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09-20 投稿


softens 发音

英:[ˈsɒfnz]  美:[ˈsɔːfnz]

英:  美:

softens 中文意思翻译



softens 常用词组

soften up ─── 使软化

softens 词性/词形变化,softens变形

动词过去式: softened |名词: softener |动词第三人称单数: softens |动词过去分词: softened |动词现在分词: softening |

softens 短语词组

1、israel softens line ─── 以色列软化立场

softens 反义词

harden | sharpen

softens 同义词

smooth | qualify | ripen | placate | assent | weaken | ease | affect | deaden | yield | appease | muffle | silence | turn down | mince | lower | tone down | damp | alleviate | dampen | calm | consent | tone | melt | smooth down | offset | down | give | acquiesce | relieve | relent | assuage | attemper | ease up | buffer | lessen | lighten | water | give in | up | reduce | disarm | mollify | abate | allay | slacken | mellow | break | in | agree | turn | touch | pacify | palliate | soothe |relax | cushion | temper | compose | moderate | mute | accede | slacker | diminish | soft-pedal | mitigate | loosen | move | mash | throttle

softens 相似词语短语

1、softener ─── n.软化剂;硬水软化器

2、soften ─── vt.使温和;使缓和;使变柔软;vi.减轻;变柔和;变柔软

3、softeners ─── n.[助剂]软化剂(softener的复数)

4、resoftens ─── 分辨率

5、stoutens ─── vt.使…变坚定;使…变牢固;使…变结实;vi.变得肥胖;变得结实;变得坚定

6、shortens ─── vt.缩短;减少;变短;vi.缩短;变短

7、softness ─── n.温柔;柔和

8、soft lens ─── 软性接触透镜

9、softened ─── adj.退火的,软化;v.使…变柔软(soften的过去分词)

softens 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He inclined his head and toasted her. Her expression did not soften. ─── 他偏偏脑袋,举杯向她致意。她的表情没有丝毫缓和。

2、If your skin is dry, you have to slather on moisturizer to soften it. ─── 如果你的皮肤很干的话,你不得不涂上厚厚的保湿霜去软化保湿你的皮肤。

3、He added a few words of courtesy to soften the tone of his speech. ─── 为了缓和他演说的语气,他加了几句客气话。

4、Water treatment equipment purifies and softens potable water for municipalities, commercial and residential applications around the world. ─── 用于世界各地市区,商业区和住宅区之食水处理以净化和软化饮用水。

5、Exhaling again, soften and rotate your trunk to the right. ─── 呼气,放松躯干并进一步转动向右。

6、She would not soften at all. ─── 她的气决不会消掉。

7、To soften(someone's feelings); make gentle or tender. ─── 使软化使(某人的感情)软化;使变得温和或温柔

8、Area rugs help soften the look for a cozier feel. ─── 地毯的颜色使整个风格柔和起来,带来更温暖舒适的感觉。

9、On the other hand, the repression, as far as possible ,of all outward signs softens our emotions. ─── 另一方面,所有情感压抑的外在表达也会尽可能地软化我们的情感。

10、"If you're winning, it obviously softens the blow," Barry said. ─── "当你赢球的时候,经常让(伤病)打击觉得没有那么痛,"巴里说.

11、You know how to soften a blow. ─── 你知道如何舒缓紧张的气氛。

12、Paters and Potters add water to soften the clay. ─── 制陶工人会加一些水来软化黏土。

13、Even the compliment did not soften the asperity of the maimed beauty. ─── 就连这句奉承话,也没有使这个残废的美人儿稍微平和一点儿,不那么刻

14、A good book can soften the stiff soul and refresh the sackless thinking. ─── 一本好书可以使僵硬的灵魂变得柔软,使麻木的思想重获新生!

15、In this shot, it softens the feel of the modern Pudong skyline on the eastern side of the Huangpo River. ─── 但薄雾中的阳光给城市镀上一层冷冷的单色调,柔化了现代化浦东的天际线。

16、Still, there are little tricks to soften the blow. ─── 不过,还是有一些小技巧来降低打击程度的。

17、Time softens all griefs. ─── 时间缓解一切哀痛。

18、Hawthorne offers a supernatural phenomenon together with a possible material explanation, and thus frequently softens the blow too much. ─── 霍桑描写了一个超自然现象,又给了一个可能的物质解释,这往往使故事在力量上受到很大的损害。

19、Okay, that's a good suggestion. -Perhaps soften your appearance. ─── 对,建议不错。-也许你该试着显得温柔一点。

20、You cannot call your bed ' Soften Comfy ' - it is a registered trademark . ─── 你不能将你们的床叫“软舒”床,因为该商标已注册。

21、The bread will soften if you pour some liquid on it. ─── 如果你在面包上撒一些水,它会变软的。

22、Pregnant bodies produce a hormone, relaxin, which softens tissues around the pelvis to prepare it for birth. ─── 怀孕的身体产生荷尔蒙、松弛素,松弛素使骨盆周围的组织变软,使骨盆为生产做好准备。

23、In the heat the frozen ground began to soften. ─── 冰冻的地面受热后开始融化。

24、By the heat of the sun wax be soften , and yet clay be harden . ─── 太阳的热可使蜡软化,但也可粘土变硬。

25、You are a born diplomat. You know how to soften a blow. ─── 8分:你是一个天生的外交官。你知道如何舒缓紧张的气氛。

26、Are you sure you can soften father up? ─── 你有把握说服父亲吗?

