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09-20 投稿


languishing 发音

英:['læŋɡwɪʃɪŋ]  美:['læŋgwɪʃɪŋ]

英:  美:

languishing 中文意思翻译



languishing 反义词

inspire | encourage

languishing 词性/词形变化,languishing变形

名词: languisher |副词: languishingly |动词过去分词: languished |动词第三人称单数: languishes |动词过去式: languished |动词现在分词: languishing |

languishing 同义词

debilitate | yearn | lower | pant for | drop | sulk | rave | teeter | pant | collapse | yen | fag | covet | devitalize | go downhill | swoon | bewail | lament | tire | fade away | hunger | abate | drowse | enervate | abandoned | lose | pine for | die | rot | for | wither | lose heart | exhaust | despond | lessen | fatigue | sink | die for | pine away | enfeeble | flag | fall | ache | listless | stagger | cry | dwindle | sigh | go | mourn | waste | downhill | bemoan | up | hunger for | sag | yearn for | suffer | fade | thirst | droop | wilt | mope | grow | give up | heart | fail | decline | grieve | yield | sleep | despair | pine | ebb | deteriorate | long for | give | thirst for |weaken | diminish | cry for | repine | weary | sicken

languishing 相似词语短语

1、banishing ─── v.驱逐;消除;摒弃(banish的ing形式)

2、anguishing ─── n.痛苦;苦恼;vt.使极度痛苦;vi.感到极度的痛苦

3、languishingly ─── adv.渐渐变弱地;脉脉含情地

4、languish ─── vi.憔悴;凋萎;失去活力;苦思

5、Englishing ─── 英博

6、languishment ─── n.衰弱;无力;呆滞;萎谢;萧条

7、vanquishing ─── vt.征服;击败;克服;抑制(感情等)

8、languished ─── v.失去活力(languish的过去分词形式)

9、blandishing ─── v.奉承;哄骗

languishing 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、KJV] The earth mourneth and fadeth away, the world languisheth and fadeth away, the haughty people of the earth do languish. ─── [新译]大地悲哀衰残,世界零落衰残,地上居高位的人也衰败了。

2、With his popularity languishing near an all-time low, he may gain nothing from sticking firmly to his plans despite the howl of protests. ─── 在他的支持率持续走低的时候,他如果不顾抗议者的怒吼坚持自己的计划,也许什么好处也捞不到。

3、Still languishing inside various jails are 61 of the 75 dissidents who were arrested in March 2003 during an unprecedented clampdown on political opponents. ─── 在2003年3月在一次前所未有的对政治反对派的取缔中被捕的75名异议者中还有61名仍然在监狱中煎熬。

4、She has been languishing for love and sympathy . ─── 她一直因渴望爱情和同情而烦恼。

5、One hundred years later, the Negro is still languishing in the corners of American society and finds himself an exile in his own land ─── 100年后,黑人依然在美国社会中间向隅而泣,依然感到自己在国土家园中流离漂泊。

6、He lies languishing of wounds. ─── 他伤痛缠身,躺在床上。

7、Don't waste your time and energy languishing in a state of need. ─── 别荒废你的时间与精力在苦思冥想的困窘状态里。

8、Legislation that continued to languish in committee ─── 在这个委员会里继续被搁置的方法

9、A few years ago David Warsh, an economic journalist, lamented that the glare of the Nobel prize left other equally deserving economists, such as Mr Phelps, languishing“ in the half-lit penumbra[9] of the shortlist”. ─── 几年前,经济新闻记者大卫?什悲叹诺贝尔奖的光环让其他一些同样应该获奖的经济学家如菲尔普斯“在候选人名单若明若暗的光影中渐渐黯淡了”。

10、There have been a variety of opinions about that the electrical machine manufacturing is languishing "sunsetting industry" or prosperous "future industry". ─── 发电设备制造业是日渐衰微的“夕阳工业”还是前途广阔的“发展产业”,曾经众说不一。

11、As a consequence, country airs circulated in Soho with vigorous freedom, instead of languishing into the parish like stray paupers without a settlement; ─── 因此乡野的空气可以轻快有力地周游于索霍,而不至像无家可归的穷汉闯入教区里一样畏缩不前。

12、Kelso languish near the bottom of the Scottish First Division. ─── 凯尔索队在苏格兰甲级联赛榜尾徘徊。

13、Keywords Modified Sanwubai Powder;carcinoma of the stomach;affect gene expression;induce languishing of cancer cells;experimental study; ─── 三物白散加味方;胃癌;影响胃癌相关基因表达;诱导癌细胞凋亡;实验研究;

14、He is still languishing in detention after three months, while investigators probe allegations of bribery and irregular share trading. ─── 三个月过去了,黄光裕在押,而检方仍在调查对其做出的“行贿”和“非法股票交易”等罪名的指控。

