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09-20 投稿


suspiciously 发音

英:[ sə'spɪʃəsli]  美:[səˈspɪʃəsli]

英:  美:

suspiciously 中文意思翻译



suspiciously 词性/词形变化,suspiciously变形

名词: suspiciousness |副词: suspiciously |

suspiciously 相似词语短语

1、judiciously ─── adv.明智而审慎地;明断地

2、auspicious ─── adj.有助于成功的,有利的;吉祥的,吉利的;富裕的

3、act suspiciously ─── 疑神疑鬼

4、lubriciously ─── 色彩斑斓的

5、suspicious ─── adj.可疑的;怀疑的;多疑的

6、inauspiciously ─── adv.不吉利地;不祥地

7、unsuspiciously ─── 不怀疑地

8、lusciously ─── adv.甘美地,满足感官地

9、auspiciously ─── adv.吉祥地;吉兆地;繁荣昌盛地

suspiciously 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The sentry regarded us suspiciously. ─── 哨兵猜疑地打量着我们。

2、After it happened, they have not suspected Zhang from the very beginning, crossed for more than one hours, does not see Zhang to come back, to telephone not to relate, they then think suspiciously. ─── 事发后,她们一开始并没有怀疑张某,过了一个多小时,不见张某回来,打电话又联系不上,她们这才觉得可疑。

3、At times of duress, they can sound suspiciously like a mobster's “cough up or else” (“or else” meaning severe share-dilution). ─── 在被迫的情形下,增发听起来就像是一个罪犯“被逼供或类似”(“类似”意指严重稀释股权)。

4、"What?" Simon stared suspiciously as the import of the little man's words caught up at last. ─── “你想去哪儿啊。”矮人将剔牙棒扔到火里,站了起来。他的个子可真小啊!

5、"Why are you laughing?" he asked suspiciously. ─── "你为什么要笑?"他怀疑地问道。

6、These same vectors also happen to be suspiciously close to the direction of the sun's motion through the universe. ─── 启人疑窦的是,这些向量恰好就接近太阳在宇宙中的运动方向。

7、It settled on the heavy sheath on her forearm now, a creature no bigger than a sparrow-hawk, ruffling its double sets of wings and gazing around suspiciously. ─── 她蹲在贝拉前臂厚重的护臂上面,看起来还不到一只雀鹰那么大,四翼收起,警惕的目光环视着四周。

8、Keisuke suspiciously felt like he heard "old". ─── 奎介起了疑心,他觉得刚才应该是听到了“老头子”。

9、The salesclerk looked at us suspiciously, a scruffy black boy and a black sailor in ill-fitting dress blues. ─── 售货员心怀疑虑望着我们:一个是衣衫褴楼的黑孩子,一个是黑人水兵,穿着一套不合身的海军制服。

10、Her husband looked at her suspiciously. ─── 她丈夫盯着她,心生疑窦。

11、They were acting suspiciously. ─── 他们举止可疑。

12、8. The coronary joke made to the boyfriend, suspiciously coincidental, but that was something she said, not did, and she said it in jest. ─── 对,她和她男朋友所说的关于心脏病的笑话,这符合猜测,但是她只是在说,她没有做,而且她是在开玩笑。收藏指正

13、He looked at me suspiciously. ─── 他怀疑地看着我。

14、Why was Tiana's prince given an ambiguous name and suspiciously light skin? ─── 为什么电影的故事背景设在了新奥尔良?

15、Methods 48patients(54knees)who suspiciously have meniscal dise ase were detected by MRI,42patients(46knees)were oper-ated in this group. ─── 方法对48例54个怀疑半月板有病变的膝关节进行MRI检查,对其中42例(46膝)进行手术。

16、What started as an attempt to lighten a dark corner of Chinese life has turned into something that looks suspiciously like a witch-hunt. ─── 一个起点为点亮中国生活的一个黑暗角落的努力,变成了看上去可疑的行为,像对人莫须有的政治陷害。

17、“What do you know about Lisa?” asked Rick suspiciously as he walked next to her。 ─── “你知道丽莎的什么事情?”瑞克满腹狐疑地走向明美。

18、I only immersed myself totally in my English exercise. you suspiciously arrogated bad motives to other people! ─── 我只是投入的练习英语而已,你们为什么一定要以小人之心度君子之腹呢!

19、Members of the Anti-Smuggling Combat Brigade of Gongbei Customs searched a fishing boat which had been acting suspiciously and found a total of 122 tons frozen goods including beef tripe, pork stomachs and chicken feet. ─── 拱北海关缉私队员在涉嫌走私的渔船上发现了牛百叶、猪肚、鸡脚等冻品,总数达122吨。

20、The store detective had his eye on a group of boys who were acting suspiciously. ─── 商店侦探留意着一群行为可疑的男孩子。

21、The backdating scandal was triggered by several academic papers that identified suspiciously favourable patterns in the timing of option grants. ─── 几家学术报纸发现了可疑的期权认购时间的方式而引起了期权回溯丑闻。

22、Flycatcher: Blue-and-white, it looked suspiciously "orange" in the first photos of it to appear on this site, rather greyer and more "usual" in later ones. ─── ?:白腹琉璃,这个地点的头几张照片看起来是令人怀疑的"橘",后面几张则比较灰也比较"正常".

