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09-20 投稿


picketing 发音

英:[ˈpɪkɪtɪŋ]  美:[ˈpɪkɪtɪŋ]

英:  美:

picketing 中文意思翻译




picketing 词性/词形变化,picketing变形

动词现在分词: picketing |动词第三人称单数: pickets |名词: picketer |动词过去分词: picketed |动词过去式: picketed |

picketing 短语词组

1、picketing point ─── 纠察点

2、peaceful picketing ─── [经] 和平纠察

3、secondary picketing n. ─── 二级纠察

picketing 相似词语短语

1、pickeering ─── 扒窃

2、pocketing ─── n.做口袋的各种布料;v.把…装入袋内;包藏;侵吞;忍受(pocket的ing形式)

3、cricketing ─── adj.打板球的,与板球有关的;v.打板球(cricket的现在分词)

4、clicketing ─── 单击

5、ticketing ─── n.售票,票务;v.售票;给……门票;送票;获发门票;注定;加标签于;标明;发出交通违章通知单(ticket的现在分词)

6、bucketing ─── v.(非正式)下大雨;(车辆)快速颠簸行驶;用桶装(bucket的现在分词)

7、docketing ─── n.摘要;记事表;(待判决的)诉讼事件表;vt.在...上附加摘要

8、packetting ─── 包装

9、jacketing ─── n.外套;鞭打;v.给…穿短上衣(jacket的ing形式)

picketing 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、consumer picketing ─── 消费者纠察哨

2、"The first-rate job on the world " the network sale case with this successful picket, confirm place of value of electronic business affairs. ─── “世界上最好的工作”这桩成功的网络营销案例,正印证了电子商务价值所在。

3、“Follow me,” he said, “cut across the road,” and began galloping up the hill towards the point where the French picket had been in the evening. ─── “跟在我后面走。”他说道,穿过了马路,开始迅速地登山,向法军步哨晚上驻守的地方走去。

4、He worked his way to the white picket fence bordering their lot. ─── 有偏执倾向学生的表现是总感觉自己想法和别人不一样;

5、Among them, the commonnest is pot, put bar of door of net of picket of balsa, fishing, fishing to wait for a few kinds. ─── 其中,最常见的是网箱、放筏、渔桩网门、渔栅等几十种。

6、Do you feel frustration at the thought of leading an average life i.e. marriage, 2 children, picket white fence syndrome? ─── 想到要过一个正常生活(结婚、生两个孩子、有个房子),你是否会觉得挫折?

7、Newly-married, buy bridal chamber, decorated, "11 " advent, one picket follows happy event one picket. ─── 新婚了,买新房了,装修了,“十一”来临,喜事一桩接着一桩。

8、picket girl ─── 先导队持牌小姐

9、"Why was Rocchi the only overage player? There were a lot of picket fences," the former Chelsea player explained. ─── “为什么只有罗基一人作为超龄球员?亚平宁那么多精兵强将都哪去了?”这位前切尔西球员表示不理解。

10、I let go of white picket fences and cars in driveways, coffee cups and vacuum caners. ─── 别了白色尖篱笆别了路上小汽车咖啡杯和吸尘别了那所有看普普通通东西。

11、if you want to listen the concert, you should have deatine the picket, otherwise you can not get the ticket. ─── 如果你想去听音乐会,你得事先预订(票),否则会没有票的。

12、I let go of white picket fences and cars in driveways, coffee cups and vacuum caners. I let go of all those things which seem so ordinary, ─── 我告别了白色的尖篱笆,告别了路上的小汽车,咖啡杯和吸尘器,我告别了那所有看似平常的东西。

13、custom high speed picket boat ─── 海关巡视舰

14、A white picket fence and a pond's reflection in Cuyahoga, Ohio, near Cleveland paint a seasonal scene with Monet-like charm. ─── 一道白色的木栅,一池塘里的倒影,在俄亥俄州克利夫兰市附近的丘亚候加描绘出仿如莫奈作品的如梦秋景。

15、They marched to the factory and formed a picket. ─── 他们向工厂前进, 并组成了纠察队。

16、Illegal mass picketing outside working mines led to violent clashes with the police. ─── 开工矿井外非法的群众岗哨引起了与警察的暴力冲突。

17、"It was lovely. It had a high mansard roof with a picket fence on top and a tower made of fancy shingles at each end. ─── "非常好看,斜度不同分成两段的屋顶上,上面有一溜栅栏,两头各有一个尖塔,是用彩色木瓦板盖的。

18、It is his intention that there should be a computer in the picket of everybody in the whole world. ─── 他的目标是全世界每个人的口袋中都应该有一台电脑。

19、I didn't want to grow up, have kids, get married, the whole white picket fence thing. ─── 只是在恋爱的激情过后,随之而来的是不得不面对的现实生活的平淡。

20、He knew what the noise meant--evidently some of the more recalcitrant girls were trying to picket the gate. ─── 他知道这一片喊声是什么。 还有些坚强的女工们想在厂门口“拦”人呀!