27、A creamy, mold - ripened cheese that softens on the inside as it matures. ─── 卡门贝干酪一种奶油的、发霉催熟的奶酪,烧熟时其内部是软的

28、Gold shimmer softens the look of deep violet. ─── 金色闪光让深紫色更加柔和。

29、Don't soften your heart; he was shedding crocodile tears. ─── 千万别心软,他那是鳄鱼眼泪!

30、But if the data is ambiguous and neither side softens its position, the stage could be set for a dangerous show-down. ─── 但是,如果数据本身并不明确,而任何一方又都不愿松动立场,事态可能会发展到危险的摊牌地步。

31、So the next time your spouse offers an apology, soften your edges and open your heart. ─── 因此,下一回你的伴侣道歉时,你可一定得温和一些,并且和他(她)敞开你的心扉。

32、However, the tendency to make the equation of state soften is of importance. ─── 尽管这种改变很小,但这种变软的趋势仍具有重要的意义。

33、To soften the surface of(leather) by raising a nap. ─── 使柔软通过使布料起绒来弄软皮革表面

34、In order to soften the terrible blow for Mother Ryan, the military is putting their eight lives at great risk. ─── 为了减轻对瑞恩母亲的巨大打击,军队把这八个人置身于极度危险之中。

35、The more you soften a request, the more polite it becomes. ─── 你愈使请求柔婉,请求就愈变为客气。

36、Gloriousness and wretchedness need each other. One inspires us, the other softens us. ─── 光荣和悲惨需要彼此。一个激励我们,另一个使我们变柔和。

37、His face seems to soften up a little. ─── 他脸色看上去温和点了。

38、Soothes and softens dry, irritated, chapped or sunburn skin. ─── 使干燥,敏感,粗糙以及晒后的皮肤柔润,富有弹性。

39、At a rural tannery (pictured) a member of the Chamar leatherworking caste softens water buffalo skin. ─── 在一个乡村的鞣皮厂(如图),一名从事皮革工作的珈玛将水牛皮鞣软。

40、Shea Butter - Moisturises and helps soften the skin. ─── 乳木果-有效滋润及软化肌肤。

41、James sent a bunch of flowers to soften her up before asking her pardon. ─── 为了使他消气,詹姆斯给她送了一束花,然后才去请她原谅。

42、You go in and soften father up ,and then I will ask him for the money . ─── 你进去先用好话软化父亲,然后,我再去向他要钱。

43、He softens his high-pitched tone voice, which was soft and touching, and he focuses on weighty vibration. ─── 他的高音将变得柔和,变得温柔、动人,他集力表现重颤音。

44、A park ranger's voice softens as he talks of a boyhood creek in Louisiana where he swam and fished. ─── 一位守林人谈起他孩提时在路易斯安那故乡的小溪里游泳、钓鱼时,语调便柔和起来。

45、The equilibrium grease secrete, softens the horniness, improvement skin. ─── 平衡油脂分泌,软化角质,改善肌肤。

46、Poters and Potters add water to soft in soften the claywhich . ─── 制陶工人会加些水来软化粘土。

47、Luxurious life will soften our will. ─── 奢侈的生活会使人们的意志消沉。

48、Does your body soften as your lips shape his name? ─── 你说他名字时的身体柔软吗?

49、And heat physically softens food. ─── 并且热量使得食物变软。

50、Community trade organic cold pressed coconut oil from Samoa moisturizes and softens the skin. ─── 共同体贸易有机冷榨椰子油来自萨摩亚的滋润和软化皮肤。

51、His face seemed to soften a little. ─── 他的脸色看上去显得温和些了。

52、"Cloths and canopies may be used to soften sunlight. ─── 也可用衣物或遮阳伞来减低阳光的强度。

53、QS Crystal Repair Serum for the hair moisturizes and softens hair without a heavy greasy built-up. ─── QS水晶修复油使头发润湿和软化头发,没有油腻感觉。

54、"Yet you are a lover to soften the heart with gauntness. ─── “你也算得上是个肯为爱情憔悴的小伙子了。”

55、She needed to soften her request to make it as polite and courteous as she could. ─── 她需要使请求语气柔婉,以便尽可能把它变成有礼貌与客气。

56、The fact that the criminal was reared in vicious surroundings softens his fault in our eyes. ─── 一个犯人是在坏人中接受教育的,这就使得他的罪恶不那么严重了。

57、Not only does this give a broader appearance to the top of the head it softens the pointed forehead. ─── 不但这让头顶宽度增加而且弱化了尖颚头。

