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09-20 投稿


legalist 发音


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legalist 中文意思翻译



legalist 短语词组

1、legalist school ─── [法] 法家

legalist 词性/词形变化,legalist变形


legalist 相似词语短语

1、regalist ─── n.王权至上主义者;君主主义者

2、legalise ─── vt.使合法化(等于legalize)

3、legal list ─── n.合法投资清单

4、legalism ─── n.拘泥于法律或规定的人;律法尊重主义者;守法主义;法律术语

5、legalises ─── vt.使合法化(等于legalize)

6、regalists ─── n.王权至上主义者;君主主义者

7、legaliser ─── 法学家

8、legalistic ─── adj.尊重法律的

9、legalised ─── v.使合法化(legalise的过去式和过去分词,等于legalize)

legalist 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、the Legalist ─── 先秦法家

2、On the recessiveness of legalist ideology in the Han dynasty ─── 论法家思想在汉代的隐性化

3、Han Feizi, a Legalist thinker born about a century after Mencius, warned that "the children of a kindly mother often turn out bad. " ─── 出生在孟子一个世纪以后的法家代表韩非子,警戒后人----慈母出败儿。

4、The profile of Weizhi fits well into the philosophy of our first rule, which integrates the Confucian legacy with the Legalist tradition of Chinese culture. ─── 伟志的做法非常符合我们规则1的哲学原理,该规则将孔子的思想遗产和中国文化的法家传统结合起来。

5、The thought of Shen Dao was fixed with the learning both Taoist and Legalist, which school did he belong to? ─── 由于慎到思想中道法兼容,学术界对他的学派定位问题一直争论不休。

6、The application of strict Legalist doctrine means that the Western State will not tolerate even the slightest opposition. ─── 严厉的法家学说的应用意味着这个西方的国度不允许哪怕最轻微的反对。

7、Sima Qian's historical outlook was formed as a new set of values under the guidance of Taoism, keeping pace with times with combination of Confucianism and Legalist School, etc. ─── 司马迁的历史是非观是以道家思想为指导,统摄儒、法诸家思想,与时俱进,从而形成的新价值体系。

8、The relation of The Legalist School theory and China Dynasty legal system are close. ─── 摘要法家学说和秦代法制关系密切。

9、Compared with the Legalist School, Confucianism seems emphasizing softness of Yin, for the legalist school purely uphold solidness of Yang. ─── 如果与法家比较,儒家又显得注重阴柔了,因为法家是纯任刚阳。

10、Sorai School's Inheritance and Transcendence of Confucian and Legalist Theory of "Human Natural Feelings" ─── 日本徂徕学派对儒法"人情论"的继承与超越

11、Most of the time Confucianism has been the predominant philosophy, though there have been times that China is more Legalist. ─── 儒家大多数时候都占统治地位,尽管中国有时法家色彩更加浓厚。

12、Zhu Xi and legalist school ─── 朱熹与法家之学

13、legalist school ─── [法] 法家

14、The Apostle Paul speaks forcibly on Christian liberty in the book of Galatians.He shatters the legalist with the doctrine of grace. ─── 使徒保罗在加拉太书中,强烈地讲论基督徒的自由,以恩典的教义打破律法主义者的论调。

15、The writer does not think it is proper to impute Qin's destruction to the Legalist's Theorey. ─── 秦的灭亡是一个复杂的问题,归结于秦用法家思想统治而导致秦快速灭亡是缺乏根据的。

16、Han Fei was a philosopher, political thinker and also an important representative of the Legalist School in ancient China. ─── 摘要韩非是战国末期的哲学家、思想家和法家思想集大成者。

17、The theory of value distinguish Shang Yang " s legalist mentality---liquidation of the private and founding of the public. ─── 商鞅还提出“立公废私"的公私观,为其法治论的推行寻找价值论上的支持。

18、The Legalist Management Which Putting Stress on the Interest and Mightiness and in Pursuit of the Efficiency ─── 重利求强与追求效率的法家管理

19、The Real Sense of the Confucian, Mohist and Legalist Moral Education ─── 儒、墨、法三家德育思想的现实意义

20、(“Clearly the basis of the New Legalist perspective and politics is itself a strict dichotomy between Chinese thought and Western thought, and this is its greatest weakness. ─── 一、认为新法家最大的弱点是将中西思想看成完全的对立。

21、Hanfei was the master of legalist school at the end of the Warring Period. ─── 韩非,战国末期法家思想的集大成者。