21、Picket your horse here. ─── 把你的马拴在这里。

22、picket fence ─── n. 尖桩篱栅

23、She started working in abortion clinics and, when anti-abortionists began picketing the clinics, she turned their own tactics against them. ─── 她开始在堕胎诊所里工作,当反堕胎者来给诊所找麻烦时,她自有一套方法对付他们。

24、"pick" is the primitive word from which "picket" is derived. ─── “pick(凿、掘)”是派生“picket(哨位、放哨)”的根词。

25、During that time, messages on the picket signs became more demanding. ─── 在那个时候,抗议海报上的要求也越来越积极。

26、Pick is the primitive word from which picket is derived. ─── Pick是picket得以派生出来的根词

27、In fact, carrying what Cheng sells is a hotel only, in the past, it is good at what one picket trades using circumjacent information to facilitate all the time happen. ─── 事实上,携程卖的只是酒店,在过去,它一直善于利用周边资讯促成一桩交易的发生。

28、And so the writers took to the streets. They were marching, picketing. There were fist fights with the police. ─── 于是,作家们终于忍无可忍了,他们涌上街头,发起抗议游行和罢工纠察,甚至还跟警方大打出手。

29、peaceful picketing ─── [经] 和平纠察

30、picket fence effect ─── 栅栏效应

31、You can use materials like door panels, a trellis or picket fencing as backdrops, too. ─── 你可以用一些诸如门板,格板的材料,或者是用小桩做成围栏当背景。

32、picket abutment backfill ─── 台背回填

33、Quirk is more than this one picket. ─── 怪事不止这一桩。

34、picket | sentry ─── 哨兵| 步哨

35、Some of the union members did not want to picket ─── 工会的一些会员不想担

36、The newsreel people were there, taking pictures of the picket ─── 新闻摄影记者也在那儿,给纠察队拍照。

37、Of course, the quality of a material that should be familiar with all sorts of material, dimension, price and utility are not so easy thing, but also not be the work with one very hard picket. ─── 当然,要熟悉各种材料的质地、尺寸、价格和用途并不是那么轻易的事,但也并不是一桩很难的事。

38、The health service under both the Tories and Labour has victimised the dentally challenged - that is, anyone who hasn't inherited strong teeth and a perfect picket fence smile. ─── 不论是在保守党还是工党的统治下,健康服务都让那些没有遗传到坚固的牙齿和一付完美的笑齿的人们称为受害者。

39、Andrew Picketing ─── 安德鲁·皮克林

40、We are organizing a mass picket of the abortion clinic. ─── 我们正在组织一个大规模的纠察队看守堕胎诊所。

41、On May 3 1886 fighting broke out on the picket line outside McCormick Harvesting Machine plant in Chicago. ─── 1886年5月3日,芝加哥麦考密克收割机厂哨兵线外侧爆发了武装冲突。

42、a picket fence ─── 尖板条栅栏

43、There were no iron picket fences, iron summerhouses, iron gates or even iron statuary on the lawns of Atlanta now, for they had early found their way into the melting pots of the rolling mills. ─── 亚特兰大的草地上已看不见铁栅栏、铁凉棚、铁门,甚至连铁铸的人像也没有,因为它们早已被送进碾压厂的熔化锅里派上用场了。

44、bearing picket ─── 标杆

45、Measuring the Acceleration of a Freely Falling Picket Fence ─── 测量自由下落的栅栏的加速度

46、picket soldiers around a camp ─── 派士兵守卫兵营

47、secondary picketing ─── n. 二级纠察

48、Now I know I must picket and scream and shout so that they should not change me. ─── 我现在知道,我必须设纠察线、大喊大叫以免他们来改变我。

49、Savings were wiped out overnight and minibond holders went on the rampage, picketing banks and financial institutions across the city. ─── 迷你债券投资者的存款一夜之间化为乌有,他们愤怒地聚集在全城的银行和金融机构外面示威。

50、{Pick} is the primitive word from which {picket} is derived. ─── {Pick}是{picket}得以派生出来的根词。

51、Peaceful picketing justifying damage award under state law against union ─── 根据州法可以就工会和平纠察获得赔偿

52、direction finding picket ─── 测向哨

53、But this picket trades all advertisement that won't buy outright Yahoo search business, yahoo will withhold major search and ad search infrastructure. ─── 但这桩交易不会买断雅虎的所有广告搜索业务,雅虎将保留大部分搜索和广告搜索基础结构。

54、He knew what the noise meant--evidently some of the more recalcitrant girls were trying to picket the gate ─── 他知道这一片喊声是什么。还有些坚强的女工们想在厂门口“拦”人呀!

