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09-20 投稿


luminaries 发音

英:[ˈluːmɪnəriz]  美:[ˈluməˌnɛriz]

英:  美:

luminaries 中文意思翻译



luminaries 词性/词形变化,luminaries变形

名词复数: luminaries |

luminaries 相似词语短语

1、luminarist ─── n.外光派画家;用色鲜明的画家,光色画家

2、luminarism ─── 亮度

3、seminaries ─── n.神学院;学校;发源地

4、quinaries ─── adj.第五位的;五个一套的;五进制的;n.五个一套或一组

5、luminarias ─── 墨西哥的传统圣诞灯;n.(Luminaria)人名;(意)卢米纳里亚

6、lunaries ─── n.诚实;阴地蕨;adj.月球的(等于lunar)

7、luminaires ─── n.灯具;照明器;发光设备(luminaire的复数)

8、luminaria ─── 墨西哥的传统圣诞灯;n.(Luminaria)人名;(意)卢米纳里亚

9、luminarists ─── n.外光派画家;用色鲜明的画家,光色画家

luminaries 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、How to make the luminaries have sufficient power supply from the self-delay-extinguishing light switch ─── 怎么使延时自熄开关向照明灯供电充足些

2、Performance traitAudience Blinders is ideal for professional concert luminaries, provides high intensity illumination. ─── 产品特性:观众灯是一种提供高亮度照明的专业舞台灯具。

3、Capello has a hugely impressive CV and comes with the backing of such football luminaries as Sir Alex Ferguson, Arsene Wenger, Gianfranco Zola and Clarence Seedorf. ─── 卡佩罗具有巨大的影响力,类似弗格森爵士,温格,佐拉以及西多夫等足坛名人都支持他。

4、You must have done something right in your football career if your testimonial attracts luminaries like Johan Cruyff, Marco van Basten, Frank Rijkaard, Thierry Henry and Ian Wright. ─── 你必须在你的足球生涯中做的足够的好,,如果你想和克鲁伊夫,巴斯滕,理解卡尔德,亨利和伊恩赖特一样有着光辉四射的吸引人的历史。

5、Understood the functional requirement of each room illumination luminaries, we continue to ramble market of lamps and lanterns. ─── 了解了各个房间照明灯具的功能需求,咱们继续逛灯具市场。

6、One of the luminaries of the civilization that first gave us the Olympics knew better. ─── 最早给我们带来奥运会的那片文明中,一位先哲洞悉了一切。

7、Shannon, Richard Hamming, Narendra Karmarkar and other quantitative luminaries, before corporate upheavals ultimately forced a scaling back. ─── Shannon)、汉明(RichardHamming)、卡马卡(NarendraKarmarkar)和其他重量级巨星的会聚之处。

8、Illumination luminaries is floor lamp and droplight. ─── 照明灯具是落地灯和吊灯。

9、Hence, in the past week or so, the insistence, by such well-meaning luminaries as Jordan's king and the Saudi foreign minister, that the time is ripe for negotiation. ─── 因而,在过去一周左右的时间里,诸如约旦国王以及沙特外长这些善意的领导人都坚决主张谈判的时机已经成熟。

10、Other main-belt asteroids are already named for science fiction luminaries Robert Heinlein and Isaac Asimov. ─── 其他在主要小行星带的小行星也已经以科幻小说杰出作家罗伯特.汉莱与以撒.艾西莫夫之名命名。

11、The three-band T5 fluorescent lamps are always the advantaged energy conservation luminaries, it is mostly used in indoor and outdoor lighting such as industry, commercial and office site. ─── 摘要T5系列三基色高效直管荧光灯是一种性能优异的节能型电光源。主要用于室内外的高效照明以及工业、商业、办公场所的照明。

12、Of the twelve Adityas I am Visnu, of all luminaries the radiant sun, of the seven Maruts I am Marici and of the constellations I am the moon. ─── 在十二阿狄塔雅斯中,“我”就是韦施纽。在所有的发光体中,“我”就是光芒四射的太阳。在七大玛鲁斯中,“我”就是玛瑞塞。在群星之中,“我”就是月亮。

13、My point here isn't that these financial luminaries are hypocrites but, rather, that they are human. ─── 我说这些并不是想指出这些金融明星都是伪君子,而是想说,他们也都是人。

14、It indicates the fire emergency luminaries which are powered by centralized power supply device and there is no independent battery in the luminaires. ─── 灯具内无独立的电池而由集中供电装置供电的消防应急灯具。

