knitter 发音
英:[ˈnɪtər] 美:[ˈnɪtə(r)]
英: 美:
knitter 中文意思翻译
knitter 短语词组
1、cyclo knitter ─── 环形编织机
2、castor knitter ─── 蓖麻编织机
3、r knitter r ─── 编织机
4、twin knitter ─── 双系统针织机
5、plucky knitter traveler ─── 勇敢的旅行者
6、plucky knitter ─── 勇敢的编织者
knitter 词性/词形变化,knitter变形
knitter 相似词语短语
1、Sitter ─── n.代人临时看管小孩的人;当模特儿的人;坐着的人;n.(Sitter)人名;(德、法、荷、挪、捷)西特尔
2、knotter ─── n.打结的人;解结的人
3、knitters ─── 编织工
4、-knitted ─── adj.针织的;编织的;v.编织;使紧密结合(knit的过去式和过去分词)
5、Ritter ─── n.骑士;n.(Ritter)人名;(英)里特;(西、俄、德、法、匈、捷)里特尔
6、Twitter ─── v.吱吱叫;嘁嘁喳喳地讲;尖声说话;在推特网发博;傻笑;n.鸟叫声;兴奋,紧张;闲话;傻笑
7、unbitter ─── 没有仇恨(或怨愤)的;非恶意的
8、knitted ─── adj.针织的;编织的;v.编织;使紧密结合(knit的过去式和过去分词)
9、knitwear ─── n.针织品,针织物;毛织类衣物
knitter 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、He knit his brows as he considered my request. ─── 他皱着眉头,考虑着我提出的请求。
2、David and Jonathan were knit in friendship. ─── 大卫和乔纳森亲密无间。
3、We will knit up the project by the end of next week. ─── 下周末我们将结束这个项目。
4、Can you knit a torn sleeve up? ─── 你能织补撕破的袖子吗?
5、Buying Used Circular Knit Machine. ─── 孟加拉国求购纺织机。
6、She is showing me how to use a knitter. ─── 她正在对我示?如何使用编织机。
7、Knit one (ie make one plain stitch), purl one. ─── 平织一针,反织一针。
8、That's why I joined a knitter's group. ─── 这就是我加入一群编织者的原因。
9、Even lupus Kinfolk gather in tightly knit packs. ─── 即使狼亲属也被收入结构严密的组织。
10、There must be some trouble. Her two slender eyebrows are knit together. ─── 一定是发生什麽难事,她的两道修眉皱在一起。
11、"Are you strong enough to knit and man enough to purl(9)? ─── BoyzNite的网上商店的广告是这样写的:“你足够强壮编织么?
12、We knit up friendship after a meeting. ─── 一次会议后我们结下了友谊。
13、He wore a suit and tie, she a coral knit dress. ─── 他穿西装打领带,她穿橘红色针织裙。
14、Hongzhi (Quanzhou) Machinery Co., Ltd is a company engaged in the development, manufacture and sales of high quality circular knitter. ─── 公司长期坚持"诚信第一、客户满意、互惠互利、共同发展"为经营理念,热忱欢迎国内外广大客商来函、来电、来人商谈指导,我们期待着与您的真诚合作!
15、What kind of goods do you want, knit goods, sportswear, T shirts, or underwear? ─── 你要哪一类货物,针织品、运动衫、T恤还是内衣裤?
16、The son begins to knit a big fishnet. ─── 儿子就开始编织大网了。
17、She could knit a torn sleeve up. ─── 她能织补撕破的袖子。
18、If you’re a knitter or you crochet, watch how your hands feel and take a break regularly. ─── 如果你是个编织工或者当你正在编织的时候,注意一下手的感觉,并有规律地休息一下。
19、Knit the next two stitches together to make the garment narrower. ─── 下两针织在一起, 把衣服弄瘦点儿。
20、She was amazingly quick with her needles. She could knit up a baby's coat in an afternoon. ─── 她编结起来快得出奇。她一个下午就能编结好一件婴孩的紧身短上衣。
21、He asked her to knit him a sweater,quite casually,as if it was something she could do at one sitting. ─── 他叫她给织一件毛线衫,说得那么随便,好像这是件她一下子就可以做好的事。
22、She could knit up a baby's coatee in an afternoon. ─── 她一个下午就能编结好一件婴孩的紧身短上衣。
23、Wu Sun-fu knit his brows in silence. He could see it all now. ─── 吴荪甫皱着眉头不作声,心里是看得雪亮了。
24、Aysmmetrical drawstring tie with knit covered back elastic. ─── 不匀称的伸缩形领带,后面带着弹性的编织物.
