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09-20 投稿


northing 发音

英:[['nɔ:θɪŋ]]  美:[['nɔ:θɪŋ]]

英:  美:

northing 中文意思翻译



northing 同义词


northing 反义词


northing 词性/词形变化,northing变形

名词: northernness |

northing 相似词语短语

1、Storthing ─── 贮藏

2、northings ─── n.北航;北距

3、Worthing ─── n.沃辛(地名)

4、earthing ─── n.接地;v.把(电线)接地;把(狐狸)追赶入洞穴;用土掩盖(植物根部)(earth的现在分词)

5、farthing ─── n.一点儿,极少量;法新(1961年以前的英国铜币,等于1/4便士);n.(Farthing)人名;(英)法辛

6、birthing ─── v.生(孩子)(birth的现在分词);n.分娩,生产;adj.与生育有关的,用于分娩的

7、berthing ─── n.停泊;泊位;系泊;v.停泊(berth现在分词)

8、forthink ─── 思考

9、nothing ─── pron.没有什么;无关紧要的东西;(计算机数量上的)零;不值钱;adv.毫不;绝不;n.无;零;无关紧要的事;adj.没前途的;没价值的

northing 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A sudden cold gale coming from the north. ─── 北来大风来自北方的突然冷风

2、Canada lies to the north of America. ─── 加拿大在美国以北。

3、The floor of the atlantic ridge in the middle from north to south. ─── 大西洋洋底在中部形成由北向南的海脊。

4、The Republicans have quite a large following in the North. ─── 共和党人在北方有相当大的一批支持者。

5、North American sucker with reddish fins. ─── 北美长有红色鳍的亚口鱼。

6、The bitter north wind made the soldiers teeth chatter. ─── 刺骨的北风冻得战士们牙齿直打战。

7、A star of the second magnitude, at the end of the handle of the Little Dipper and almost at the north celestial pole. ─── 北极星第二星的光度中的一颗星,位于小熊星座把柄的末端,几乎位于北天极

8、Hence, it is northing but an information war, or information aggression, she said. ─── 这是一种信息战,也是信息侵略。

9、He makes me feel as if i know northing. ─── 他让我觉得自己好象什么也不懂。

10、The cardinal point on the mariner's compass90= clockwise from due north and directly opposite west. ─── 东方航海罗盘上一个基本方位,正北方向顺时钟转90°或指正西的相反方向

11、Railroad of northing glue aid, aid is green freeway, Dong Qing freeway 25 kilometers. ─── 北距胶济铁路、济青高速公路、东青高速公路25公里。

12、The earth's axis is the line between the North and South Poles. ─── 地轴是南北极之间的线。

13、Guiyang of county northing provincial capital 450 kilometers, guangxi Liuzhou is apart from south 280 kilometers. ─── 县城北距省城贵阳450公里,南距广西柳州280公里。

14、The two roads meet just north of the city. ─── 两条马路就在城市的北面汇合。

15、The prairie is in the central North America. ─── 大草原在北美洲中部。

16、Iceland is in the far north of the world. ─── 冰岛在世界的极北端。

17、He flew to Europe via the North Pole. ─── 他经由北极飞到欧洲。

18、An extensive area of flat or rolling, predominantly treeless grassland, especially the large tract or plain of central North America. ─── 大草原多为广阔而无树木的平坦或起伏的草原区域,尤指北美洲中部的大平原

19、Judging by her accent, she must be from the North. ─── 从她的口音判断,她一定是北方人。

20、The pitiless north wind blew for weeks. ─── 凛冽的北风一连刮了几个星期。

21、Any of several large reindeer native to northern North America. ─── 北美驯鹿原产于北美洲北部的一种巨大的驯鹿

22、One of them went North, the other went South. ─── 他们一个往北走,一个向南走。

23、Their house is to the north of the park. ─── 他们的房子在公园的北面。

24、The direction or point on the mariner's compass halfway between due north and due east, or45= east of due north. ─── 东北水手罗盘上的方向或点,在正北与正东中间,或正北偏东45度