15、After winning the plaudits of luminaries like Zubin Mehta and Arthur Rubinstein, Mr. Abas left the stage, a burned-out 14-year-old musician. ─── 在赢得了祖宾·梅卡(Zubin Mehta)和亚瑟·鲁宾斯坦(Arthur Rubinstein)等大师的喝彩之后,这位精疲力尽的14岁钢琴演奏家拉阿巴斯告别了舞台。

16、Fitted explosion proof lamps for platform luminaries ─── 平台灯配用防爆灯

17、With white high brightness LED luminaries ,the graphic distance can up 5000m; ─── 采用高亮度白色LED光源,可视距离达5000米;

18、An emergency luminaries power supply from new standard of our country was presented.Its character in design and circulit principle was also analysed. ─── 介绍了一种按照我国新标准要求而研制的应急灯电源,分析了它的设计特点及电路工作原理.

19、The memorial is expected to be attended by Silicon Valley luminaries and others close to Mr. Jobs, said the invites. ─── 受邀者说,预计硅谷名人和其他与乔布斯过从甚密的人会出席周日的这个纪念活动。

20、Chaka: I want 5000 units of recessed ceiling luminaries and 25000 fluorescent tubes. ─── 哪个型号的天花嵌灯?

21、Illumination luminaries must choose the bracket light of stationary switch, do not use the desk lamp that lead appears and floor lamp, with avoiding the child to move back and forth lead creates risk. ─── 照明灯具一定要选择固定式开关的壁灯,不要用导线外露的台灯和落地灯,以避免孩子摆弄导线造成危险。

22、That you may be blameless and guileless, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and perverted generation, among whom you shine as luminaries in the world, ─── 15使你们无可指摘、纯洁无杂,在弯曲悖谬的世代中,作神无瑕疵的儿女;你们在其中好像发光之体显在世界里,

23、We sincerely hope you have access to at least one or two of such luminaries! ─── 我们真诚希望您能够获得至少一个或两个这样知识渊博的人的协助。

24、All these make our products can be fine turned to fit various line voltage, frequency, environment and luminaries as per the customer's requests. ─── 可根据用户的需求研制生产适合全球任何地区电源,环境及光源的电源产品。本公司坚信品质源于科技,我们全体员工秉着提高产品品质及确保客户商业利润为最高宗旨。

25、The sun, the stars, a lighted tamp are examples that can be seen by their own light. Such things are luminaries. ─── 太阳、星星、点燃的灯都是由于本身能发光而被看见的物体的例子,这些物体是发先体。

26、As requested, I will now send you the product description about our recessed flush mounted ceiling fluorescent luminaries. ─── 按照你的要求,我现将有关嵌入式平面吸顶荧光灯的产品描述发给你。

27、Every era has seen its share of Shanghai film masters since.The 1930s and 40s were blessed with luminaries like Wu Yonggang and Fei Mu while the 80s were the era of Xiejin and Wu Yigong. ─── 作为一个伟大时代的见证和记录者,上海的广大电影人,用他们的智慧和汗水谱写出一篇篇脍炙人口的银幕佳作。

28、Today, when some 100 former athletes and associated luminaries gathered in Moscow, the IOC picked Beijing over Paris,Toronto, Istanbul, Turkey, and Osaka, Japan. ─── 今天,100名曾经的运动健将和体育明星齐聚莫斯科,目睹了国际奥委会选择了北京--而不是巴黎、多伦多、土耳其的伊斯坦布尔和日本的大阪--作为2008年奥运会主办者的一幕。

29、At the time of Shakespeare's death, such luminaries as Ben Jonson hailed him as the apogee of Renaissance theatre. ─── 当时莎士比亚的死亡,这种灯具作为本琼森称赞他为远地点文艺复兴剧院举行。

30、He was host to a large gathering of luminaries. ─── 他招集了大量杰出人物。

31、Achieving brightness and efficiency is not simply the lighting professional's objective but also highlighting the figure by different luminaries even with dynamic colors. ─── 专业的照明不仅著重光亮度和效能,更须以各种类型的灯和色彩缤纷的光勾勒出物件的轮廓。

32、However, both the law mentioned above and the only nationwide referendum practice so far have been criticized by either politicians in varied parties as well as luminaries. ─── 但是不论是我国现行的公民投票法以及至今唯一一次全国性公民投票的实践经验,皆在国内产生诸多争议。