25、A church in Manila's Chinatown: its history is long, believers close knit. ─── 在马尼拉中国城内的大教堂,历史悠久、信徒络绎不绝。
26、A tightly knit group of zealots who are active in advancing the interests of a revolutionary party. ─── 小组由积极发展某一革命党的狂热分子组成的一个紧密联系在一起的组织
27、Clothe me with skin and flesh and knit me together with bones and sinews? ─── 你以皮和肉为衣给我穿上,用骨与筋把我全体联络。
28、Juvenscence is the only time when we have right to knit our dreams. ─── 年轻是我们唯一拥有权利去编织梦想的时光。
29、Pattern instructions controlled by chain to knit reliable and stable. ─── 任意调整编织宽度,花型指令由电脑控制。
30、Constructional Principle of Modern Jacquard Warp Knitter and Design for the Products ─── 现代贾卡经编机结构原理与产品设计
31、The little girl knit her brows for a moment and then gave the correct answer. ─── 小女孩皱了一下眉头,然后作出正确的回答。
32、Mei knit her brows. She was still the same disturbing personality. ─── 她说话时把眉毛紧皱着,跟从前并没有两样,不过如今显得更动人了。
33、This disabled woman, who lost both arms, shows people how to embroider, sew and knit by her feet in Kunming, Yunnan. ─── 云南昆明一位无臂妇女在街头人展示用脚绣花的功夫。
34、It was evident from his pale face and knit brows that his resolution to revenge himself was growing weaker. ─── 从那苍白的脸色和紧皱的眉头上,可以看出他复仇的心愿已渐渐消除了。
35、Did you knit that sweater? I asked her.No, she answered. It was done by a woman here in Paris. ─── “你自己织的吗?”我问道。“不是,”她答道。“是巴黎这儿的一位女士织的。”
36、Clothe me with skin and flesh, And knit me together with bones and sinews? ─── 伯10:11你以皮和肉为衣、给我穿上、用骨与筋、把我全体联络。
37、"Knitting is a great stress reliever that can be done almost anywhere, " an avid knitter said. ─── 一位迷上缝纫的卡车司机表示,做针线活没有地点限制,而且可以很好地缓解压力。
38、Knit one (ie make one plain stitch), purl one . ─── 平织一针,反织一针.
39、The compaction behavior of multi-axial warp knit reinforcement is investigated. ─── 在湿态压缩中讨论了树脂的润湿作用以及润湿后一些织物的反弹行为。
40、She preferred rather to sew than to knit. ─── 她喜欢缝纫而不爱编织。
41、"But it took me almost a week to knit that one sweater," she said. ─── “我织一件那样的线衫就差不多要花一周的时间,”她说。
42、Last year a fellow knitter and plant-lover shared several sunflower seeds with me. ─── 去年好心的格友芸芸众生-云淡风轻分享了好多颗向日葵种子给我。
43、The count knit his brows, and remained silent an instant. ─── 伯爵皱紧眉头沉默了一会儿。
44、You can knit a sweater by the fireside. ─── 你可以在炉边织着毛衣
45、Mother has written to Mei Yu to ask her to knit a pair of gloves for you. ─── 妈有信与美育,叫她替你织手套寄去。
46、You can knit up that sleeve if you gather the stitches carefully. ─── 你要是小心收针就能织补好那个衣袖。
47、For instance, we recommend the knit sweater that fused black and charcoal vertical striping against a solid base. ─── 举例来说,我们建议针织毛衣的融合,黑色和木炭垂直带对了坚实的基础。
48、There is also a workshop to knit mink, rabbit, otter and fox skin. ─── 公司还设有水貂,兔皮、獭皮、狐狸皮编织车间。
49、Eros. An important aspect and evidence of life, Eros is found to be closely knit with death. ─── 1厄洛斯,作为生命的一个重要内容,与死紧紧相连。
50、Bela's brows knit as she puzzled over the symbols. ─── 在贝拉苦苦思索这些符号的含义时,她一直眉头紧锁。
51、Day off, bright, scenic area visitor if knit. ─── 假日,风和日丽,风景区游人如织。
52、He knit his brows in a tight, frown and smiled wryly to himself. ─── 他皱紧了眉头狞笑。
53、"But it took me almost a week to knit that one sweater" she said. ─── “我织一件那样的线衫就差不多要花一周的时间”她说。
54、This stylish sweater was knitted by a young knitter . ─── 这件时髦的毛衣是由一位年轻的编织者所编织的。
55、She knit me a pair of socks. ─── 她给我织了一双袜子。
56、She used the needle to knit a sweater. ─── 她用针织了一件毛衣。