25、Good fish abound in the North Sea. ─── 北海有大量优质鱼。

26、A family of North American Indian languages formerly spoken in the Dakotas, Kansas, Nebraska, Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Louisiana, and presently in North Dakota and Oklahoma. ─── 喀多语系北美印第安语的一支,以前在达科他斯、堪萨斯、内布拉斯加、得克萨斯、俄克拉何马、阿肯色州和路易斯安那这些地方使用,现今使用于达科他斯北部和俄克拉荷马地区。

27、The Indians were the original inhabitants of North America. ─── 印第安人是北美最早的居民。

28、Have you been to the prairies in North America? ─── 你去过北美洲的大草原吗?

29、A gust of chilly autumn wind is blowing from the north. ─── 一阵冷飕飕的秋风从北方吹来。

30、Situated in, toward, or facing the north. ─── 北部的位于,朝向或面朝北的

31、North covered West's jack with the queen. ─── 北家用皇后吃掉西家的杰克。

32、Columns of smoke drifted toward the north. ─── 一缕缕青烟随风向北漂去。

33、And you come from North Dakota! I want to know. ─── 原来你是北达科他州来的!真想不到!

34、The light in the north still glimmered. ─── 北边的亮光仍在微微闪烁。

35、Analysis of Thermal Resources and Zoning of Winter Wheat'Northing in Liaoning ─── 辽宁冬小麦北移热量资源分析及区划

36、There were lots of buffaloes in the North America 100 years ago. ─── 100年前,北美有大量的野牛。

37、He tells a reporter, came one year in the past, dalian " on the west develop northing " progress is satisfactory. ─── 他告诉记者,过去一年来,大连“西拓北进”进展喜人。

38、The North waged war on the South. ─── 北方发动对南方的战争。

39、China lies to the north of Vietnam. ─── 中国位于越南的北面。

40、North American shrew with tail less than half its body length. ─── 北美洲鼩鼱,尾巴比其身体的一半还短。

41、This is what we do and who we are, live for northing but die for something, your call. ─── 这是我们的职责,天性使然,无价值的活,有价值的死,使命的召唤。

42、He is dreaming of owning a ranch in North America. ─── 他正梦想着在北美洲拥有一片大牧场。

43、A municipal borough of northwest England north of Liverpool. Chartered in 1193, it was built on the site of a Roman frontier station. Population, 47,900. ─── 兰开斯特英格兰西北部的一个自治领城市,位于利物浦北部。1193年获得自治权,它建在罗马边境的要塞上。人口47,900。

44、SetVariables USES the easting and northing values to set required variables. ─── setVariables使用以东和以北值设置所需的变量。

45、I moved away from the North not long after, so most of my Rugby League since then has been viewed on the small screen. ─── 不久我便搬离了北方,自那以后,我的橄榄球竞赛联合会的多数成员都已在电视上亮相了。

46、The north wind is blowing hard. ─── 北风劲吹。

47、The ellipsoid the central meridian the scale the scale at the central meridian the false easting and the false northing. ─── 椭球、中央子午线、比例、中央子午线处的比例、东移假定值和北移假定值。

48、Henceforth, the north wind is worthless to the northerners. ─── 从今以后,北风对北方人没有益处。

49、North, south, east, and west are the four cardinal points of the compass. ─── 东、西、南、北是罗盘上的四个方位基点。

50、North American bur marigold with large flowers. ─── 北美的一种鬼针草属植物,花大。

51、North American herb with pungent scaly or toothed roots. ─── 北美的一种植物,根茎有类似齿状鳞片覆盖。

52、The Great Wall of China, the longest wall in the world, runs across north China like a huge dragon. ─── 中国的长城,世界上最长的城墙,象一条巨龙,逶迤在中国的北部。

53、Does the dining room inside northing let do not let A of repast of outside school personnel? ? ─── 北航里面的食堂让不让校外人员就餐阿??