33、The Turk toured Europe to great acclaim, even besting such luminaries as Benjamin Franklin and Napoleon. ─── Turk在欧洲广受追捧,甚至与本杰明.弗兰克林和拿破仑齐名。

34、It indicates a set of fire emergency luminaries which are powered by its related main fire emergency luminaries and there is no independent battery in the branch fire emergency luminaries. ─── 子消防应急灯具内无独立的电池而由与之相关的母消防应急灯具供电的一组消防应急灯具。

35、Today, when some 100 former athletes and associated luminaries gathered in Moscow, the IOC picked Beijing over Paris, Toronto, Istanbul, Turkey, and Osaka, Japan. ─── 该市的100多对夫妇正计划于3月26日在该市的市长办公室外举行一场别开生面的抗议活动。

36、We want to buy Flashlight, Outdoor Luminaries, Lanterns, Headlight, Keychain Light Electrical / Lighting Products and Components ─── 我们要采购手电筒,户外灯具,灯笼,头灯,钥匙串轻电器/照明产品和零件

37、The application of the color temperature of luminaries in the lighting design ─── 光源的色温及其在照明设计中的应用

38、Both luminaries shine in front of Capricornus the Sea-goat, but the moonlit glare washes out most of the constellation's stars tonight. ─── 两个赫赫有名的天体照耀的光线遮挡了摩羯座的山羊,但是月辉洒尽整个天空,洗净星星们的光芒。

39、Three hundred writers are on the list, ranging from ancient philosophers like Confucius and Laozi to the luminaries of the New Culture movement to contemporary writers of online fantasy epics. ─── 名单上列了三百位作家,从古代哲学家孔子和老子到新文化运动的倡导者,再到当代网络传奇作家。

40、luminaries efficiency ─── 光源效率

41、Over 775 IDC analysts in 50 countries provide local expertise and insights on technology markets, and the management team is comprised of experienced and respected industry luminaries. ─── IDC在全球50个国家拥有775名分析师分析、研究本国技术市场状况,其管理层也由经验丰富的、享誉业界的著名专家组成。

42、Her work has been lauded by such luminaries as the late Buckminster Fuller, who nominated her for a MacArthur Prize Fellowship.Dr. ─── 因为她的杰出成就,巴克明斯特富勒(美国建筑师、工程师、发明家、哲学家兼诗人)最近提名她为麦克阿瑟杰出人才奖候选人。

43、Character: Small volume. High luminous intensity and constand chromaticity throughout the life .approved for using in open luminaries .dimmable. ─── 特点:体积小,高光效,稳定的显色性,可调光,用于开放式的灯具中。

44、Her father, C.L.Franklin, was a well-known revivalist preacher;his church and home were visited by such luminaries as Aretha's aunt Clara Ward, Mahalia Jackson, B. ─── 其父为著名的奋兴布道家,他所主持的教会和家里聚集了许多有名的黑人歌星,如杰克森、比比金和华盛顿。

45、Fier emergency sign luminaries Installation: A.wall hitched; B.hang; materia... ─── 批发供应应急标志灯,应急疏散灯,应急指示灯(图)

46、It indicates the fire emergency luminaries providing lighting for person evacuation or fire-fighting operation. ─── 为人员疏散和/或消防作业提供照明的消防应急灯具。

47、4:The dimension of the special emergency power supply for Fire emergency luminaries. ─── 消防应急灯具专用应急电源的外形尺寸。

48、Actor Ethan Hawke, who wrote and directed the movie, is plainly a huge Harris fan, picking his songs for the entire soundtrack album, performed by a wide array of luminaries along with Harris. ─── 影片讲述了一个是来自田纳西,想要在纽约崭露头角的年轻演员,一个是美丽的歌手兼歌曲作者,这样的两个年轻人之间擦出的爱情火花的故事。

49、Those that have the Luminaries unfortunate in Angles will be apt to commit suicide. ─── 两颗光体在角宫受伤者容易有自杀倾向。

50、Best Sachtler advertising is the daily news. There is no TV station world wide not using support, luminaries or suspension equipment from the biggest supplier of professional Camera Support. ─── 对于萨驰勒来说,最好的产品广告就是每日新闻。世界上没有哪家电视台不在使用最大的专业摄像机支持供应商的照明系统及升降设备的。

51、Evening's two brightest celestial luminaries keep each other company for the rest of the night. ─── 傍晚两个明亮的天空明灯互伴彼此度过剩下的黑夜。

