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09-20 投稿


myocardium 发音

英:[[ˌmaɪə'kɑ:dɪəm]]  美:[[ˌmaɪə'kɑ:dɪrm]]

英:  美:

myocardium 中文意思翻译



myocardium 词性/词形变化,myocardium变形

名词复数: myocardia |形容词: myocardial |

myocardium 相似词语短语

1、anacardium ─── 槚如树属

2、epimyocardium ─── n.心肌外膜

3、myocardia ─── 心肌(层)(myocardium的复数)

4、endocardium ─── n.[解剖]心内膜

5、myocardial ─── adj.心肌的;n.心肌衰弱

6、mesocardium ─── 心系膜

7、epicardium ─── n.[解剖]心外膜

8、-cardium ─── n.鸟蛤属

9、myocarditis ─── n.[内科]心肌炎

myocardium 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Abstract: Reperfusion of ischemic myocardium is necessar y to salvage tissue from ultimate death. ─── 摘 要: 心肌缺血后的再灌注对于挽救心肌细胞死亡是非常必要的。

2、The metastatic melanoma is seen here to be infiltrating into the myocardium. ─── 图示转移性黑色素瘤浸润到心肌。

3、Here, vegetations can be seen on the endocardial surfaces, and the infection is extending into to underlying myocardium. ─── 可见心内膜表面的赘生物,并且感染蔓延到下面的心肌。

4、Its major curative effect is to improve the energy of myocardium,to possess the activity of antioxidation and to stabilize the biomembrane. ─── 其疗效主要是改善心肌能量产生,具有抗经活性和使生物稳定的特性。

5、Systolic heart failure, defined as contractile failure of the myocardium leading to a reduced ejection fraction, is the most common type. ─── 收缩性心力衰竭,作为导致射血分数降低心肌收缩失败的定义,是最常见的类型。

6、Noncompaction of myocardium is a special type of myocardiopathy. ─── 心肌致密化不全是一种特殊类型的心肌病。

7、Mesenchyma of myocardium was edematous. ─── 光镜、电镜观察心肌病理性变化。

8、Myocardium of rats in both ischemic reperfusion(IR) and IPC groups were subjected to 30min of ischemia followed by 120min of reperfusion. ─── IPC组行3次缺血5min,再灌注10min的预处理,缺血再灌注(IR)组与IPC组行30min缺血及120min再灌注;

9、Degenerative changes of the myocardium occur in many diseases. ─── 心肌的退化性变化发生于许多疾病。

10、A model of acute ischemia and reperfusion of the myocardium was developed in cats in vivo. ─── 建立猫在体心脏急性心肌缺血再灌注模型。

11、Conclusions bFGF might restore function of hibernating myocardium by both promoting myocyte proliferation and decreasing apoptosis. ─── 另一方面抑制细胞凋亡,减少冬眠心肌的损伤。

12、Sevoflurane Provides Greater Protection of the Myocardium than Propofol in Patients Undergoing Off-Pump Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery Conzen PF, et al. ─── 七氟醚对进行非转流冠脉搭桥术的病人提供比异丙酚更大的心肌保护。

13、Z DEVD AMC substrate cleavage and TBARS methods were used to measure the activity of caspase 3 and the content of lipid peroxide in right ventricular myocardium,respectively. ─── 分别用Z DEVD AMC底物降解法和TBARS方法测定右心室caspase 3活性和MDA含量。 结果 CHD病人右心室心肌细胞凋亡数、caspase 3活性和MDA含量均明显高于ASD病人 (分别P =0 0 2 6,0 0 13和 0 0 0 2 ) ;

14、DTI DSE can quantificatively detect the changes of wall motion of ischemic myocardium,and it's promised to detect ischemic myocardium noninvasivly. ─── DTI技术与DSE结合可定量评价缺血心肌室壁运动异常 ,对冠心病缺血心肌的无创性诊断具有应用价值