15、to languish for ─── 为.而憔悴

16、The animals languishing in the SanChong animal shelter need you to speak up for them. ─── 三重市公立流浪犬收容所中遭受痛苦的动物需要您伸出援手。

17、Any poll will ratify the significance of that insight: Romney is the front-runner, and Huntsman is languishing in single digits. ─── 任何投票都会认同这个事实:罗姆尼是比赛的领先者,而Huntsman却陷在开始的几步里。

18、But the dollar continues to languish near 15-month lows against a basket of currencies. ─── 但是,美元兑一揽子货币的汇价已经跌到了15个月低点附近。

19、The earth mourneth and fadeth away, the world languisheth and fadeth away, the haughty people of the earth do languish. ─── 4地上悲哀衰残,世界败落衰残,地上居高位的人也败落了。

20、Eg . The negro is still languishing in the corners of American society and finds himself an exile in his own land . ─── 美国的黑人在美国社会的各个层次和各个方面都饱受着痛苦,发觉自己是自己家乡土地上的流亡者。

21、He is languishing for home. ─── 他苦思家乡。

22、The ruling party is languishing in third place in the opinion polls. ─── 在民意测验中,执政党落到了第三位。

23、Local governments deny they are becoming lax, yet complaints against employers languish in huge backlogs as many are simply shuttering their factories. ─── 地方政府否认管理松懈,但对雇主的大量申诉却无人理睬,很多雇主只是将工厂关闭了事。

24、While spending heavily on new models to pump up Oldsmobile, GM let Saturn languish, and its sales shriveled. ─── 在投入巨资开发奥兹莫比新车型的同时,通用汽车让土星自生自灭,其销售也开始枯竭。

25、languishing under foreign domination ─── 在外国统治下受煎熬.

26、At Medan containers have been languishing since January, even though survivors in nearby Aceh are calling for more assistance. ─── 在棉兰,尽管附近亚齐的幸存者们一直在呼吁更多援助,但自1月份以来,送达的集装箱却一直受到冷落。

27、3 The LORD will strengthen him upon the bed of languishing: thou wilt make all his bed in his sickness. ─── 他病重在榻、耶和华必扶持他.他在病中、你必给他铺床。

28、Old gentlemen nearly came to blows over the relative merits of its two heroines and every languishing young lady imagined herself a Daiyu. ─── 为了争论其中两个女主角孰优孰劣,老先生们几挥老拳,而每个忧郁的年轻女子都以为自己就是林黛玉。

29、Than languish in his slow-chapp'd power. ─── 也不要在慢嚼的嘴里虚耗掉。

30、After years of languishing, Europe's biggest economy is beginning to feel the benefit of reforms, particularly to its financial system. ─── 欧洲最大的经济体在经历了数年退步之后,开始收获改革成果,尤其是在金融体系方面。

31、Languish for home ─── 因思家而憔悴。

32、We don't spend much time on this topic today because we have been languishing on outdated ideas for too long. ─── 我们今天不会在这个主题上花很多时间,因为我们已经在过时的观点上踌躇太久。

33、KJV] Judah mourneth, and the gates thereof languish; they are black unto the ground; and the cry of Jerusalem is gone up. ─── [新译]“犹大悲哀,她的城镇(城镇”原文作“城门”)落,人人都坐在地上悲伤痛哭;耶路撒冷的哀声上达于天。

34、For Shell, Exxon et al to hoard oil underground would be to leave billions of dollars of investment languishing unused. ─── 对于壳牌,埃克森等石油公司囤积石油在地下无异于将数亿计的美元投资放置不用。

35、NIV] The earth dries up and withers, the world languishes and withers, the exalted of the earth languish. ─── [和合]地上悲哀衰残;世界败落衰残;地上居高位的人也败落了。

36、“Very soon, they as individuals, not as a party, will be languishing in jail,” says a government official. ─── “很快,这个党派的领导人会做为个人而不是政党在狱中憔悴死亡,”一位政府官员讲道。

37、At Citi, frustration had been brewing for many months over Mr Prince's leadership and the bank's languishing stock price. ─── 在花旗集团,普林斯领导无方及该银行股价日趋疲软所产生的挫败感已酝酿数月。

38、Dominic Grieve, the Shadow Justice Secretary, said: “It is a disgrace that so many who have served their country are languishing in our prisons. ─── 多米尼克格里夫,司法秘书说,如此多服务于国家的士兵在监狱里衰弱下去是种耻辱。

39、The difference between a languishing nation and one that will flourish, is the recognition that we need equal access to education for both boys and girls. ─── 一个衰弱的国家和一个繁容的国家的区别,往往在于对男女需要享有平等教育权的认识。