52、Technical requirements for fixed general purpose luminaries ─── gb/T13037-1991固定式通用灯具技术条件

53、A week earlier, the company received $20m in venture capital from a who's who of Silicon Valley luminaries. ─── 一周前,该公司从硅谷某著名风投机构得到了2000万美元的风投资本。

54、4. Raguel, one of the holy angels who takes vengeance on the world of the luminaries. ─── 4拉古埃尔,圣天使之一,掌管发光体世界的复仇。

55、The writer covers the fall of angels, the names of the archangels, and the fire of the luminaries of heaven. ─── 作者涉及到天使的堕落,天使长的名字和天上发光体之火。

56、An oil-filled capacitor shall be provided with an expansion spacing between any luminaries part and the capacitor terminals in accordance with Clause 3.8.8, unless marked otherwise on the capacitor. ─── 根据第3.8.8的要求,在灯具部件和电容器终端之间要给充油的电容器留够膨胀间距,否则,要在电容器上标明。

57、It's an exploration and a conversation between the viewer and one of the industry's luminaries, delivered with wit, depth, and provocation. ─── 它是一种探索,他是与观众的一次促膝交谈,是行业的灯塔,富含智慧、深度和启发。

58、Group workstations to share indirect ambient lighting. For the most uniform and pleasing environment, orient adjacent stations to distribute the luminaries throughout the office. ─── 集群式工作站共享间接周边照明.对于最均一及合意的环境中,调整邻近的工作站来把光散布到整个办公室.

59、Includes household filament light bulbs & luminaries. ─── 包括家用的白炙灯泡和光源。

60、Flashlight, Outdoor Luminaries, Lanterns, Headlight, Keychain Light Electrical / Lighting Products and Components ─── 采购产品手电筒,户外灯具,灯笼,头灯,钥匙串轻电器/照明产品和零件

61、The two Silicon Valley luminaries are chatting one evening at the Googleplex, the quirky Californian headquarters of Google. ─── 这是这两位硅谷的名人某天晚上在谷歌公司外形怪异的加州总部大陆闲聊时的一幕。

62、character of discharge luminaries ─── 气体放电光源的特性

63、Honorary and Advisory Committee Members Include Government Officials, Standards Luminaries and Distinguished University Professors; Goals Include Sharing Best Practices and Making Lifelong Learning a Reality For All ─── 该社团名誉与咨询委员会成员包括政府官员、权威人士和著名大学教授社团宗旨是分享最佳实践经验,使终生学习成为现实

64、It indicates the fire emergency luminaries possessing functions of fire emergency lamp and fire emergency marker lamp. ─── 同时具备消防应急照明灯和消防应急标志灯功能的消防应急灯具。

65、Application: These series of lamps are especially used for decorative luminaries in shop windows, indoors and out-doors. ─── 用途:适用于店铺商柜,百货公司及各种室内外装饰照明。

66、My point here isn't that these financial luminaries are hypocrites but, rather, that they are human. We all need help living up to our best intentions. ─── 我说这些并不是想指出这些金融明星都是伪君子,而是想说,他们也都是人。我们都需要为实现自己的最佳想法而努力。

67、Izola's main dining room sets large blowup photos of former Chicago Mayor Harold Washington and other local luminaries. ─── 伊佐拉餐厅的主厅里挂满了前芝加哥市长哈罗德·华盛顿及其他当地名人的大幅放大照片。

68、Modern football luminaries like Thierry Henry and Cesc Fabregas were unified in their praise for the midfield mastermind, and his peers' recognition led to a third-place gong behind Cristiano Ronaldo and Didier Drogba in the PFA Awards. ─── 现代足球的球星,比如亨利和发布雷加斯都有优秀的中场组织能力,他的同行在PFA的赛季最佳评选中身居罗那尔多和德罗巴之后排名第3。

69、It was refreshing to see Buffett and George Soros and a number of other extremely wealthy luminaries stand up in opposition to President Bush's proposed repeal of the estate tax. ─── 巴菲特、乔治·索罗斯及其他一些有名的大富豪一起出面反对总统提出的废除遗产税计划,这确实有点新鲜别致。

70、leading luminaries of the arts ─── 艺术上最杰出的人物

71、And, they were independent of manufacturing or distribution of lighting equipment and were able to recommend the most appropriate luminaries for the optimum effect. ─── 并且,他们独立于制造商和照明设备的经销商,公正的选择最适合的灯具以达到最好的效果。