15、There were marked decrease of actin in myocardium from 13 cases of SMDS, slight decrease in 2 cases,and no decrease in 1 case of SMDS. ─── 16例青壮年猝死综合征病例中 ,有 13例心肌细胞内肌动蛋白明显缺失 ,2例轻度缺失 ,1例无缺失。

16、Murry CE,Jennings RB,reamer KA.Preconditioning with isehemia:a delay of lethal cell injury in ischemic myocardium[J].Circulation,1986,74(8):1124. ─── 易受乡,林亚平,严洁,等.针刺内关与缺血预处理对心肌缺血再灌注损伤保护作用的比较[J].中国中医基础医学杂志,2001,7(8):56.

17、An irrigator of multifunctional cardioplegia fluid is developed for better protection of myocardium. ─── 为在心脏手术时更好地保护心肌,我们研制了心脏麻痹液灌注器。

18、It is concluded that collateral vessels are functionally very important to the myocardium in the presence of coronary disease. ─── 我们的结论是:冠心病患者的侧枝血管对心肌功能非常重要。

19、In contrast with the control, there were many island - like survival myocardium in the infarct aea of the experimental group. ─── 实验组梗塞区内,可见许多呈岛状存活的心肌组织,对照组则极为少见。

20、In LCS group, SOD in myocardium tissue was higher than before(P

21、Compared with 2D-DSE and CK-DSE,the results of identifying viable myocardium are also a reliable andeasy technique in identifying viable myocardium. ─── CK-DSE与2D-DSE相比识别存活心肌的结果同样可靠,还似更便捷、客观,可以应用于临床。

22、PW-DTI combined with LDDSE in identification of viable myocardium is feasible, Vs may be the main parameter. ─── PW-DTI结合LDDSE应用于存活心肌的检测是可行的,Vs是主要的观测指标。

23、Objective: To explore the influence of cluytyl alcohol preparation on the biochemical indicator and myocardium antioxygen function in rats. ─── 摘要目的:探讨二十八烷醇制剂对运动性疲劳大鼠生化及心肌抗氧化指标的影响。

24、Effects of Desflurane in Senescent Rat Myocardium. ─── 地氟醚对于大鼠心肌衰老的作用。

25、PET slightly overestimate extent of necrosis myocardium and can't distinguish transmural necrosis from subendocardial necrosis. ─── PET高估心肌坏死范围,且不能判断心肌梗死的透壁程度。

26、The endocardium is smooth, beneath which can be seen a red-brown myocardium. ─── 光滑的心内膜下面是红棕色的心肌。

27、A potential role for PINCH proteins in myocardium remains unknown. ─── 心肌中PINCH蛋白潜在的作用尚不清楚。

28、Degenerative changes of the myocardium occur in many diseases. ─── 心肌的退化性变化发生于许多疾病。

29、Combined use of LGT and IPC greatly decreased MPO activity in the lung and myocardium, and IPC also markedly reduced MPO activity in myocardium. ─── LGT+IPC组的肺、心肌组织MPO活性明显低于IIR组、LGT组和IPC组,IPC组心肌MPO亦比IIR组有明显下降。

30、Objective: To explore the clinical characters of pyknosis insufficiency of ventricular myocardium with viral myocarditis. ─── 摘要目的:探讨心肌致密化不全合并病毒性心肌炎的诊治特点。

31、RT-3DE can provide a new quantirative approach to identify stunned and infarcted myocardium. ─── RT-3DE有望为临床定量评价左室局部几何形状提供一项有效手段。

32、Methods Under light microscope and electromicroscope,ultrastructural changes of myocardium and cerebral tissue were observed. ─── 方法在光镜和电镜下观察心肌组织和脑组织超微结构的改变。

33、Both PINCH1 and PINCH2 are ubiquitously expressed in most tissues and organs, including myocardium. ─── PINCH1和PINCH2几乎在大多数组织和器官中都有表达,包括心肌。