57、We are knit together by a common goal. ─── 共同的目标把我们紧密地结合起来。
58、You can choose a knit cloth or a twin set as a top. ─── 妳可以选择一件针织衫或是两件式的针织上衣。
59、With a knife the knitter ends his wife's life in the lifeboat . ─── 在救生艇上编织者用小刀结束了他妻子的性命。
60、Many other actresses in it learned to knit as well, mostly from me. ─── 剧院里很多女演员学会打毛衣,大都是我教她们的。
61、I will here knit up this letter. ─── 信就此结束。
62、The upper half of a two-piece garment, especially a sweater or knit shirt. ─── 上衣:套装的上半部分,尤指毛衣或针织衬衫。
63、The doctor knit the two broken bones in his arm. ─── 医生把他臂上的两块折骨接好了。
64、To avoid snagging, smooth-edge tracing wheel is recommended for fine and knit fabrics. ─── 为了避免勾纱,对于高档面料和针织面料则推荐使用边缘光滑的擂盘。
65、The Chinese community is knit together by common interests. ─── 共同的利益使华人社区团结起来。
66、Wu Sun-fu said nothing, but just knit his brows in a puzzled frown. ─── 吴荪甫只是皱了眉头微笑,一句话也不说。
67、It’s nick name is the bone knitter. ─── 人体内50%的镁都存在于骨头中。
68、A knitter has to be a twister occasionally. ─── 一个针织工偶然成了捻搓工。
69、A day's employment of an unneeded tile-setter has meant a day's disemployment of a sweater knitter or machine handler. ─── 一名无所事事的瓦匠,就会导致另一名羊毛衫编织工或编织机操作工做不成事。
70、She is showing me how to use a knitter. ─── 她正在对我示?如何使用编织机。
71、But I couldn't make much because they knew how to knit too. ─── 可是进不了许多,因为她们也会织。
72、Lux Printed Knit DressPrinted knit dress cut with a deep-v neck and empir... ─── Lux 高腰款女连衣裙v形领口,高腰款式,泡泡袖口,凸显都市女性气质之美。
73、A common saying goes, "Knit the brows and you will hit upon a stratagem." In other words, much thinking yields wisdom. ─── 俗话说: “眉头一皱,计上心来”。 就是说多想出智慧。
74、Their class was a close - knit one. ─── 他们的班集体非常团结友爱。
75、If you're a knitter or you crochet, watch how your hands feel and take a break regularly. ─── 如果你是个编织工或者当你正在编织的时候,注意一下手的感觉,并有规律地休息一下。
76、She has bought some wool; she is going to knit a jumper. ─── 她买了一些毛线,打算织一件套头衫。
77、His mother likes to knit and watch. ─── 他的妈妈喜欢一边织毛衣,一边看。
78、She knows how to knit; Does your husband know how to cook? ─── 她精通编织;你的丈夫精通厨艺吗?
79、"He bends his tail like a cedar; The sinews of his thighs are knit together. ─── 他摇动尾巴如香柏树.他大腿的筋互相联络。
80、You can knit a sweater by the fireside. Sunday mornings, go for a ride. ─── 你可以在温暖的火炉旁织毛衣,或在星期天早上,骑车出游。
81、She could knit up a baby 's coat in an afternoon. ─── 她能在一个下午织好一件婴儿的衣服。
82、The upper half of a two-piece garment,especially a sweater or knit shirt. ─── 上衣套装的上半部分,尤指毛衣或针织衬衫。
83、Nanjing Pile Knit Fabric Producing CO., LTD. ─── 南京奥普织物有限公司。
84、With a knife gossip girl 插曲the knitter ends his wife's life in the lifeboat. ─── 在救生艇上编织者用小刀结束了他妻子的性命。
85、Customer service does not just mean a closely - knit network of branches, service centers or rental offices. ─── 售后服务不应仅限于密集式的网络化分支机构,服务中心或租赁办事人。
86、She preferred to sew rather than to knit. ─── 她喜欢缝纫而不喜欢编织。
87、A common saying goes, " Knit the brows and you will hit upon a stratagem." In other words, much thinking yields wisdom. ─── 俗话说:“眉头一皱,计上心来。”就是说,多想出智慧。
88、Friendship saves one from loneliness in his life,and enriches his days,As the knitter of dreams,friendship fully displays its beautiful youth and charming fragrance. ─── 人生中有了友谊,就不会感到孤独,日子就会变得丰富多彩。因为友谊是梦的编者,它在人生中绽放亮丽的青春,释放迷人的芳香。
89、Heavy blue nitrile coated gloves, jersey lining. knit wrist or safety cuff. ─── 全棉针织绒内里,可分为安全袖口,罗口。全浸和半浸手套。
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