55、A rope for picketing grazing horses or mules. ─── 套索用于捕捉放牧马匹的绳子

56、Local Aids activists and supporters of the complainant, who have been picketing the court, have been horrified and outraged by Mr Zuma's comments. ─── 在法庭外,支持原告的当地防范艾滋病运动者,都对祖马先生的解释感到既令人发指又使人愤慨。

57、This Thursday afternoon the organization will be picketing outside the San Francisco headquarters of Twitter. ─── 本周四,该机构将在旧金山Twitter总部举行示威活动。

58、A stake or pointed stick; a picket. ─── 桩标桩或尖的棍子;尖桩

59、Are there people picketing against farmers every time they cut down a bushel of corn? ─── 可是每次农民收割小麦的时候都有人在这放哨警戒吗?

60、picket the factory gate ─── 派纠察人员把守工厂门口

61、This knot is used for securing a rope to a spar, picket or anchorage. ─── 图片右上方文字为:绳身左下文文字为:绳头本结用来把绳索固定在圆材、支柱或锚身上。

62、Constructional Technique of Engineering-oriented Drill in Big-Diameter Picket Bore ─── 工程水钻在大直径桩孔施工技术中的应用

63、To act or serve as a picket. ─── 担任纠察员

64、There are even discussions about picketing Linden Lab's Battery Street office in San Francisco. ─── 有平坦的讨论有关打桩菩提树实验室的电池组街道在旧金山的办公室。

65、picket fence appearance ─── (粘膜)栅栏样表现[肠壁内出血的一种X线征象]

66、There were no iron picket fences, iron summerhouses, iron gates or even iron statuary of the lawns of Atlanta now, for they had early found their way into the melting-pots of the rolling mills. ─── 亚特兰大的草坪没有了铁栅栏、铁凉亭、铁大门甚至铁雕像了,因为这些早送到轧钢厂回炉了。

67、The rat crossed the picket line and went back to work. ─── 工贼越过警戒线回去工作。

68、picket duty ─── 担任警戒任务

69、Relevant personage thinks, this picket at the outset " look very beautiful collaboration " , the problem was encountered in be adjusted specificly. ─── 更有部分光线高管在与华友展开近距离接触后,明确提出反对与华友合并。

70、But animal welfare groups said Wednesday they opposed New South Wales' plans and promised to picket restaurantsor butchers selling kangaroomeat. ─── 不过动物福利组织星期三说他们反对新南威尔斯省的计划且保证会到贩卖袋鼠肉的餐厅或肉铺抗议,并阻止人们进入。

71、workers were picketing the factory. ─── 名工人在工厂外进行围厂执行罢工。

72、The judge enjoined the strikers from picketing inside company property. ─── 法官禁止罢工者在公司所有地上阻挡其它工人上班。

73、railings; fencing; a (rail) fence; a picket fence; gratings; pales; palings; stockades; barriers ─── 栅栏

74、Don't cross the picket line! ─── 不得越过警戒线!

75、picket line ─── n. 哨兵线, 拴马索

76、The cost that Microsoft is willing to exceed 60% with excessive price buys Yahoo, also can seeing this picket trades is the best choice that business of Internet of Microsoft display vigour can make. ─── 微软愿意以溢价超过60%的代价收购雅虎,也可看出这桩交易是微软振作互联网业务能作出的最好选择。

77、picket boat ─── n. 哨艇

78、In Medical Protection respect, common organic instrument result, station picket result, sit quietly result. ─── 在医疗保健方面,常见的有机械功、站桩功、静坐功等。

79、all this policing and picketing worth it? ─── 所有的这些政策和警戒都值得吗?

80、Picket signs for my wicked rhymes Look at the times ─── 反对的标语牌数不清多少次地遮挡在我愤怒有力的节奏面前

81、" he believes Microsoft still has fun at to buying Yahoo, yi Kan can pull both sides finally, the help facilitates this picket trades. ─── 他相信微软对收购雅虎依然有爱好,伊坎最终会把双方拉到一起,帮助促成这桩交易。

82、They could pack in their marching and picketing, return to the bosom of their grieving families and enjoy an evening at home . ─── 他们终于能够停下他们的远征和运动,回到伤心的家庭的怀抱,享受家庭的夜晚。

83、Picketing emulsion ─── Pickering乳状液

84、To guard with a picket. ─── 以哨兵防卫

85、customs highspeed picket boat ─── 海关快速巡逻艇

86、The UMWA picket line is rapidly losing ground until they are joined by their wives, sisters, and daughters, who bring new hope and new tactics to the line. ─── UMWA 工会的纠察员本已信心动摇了,但还好他们的老婆,姐妹,女儿带来了新的希望与新的策略来帮助他们继续坚持下去。

87、She started working in abortion clinics and, when anti-abortionists began picketing the clinics, she turned their own tactics against them. ─── 她开始在堕胎诊所里工作,当反堕胎者来给诊所找麻烦时,她自有一套方法对付他们。

88、radio picket ─── 无线电纠察

89、It was half the fault of some of the girls trying to picket the gate, and half the fault of that perisher Chien Paosheng throwing a spanner in the works! ─── 一半是女工里有人拦厂门,一半是钱葆生那混蛋的把戏!

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