34、Abstract An irrigator of multifunctional cardioplegia fluid is developed for better protection of myocardium. ─── 体外循环下心脏手术需要良好的心肌保护措施,施行这一手段需要一套良好的器具。

35、Fig.9 Myocardium cell of Procambarus clarkii.Showing striation of myofibril. ─── 图9螯虾心肌细胞示肌原纤维的横纹。

36、In SHRs, the levels of ADM in plasma, myocardium and aorta were 29%, 76.7% and 79% (all P

37、Hibernating myocardium has special characteristics in its evolution of concept,mechanisms,metabolism of energy substances as well as morphological alterations. ─── 冬眠心肌在概念演变、发生机制、能量物质代谢及形态学改变方面都有其自身的特点。

38、HGF could promote the differentiation of ESC into endoderm, and more likely into myocardium. ─── HGF可促进ESC向内胚层进一步分化,但更可能诱导其向心肌分化。

39、Anti ANT and GM CSF both participate in the pathogenesis of VMC and DCM, and they are involved in the process of autoimmune injury of myocardium. ─── 小儿VMC和DCM的发病与心肌的自身免疫损伤有关,抗ANT抗体和GM-CSF均参与了这一过程。

40、The anterior descending branches of the left coronary artery was ligated with slipknot to block the blood flow and reperfuse the myocardium. ─── 以活结结扎左冠状动脉的前降支,分别造成阻断冠脉血流和再灌注。

41、During the low, medial intensity training, FBP has insignificant protective effects on myocardium. ─── 在低、中强度的有氧运动训练过程中,补充FBP对心肌组织的作用不显著;

42、HCN genes have been delivered to animal myocardium via viral vectors or HCN-transferred cells for recreating biological pacemakers. ─── 利用病毒载体或转染HCN基因的细胞将HCN基因导入动物心脏内可重建生物起搏点。

43、The abnormality mitral stenosis was in myocardium, not in the valve. ─── 二尖瓣狭窄的病变是在心肌而不是在瓣膜。

44、Using a specific antipeptide polyclonal antibody, ATI and AT2 receptor proteins were detected in the myocardium. ─── N)应用特殊的多克隆抗体,在心肌中可见到 ATI和 ATZ受体蛋白的表达,它们主要分布在细胞膜及细胞浆中。

45、Here is a microabscess in the myocardium. ─── 图示心肌微脓疡。

46、Here is the coronary thrombosis at higher magnification. The thrombus occludes the lumen and produces ischemia and/or infarction of the myocardium. ─── 图示:冠状动脉粥样硬化形成血栓,是动脉粥样硬化的另一个复合病变。可见冠状动脉前降支有暗红色的血栓形成。

47、There are changes of MMPS expression and activity as well as unbalance of MMP/TIMP(tissue inhibiting factor of MMPs) in myocardium of CHF. ─── 充血性心力衰竭(CHF)时存在心肌MMPs表达和活性变化以及MMP/TIMP(MMPs组织抑制因子)平衡失调。

48、Conclusion MPD can improve the heart hemodynamics and regulate myocardium oxygen consumption. ─── 结论MPD对犬心脏血流动力学起到调整和改善作用。

49、Both UCP2 and iNOS are the factors involved in the protection of IPC against IR in myocardium. ─── UCP2和iNOS共同参与了大鼠心肌缺血预适应心肌保护作用。

50、It has similar protective effects on myocardium to ischemic preconditioning. ─── 它具有同缺血预处理相似的心肌保护效应。

51、Granular degeneration appeared in myocardium, epithelia of intestinal gland of duodenum and epithelia of eccrine part of pancreas. ─── 心肌纤维、十二指肠腺上皮细胞、胰腺细胞颗粒变性。

52、Title: Quantitative Pathological Study of Right Atrium Myocardium in Patients with Sustained Atrial Fibrillation and Rheumatic Heart Disease. ─── 关键词:心脏;心房颤动;风湿性心脏病;病理学;超微结构

