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09-20 投稿


protean 发音

英:['prəʊtɪən; prəʊ'tiːən]  美:['protɪən]

英:  美:

protean 中文意思翻译



protean 词性/词形变化,protean变形

形容词: protatic |名词复数: protases |

protean 短语词组

1、protean electric protean electric ─── 公司

2、protean career ─── 蛋白质职业

3、protean display ─── 窜飞

4、protean parasite ─── 蛋白质寄生虫

protean 相似词语短语

1、proteid ─── n.蛋白质;adj.含蛋白质的

2、protease ─── n.[生化]蛋白酶

3、prote- ─── 蛋白质

4、protein ─── n.蛋白质;朊;adj.蛋白质的

5、protege ─── n.门徒;被保护者

6、protea ─── n.普罗梯亚木;山龙眼

7、proteins ─── n.[生化]蛋白质(protein复数)

8、protect ─── vt.保护,防卫;警戒

9、proteas ─── n.普罗梯亚木;山龙眼

protean 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Protean man internalizes the longing for immortality through an ongoing process of death and rebirth within himself(Henry S.Resnik) ─── 多才多艺的人通过自己内心死亡和再生的持续过程将对不朽的渴望藏在心底(亨利S.雷斯尼克)

2、Different color can stimulate the visual nerve of children, and Protean design can satisfy children the curiosity to the world. ─── 不同的颜色可以刺激儿童的视觉神经,而千变万化的图案则可满足儿童对世界的好奇心。

3、But the problem that cannot solve agricultural production how to join with Protean market economy photograph. ─── 但解决不了农业生产如何与千变万化的市场经济相衔接的问题。

4、In Protean market economy, it is to choose to be content with the current situation, still choose diversiform innovation?See Baoding carry the reply that 2 branches make the group together. ─── 在千变万化的市场经济中,是选择安于现状, 还是选择多样革新?一起看看保定运输集团二分公司作出的回答。

5、But all of them vividly illustrate the uniquely protean nature of warfare in Afghanistan. ─── 然而他们都是阿富汗战争独特而多变的本质的生动写照。

6、The design is a line in the kitchen, string host, kitchen and Protean adornment are decorated. Let you " the kitchen changes hall hall " the desire becomes reality. ─── 设计是厨房里的一根线,串起主人、厨房和千变万化的装饰装修。让您“厨房变厅堂”的愿望成为现实。

7、Music is a protean art; it lends itself easily to alliances with words, as in song, and with physical movement, as in dance. ─── 音乐是一种灵活的艺术形式,很容易和歌曲中的词和舞蹈的物理运动相结合。

8、All the things are protean and there are many unpredictable matter in our life. ─── 世事真是变化无常!生活中充满了出人意料的事情。

9、Protean inhibitor ─── 变性蛋白质抑制剂

10、Keywords soybean protean;polyacrylonitrile;dimethylsulfoxide;blend fibers;structure;performance; ─── 大豆蛋白质;聚丙烯腈;二甲基亚砜;共混纤维;结构;性能;

11、5.Face to the protean market and embark from the actual situation of CISC, First question will be taken considered by us. ─── 面对当前变化不定的国际、国内钢材市场,今后如何发展,是企业面临的首要问题。

12、But all of them vividly illustrate the uniquely protean nature of warfare in Afghanistan. ─── 然而他们都是阿富汗战争独特而多变的本质的生动写照。

13、of this new world will remain protean, subject to change over time. ─── 世界新格局的界线还将随着时间的推移而不断变化。

14、protean career ─── n. 多变的职业

15、Protean varieties of the person's expression, the person's expression of different personality has the variety of different change. ─── 人的表情千变万化,不同的性格的人的表情有着不同程度的变化。

16、I myself have tried to use limited elements such as the dot, the line, the plane, and various colors to form protean pictures, and open up the picture frame so as to achieve a three-dimensional effect in the combination of dots and lines. ─── 我自己长期探索用点、线、面,黑、白、灰及红、黄、绿有限数种元素来构成千变万化的画面,展拓画幅,在点、线的疏密组合中体现空间效应。

17、At present, the commonly used audio mixing algorithms have a protean volume.By analyzing those algorithms, the conclusion of mutative mixing weights bring on protean volume is drawn. ─── 现有常用的混音算法中存在着音量突变的问题, 通过对这些混音算法的分析, 得出了变化的混音权重是导致音量忽大忽小的主要原因的结论。

18、Alleged simple sense coating, it is to show colour, burnish or grain present Protean painting. ─── 所谓质感涂料,是指色彩、光泽或纹理呈现千变万化的涂料。

19、For the market environment with Protean correspondence, in the get victory in intense international competition, the task that collect Mu company is in China is more main. ─── 为了对应千变万化的市场情况,在强烈的国际竞争中取胜,罗姆公司在中国的任务加倍主要。

20、The scientists identified a protean protein that inactivates the flu virus before it can mutate. ─── 科学家发现一种蛋白可以在流感病毒变异前使其失去活性。

