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法国中部 Limoges 地方产的瓷器的英文,英语,limoges是什么意思,limoges中文翻译,limoges怎么读、发音、用法及例句

09-20 投稿


limoges 发音

英:[lɪˈmoʊʒ]  美:[lɪˈməʊʒɪz]

英:  美:

limoges 中文意思翻译

常见释义:法国中部 Limoges 地方产的瓷器


limoges 网络释义

n. 法国中部Limoges地方产的瓷器;里摩日(法中西部城市)

limoges 词性/词形变化,limoges变形


limoges 相似词语短语

1、Limoges ─── n.法国中部Limoges地方产的瓷器;里摩日(法中西部城市)

2、limaces ─── 湖沼

3、loges ─── n.逻各斯

4、limes ─── n.边界;界限;n.(Limes)人名;(法)利姆

5、limosis ─── n.善饥症;空腹

6、alimonies ─── n.离婚扶养费;生活费

7、limites ─── n.罗马帝国的加强界线(limes的复数)

8、limos ─── n.豪华轿车(limo的复数)

9、limous ─── 石灰

limoges 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、avoid the Hotel Mirable in Limoges-someone stole my wallet while I was staying there last time. ─── 尽量不要预订利莫吉斯的莫拉·贝尔宾馆,因上上次住在那儿有人偷人我的钱包。

2、There's an aerated brick I did in Limoges last year, in Concepts for New Ceramics in Architecture. ─── 这是一块去年我在法国里蒙做的透气砖,在「建筑的新瓷器概念」中。

3、The content of this page is from the LIMOGES port or LIMOGES customs import and export company directory; ─── 本页面内容主要是来自LIMOGES港口或LIMOGES海关的进出口公司目录;

4、Book online the cheapest hotels in Limoges - low prices and high discounts. ─── 网上预定在 Limoges 最便宜的酒店 - 价格优惠折扣多多。

5、the next, Fameuil, of Limoges; ─── 还有一个叫法梅依,利摩日人;

6、the manager of the Mercure Limoges Royal Limousin, would like to welcome you. ─── 在美居,我们将尽一切可能,确保您能度过一个美好的夜晚!

7、Jack Robinson was on target as England U19s were held to a 2-2 draw against host nation France in their opening game of the Limoges tournament on Wednesday night. ─── 罗宾逊在周三晚上英格兰u19队2 - 2打平法国u 19国家队的比赛中攻入一球,这是英格兰u19国家队在利摩日欧锦赛的首场比赛。

8、During the 13 years that he spent at Limoges, Turgot attempted, despite local opposition and halfhearted support from the central government, a widespread reform of his district. ─── 当时,有两个即将回国的中国留学生受托于回国后将中国情况向在法国的师友作报告。

9、She is a direct daughter from the top racing and breeding cock “Wittenbuik” when paired to “Heidi” sister to “Ronker” 1st Asduif Fond 1994 &1st National Limoges 1995 from 8,883 birds. ─── 它是顶级赛鸽和育种鸽“怀特别克”(白腹号?)和“海蒂”的直女,“海蒂”是“蓝柯”的妹妹,而“蓝柯”是埃斯地弗方德1994年赛冠军;利蒙治1995年国家赛冠军,8883羽。

10、That isn't so Surprising, since Golding's stock may include anything from an early English, Gothic bed costing 100,000 English pounds (1.34 million Renminbi) to a Limoges enamel book cover, one of only two known to be in existence. ─── 这并不令人惊讶,因为戈尔丁的收藏甚丰,可能从价值10万英镑(合人民币'134万元)的英国早期哥特风格的床以至海内仅存的两本之一的里摩日珐琅书皮,什么都有。

11、His father, a tailor in Limoges, moved with his large family to Paris in 1844. ─── 父亲是利摩日的裁缝,1844年全家迁居巴黎。

12、Remy Martin Centaure Limoges ─── 人头马特级瓷瓶酒

13、When paired to “Heidi” sister to “Ronker” 1st Asduif Fond 1994& 1st National Limoges 1995 from 8,883 birds. ─── “海蒂”是“蓝柯”的妹妹,而“蓝柯”是埃斯地弗方德1994年赛冠军;利蒙治1995年国家赛冠军,8883羽。

14、A pair of large blue Limoges porcelain vases, ornamented with gold floral patterns. ─── 一对大蓝利摩日瓷花瓶,装饰用金暗花。

15、You know, I knew we should've gone with the Limoges instead of the Lenox. ─── 我知道我们应该选择里摩日风格的餐具,而不是雷诺克斯的。

16、Dam: NL.00.1274475 is bred from a direct son of “Limoges” and “Geschelptewitpen” when paired to a daughter from “Turbo” and “Flicka”. ─── 母亲:“里摩日”和“杰斯切尔普特威特彭”的直系儿子和“特尔布”和“弗利卡”的女儿交配繁育的后代--NL.00.1274475

17、Kazakh cycling team Astana (AST)'s Lance Armstrong of the United States is photographed during a training session on July 13, 2009 in Limoges on the first of the two rest days. ─── 哈萨克斯坦自行车队阿斯塔纳转移酶(AST)的兰斯阿姆斯特朗的美国拍摄在训练会议2009年7月13号在利摩日的首两个休息日。

18、The most accomplished member of a prominent Limoges family of enamelers, he is known for the revealing realism of the portraits he painted on Limoges ware. ─── 他是利摩日最著名的画珐琅家族中卓有成就的成员,以画在利摩日珐琅制品上的肖像画的写实主义著称。

19、Limoges painted enamel ─── 利摩日画珐琅

20、7, Song Piao: Beijing to Limoges special ticket price of the consultation in Beijing with free Songpiao Central 5, to vote for payment or through bank transfer. ─── 7、送票方式:北京到里摩日机票特价咨询价格在北京5环内免费送票,票到付款或通过银行汇款。


22、Kazakh cycling team Astana (AST) bicycle chain is washed at Novotel hotel on July 13, 2009 in Limoges on the first of the two rest days of the 2009 Tour de France. ─── 哈萨克自行车队阿斯塔纳转移酶(AST)自行车链水洗在诺富特酒店在2009年7月13日在利摩日的首两个休息日的2009年环法自行车赛。

23、Headquartered in Limoges, France, Legrand is the world specialist in products and systems for electrical installation and information networks for any kind of building. ─── 总部设在法国的利摩日,罗格朗的产品和系统在电气安装和信息网络方面是世界级的专家,适用于任何类型的建筑。

24、Friendly tips: Beijing harmonious international ticketing network to the latest release of the Beijing airport to fly to Europe Limoges international ticket information are real and effective. ─── 友情提示:和谐北京国际票务网最新发布的北京机场飞往欧洲里摩日国际机票信息均真实有效。

25、Coming from Limoges, take the RN 141, in the direction of Angouleme. ─── 如果太迟取消预订或没出现在酒店,酒店将收取第一夜的房费。

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