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09-20 投稿


limned 发音


英:  美:

limned 中文意思翻译



limned 词性/词形变化,limned变形

动词过去式: limned |动词第三人称单数: limns |动词过去分词: limned |动词现在分词: limning |名词: limner |

limned 相似词语短语

1、limed ─── adj.用石灰中和的;刷了石灰的;水泥砌合的;v.用石灰处理(lime的过去分词)

2、dislimned ─── 变模糊

3、damned ─── adj.(基督教)永受地狱之苦的;该死的,可恶的,糟透的;完全的;adv.极,非常;n.该下地狱的人;v.咒骂;诅咒……下地狱(damn的过去式和过去分词)

4、hymned ─── n.赞美诗;圣歌;欢乐的歌;vt.唱赞美歌;vi.唱赞歌

5、limbed ─── adj.(用于复合词中)有…枝(或肢、翼)的;v.肢解;砍去(limb的过去分词)

6、limnaeid ─── n.椎实螺

7、limner ─── n.画家,画匠

8、limped ─── adj.柔软的,无力的;软弱的;vi.跛行,一拐一拐地走;缓慢费力地前进;n.跛行;n.(Limp)人名;(英)林普

9、limited ─── adj.有限的;n.高级快车

limned 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Plantation density selection of Psidium guajava limn on hillside fields ─── 台湾珍珠芭乐坡耕地适宜种植密度的选择

2、the personality of a great leader limned in words; ─── 用言语刻画的伟大领袖的个性;

3、draw the outline of;limn ─── 勾画

4、"I always have the impulsiveness to limn the whole world. ─── 我总有一种冲动,想要描述整个世界。"

5、Objects seem limned by an unseen flame, and exotic fragrances hover at the edge of awareness. ─── 像是被看不见的火焰描绘,并有奇特的香气徘徊在可察觉的边缘。

6、The report limned a desperate situation. ─── 那报道描述出一个严重的情况。

7、Electrochemical Performance of Surface Modified LiMn ─── 表面处理对LiMn电化学性能的影响

8、Not every ancestral lieness has been limned. ─── 并不是给每一位祖先都画了肖像。

9、The report minutely limned the trade situation. ─── 这份报告详细描述了贸易形势。

10、When he rubbed it, a small spark flickered into being at the center, gradually brightening until it limned the encircling casks and bundles with soft honey-colored light. ─── 他抚摸着水晶球,在这球的中心闪出一个小小的火花,逐渐扩散,直到它柔和的蜜色的光,照亮了周围的袋子、包裹。

11、Keywords LiMn 2O 4;microwave singtering;Li based intercalation compound; ─── 微波烧结;锂嵌脱化合物;

12、To limn their portraits, stately, beautiful, and emulate at will, ─── 绘出他们描绘的图景,宏伟,美丽,随意地模仿

13、He was as crisp as a new dollar bill-as clean, sharp, firmly limned. ─── 他就象一张崭新的钞票一样利落--一样干净,鲜明,一丝不苟。

14、For an eternal second he stood in the midst of a portrait gallery,wherein she occupied the central place,while about her were limned many women,all to be weighed and measured by a fleeting glance,herself the unit of weight and measure. ─── 在那永恒的刹那,他已站在以她为中心的一道肖像画廊里。她的周围出现了许多妇女。以她为标准一衡量,那些妇女的分量和尺寸转瞬之间便一清二楚。

15、limn on water ─── 水上绘画瞬刻即逝徒劳无益

16、Overhead the sky shone with a hard serenity, a blue, enameled dome through which the imperishable fires seemed magnified as they limned sharp shadows on the earth; ─── 头顶的天空平静蔚蓝,如釉般光滑的苍穹把不灭之火放大,它们追逐急剧变化的地球阴影;

17、This marked the birthing period for computers, when their capabilities were just being limned. ─── 这成为了电脑诞生时期的标志,那时电脑的性能正处在探索之中。

18、Faerie fire limned the nine-foot creatures as if they were living sculpture. ─── 妖火勾勒出这九尺高生物的外形,仿佛是一对活生生的塑像。

19、The report limned a desperate situation. ─── 那报道描述出一个严重的情况。

20、And in my spare time, I gaze at the mountains limned with hazy gold and conjure up Book III and what may come after it. ─── 在我空闲时,我会凝望披上一层朦胧金色霞光的远山,构思接下来要写的第三部书。

21、limn v. ─── 描画;描述;

22、For an eternal second he stood in the midst of a portrait gallery, wherein she occupied the central place, while about her were limned many women, all to be weighed and measured by a fleeting glance, herself the unit of weight and measure. ─── 在那永恒的刹那他已站在以她为中心的一道肖像画廊里。她的周围出现了许多妇女。以她为标准一衡量,那些妇女的分量和尺寸转瞬之间便一清二楚。

23、The artist limned a good likeness of his wife. ─── 这位画家给他妻子画了一幅很好的肖像。

24、He was as crisp as a new dollar bill-as clean, sharp, firmly limned. ─── 他就象一张崭新的钞票一样利落--一样干净,鲜明,一丝不苟。

25、seem limned by an unseen flame, and exotic fragrances hover at the edge of awareness. ─── 像是被看不见的火焰描绘,并有奇特的香气徘徊在可察觉的边缘。

26、Sanwa Bank Limned ─── 三和银行

27、The drow were proud of the beauty of their designs, and especially ornate columns or perfectly crafted gargoyles were almost always limned in permanent magical lights. ─── 黑暗精灵对他们自己美丽的创作感到十分自豪,特别华丽的石柱雕刻和雄伟的石像多半都会沐浴在永恒的魔光之中。

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