53、Methods The histological and ultrastructural changes in myocardium after burn were observed by light microscopy and electron microscopy. ─── 方法采用光镜及透射电子显微镜观察烧伤大鼠心肌病理变化。

54、Both MCE and TTC showed that the mass of infarct myocardium of IP group was less than the IR group. ─── 3D MCE及TTC染色结果均显示IP组心肌受损范围小于IR组。

55、The myocardium enzyme(AST, LDH, CK) and CTnT content in blood increased after ablation(P

56、This microscopic appearance of myocardium is a mess because so many cells have died that the tissue is not recognizable. ─── 太多的心肌细胞死亡导致镜下心肌细胞外观紊乱,组织结构不能辨认。

57、Non-infarcted myocardium is present at the far left. ─── 左侧是没有发生梗死的心肌。

58、Conclusions MCE can be used for estimating the ischemic area, measuring the range and determining the critical point of ischemic myocardium. ─── 结论MCE可用于心肌缺血面积的估测,测定心肌缺血范围,确定心肌缺血的临界点。

59、Enhancement of myocardium echos was observed in 45.5%(30/66) patients,while valve reflu in 78.8%(52/66), pericardial effusion in 28.8%(19/66). ─── 全部66例病人超声心动图中心肌回声增强第三军医大学硕士学位论文占45.5%(30/66),存在瓣口返流的占78.8%(52/66),有心包积液的占28.8%(19/66)。

60、This state is called hibernating myocardium. ─── 这种状态叫做冬眠心肌。

61、In the meantime, the fibroatrophy of the host ischemic myocardium had been effectively inhibited. ─── 卫星细胞在缺血心肌中可分化成心肌细胞样细胞;

62、The depletion of Mb in the cases of SCD and AMI suggests the occurrence of myocardium ischemia/reperfusion injury. ─── Mb在SCD和AMI心肌中缺染表明早期心肌缺血和/或再灌注损伤的发生。

63、Reperfusion of ischemic myocardium is necessar y to salvage tissue from ultimate death. ─── 心肌缺血后的再灌注对于挽救心肌细胞死亡是非常必要的。

64、Based on the reconstructed B mode image,the image of myocardium is located and its IB is calculated. ─── 应用这一系统,在结合重建的B超图像对心肌进行定位的基础上,进行了心肌背向散射积分的研究。

65、Objective To investigate the effect of pretreatment with captopril on myocardium ischemia-reperfusion injury in atherosclerotic rabbits. ─── 摘要目的:探讨用卡托普利预治万对动脉粥样硬化兔心肌缺血-再灌注损伤的影响。

66、NO was recently shown to produce biphasic contratile effects on myocardium: augmentation at low levels and depression at high levels. ─── 最近的研究表明NO对心肌的收缩起一种双向的调节作用:低浓度时促进心肌的收缩,高浓度时则起抑制作用。

67、It felt very flabby, and the myocardium was poorly contractile. ─── 摸上去非常软,心肌收缩力下降。

68、The coronary sinus is an additional opening into the right atrium that receives venous blood from the myocardium of the heart itself. ─── 冠状窦是一项额外的开放进入右心房接收静脉血由心肌心脏本身。

69、Inflammation of the myocardium. ─── 心肌炎心肌层的炎症

70、Ligate the anterior descending branch of the left coronary artery with slipknot to block the blood flow and reperfuse the myocardium. ─── 以活结结扎左冠状动脉的前降支,分别造成阻断冠脉血流和再灌注。

71、The results suggest that RSM may be a kind of selective slow calcium channel blocker and able to prevent myocardium from injury of ISO. ─── 提示:丹参可能为钙桔抗剂,并能对抗ISO引起的心肌钙超载性损伤。