58、Time softens all the grifes。 you will be better,I bet you can,I bet we can. ─── 巴老说:做一个战士。我注定要在我的战场上单枪匹马。承担更多。但我的目光坚定,永远。。。

59、Contains ceramides that moisturize and soften skin. ─── 含有丰富的分子丁。

60、Accelerate cells reproduce, soften skin, keep the skin wet and whiten. ─── 促进细胞活跃再生,柔软肌肤表层,补充水分,滋养美白,令肌肤亮泽而富有弹性。

61、Accelerate cells reproduce, soften skin ,keep the skin wet and whiten . ─── 促进细胞活跃再生,柔软肌肤表层,补充水分,滋养美白,令肌肤亮泽而富有弹性。

62、When he lost his job he was offered a cash payment to soften the blow. ─── 他丟掉工作的时候得到一笔现金作为安慰。

63、Plastics will soften when exposed to heat. ─── 塑料适当加热就可以软化。

64、You go in and soften father up,and then I'll ask him for the money. ─── 你进去先用好话软化父亲,然后,我再去向他要钱。

65、To make less brilliant; soften. ─── 减弱使减少光亮;减弱

66、As the tool softens due to heat, it wears and breaks down at the cutting edge or face. ─── 在刃口因高温而软化的同时,刀具刃口便开始磨耗并损坏。

67、ALT-711 could also renew declining lung elasticity and soften an enlarged and hardened prostate. ─── 它也可使衰弱的肺恢复弹性,软化已病变的前列腺。

68、The hair swells and softens and stretches.The hair then molds around the shape of the perm rod. ─── 头发膨胀、软化和伸长,然后头发塑成发杠的形状。

69、Linseed oil will soften stiff leather. ─── 亚麻籽油可软化僵硬的皮革。

70、The Holy Ghost will soften his heart. ─── 圣灵会软化他的心。

71、She began to soften; she felt sorry. ─── 她软下来,心里感到内疚。

72、Pastern? (Potters) and(add) water to soften the clay. ─── 制陶工加水使其变的更加柔软。

73、Main ingredients: soften cells, sunflower oil cells, algin, black sesame seed essence, green tea and etc. ─── 主要成分:垂顺因子、葵油局亮精华、海藻素、黑芝麻护发精华、绿茶等。

74、Soften aged horniness, promote skin absorption, and make skin clear. ─── *软化老化角质,改善皮肤吸收能力,肌肤无比晶莹剔透。

75、They soften an enemy with their javelins, then finish them with the sword. ─── 作战时,他们通常率先标枪飞掷,而后挥剑冲入敌阵,浴血厮杀。

76、Don't conceal or soften anything in it. ─── 不要隐瞒;不要吱唔;直说。

77、hand, the repression, as far as possible, of all outward signs softens our emotions. ─── 相反,尽可能地压抑这种情感迹象的流露反而会缓和我们的情绪。

78、Her story should soften the stoniest of hearts. ─── 她的事情会使心情最冷酷无情的人也为之感动的。

79、Notice how expressing a desire to say "yes" softens the refusal in the following conversations. ─── 在下面的对话中,留意那份想要答应的心意,是如何缓和了拒绝的口气。

80、Magma Shackles (Su): The ground within 60 feet of Garr constantly warms and softens, hampering his enemies. ─── 岩浆镣铐(超自然):加尔周身60尺内的土地因不断加热而松软,阻碍敌人的移动。

81、This multi-beneficial shave gel softens facial hair and skin for a comfortable shave. ─── 帮助减少因剃须产生的对皮肤的刺激。

82、In 2 weeks, Healthy Hands strengthens nails and softens cuticles. ─── 在2周,健康手加强钉子和软化角质层。

83、Phosphorus in the form of phosphates suspends particles so they do not stick to dishes and softens water to allow suds to form. ─── 在以磷酸盐的形式出现的磷呈悬浮颗粒状,不会附着在碗碟上,还能使水软化让泡沫产生。

84、The company was trying to soften and butter me up to get me to sign the contract. ─── 公司试图软化我的立场并诱使我在这份合同上签字。

85、"You'd soften up soon enough if I were Blacky. ─── 小二黑一来管保你就软了!

86、If the Chinese economy softens, much of that steel could be exported, which could cause prices to fall around the world. ─── 如果中国经济增速放缓,大部分储存的钢铁可能会出口,可能会造成全球钢铁价格下跌。

87、To reduce the rigidity of; soften. ─── 使柔软减少坚硬度;使柔软

88、The key feature: an Express Chill and Express Thaw drawer, which cools a bottle of wine or softens a frozen steak in a fraction of the normal time. ─── 主要特色:一个特快冷冻和特快融化抽屉(它能够冷冻一瓶酒或融化一块冷冻的牛排,所用时间仅为正常时间的零头。

89、Charity ameliorates, it softens blows, it pours oil on troubled waters. ─── 在困难时期,这无疑是一种力量和支撑的源泉,但是也正是由于慈善才抑制了社会改革的进行。

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