54、Mexico is in the south of North America. ─── 墨西哥在北美洲南部。

55、North and south are opposite directions. ─── 北和南是相反的方向。

56、The invading army made a sudden thrust to the north. ─── 入侵部队突然向北猛攻。

57、The North Germanic language of the Danes. ─── 丹麦语丹麦人讲的北日耳曼语

58、I wouldn't fancy these wild and woolly places in the north of Scotland that you favour. ─── 你喜爱英格兰北部的这些蛮夷之地,我可不喜欢。

59、He got wind of my plan to travel north and asked if he could come with me. ─── 他听说我要去北方旅行,问我能否一道同行。

60、He took many photos of the wide tracts of desert in North Africa. ─── 他拍了许多关于北非的广大沙漠的照片。

61、North America is part of the New World. ─── 北美是新世界的一部分。

62、He rush in speculating in the stock market ,but earn northing. ─── 他急急地炒股票,一点钱业没赚得。

63、The north wind set them shivering. ─── 北风吹得他们浑身打颤。

64、An oil well blew out in the North Sea. ─── 北海的一口油井发生了井喷。

65、The company wants to situate its headquarters in the north. ─── 公司想把总部设在北方。

66、A cold front is moving in from the north. ─── 一股冷锋正从北方向这里移动。

67、Northing can stop my love from you. ─── 什么也不能阻止我对你的爱.

68、Egypt capital Cairo, located at the Nile River delta apex south of 14 kilometers place, northing Mediterranean Sea 200 kilometers. ─── 埃及首都开罗,位于尼罗河三角洲顶点以南14千米处,北距地中海200千米。

69、An independent city of southern Virginia on the Dan River near the North Carolina border. Founded in1793, it was the last capital of the Confederacy in1865. Population, 53,056. ─── 丹维尔美国弗吉尼亚南部一自治城,位于达恩河畔、邻近北卡罗利纳边界,建于1793年,它是1865年南部联邦的最后一个首府。人口53, 056

70、Buddhism is the religion founded by Buddha in North India. ─── 佛教是佛陀创始于印度北部之宗教。

71、The National Theatre is on tour in the North. ─── 国家剧院在北方巡回演出。

72、Most of the world's wheat is grown in the North Temperate zone. ─── 世界上大部分小麦种植在北温带。

73、North American walnut tree with hard dark wood and edible nut. ─── 北美胡桃树,有硬的黑木和可食用的果实。

74、North America has the world's best climate for wild grapes. ─── 北美的气候是世界上最适合野生葡萄生长的。

75、A big white bear lives near the North Pole. ─── 一种大白熊栖居於北极附近。

76、Fish abounds in the North Sea. ─── 北海里生存着大量的鱼。

77、The North American bison, Bison bison. ─── 北美野牛野牛属的北美野牛

78、He makes me feel as if i know northing. ─── 他让我觉得自己好象什么也不懂。

79、A member of any of the Eskimo peoples of North America and especially of Arctic Canada and Greenland. ─── 因纽特人北美特别是加拿大北冰洋地区和格陵兰岛的爱斯基摩人之成员

80、Lying north of the church is a girls' senior high school. ─── 位于这座教堂以北的是一所女子高中。

81、The river Lea flows into the Thames which flows into the North Sea. ─── 利河流入泰晤士河,泰晤士河流入北海。

82、North bound traffic may be delayed because of an accident on the motorway. ─── 因高速公路上发生了事故,北往的交通可能受阻。

83、There are only two countries in the North America. ─── 北美洲只有两个国家。

84、The plains of North America are colonized by rodents. ─── 北美大平原生长著许多啮齿动物。

85、The wasteland of the north is scarcely populated. ─── 北方的大荒原地广人稀。

86、His hometown is located in the north to the tropic of cancer. ─── 他的家乡在北回归线的北面。

87、The M6 diverges from the M1 just north of Rugby. ─── 6号高速公路与1号高速公路在拉格比市以北处岔开。

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