23、Microsoft says it never distributes software through e-mail and Internet users should treat e-mails claiming that attachments are product upgrades from Microsoft suspiciously. ─── 微软公司提醒电子邮件用户和互联网用户,他们从来都没有分发什么有关升级杀毒软件的附件.请大家一定要注意这类邮件.

24、The policeman stared at me suspiciously. ─── 那个警察用猜疑的眼光瞪着我。

25、"Getting married, though? What's the rush?" He eyed me suspiciously again. ─── “但这是结婚呀,是不是太着急了?”他看着我的眼睛再次充满疑虑。

26、His recent grandstanding looks suspiciously like the start of a presidential campaign. ─── 最近他的行为有哗众取宠之疑,就像准备开始总统竞选。

27、The country's numbers are certainly dodgy: the components of GDP do not add up, and the data are always published suspiciously early. ─── 国家的数据显然是有水分的:GDP的各种成分并没有增加,而且数据发布总是过早,不免令人生疑。

28、The aforementioned person was seen acting suspiciously. ─── 有人看见前面提到的那个人行动可疑。

29、He looked suspiciously at everyone who got off the plane. ─── 他怀疑地看着走下飞机的每一个人。

30、He tasted the soup suspiciously. ─── 他怀疑地尝着汤。

31、She looked suspiciously at the sack and wondered where everybody was? ─── 她疑心地看了看那麻袋,然后很纳闷大家都到哪儿了?

32、If you notice someone who seems out of place or behaves suspiciously, report the person to security or the police. ─── 如果你看到有外来人员,形迹可疑的话,应向保卫处或警察报告。

33、The aforementioned ('person/'persons) was/were acting suspiciously. ─── 前面所述的人行动可疑。

34、I asked suspiciously. ─── 我狐疑地问。

35、Mr. A will be given the third degree if he behaves suspiciously. ─── 但现代一般人较喜欢用主动语态。

36、Let me know if you see anyone acting suspiciously. ─── 如发现有人形迹可疑,你就告诉我。

37、Their latest single sounds suspiciously like the last one. ─── 他们的最新单曲唱片听着和前一张很像。

38、The combination of large external financing needs and private-sector currency mismatches looks suspiciously like Thailand in 1997. ─── 大规模外部金融需求和私人部门的货币错配风险相结合,疑似1997年的泰国。

39、An unfamiliar butler with a villainous face squinted at me suspiciously from the door. ─── 一个面目恶毒的陌生仆人从门口满腹狐疑地斜眼看着我。

40、8. The record-breaking bottle had, some muttered, suffered suspiciously little ullage (evaporation). ─── 一些人私下里说,这瓶破记录的天价酒的蒸发损耗少得令人起疑。

41、And the burden of proof in criminal asset-recovery cases may be reversed, forcing suspiciously wealthy people to prove that their possessions were acquired innocently. ─── 并且,在刑事追回资产案件中举证责任可能角色颠倒,迫使被怀疑的富人必须证明他们的资产是合法收入。

42、Preliminary official results show that at least 13 billion dollars in loans and the new Eagle Land between the flow of foreign flows to the end, acting suspiciously. ─── 中英文对照:初步官方调查结果显示,至少有13亿元的问题贷款在鹏润和新恒基之间密切流动,最终流向境外,形迹可疑。

43、The first paragraph of the novel provides a vivid physical picture of him, as Lockwood describes how his “black eyes” withdraw suspiciously under his brows at Lockwood’s approach. ─── 她们曾邀约汤姆一同逃走,但他坚持要留下来和可怜的黑奴们待在一起。女奴的逃亡使路格里怒不可遏,他进行了一次大搜捕,可是一无所获。

44、Official results showed that at least 13 billion dollars in loans and the new Eagle Land between the flow of foreign flows to the end, acting suspiciously. ─── 中英文对照:官方调查结果显示,至少有13亿元的问题贷款在鹏润和新恒基之间密切流动,最终流向境外,形迹可疑。

45、Some dim impulse moved the policeman to look suspiciously at Tom. ─── 一点模糊的冲动促使警察疑心地看着汤姆。

46、Four years ago old voting machines -- a suspiciously large number of them in areas with many Democratic voters -- functioned badly. ─── 四年前的佛州,在民主党选民居多的那些地区,大量旧计票机运行失常而令人生疑。

47、What is it you want me to do?" Adams asked suspiciously. ─── 你要我去干的是什么?”亚当斯怀疑地问道。