40、Opponents still argue that those who exercise choice will be the most able and committed, and by clustering themselves together in better schools they will abandon the weak and voiceless to languish in rotten ones. ─── 反对者仍然坚持认为那些择校的人一半能力很强,很执着,通过往好学校扎堆儿,他们把那些处于弱势地位、没有代言人的学生留在差等学校慢慢受煎熬。

41、It leaves Ferguson's side languishing in 16th spot, seven points behind Sven-Goran Eriksson's league leaders, with just a solitary Paul Scholes strike to show for their efforts. ─── 事情可能变成更糟糕,因为曼联下周日对抗热刺的比赛是在德比对抗伯明翰这两支在曼联之下的队伍赛事24小时过后。

42、He languished for her love and gave her languishing looks. ─── 他因渴望得到她的爱而变得憔悴,并经常向她投去郁郁不乐的目光。

43、' With prices now languishing, he said, 'a lot of projects that are in the pipeline are going to be reassessed. ─── 他说,随着油价目前暴跌,许多进行中的投资项目都将被重新评估。

44、One hundred years later, the Negro is still languishing in the corners of American society and finds himself an exile in his own land.So we have come here today to dramatize a shameful condition. ─── 一百年后,黑人依然在美国社会的角落中潦倒,依然在自己的土地上过着被放逐的生活。

45、You soul will languish for eternity ─── 你们的灵魂将在痛苦中煎熬

46、One hundred years later, the Shaman is still languishing in the corners of American society and finds himself an exile in his own land. ─── 一百年后的今天,萨满仍然萎缩在艾则拉斯,外域的角落里,并且意识到自己是故土家园中的流亡者。

47、They have been languishing in poverty for ten years. ─── 他们已在贫穷中苦熬10年了。

48、Are you drowning your life with too much of a good thing or killing your life slowly by leaving it to languish, dehydrated and starved of crucial life-saving nutrients? ─── 你属于那一种呢?沉醉于自己生命的美好,或是一步步把自己的生命带进痛苦,看它逐渐失水丧失营养死亡。

49、The difference between the a languishing nation and one that will flourish, is the recognition that we need equal access to education for both boys and girls. ─── 一个日渐衰败的国家和一个日渐繁荣的国家的不同之处在于,后者认识到男孩和女孩同受教育的重要性。”

50、The earth dries up and withers, the world languishes and withers, the exalted of the earth languish. ─── 地上悲哀衰残,世界败落衰残;地上居高位的人也败落了。

51、Judah mourneth, and the gates thereof languish; they are black unto the ground; and the cry of Jerusalem is gone up. ─── “犹大悲哀,她的城镇(“城镇”原文作“城门”)衰落,人人都坐在地上悲伤痛哭;耶路撒冷的哀声上达于天。

52、to languish in poverty ─── 为贫穷所困

53、He lies on the ground languishing of wounds. ─── 他躺在地上,伤口疼痛难熬。

54、languish for ─── v. 因渴望而苦恼

55、Whatever it is, after languishing through much of the day, stocks soared in the final minutes out of nowhere, signalling a healthy thirst for stocks ahead of the weekend. ─── 不管怎样,股市自许多天的衰弱未退,在最后时刻莫名其妙地高涨,这标志着在一周结束前,股市会有良好的期望。

56、News of the latest sales downturn, and the record number of new homes that are languishing unsold, followed an industry report Wednesday that showed existing home sales fell 1.3 percent in June. ─── 先是有新闻称最近销售下降,未售出新房的数量也创出历史新高,而周三一份业界报告更显示六月份的房产销售下降了1.3%。

57、But her productivity tips belie a Zen-like balance in which she isolates the most important things and lets other things languish if need be. ─── 但是她的技巧就是违背禅似的平衡,那就是隔离出最重要的事情,有必要的话就让其他事情隐却。

58、He wanted to talk about frozen extraterrestrials languishing in an AirForce base near San Antonio. ─── 他想要谈谈正在圣安东尼奥附近一个空军基地中奄奄一息的冷冻外星人。

59、"He who informs against friends for a share of the spoil, The eyes of his children also will languish. ─── 伯17:5控告他的朋友、以朋友为可抢夺的、连他儿女的眼睛、也要失明。

60、Five odors choke our noses to make us languish in thinking. ─── 五种气味,呛我们的鼻子,连带地使我们思维呆滞。

61、The 17-year-old Wie had the worst round of the day, shooting 12-over par to languish in 69th place. ─── 17岁是心理有一轮最差的一天,射击12-超过相提并论萎靡在第69位。

62、The Nanyang Arch is no old beauty languishing over never-to-be-found-again loves and conquests. ─── 南洋大学的牌坊并不像一位丰韵无存的迟暮美人那样,在苦苦地等待着一去不再来的爱情和爱情俘虏。

63、KJV] The fishers also shall mourn, and all they that cast angle into the brooks shall lament, and they that spread nets upon the waters shall languish. ─── [新译]打鱼的人必哀号;所有在尼罗河上垂钓的必悲伤;那些在水面上撒网的,必灰心难过。

64、How long will she go on languishing for her red - haired boy ? ─── 为想见到她的红头发的儿子,她还将为此烦恼多久呢?

