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09-20 投稿


launder 发音

英:['lɔːndə]  美:['lɔndɚ]

英:  美:

launder 中文意思翻译




launder 网络释义

vt. 洗涤;清洗;洗黑钱(把来路可疑的钱弄得貌似合法)vi. 洗涤;洗熨;耐洗n. 流水槽

launder 短语词组

1、distributing launder ─── [机] 分配流槽

2、launder money ─── 洗黑钱 ─── 洗钱

3、launder classifier ─── [建] 洗渥分级器

4、discharge launder ─── [化] 卸载槽

5、swinging launder ─── 流动出钢槽

6、overflow launder ─── [化] 溢流槽

7、granulating launder ─── 造粒流槽

8、launder man ─── 洗衣工

9、charging launder ─── 加料流槽

10、oscillating launder ─── 振荡流槽

11、granulation launder ─── 造粒流槽

12、water cooled launder ─── 水冷流槽

13、enclosed launder ─── 封闭式流槽

14、bifurcated launder ─── 分叉流槽

15、swivel launder ─── 旋转流槽

16、feed launder ─── [化] 进料斗

launder 词性/词形变化,launder变形

动词第三人称单数: launders |动词过去分词: laundered |动词现在分词: laundering |动词过去式: laundered |名词: launderer |

launder 相似词语短语

1、launderer ─── n.洗衣工;洗黑钱的人

2、lounder ─── n.重击;vt.狠狠地打

3、laundered ─── vt.洗涤;清洗;洗黑钱(把来路可疑的钱弄得貌似合法);vi.洗涤;洗熨;耐洗;n.流水槽

4、maunder ─── v.闲逛;唠叨;胡扯;n.(Maunder)(美)蒙德(人名)

5、daunder ─── 达乌德

6、relaunder ─── vt.重新洗涤

7、lander ─── n.着陆器;出铁槽;把钩工人;n.(Lander)人名;(丹)兰诺;(德、俄、西、捷、瑞典)兰德尔;(英)兰德

8、lauder ─── n.瞒汇漏税;洗矿槽(流槽,出铁槽,槽洗机);vt.洗(可以洗);n.(Lauder)人名;(英、瑞典)劳德

9、launders ─── n.(Launders)人名;(英)朗德斯

launder 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Empty the pockets of all the clothes you're going to be putting away until next spring, then launder or dry-clean everything. ─── 清空所有放置到明年春天的衣服口袋,然后洗熨或干洗这些衣服。

2、lessee payments can then be used to launder future proceeds. ─── 承租人支付可以用来清洗的未来收益。

3、launder sand slicer ─── 槽式分砂机

4、The Forensic Accounting Evaluation of a Launder Crime Case ─── 一起采用洗钱手段进行犯罪的司法会计鉴定案例

5、launder money ─── 洗钱

6、Detergent powders will however,launder less efficiently at the boil,a use for which they are not intended. ─── 沸水可降低洗衣粉的洗涤效果,且洗衣粉无此用法。

7、Launder B E,Spalding D B.The numerical computation of turbulent flows[J].Comput Methods Appl Mech Eng,1974,3:269-289 ─── 吴江航,韩庆书.计算流体力学的理论、方法及应用[M].北京:科学出版社,1988

8、launder money monitor ─── 洗钱监测

9、Residents must provide and launder their own bed-linen and towels, but duvets and pillows are supplied. ─── 是我从宿舍网站上弄下来的,其中duvets到底是啥东西啊?我的美国同学都不知是啥。。。。

10、How many guests who expect clean towels every day in an hotel launder their own every day at home? ─── 旅店里希望每天有干净毛巾的客人中,有多少人每天在家洗自己的毛巾呢?

11、The article discussed the problemes in production process and introduced the improvement of launder washer,The application result was satisfactory.It was useful to similar mine equipments. ─── 介绍了平果铝土矿的槽式洗矿机在生产中存在的问题,阐述了对其进行改进的情况,应用效果良好,对类似矿山设备的改进有很好的借鉴意义。

12、So i just guess the white powder should be the launder powder or other alkalescent chemical . Right or not , maybe you have more idea? ─── 所以,估计香蕉皮上的白色粉是洗衣粉,或类似的碱性物质。分析得对否,请教大家!

13、Laundry will be picked up every 2 days.The camp coach will show students how to launder their own underwear.There are coat hangers, washing powder, gloves in rooms. ─── 大型之衣物、外衣、外裤两天统一送洗1次,个人之内裤及袜子,辅导员会指导小朋友自行清洗乾净,每间寝室会提供晒衣架、不伤手之洗衣精及手套使用。

14、A Few Problems About the Behavior of Launder Crime ─── 关于洗钱犯罪行为的几个问题

15、The Sheets are easy to launder and only require light drying. Infection control is maintained for up to 100 wash cycles. ─── 这些床单都非常容易清洁,并且只需要晒干就可以了。可循环清洗100次以内,超过则失去抗感染作用。

16、Meanwhile liaison was established with the Extradition Unit of the Metropolitan Police in London to trace Launder who had business interests in London, Spain and Germany. ─── 同时,又与伦敦首都警队的引渡组联络,追寻在伦敦、西班牙及德国均有生意的袁朗达的踪迹。

17、wash or launder by hand instead of with a machine ─── 不是用机器而是用手洗

18、launder classifier ─── 水槽式分级机

19、aerated launder ─── 曝气流槽

20、B.E. Launder and D. B. Spalding. Lectures in Mathematical Models of Turbulence [M ].Academic Press, Landon, England, 1972. ─── 姜正行.飞机内流空气动力学[M].北京:航空工业出版社.