72、For example, high frequency lighting good reflecting luminaries and infrared controls can save money because fewer fittings are required and less heat is produced, leading to a reduced cooling load. ─── 举例来说,高频灯、强反射的光源和红外线控制可以节约资金,因为这些措施减少了设备的需要量和减少了热的产生(就导致冷负荷的减少)。

73、This task the German Revolution entrusted to a committee of socialist luminaries and university professors. ─── 德国革命将这个任务委托给了一个由社会主义专家和大学教授组成的委员会。

74、LED luminaries ─── LED路灯

75、Besides, the Fourier descriptor is applied to search the luminaries which have more similar candela distribution which were determined by lighting design engineers in lighting planning. ─── 结合上述两项理论之照明系统,往后于照明规划初期即可以配光曲线作为主要设计参数,进而达成最佳化之照明设计。

76、Luminaries and dignitaries from around the world joined the king as he danced the night away to the music of the Royal Hawaiian Band. ─── 全世界的君主,杰出显要人物和夏威夷国王在夏威夷皇家乐队的乐曲中一起跳舞,通宵达旦。

77、Rather than cutting new deals, CIC's management spent most of 2008 focused on recruiting staff and picking up advice from investment-industry luminaries courting the fund as markets spiraled downward. ─── 在2008年市场呈螺旋式下降的日子里,中投公司管理层并没有在新交易面前裹足不前,而是用大部分时间关注新员工招聘及听取投资界巨子的建议。

78、Respecting illumination luminaries, according to my understanding, the function that each rooms differ as a result of them, demand is diverse also. ─── 说到照明灯具,根据我的了解,各个房间由于它们不同的功能,需求也不同。

79、Although the Sun and the Moon are actually luminaries, in astrology, they are known as planets. ─── 尽管太阳和月亮实际上是发光天体,然而星相学却认为是它们行星。

80、Ali was one of 14 luminaries to receive the award on Wednesday. ─── 周三,共有14位杰出人物获得了荣誉奖章,阿里是其中之一。

81、After the start of registration for the convention's myriad tournaments, including a $25,000 Quake Live contest, the main keynote began with id's top luminaries taking a ballroom stage. ─── 开始后登记公约的无数场比赛,其中包括25,000美元雷神之锤现场竞赛,主要基调开始的编号最大的灯具采取舞厅阶段。

82、So, passed ceramic tile, clean is provided, the choose and buy of ambry, our without a stop approachs again today illumination luminaries. ─── 所以,经过了瓷砖,洁具,橱柜的选购,今天咱们马不停蹄再走近照明灯具。

83、He meets Hollywood luminaries who wail about being oppressed and disenfranchised, moneymen who think that money is everything and voters are morons, and bloggers who think that profanity is an adequate substitute for thought. ─── 他还和很多人会过面,比如哭诉自己遭受压迫、被剥夺权利的好莱坞名流、视金钱唯一切、选民为蠢货的金融家、认为亵渎足以代替思想的博客主。

84、With import super high brightness LED luminaries ,the graphic distance can up 5000m;continuing work time can up to 6 hours, low consumption, life can up to 1000000 hours; ─── 采用进口超高亮度LED光源,可视距离达5000米;连续工作可达6小时,且耗能少,寿命长达10万小时;

85、such luminaries as Gibbon and Macaulay were no longer to serve as the models for the new breed of historians. ─── 这个好像是个否定词置前的句。好像叫什么倒置句,我忘了,勿怪啊。语序应该是这样:

86、Nestled in Port Antonio, the cliff-sheltered, vest-pocket beach was a favorite hideaway for luminaries such as J.P. Morgan and William Randolph Hearst. ─── 袖珍沙滩依偎着安东尼奥港,有悬崖庇护,是J·P·摩根和威廉·伦道夫·赫斯特这类杰出人物最喜欢的世外桃源。

87、And all the luminaries shall be affrighted with great fear,And all the earth shall be affrighted and tremble and be alarmed. ─── 所有的发光体都充满极大的敬畏;全地将恐惧战兢和忧虑。

88、The sun,the stars,a lighted tamp are examples that can be seen by their own light. Such things are luminaries. ─── 太阳、星星、点燃的灯都是由于本身能发光而被看见的物体的例子,这些物体是发光体。

89、It indicates the battery terminal voltage when the overdischarge protection started and the fire emergency luminaries can't play the role of emergency. ─── 过放电保护部分启动,消防应急灯具不再起应急作用时电池的端电压。

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