21、protean behavior ─── 欺滦为

22、"Protean man internalizes the longing for immortality through an ongoing process of death and rebirth within himself" (Henry S. Resnik) ─── “多才多艺的人通过自己内心死亡和再生的持续过程将对不朽的渴望藏在心底”(亨利S.雷斯尼克)

23、No one believes such a resilient and protean enemy can be completely snuffed out by 2014. ─── 没有人相信这种有很强适应性和变化多端的敌人能够在2014年被完全消灭。

24、that implementation land dimensions manages resolved the contradiction of the minor production of the innumberable families and Protean big market. ─── 解决了千家万户的小生产与千变万化的大市场的矛盾。

25、Yanhe River is a river with hyper-concentration load.Stream channel erosion and siltation happens quite often during the flood season, which makes the shape of flood hydrograph protean. ─── 由于延河汛期多发生高含沙水流,河道冲淤变形严重,洪水特性变化多端,成为预报的难点。

26、Look in him, game is OK all demand of map reality society, protean, put of one mind. ─── 在他看来,游戏可以映射现实社会的所有需求,千变万化、存乎一心。

27、The eyes themselves were of that baffling protean gray which is never twice the same ─── 眸子是变幻莫测的灰色,时时在变化。

28、4. Music is a protean art; it lends itself easily to alliances with words, as in song, and with physical movement, as in dance. ─── 音乐是一种灵活的艺术形式,很容易和歌曲中的词和舞蹈的物理运动相结合。

29、In this competitor bristly, go up with respect to can Protean market for an instant, crisis hour conceal. ─── 在这个竞争对手林立,瞬间就会千变万化的市场上,危机时刻潜伏。

30、When matter and spacetime are so protean, what do the equations of general relativity predict? ─── 当物质与时空这麽变化多端,广义相对论的方程式能预测出什麽?

31、When Protean Hulk is put into a graveyard from play,search your library for any number of creature cardswith total converted mana cost 6 or less and put theminto play. ─── 当变化巨兽从场上置入坟墓场时,从你的牌库中搜寻任意数量的生物牌,且这些牌总魔法力费用的总和等于或小于6,并将它们放置进场。

32、He loved to show off his protean talent(William A.Henry III) ─── 他喜欢炫耀他的各式各样的才能(威廉A.亨利III)

33、Lubricious change is used Protean will describe also can state its only in case, it does not have end. ─── 色的变化用千变万化来形容也只能表述其万一,它是没有穷尽的。

34、protean feed ─── 蛋白饲料

35、protean parasite ─── 幼期寄生物

36、a Protean actor ─── 多面手演员

37、Elvis Cotello has shown himself to be one of the most prolific and protean songwriters of his generation. ─── 他表现出来是当代最多产、最变幻不定的歌曲作家。

38、8. Be protean -- If you have no shape, people cannot find your center and cannot attack you. Be fluid. Adjust to every circumstance. Like water, adapt to every vessel. ─── 善于变化--如果你无形无迹,别人就找不到你,也就无法攻击你.要灵活,左右逢源.要象水一样,适应任何容器.(做到这点很难.

39、All sorts of different color can stimulate the visual nerve of children, and Protean design, can satisfy children to be opposite the curiosity of whole world. ─── 各种不同的颜色可以刺激儿童的视觉神经,而千变万化的图案,则可满足儿童对整个世界的好奇心。

40、A.Tonynbee once mentioned that the essence of history was protean, just as Proteus changed his shape endlessly to refuse to foretell the fate of abductor Menelaus. ─── 汤因比曾指出历史的本质在于“变形”,犹如海神普罗泰乌斯不断改变自己的形状以对付绑架者梅奈劳斯预示命运的要求。

41、The most obvious adaptations making up the whale's protean shift are those that produced its streamlined shape and unmatched swimming abilities. ─── 在鲸豚演化中促成各种变化的适应,最明显的就是使牠们的体型呈流线型以及成为游泳高手的那些。

42、a protean character ─── 多变的性格

43、Yet in protean China, one constant is that opposing the Communist state brings down a mailed fist. ─── 然而,在千变万化的中国,常有的现象是反对共产主义国家会导致铁腕手段。

44、The color of Protean, rich diversity can divide two kinds big: Be fastened without color and color is fastened. ─── 千变万化、丰富多样的颜色可以分成两大类:无彩色系和有彩色系。

45、To control the complex object of kiln which has such characteristics asfollows: pure delay, big inertia, nonlinear and constantly protean etc. ─── 针对窑炉这样有着纯滞后、大惯性、非线性、时变等特性的复杂控制对象,文中提出了一种优化控制算法。

46、There is his mind.It is an amphitheater in which the actor gives a protean performance. ─── 他的头脑,他的头脑是一个圆形剧场,场上的演员一人扮演好几个角色。

47、protean display ─── 窜飞

48、Industrialization is to solve show the significant step that level contradicts between a miniature production and Protean big market and fundamental way. ─── 产业化是解决现阶段一家一户的小规模生产与千变万化的大市场之间矛盾的有效措施和根本途径。

49、The causes of CAH were viral infection in 16cases, drugs in 5 and unknown in 13. The clinical presentations were protean and the diagnosis, of CAH was often difficult. ─── 16例由病毒感染引起,5例由药物引起,13例原因不明。 CAH的临床表现多样化,诊断常很困难。