21、So i just guess the white powder should be the launder powder or other alkalescent chemical. Right or not, maybe you have more idea? ─── 所以,估计香蕉皮上的白色粉是洗衣粉,或类似的碱性物质。分析得对否,请教大家!

22、water cooled launder ─── 水冷流槽

23、Based on the demand, the ultrasonic radiation surface can be laid underside the launder slot or on the side face or on the peak face, it is quite agility. ─── 安装布置灵活,根据需要超声辐射面可布置在清洗槽的底面,侧面或顶面。

24、Application of Two New Techniques in the Jinhu Lake Thin Shell Launder Project ─── 两项新技术在金湖薄壳渡槽工程中的应用

25、launder money risk ─── 洗钱风险

26、"Meanwhile, a large number of native Taiwanese with criminal records were able to launder themselves clean by joining the power structure, thus giving rise to the much-condemned Black-gold politics." ─── 它也使得许多黑道人物得以"漂白"(从政),形成为人诟病的"黑金政治"。

27、When the laundry face new types of consumer launder behavior in city, they should plan marketing tactic for their stores, however, being short of neither this aspect of information, nor the launder behavior research so far. ─── 摘要洗衣商家面对都会区变动之新型消费型态,应积极规划关于商店的行销策略;然而,关于这方面的资料却缺乏不足,且缺少在洗衣消费者的消费行为的研究。

28、Apply PREWASH directly to stains and then launder after one to two minutes. Effective in loosening grease and stains ? and there's no need to scrub! ─── 喷于衣物污渍之上,一两分钟后再洗涤,无需浸洗揉擦,洁力迅速发挥,分解油垢污渍。

29、Standard Launder Meter ─── 染色耐水洗试验机

30、distributing launder ─── [机] 分配流槽

31、When using the organic solvent industry launder equipment, we can also collocate with water cooling machine, which can prevent the lotion from volatilization, and to reduce the production cost. ─── 使用有机溶剂的工业清洗设备,也可配置冷水机,有效防止清洗液的挥发损失,以降低生产成本。

32、cooling launder ─── 冷却流槽

33、Launder crime is a kind of serious international crimes, to which international society is widely paying more and more attention. ─── 洗钱犯罪是一种严重的国际犯罪,越来越引起国际社会的广泛关注。

34、to wash clothes; to do one's washing; to launder clothes ─── 洗衣

35、Construction of Large U-style Thin-shell Prestressed Launder ─── 大型U形薄壳渡槽预应力施工

36、shaking launder ─── 振动溜槽

37、A white- collar criminal might be able to launder funds abroad, serve his time and move overseas to enjoy his ill- gotten gains. ─── 白领罪犯也许可以在境外洗钱,刑满释放后移居海外享用他的非法所得。

38、granulation launder ─── 水碎流槽粒化流槽

39、cementation launder ─── 渗碳槽

40、Could it be harmful to a child who chewed the garment (It is usually a good practice, for children or for adults with skin problems, to launder garments once or twice before wearing to remove irritating surface chemicals)? ─── 当孩子咀嚼织物时是否会受到伤害(对于孩子和皮肤有问题的方法)?

41、But there are increasing concerns that Hong Kong property could become an attractive vehicle for mainland Chinese to launder money. ─── 但越来越多的人担心香港的地产会成为大陆人一项诱人的洗钱工具。

42、Launder your new clothing before you wear it as this washes out the starch and dye residue, and reduces the formaldehyde content. ─── 为了避免伤害,新买的衣服一定都要下水洗过再穿,才能洗掉浆、表面处理物、残馀的染料及降低甲醛含量。

43、The Launder &Ying algebraic Reynolds stress turbulent model with hybrid finite analytical method is applied to simulate the secondary current in the compound channel. ─── 摘要采用L-Y雷诺应力模型,对水面和固壁边界条件进行有效的处理,结合混合有限分析法数值模拟了复式断面明渠二次流流动。

44、launder jacket ─── 流槽水套

45、What is most essential, you have also opened 1 account number in Chengdu Construction bank, has the launder suspicion. ─── 最关键的是,你还在成都建设银行开了1个账号,有洗黑钱嫌疑。”

46、open launder ─── 开式流槽

47、launder separation process ─── 流水槽比重分选法

48、The use of institutional electronic money transfers to launder money on a global scale is already out of anyone's control. ─── 机构的电子货币使用已经失控,演变成全球范围内的洗钱活动。