22、They consulted some legalist regarding the case. ─── 这个案子,他们请教了某个法律学家。

23、A general discussion on the Legalist School in Pre-Qin Dynasty Times and their theories has been provided in the first part. ─── 本文正文分为三个部分,首先,对先秦法家学派及其思想作一般性阐述。

24、They consulted some legalist regarding the case. ─── 为了这个案子,他们请教了某个法律学家。

25、Retrospecting Xunzi from Bacon and Hobbes (with special reference to two opposite styles of Chinese unification: Confucian and Legalist) ─── 从培根与霍布斯回顾荀子

26、Legalist ideology ─── 商韩法家

27、In subjugating the six other major states of Eastern Zhou, the Qin kings had relied heavily on Legalist scholar-advisers. ─── 秦朝皇帝在统治其他六国的过程中,大力度的采用了法学学者们的法制。

28、In subjugating the six other major states of Eastern Zhou, the Qin kings had relied heavily on Legalist scholar-advisers. ─── 秦朝皇帝在统治其他六国的过程中,大力度的采用了法学学者们的法制。

29、The Strategist School makes situation stand out;the Legalist School stresses institutionalization. ─── 兵家讲势,法家强调恃人不敢为非的制度化建设。

30、From Lao Zi's natural law to the absorption of the rule of Virtue from the Confucian and the rule of Law from Legalist schools. ─── 第三章论述了汉初黄老学派对传统道家、儒家和法家法律思想的吸收和改造的具体情况。

31、Hanfeizi is a great work of the Legalist school. ─── 《韩非子》是一部法家名著。

32、The ideology of the legalist school autocratic means and tools in ancient times. ─── 而古代法家的“法治”是维护专制的手段和工具。

33、Abstract: The constitutionalist goal of a legalist rule country is surrounded by the development of the administration rule of law. ─── 文章摘要: 行政法治的发展必须紧紧围绕法治精神、法治国家的宪政目标进行。

34、the Legalist School theory ─── 法家学说

35、Being a legalist, he never takes any risks. ─── 作为一个墨守法规者,他从来不冒险。

36、legalist philosophy ─── 法哲学

37、Han Fei was the most important representative of Legalist school in the period of Warring States. ─── 韩非是战国时期发家学派的主要代表。

38、This was a pharisaical or a legalist's position based upon works. ─── 这是法利赛人或律法师的立场,以工作为基础。

39、Abstract: The legalist school school of thought "the law" refers publicly praises the cloth the existing writing law as well as the implementation feudalism government by law penalty system. ─── 摘要:法家学派的“法”指公开颂布的成文法律以及实施封建法治的刑罚制度。

40、The award and punishment theory and practice display different characteristic in the Legalist School and the Mohist School, for the theory foundation is different. ─── 摘要法家与墨家由于立足的哲理基础不同,反映在赏罚的理论与实践上,也表现为各有特色的不同侧面。

41、Han Fei is a famous philosopher, thinker and theorist of politics, also the model of Pre-Qin Legalist School. ─── 韩非是我国战国末期一位著名的哲学家、思想家、政治理论家,也是先秦时期法家思想的集大成者。

42、The Legalist thought of combination of fa, shu and shi provides the theoretical foundation for building a new autocratic feudalistic centralization of state power. ─── 法、术、势相结合的法家思想,为建立新兴的封建专制集权政权,提供了理论支持。

43、The contribution of the Legalist School to the concept of sustainability in ancient China ─── 法家对中国古代可持续发展思想的贡献

44、The Militarist School and Legalist School were among the important academic schools in the periods of the Spring-Autumn and Warring States. ─── 兵家与法家是春秋战国时期百家争鸣中比较重要的两个学术派别。

45、Xunzi was a distinguished thinker in ancient China;he carried on and developed Confucian studies of Kongzi and Mengzi, and took in the ideological theory of Legalist school. ─── 摘要荀子是我国古代著名的思想家,他的学说中既继承和发展了孔孟儒学,又兼容了法家的思想理论。

46、On Legalist School and Confucian School Running for Legitimacy ─── 略论法家、儒家对合法性的诉求

47、The positive point is that it can improve the stability of society, complement the function of law, and promote the development of economy and link between Confucianism and Legalist. ─── 一方面赦免制度能稳定社会秩序、补充法律功能的不足、在一定程度上促进经济发展和促进儒家思想和法家思想的进一步融合。

48、The three religions (Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism) and the nine schools (Confucianism, Taoist, Astrologist, Legalist, Nominalist, Mohist, Diplomatist, Miscellanist and Agriculturist) ─── 三教九流