65、Last week she teased fans by disclosing that, although she had several unpublished works “languishing in drawers”, she might write something “completely different”. ─── 上周她泄露了这样的消息:虽然她还有几部没出版的作品“在抽屉里发霉”,但她还是可能写些“完全不同的东西”。

66、Yells: Your soul will languish for eternity. ─── 你的灵魂将永远调零!

67、There is none of the tendency to sing outside of my lady's window--to languish and repine in the face of difficulties. ─── 像他这种人可不会在情人的窗外唱小夜曲--也不会在遇到挫折时憔悴或者呻吟。

68、Truth may languish But can never perish. ─── "真理可能衰微, 但不会灭亡"

69、With the former leader dead, rather than languishing in prison, his supporters have lost any hope that they, through violence, could somehow bring him back to power. ─── 与其让萨翁在狱中百受折磨,不如让他早些死去。现在,萨翁的前支持者们已经对通过革命方式让他们的“老大”重新掌权失去了希望。

70、They themselves shall be like watered gardens, never again shall they languish. ─── 他们的心灵要好象受灌溉的田园,再也不感憔悴。

71、Judah mourns, And her gates languish; In black they mourn on the ground, And the cry of Jerusalem goes up. ─── 2犹大悲哀,城门衰败;众人披着黑衣坐在地上悲哀,耶路撒冷的哀声上扬。

72、How long will she go on languishing for her red-haired boy? ─── 为想见到她的红头发的儿子,她还将为此烦恼多久呢?

73、How long will she go on languishing for her red - haired boy? ─── 为想见到她的红头发的儿子,她还将为此烦恼多久呢?

74、Your soul will languish for eternity. ─── 你的灵魂将永远枯萎。

75、But beyond the prosperous cities, millions of people still languish in poverty. ─── 但在繁荣的城市之外,还有成百上千万人仍然在贫困中煎熬。

76、All the while, the original purchase may still be languishing far below where we dumped it. ─── 在获得新利润的同时,我们当时卖出的烂股可能现在比我们当初卖出价还低很多。

77、to languish in enemy prison ─── 在敌人监狱中备受折磨

78、In fact, a fleet of several hundred buses was left to languish in a lot that eventually flooded. ─── 事实上,那数百辆巴士最终被淹没。

79、We had a few sunny days after a frantic series rainy days, so I picked my camera for photographing nearby the campus.Out of my expectation, peach flowers are languishing. ─── 前几天难得放晴,所以就拎著相机去学校附近拍照了,没想到桃花已经开始谢,但,李花(应该是吧?

80、Traditional Chinese Medicine researches considerate languish on the essence of it, grope for the modernization road of Traditional Chinese Medicine. ─── 为了中医学的生存和发展,中医药研究人员苦苦思索着中医学的本质,探索着中医学的现代化道路。

81、Than languish in his slow-chapt power. ─── 也不要在慢嚼的嘴里虚耗。

82、The LORD will strengthen him upon the bed of languishing: thou wilt make all his bed in his sickness. ─── 他病重在榻,耶和华必扶持他。他在病中,你必给他铺床。

83、Which of these countries has a mercy-killing doctor now languishing in its jails? ─── 但是,在上述那个国家有医生因为实施安乐死而在监狱里服刑呢?

84、How doth Thy visage languish that once was bright as morn! ─── 原本俊俏似晨光,今竟憔悴神伤。

85、After languishing in the obscurity for many years, her early novels have recently been rediscovered. ─── 在被埋没多年后,她早期的小说最近重新面世。

86、Landry didn't specify what products are being snapped up and which ones are languishing. ─── 兰德里没有具体说明哪些产品正在抢购,哪些是煎熬。

87、He rebukes the sea and makes it dry, And He dries up all the rivers. Bashan and Carmel languish, And the sprout of Lebanon languishes. ─── 4?斥责海,使海干了,使一切江河干涸。巴珊和迦密的树林衰残,利巴嫩的花草也衰残了。

88、The other grandee teams, however, were faring no better: both Ferraris were outside the top eleven, the Renaults outside the top fifteenth, and the BMWs languishing among the backmarkers. ─── 其他贵族球队,但是,没有更好的表现:法拉利以外都顶部11,雷诺以外顶端第十五,与宝马之间的煎熬落后.

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