只有当朋友要远行,要长久分离时,我们才在车站露面。

8、A longish stretch of time passed in silence. Even the insects and birds seemed to have disappeared, gone to dark places to sleep the dry, still afternoon away in silence. ─── 他们沉默很长时间。即使是昆虫和鸟儿好象也消失了影踪,在这个干燥的宁静的下午,躲到黑暗的地方静悄悄地睡觉去了。

9、With a few longish rallies, the greenback has been on a downward trend since it came off the gold standard in 1971. ─── 自从1971年美元脱离金本位,就一直处于跌势,其间只有为数不多的几次跌后复升。

10、When the Prosecutor sat down there was a longish silence.Personally I was quite overcome by the heat and my amazement at what I had been hearing. ─── 检察官坐下了,在相当长的一段时间里,大厅里一片寂静。

11、Oh no, not as long as that, erm, sort of longish, erm quite straight. ─── 啊,不是,没有那么长,呃,有点儿长,比较直。

12、sort of longish, erm quite straight. ─── 有点儿长,比较直。

13、And the longish slope of her haunches and her buttocks had lost its gleam and its sense of richness. ─── 臀部两旁和臀尖的下倾,已失掉了它的光辉和富丽的神态了。

14、A great scent and a longish flowering period, the flowers are white with maroon blotches. ─── 它气味芳香花期又长,花朵色白有褐红色斑点。

15、During a longish interval in the main Frankfurt radio programme one our party, who speaks perfect German, was taking advantage of the programme interval to give a long anti-Nazi, unbiased news bulletin for the benefit of Frankfurters. ─── 法兰克福主要的广播节目中有一段很长的间歇,我们中有一人说得一口纯正的德语,她就利用这个节目间歇向法兰克福人民播送了很长一段反纳粹的、不带偏见的新闻报道。

16、One night as I sat eating Mrs. H-----'s soda-bread, her husband told me a longish story, much the best of all I heard in Rosses. ─── 一天晚上,我在H夫人家吃苏打面包,她的丈夫给我说了一个略长的故事,我在罗塞斯听到的最好故事便出自于此。

17、"The crumple of her waist at the back, as she bent back to look, was a little weary; and it used to be so gay-looking. And the longish slope of her haunches and her buttocks had lost its gleam and its sense of richness." ─── 当她扭转身去时,她看见她腰部的皱折是疲乏的,但是从前却是很轻盈愉快的!臀部两旁和臀尖的下倾,已失掉了它的光辉和富丽的神态了。

18、I am very happy where I am, which is why I signed a longish term contract in the first place. ─── 我非常满意自己所在的车队,这就是我为什么首先就签下了一份长期合同的原因。


20、His longish hair is brushed straight back and flips up over his collar. ─── 他稍长的头发梳到了后面,又从衣领那里冒了出来。

21、Bill has longish, bright red hair and an earring made from a fang. ─── 比尔有着长长的红头发和一枚用尖牙做的耳环。

22、"We won't take it for anything," said he, shaking his longish watermelon-shaped head, the decorative red bead on top of his skullcap swaying. ─── “多少钱不要。”他摇摇像长西瓜形的脑袋,小帽头顶尖的红帽球,也跟着摇了

23、Even the most illustrious of its staff, however, write anonymously: only special reports, the longish supplements published about 20 times a year on various issues or countries, are signed. ─── 还有更多显赫的名字在这个名单里,尽管如此,写作依然是匿名的;

24、longish hair ─── 颇长的头发

25、She's about my age, with longish hair. ─── 她与我年龄相仿,但头发较长。

26、It is only when a friend is going on a longish journey, and will be absent for a longish time that we turn up at the railway station. ─── 只有当朋友要做一段稍长的旅行,会离开一段较长的时间时,我们才会到火车站去送行。

27、Markiewicz advises that her male clients attend casual summer corporate events in long-sleeved button-down linen shirts and longish shorts or softer pants. ─── 马尔凯维奇给客户提出了如下建议:男士穿领尖钉有纽扣的长袖亚麻衬衣、长短裤或是轻薄长裤;

28、longish transducer ─── 加长形探头

29、There was a longish pause. ─── 有一个略长的停顿。

30、Has a longish official name in Chinese: Beijing Mou-Zhi Network Technologies Ltd. ─── 北京谋智网络技术有限公司。

31、On the same day 20 longish replies were posted - many of them critical. ─── 同一天之内,就出现了20条长长的回复,很多是批评的言论。

32、I’ve been training for this race for a few months, but unfortunately my training was interrupted by a longish bout with the flu a month ago so it was thrown off a bit. ─── 我之前已经为这次比赛接受了几个月的训练,但一个月前因为患上流感而被迫中断了一段时间,因此有些退步了。

33、Twelve, ' said a voice, after a longish silence. ─── 有相当长一段时间的冷场,以后,有一个人叫道:“十二法郎。”

34、There was a longish pause. ─── 有一个略长的停顿。

35、It is suitable to adopt longish one from two elements and acts as base; ─── 取形成直角的两边中较长的一边作为基准,较短的一边作为被测要素;

36、a thickset spaniel with longish silky hair. ─── 毛厚而长如丝的猎犬。

37、There was a longish period where her spirits were on a seesaw. Up and down. ─── 有很长一段时间她的情绪时起时落,时好时坏。

38、Perhaps you should just cut it as it's getting a bit longish (5). ─── 也许应该剪掉一点,有点长了。

39、The volume consists of short poems interspersed by eight "Meditations," longish poems of free association. ─── 此书卷包含短诗和八个穿插的“冥想”,也就是自由联想的比较长的诗。

40、I must have had a longish sleep, for, when I woke, the stars were shining down on my face. ─── 我认为我是睡着了,因为我醒来的时候,发现满天星斗照在我的脸上。

41、This may be done by using various asynchronous models to perform the longish operations, or by performing them in a different process or thread. ─── 这可能通过使用各种同步模型来执行长时间的操作,或者通过用不同的进程或者线程来执行他们。

42、With a few longish rallies, the greenback has been on a downward trend since it came off the gold standard in 1971. ─── 自从1971年美元脱离金本位,就一直处于跌势,其间只有为数不多的几次跌后复升。

43、There was a longish period where her spirits were on a seesaw. Up and down. ─── 有很长一段时间她的情绪时起时落,时好时坏。

44、Mr Badawi can expect a longish honeymoon, probably up to the general election due next year. ─── 巴达维或许能够期望一个较长的蜜月,也许会到明年的大选。

45、Fortunately most LNG is bought on longish fixed-price contracts, otherwise things would be much more serious for him. ─── 而幸运的是,大多数的液化天然气是按长期合作合同的固定价格出售的,否则,对他来说情况将会更加糟糕。


at the margin

广义: 在边缘。在本文中,意思是:在世界对美元需求降低到最低边缘时

The fall in the dollar is important ,but mainly because as a store of value

the dollar stinks.


With a few longish rallies,the greenback has been on a downward trend since

it came off the gold standard in 1971.



Now it is suffering one of its sharper declines.


At the margin ,extra demand has come from those who think dollars--indeed

any money backed by nothing more than promises to keep inflation low--a

decidedly risky investment,mainly because America ,with the world's reserve

currency,has been able to create and borrow so many of them.





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