72、The sensitivity and specificity of SRI with DSE for detecting ischemic myocardium were (90.0)% and (91.7)%, respectively. ─── 应变率检测缺血节段的敏感性和特异性分别为90.0%和91.7%。

73、DNA ladder pattern of ischemic myocardium was revealed by agrose gel electrophoresis in MIR group while it was not found in RIP+MIR group. ─── 凝胶电泳显示 ,MIR组的缺血组织DNA呈云梯状 ,RIP +MIR组则无 ;

74、Abstract Objective: To observe the changes of endocardium MAP and serum myocardium enzyme in arrhythmia and discuss its clinical significance. ─── 摘 要 目的:观察心内膜MAP与血清心肌酶在心律失常中的变化,探讨其临床意义。

75、Electrical impulses in the myocardium, the heart's muscular wall, keep your heart beating. ─── 在心脏外面的肌肉墙,也就是心肌层,里面的电脉冲让心脏保持跳动。

76、MAPK expressed abundantly in hypertrophic myocardium, mainly localized in interstitial cells. ─── 免疫组化研究显示高血压大鼠心肌内有丰富的MAPK表达,且主要分布于心肌间质细胞。

77、Thus,DPTI realized a valid method to assess the area of acute infarct myocardium of the left ventricle. ─── 因此可将DPTI作为定量分析急性心肌梗塞面积的可靠方法

78、Electrical impulses in the myocardium, the heart's muscular wall, keep your heart beating. ─── 包围在心脏外面的肌肉墙,也就是心肌层,里面的电脉冲让心脏保持跳动。

79、PF significantly enhanced DTP and VFT of ischemic myocardium and increased ERP (all P

80、Methods Sections from autopsied coronary arteries and myocardium of 21 type 2 diabetes mellitus and 12 controls were used for morphometric studies. ─── 方法 应用形态定量的方法比较了21例2型糖尿病患者和12例对照组的冠状动脉和心肌病理检查结果。

81、The capillary density(CD) and its endothelial cell area(AEC) in myocardium. ─── (6 )心肌毛细血管密度及其内皮细胞面积。

82、Conclusion:SOD cnd abate the ischemia-reperfusion injury of myocardium during CPB at high altitude. ─── CPB后A组心肌组织发生了更明显的损伤性病理改变。 结论 :SOD具有减轻高原体外循环心肌再灌注损伤的作用。

83、Medicinal evodia fruit can help prevent platelets from aggregation and protect the myocardium. ─── 吴茱萸能抑制血小板聚集及保护心肌损伤,两者合用起到治疗冠心病心绞痛的作用。

84、CONCLUSION Blood pressure,LVW/BW,left ventricle thickness/BW,c-Jun protein and mRNA expression of left ventricle myocardium in 26-week SHR obviously increase. ─── 咪哒普利组、厄贝沙坦组血压、LVW/BW、左室厚度/体质量、左心室肌c-Jun蛋白和mRNA的表达均降低。

85、The expression level of ICAM-1 on myocardium in group B was significantly higher than that of group A after CPB(P

86、Hibernating myocardium has been demonstrated to occur in many clinical syndromes. ─── 冬眠心肌存在于多种临床综合征中。

87、It is considered that SDH, GDH, NADPHD, ATPase and CCO can be used for the early diagnosis of acute myocardium ischemia. ─── 作者认为SDH,GDH,NADPHD,ATPasc和CCO可用于急性心肌缺血的早期诊断。

88、The expressions of Bcl-2 and Bax in the myocardium of SCD and AMI indicate the involvement of apoptosis which contributes to the myocardium injury. ─── Bcl-2与Bax在SCD和AMI心肌中有阳性表达,表明在SCD和AMI的心肌损伤中有凋亡调控机制参与。

89、Adiponectin is an abundant plasma protein secreted from adipocytes that elicits protective effects in the vasculature and myocardium. ─── 脂联素是一种由脂肪细胞分泌的血浆蛋白,具有心血管保护作用。

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