49、heated launder ─── 热流槽

50、In this paper, the reasons for retrofitting the launder system of flash furnace, the retrofitting plan, social and economical benifits resulted from the retrofitting were expounded. ─── 本文阐述了改造流槽的目的、设计方案及改造后所产生的经济效益和社会效益。

51、to launder ─── 洗熨

52、The oversized slurry in the classifier underflow launder is sent back to the ball mill for further grinding,while the slurry in the overflow launder is gravity fed to the limestone slurry feed tank. ─── 大粒径的浆液被返回至磨机继续研磨,小粒径的浆液自流入石灰石浆液箱。


54、extened launder furnace ─── 带延伸流槽熔炉

55、feed launder ─── 加料流槽

56、rewash launder ─── 再洗槽

57、After soaking, dip it in and out of hot water, then launder as usual. ─── 浸透后,用热水浣洗下,最后再洗下就好了。

58、I am afraid we can not launder embroidered items, ma'am. ─── 夫人,恐怕我们不能洗绣花衣物。

59、Keywords alumina feeding system;blower;pneumatic conveying launder;frequency control; ─── 加料系统;风机;风动流槽;变频调速;

60、primary launder ─── 初洗槽

61、LEWA incorporated with premium mineral oil,launder additives,anti-corrosion and anti-oxidation additives。 ─── 乐威由精制矿物油配以水溶性清洗剂及抗氧防腐和润滑添加剂等,可使产品沾物及油斑容易清洗,适用于各种型式针织机的润滑。

62、bifurcated launder ─── 分叉流槽

63、to launder clothes ─── 洗衣服

64、It can undertake research projects of the static and dynamical model experiment of dam, head conduit, workshop, large-sized launder, and site no-wear detection of dam (road or bridge), etc. ─── 可承担大坝、压力管道、厂房和大型渡槽等各种水工建筑物的静、动力结构模型试验及地质与大坝(道桥等)现场无损检测等研究项目。

65、extended launder furnace ─── 带延伸流槽的熔炉

66、Overseas casinos were commonly used to launder money out of the country in collusion with gaming operators, the report said. ─── 报告表示,在博彩运营商的配合下,境外赌场经常被用于洗钱,把资金转移到海外。

67、discharge launder ─── 卸载槽

68、tap-hole launder ─── 放出口流槽

69、A woman employed to launder clothes or linens ─── 洗衣女工雇来清洗衣服或亚麻制品的妇女

70、Construction Technology of Non-cross-pulling-bar Formwork of a Large U-shape Thin-wall Launder ─── U形薄壳大渡槽无对拉筋模板施工技术

71、A poor border guard is easier to tempt than a rich one, and a struggling business may be persuaded to launder money. ─── 一名穷困的保安比富裕的更容易受到怂恿,一个勉强挣扎的公司可能被说服迈向洗钱之路。

72、Three slots series of launder machines have set up independence solvent distill recycling system, in order to reduce the production cost. ─── 三槽系列设置独立溶剂蒸馏回收系统,降低生产成本。

73、As he is quick to point out, such a finding could be merely the result of poor record keeping. But it could also be an attempt to launder an ifiegally caught wild bird through more respectable channels. ─── 他很快地指出,这一现象可能是因为一些档案管理不善造成的,也可能是一些非法捕捉的鸟儿被披上合法的外衣来体面地进行交易。

74、launder washer ─── 槽式洗煤机

75、And they continue to arm themselves with ease in American gun shops and launder their profits in American banks. ─── 与此同时呢,他们能悠闲自在的在美国的枪店里大肆武装自己,顺便还可以通过美国的银行洗洗钱。

76、flat launder ─── 平槽

77、Launder towels separate from your other laundry. ─── 洗熨毛巾时要和其他衣物分开。

78、tailing launder ─── 尾矿排放槽

79、Two kinds of technical approaches, the approach of the distribute-holes and the approach of the launder, were pointed to improve hydraulic characteristics of side-inlet sump in the paper. ─── 本文提出了改善侧向进水集水池水力特性的两种技术方案,即配水孔方案与流槽式配水方案。

80、Keywords automatic machine of launder recycling articles lavation; ─── 全自动清洗消毒机;再生物品;洗涤;

81、voted today to crack down on banks that launder drug money. ─── 今天投票打击为贩毒洗钱的银行。

82、Spalding, D. B., and Launder, B. E., Mathematical Models of Turblence, Academic Press, New York, 1972. ─── 何俊明,笔记型电脑散热片流场配置最佳设计,国立台湾科技大学机械工程研究所硕士论文,2002。

83、overflow launder ─── 溢流槽

84、Preparation of new type of tamped refractory for iron tapping launder ─── 新型铁沟捣打料的研制

85、Nine are also charged with conspiracy to launder money. ─── 其中九人还被指控以共谋洗钱罪。

86、launder screen ─── 流槽筛

87、wash or launder by hand instead of with a machine. ─── 不是用机器而是用手洗。

88、tapping launder ─── 出铁流槽

89、It was said that some bad Fukien people launder money via Chinese restaurants. ─── 上菜速度相当快。

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