50、Protean configuration of international power is an important factor which endangers the world peace. ─── 国际格局变化不定,是危及世界和平的一个重要因素。

51、protean stone ─── 石膏石

52、soybean protean ─── 大豆蛋白质

53、uniquely protean nature ─── 独特而多变的本质

54、Vasculitis includes a group of diseases that have different pathogenesis and protean clinical manifestations. ─── 血管炎是一组发病机制各异,临床表现多样的疾病的总称。

55、TITe is his mind.It is an amphitheater in which the actor gives a protean performance. ─── 他的头脑,他的头脑是唯一圆形剧场,场上的演员一人扮演好几个角色。

56、And yet the network has one proven advantage: its protean ability to adapt to circumstance. ─── 经证实,这一网络有一个优势,即适应环境的高度灵活性。

57、Type of Chinese mobile phone is Protean, if client end can be accomplished,install beforehand, get online to browse and be visited to the user can have very great help. ─── 中国手机机型千变万化,如果有客户端可以做到预装,对于用户上网浏览和访问会有很大帮助。

58、2.He loved to show off his protean talent. ─── 他喜欢炫耀他的各式各样的才能。

59、PROTEAN , a computer program, draws on numerous sources of data to create detailed estimates of structure, such as this protein complex from a ribosome. ─── 一个名为protean的计算机程序综合了不计其数的数据源,以便能够创建一个详细的结构评价,比如从一个核蛋白体而来的蛋白质综合体。

60、Sri Lanka is a protean and wonderful paradise. ─── 斯里兰卡是一个千变万化和精彩万分的人间天堂。

61、How to acquire the competitive advantage in this protean global market place? Timely reaction is of course a necessary condition for survival. ─── 如何在瞬息万变的全球化市场环境下取得竞争优势,快速反应是生存的必要条件。

62、The summer is feminine season, not only on dress Protean, the change that plays even the base also calls men to plaint unceasingly. ─── 夏季是女人的季节,不仅衣着上千变万化,连脚下的变化也叫男士们感叹不已。

63、3 it is the systematism degree that enters the market low, with the contradiction of " of difficult butt joint of Protean market " . ─── 三是进入市场的组织化程度低,与千变万化市场"难对接"的矛盾。

64、"He loved to show off his protean talent" (William A. Henry III) ─── “他喜欢炫耀他的各式各样的才能”(威廉A.亨利III)

65、He is a protean stylist who can move from blues to ballads and grand symphony. ─── 他是一位富有变化的艺术家,能从布鲁斯转换到民谣以及雄壮的交响乐。

66、The clinical presentations were protean and the diagnosis, of CAH was often difficult. ─── CAH的临床表现多样化,诊断常很困难。

67、The belle stars people deduce the amorous feelings on Protean top, how is the likelihood little are these beautiful hair acted the role of? ─── 美女明星们演绎千变万化的顶上风情,怎么可能少了这些漂亮的发饰呢?

68、This moment, catch up with the simplest and direct method of tide, it is Protean flexible packaging household act the role ofing is tasted. ─── 这个时候,跟上潮流的最简单直接的方法,就是千变万化的软装潢家居饰品。

69、"Protean " it is a form, "Put of one mind " it is a heart but by metric anguish, happy, sad, etc. ─── “千变万化”是形式,“存乎一心”是内心可被计量的痛苦、快乐、哀愁,等等。

70、The contradiction of the minor production of the innumberable families and Protean big market; ─── 千家万户的小生产和千变万化的大市场的矛盾;

71、In today's art world, a place without living culture heroes, you can't even imagine such a protean monster arising. ─── 在今天不存在文化英雄的艺术世界里,你甚至无法想像这样一位千变万化的怪物产生。

72、The key to appropriate management of pheochromocytoma is clinical awareness of its protean manifestations, both typical and atypical. ─── 嗜铬细胞瘤个案之正确处置有赖于临床医师是否对此疾病之典型及非典型症状有充分的理解。

73、Market is protean, it makes Chinese heavy truck enterprise pay much attention ─── 市场嬗变,中国重卡行业的八个节点

74、Vasculitis include s a group of diseases that have different patho-genesis and protean clinical manifesta-tions. ─── 血管炎是一组发病机制各异,临床表现多样的疾病的总称。

75、Under intense competition, the market demand is protean and the uncertainty of demand prediction results in more safety stocks and high cost. ─── 在激烈竞争下,市场需求变化多端,需求预测的不确定性导致企业安全库存增加,成本上升;

76、Rather than trying to impose some illusory common culture, national heritage, or shared economic interest on the protean stuff that is our humanity, our task is to celebrate an expanding democratic pluralism. ─── 我们的任务是颂扬不断扩张的民主多元主义,而不是试图把某些根本不存在的普遍文化,民族遗产,或是共同的经济利益强加在多变的人类本性上。

77、In today's art world, a place without living culture heroes, you can't even imagine such a protean monster arising. ─── 在今天不存在文化英雄的艺术世界里,你甚至无法想像这样一位千变万化的怪物产生。

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