49、This state did not last long, as its legalist policies soon led to widespread rebellion. ─── 但是,秦王朝在中国的统治并不长,其严苛的法律导致了全国性的起义和叛乱。

50、They came from the" legalist notes", being a product of the popular meta- culture. ─── 公案小说来源于法家类“珥笔书”,是晚明文化普及浪潮的产物。

51、Compared with the Legalist School, Confucianism seems emphasizing softness of Yin, for the legalist school purely uphold solidness of Yang. ─── 如果与法家比较,儒家又显得注重阴柔了,因为法家是纯任刚阳。

52、Examining Legalist Theories and Censuring Confucianism ─── 评法批儒

53、So we must appraise Han Fei's legalist thought accurately, absorb the quintessence and abandon the waste matter in order to make the past serve the present. ─── 所以,我们要正确看待韩非的法治思想,吸收其精华,弃其糟粕,做到古为今用。

54、Hanfei was the master of legalist school at the end of the Warring Period. ─── 摘要韩非,战国末期法家思想的集大成者。

55、They came from the "legalist notes", being a product of the popular meta - culture. ─── 公案小说来源于法家类“珥笔书”,是晚明文化普及浪潮的产物。

56、the third chapter displays fully Lu Xun"s comments and evaluation of the traditional culture in the light of Confucianism, Legalist thoughts, Monism, Taoism and Buddism; ─── 第三章以儒、法、墨、道、佛等为例讲述了鲁迅对传统文化的具体评价。

57、The unified Qin Dynasty used the legalist's theorey to govern the country, and it was positive to keep a unified situation at that time. ─── 统一后的秦王朝使用法家思想进行统治对于维护当时的统一局面是有积极意义的。

58、Confucianism and legalism are the two extremes of Chinese traditional ruling strategy, from which two categories of civil officials of Confucian scholars and legalist officials derive respectively. ─── 摘要王道和霸道是中国传统治术的两端,并且由此产生“儒生”与“文吏”二类文官群体的分类。

59、Legalist School's criticism and development of Forms and Names are discussed based on the analysis of the relation between Study of Forms and Names and School of Names. ─── 摘要为了辨析刑名之学与名家之关系的基础上法家对刑名之学的批判继承的不同方面,采用考古资料与文献资料相结合、社会史与思想史相结合以及分析对比的方法给以论证。

60、On Confrontation between Confucian and Legalist Penalty Philosophies in the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Periods ─── 春秋战国时期儒法刑罚思想的对抗

61、However, this tentative was obviously a failure, coming under attacks from all Confucian, Taoist and Legalist scholars. ─── 各家对这件事都持否定和批判的态度,但否定和批判的角度却又不同。

62、Legitimacy or Efficacy--On the Comparison of Order thought between Confucian and Legalist school ─── 合法性抑或有效性--对儒、法两家秩序思想的比较

63、Legalism (Legalist School) ─── 法家

64、Gu Jie-gang when views are changed, that "is (the Warring States Period) Legalist writings, and the Western Han Dynasty Confucianism never the same" (4). ─── 顾颉刚这时的意见亦有所转变,认为“是(战国时)法家的著作,和西汉儒家思想绝不相同”(4)。

65、Sima Qian"s marginal culture and marginal psychology conflicted to Han Wudi"s Confucian and legalist culture,which lead to "Liling Hair". ─── 司马迁的边缘文化和边缘心态与汉武帝的儒法文化产生了尖锐矛盾,并最终导致了“李陵之祸”。


67、Hanfei ,the representative of Legalist, adapted to the time tides and advocated that friend relationship should keep far away from politics, especially between emperors and subjects. ─── 法家代表人物韩非,则顺应时代潮流,主张朋友关系应当远离政治,尤其是君臣之间。

68、Keywords pre-Qin Dynasty period;Confucius;Mencius;Xun Zi;Taoist;Mohist;Legalist;rhetoric; ─── 关键词先秦;孔子;孟子;荀子;道家;墨家;法家;修辞;

69、A Preliminary Analysis of Legalist Communication Thought in Pre-Qin Period ─── 先秦法家传播思想述论

70、In order to pursuing non-punishment, the Legalist school advocated the policy of executing cruel torture to decrease crime rate, but the Confucianist advocated the policy of returning punishment for kindness. ─── 摘要对“无刑”的追求,法家主张“以刑去刑”的政策,而儒家主张“以德去刑”的政策。

71、Origin of the Legalist School and Its Difference from Other Schools of Thought ─── 法家学派的由来及其界限

72、Legalist Thought ─── 法家思想

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