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09-20 投稿


joggle 发音

英:[ˈdʒɑːɡ(ə)l]  美:[ˈdʒɒɡ(ə)l]

英:  美:

joggle 中文意思翻译




joggle 网络释义

vt. 啮合;摇动,摇曳;轻摇vi. 啮合;摇动,摇曳;摇曳n. 啮合;轻摇,摇动;榫接

joggle 短语词组

1、joggle work ─── 啮合扣接榫作业

2、joggle truss ─── 拼接架

3、joggle joint ─── 脐接合,啮合镶接;榫接

4、joggle piece ─── 啮合柱,榫接部分

joggle 词性/词形变化,joggle变形


joggle 相似词语短语

1、boggle ─── vi.犹豫,退缩;惊恐;vt.搞糟,弄坏;使……惊奇;使……困惑;n.犹豫,退缩;惊奇

2、jiggle ─── v.轻摇;抖动;(使)左右摇摆;n.轻摇;微动

3、goggle ─── v.瞪大眼睛看;(眼睛)突出;n.护目镜;眼镜;瞪视;游泳镜;adj.(眼睛)突出的;转动的

4、coggle ─── 成边器

5、joggled ─── adj.啮合错折的;v.轻轻摇动;颤动(joggle的过去分词)

6、joggles ─── v.轻微摇晃;(使)快速颠动;啮合;n.啮合;摇动;榫接

7、juggle ─── vi.玩杂耍;欺骗;歪曲;vt.歪曲;欺骗;尽力同时应付;n.玩戏法;欺骗

8、toggle ─── n.拴扣;切换键,开关;套索钉;v.切换;拴牢,系紧

9、joggler ─── n.榫接机操作工

joggle 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、joggle a person while he is writing ─── 在人写字时推一下

2、Oh, don't, Sid. Don't joggle me. ─── 啊,希德,不要这样,不要推我。

3、joggle die ─── 阶梯模

4、white tung trees joggle in wind. ─── 白色油桐风中分飞.

5、Study of gear digress machine joggle parameter optimization ─── 齿轮减速机啮合参数优化设计

6、In the computation, considering the influence of all of joggle parameter, adopting compound-aitch optimization and intellective distinguish can prevail more reasonable joggle parameter. ─── 传统的多级齿轮传动设计浪费了材料的一部分承载能力,单目标的啮合参数优化方法精确度不够。

7、It explained the applications of the functionary line increment means by the connection of the gear geometry eccentricity and the joggle line increment. ─── 用齿轮几何偏心与啮合线增量关系的分析实例说明了作用线增量法的应用。

8、joggle work ─── 啮合扣接榫作业

9、Because log builds epicenter to have very good life safety performance, and whole cabin uses joggle to build, advocate join of the crisscross on the structure, have very good stability. ─── 由于原木建筑在地震中有很好的生命安全性能,而整间小木屋采用榫接建造,主结构上交错连接,具有很好的稳定性。

10、The paper discusses the method of optimistic designing of joggle mechanism of plastic molding press. ─── 讨论优化设计塑料注射成型机肘杆机构的方法。

11、Your thinking like water,my friend.when water wave joggle,it is difficult to see clearly .however,when it is calm ,the answer is limpidness ─── 你的思想就如同水,我的朋友,当水波摇曳时,很难看清,不过当它平静下来,答案就清澈见底了。

12、The die structure of blanking joggle compound die, trim jetting compound die and the edge turning compound die for interior and external holes were introduced. ─── 经工艺计算,提出了三副复合模能完成所需的工序。

13、The light is still sombrous and the trees still joggle as before.It ofen gives me some hallucination. ─── 那灯光依然昏暗的小路,那群树依然摇曳的小路,好像从来没有变过。

14、gear joggle ─── 啮合参数

15、Johanson's joggle leg screw ─── 约翰逊(氏)腿骨固定螺丝

16、Love is a kind of emotion which exist long time. It is a warm light to joggle in the cold wind, also a smile bearing deeply in ones mind. ─── 爱,是一种永恒的感情,是寒风中摇曳着的暖暖的灯火,是心中深埋着的一抹浅浅的笑容;

17、joggle beam ─── 拼梁

18、Study of gear digress machine joggle parameter optimization ─── 齿轮减速机啮合参数优化设计

19、Accurate Calculation on the Effective Joggle Length of Gear Involute ─── 渐开线有效啮合长度的精确计算

20、Joggle your brain with this addictive game that`s hard to put down! ─── 啮合你的大脑这个游戏上瘾`很难放下!

21、DH type abaxial compressor often could not work well because of the troubles such like losing balance,failure of gear joggle and bearing during working. ─── DH型离心压缩机在工作中较常出现不平衡、齿轮啮合故障和轴承故障等问题。

22、Three-dimensional trending graph is formed by the way of architectural plan or Busbar Trunking joggle. ─── 并通过联机会议功能实现设计人员之间的信息交互,为母线槽企业大型工程的协同设计奠定了基础。

23、And there are any metallic connectives on this bed, joggle is between bed leg and bedplate, craftsman certains ably good mortise, this bed combination is together. ─── 并且这个床上没有任何金属连接物,床腿和床板之间都是榫接的,工匠巧妙地凿好榫眼,将这个床组合在一起。

24、Accurate Calculation on the Effective Joggle Length of Gear Involute ─── 渐开线有效啮合长度的精确计算

25、The result indicates the material not only meets need of connecting rod but also has low ductile fracture and good fracture joggle in definite condition. ─── 结果表明,该材料不仅能够满足连杆的使用要求,在一定条件下还具有断裂低塑性及良好的断裂啮合定位性。

26、The research result states that the contacting stress, thread torque and thread joggle geometry restriction are mechanical points of the sticky thread. ─── 研究结果表明:接触应力、上扣扭矩、螺纹啮合时的几何约束,是齿面粘扣的力学要点。

27、Give it your best shot, but be forewarned, Joggle just might be the most addictive and most puzzling game ever!! ─── 给您最好的球,但被警告,啮合刚才可能是最容易上瘾,最令人费解的游戏!

28、Study of step gear-driven joggle parameter optimization ─── 多级齿轮啮合参数的优化设计

29、Love is a kind of emotion which exist long time.It is a warm light to joggle in the cold wind, also a smile bearing deeply in ones mind. ─── 爱,是一种永恒的感情,是寒风中摇曳着的暖暖的灯火,是心中深埋着的一抹浅浅的笑容;

30、In the computation, considering the influence of all of joggle parameter, adopting compound - aitch optimization and intellective distinguish can prevail more reasonable joggle parameter. ─── 提出用单目标函数进行初步的啮合参数优化,以此为基础再进行一次迭代优化计算。

31、joggle tenon ─── 凸凹相咬榫中的凸榫

32、While working , the teeth of belt and the teeth of pulley joggle each other to transmit the motion and the dynamic force. ─── 转动时,通过带齿与带轮的齿槽相吻合来传递动力。

33、Based on analysis of malfunction of planet - gear speed reducer in rotating die system, this paper presented corresponding revamping measures, and optimized the design of its joggle parameters. ─── 通过对旋转模头系统行星齿轮减速器故障分析,提出了相应的改造对策,同时对行星齿轮减速器的啮合参数进行了优化设计。

34、Tom moaned out: @Oh, don't, Sid. Don't joggle me. ─── 汤姆呻吟着说:“啊,希德,不要这样,不要推我。”

35、Study on Gear Wheel Dynamic Joggle Conditions ─── 齿轮动态啮合条件分析

36、joggle post ─── 啮合柱

37、Johanson's joggle leg screwJohanson urethroplasty ─── 约翰松尿道成形术

38、Study of step gear-driven joggle parameter optimization ─── 多级齿轮啮合参数的优化设计

39、cement joggle ─── 水泥砂浆嵌齿合缝水泥啮合

40、joggle shake roughly; shake with subden jerks The old car jolted its passengers badly as it went over the rough road. ─── 那辆旧车子驶过崎岖不平的道路时,把乘客颠得很厉害。

41、To join or attach by means of a joggle. ─── 榫接,啮合用啮合扣或接榫连接或安装

42、joggle v./n. ─── 轻轻颠摇;

43、joggle truss ─── 拼接架

44、joggle modeling; ─── 建模;

45、In addition, to avoid evaluate transcend equation,joggle angle is regarded as one of design variables instead of addendum modification coefficient. ─── 为了避免解超越方程和减少计算量,不再以齿轮的变位系数为优化设计变量,以啮合角代之,提供求解问题的另一条思路,算例结果表明此观点的可行性。

46、The light is still sombrous and the trees still joggle as before. It ofen gives me some hallucination. ─── 那灯光依然昏暗的小路,那群树依然摇曳的小路,好像从来没有变过。

47、Keywords lubrication seal rub wear and tear joggle side support side; ─── 润滑;密封;摩擦;磨损;啮合面;支撑面;


49、joggle piece ─── 啮合柱榫接部分

50、1. fasten or join with a joggle. ─── 用啮合扣固定或连接。

51、joggle surface ─── 导叶体啮合面

52、"Oh, don't, Sid. Don't joggle me." ─── “啊,希德,不要这样,不要推我。”

53、joggle joint ─── 啮合接

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