48、questioned Mammy suspiciously. ─── 嬷嬷猜疑地问。

49、"Yo' voice soun' lak you catchin' a cole," said Mammy suspiciously. ─── "俺听你这声音像是着凉了,"嬷嬷怀疑地说。

50、Under normal circumstances, rights issues are no cause for celebration. At times of duress, they can sound suspiciously like a mobster's “cough up or else” (“or else” meaning severe share-dilution). ─── 在正常情况下,配股并不值得人们庆祝。在强制的情况下,配股听起来就像歹徒的“要么给钱,要么其他的”(其他的意味着严重的股权稀释)一样令人不适。

51、He regarded us suspiciously. ─── 他以怀疑的眼光看着我们。

52、The Value of B-ultrasonographic Diagnosis in Suspiciously Acute Appendicitis ─── B超在疑似急性阑尾炎中的诊断价值

53、Some people just suspiciously or disparagingly looked at us. ─── 有的人则会投来怀疑甚至蔑视的眼光。

54、But wouldn't that look suspiciously like turning traitor? ─── 但这岂非有点当汉奸的嫌疑吗?

55、In that case, the California Supreme Court's “excessive preventable danger” test for whether a product design is defective sounds on close analysis suspiciously like the negligence calculus. ─── 在那情况,加州最高法院的 "过度的可避免的危险 "产品设计是否是可疑地像疏忽微积分学一样的在接近的分析上的有缺陷的声音测试。

56、An unfamiliar butler with a villainous face squinted at me suspiciously from the door. ─── 一个面目狰狞的陌生仆人从门口满腹狐疑地斜眼看着我。

57、CCTV operators reported the men to police as acting suspiciously on Wednesday in King Street, Knutsford, where a spate of robberies have occurred. ─── 中央电视台的播报员报道星期三被警方怀疑的男子是在纳茨福德地区国王街,那里抢劫时有发生。

58、She looks at Jia Ding suspiciously. ─── 她用疑惑的眼神看着甲丁。

59、The material available on Argo City was skimpy suspiciously skimpy ─── 有关阿尔格城的材料少得可怜,少得出奇。

60、And how can we know that it's art when it look suspiciously like a Campbell's soup can or the artist's own unmade bed? ─── 它怎么看怎么像坎贝尔汤的包装盒,或者像那位艺术家自己的那个不成形的床,那我们怎么知道它是艺术呢?

61、It's hard to be an intimidating monster when you look so suspiciously like an adorable little bunny rabbit. ─── 如果你怀疑的阳光看它就不会觉得它是可怕的怪物,而是越看越像可爱的小兔子。

62、"You met Luke?" He asked suspiciously but immediately realized how obvious it was. ─── “你碰到了路克?”他狐疑地问道,但马上发现它有多么的明显。

63、She eyed the fish on her plate suspiciously. ─── 她不放心地看着自己盘子里的鱼。

64、An observation on the changes in drusen at suspiciously early age- related macular degeneration ─── 早期老年黄斑变性玻璃疣变化的随访观察

65、She felt uneasy when people looked at her suspiciously. ─── 当人们用怀疑的目光看她时,她感到很不自在。

66、In other words, things than look suspiciously like the central shafts of feathers. ─── 换句话说,与羽毛中间有根杆比起来,这些东西看起来更让人不敢相信。

67、I went up to the front desk and the lady there looked at me suspiciously. ─── 我走向前台,前台小姐狐疑地看着我。

68、But since the local-food movement looks suspiciously like old-fashioned protectionism masquerading as concern for the environment, helping poor countries is presumably not the point. ─── 但由于本地食品运动看起来象是旧式的地方保护主义,考虑到环境保护问题,帮助贫穷的国家大概并不是重点。

69、Global financial markets look suspiciously like a pyramid game in this bull market. ─── 全球金融市场在这次牛市中看起来是玩了一个叠罗汉的游戏。

70、Dart around the store suspiciously loudly humming the "Mission Impossible" theme. ─── 在店里快速的来回走,并且用可疑的嗓音大声的唱007的主题曲。

71、and has suspiciously meddlesome tendencies.She has already retreated alarmingly from her husband's commitment to free trade. ─── 有人怀疑她有爱管闲事的倾向,在她丈夫自由贸易的推崇方面她的态度也软了一些。

72、She looked suspiciously like Clarkson, and snarky commentators wondered what had attracted her to the famous multi-millionaire. ─── 她长相酷似拉娜·克拉克森,难缠的评论员们则怀疑她接近这位身家数百亿的大名人的动机。

73、The coronary joke made to the boyfriend, suspiciously coincidental, but that was something she said, not did, and she said it in jest. ─── 对,她和她男朋友所说的关于心脏病的笑话,这符合猜测,但是她只是在说,她没有做,而且她是在开玩笑。

74、" Her unmoving eyes, heavy as if cast from lead, watched suspiciously for a live badger my acket or a weasel up my pantleg. ─── 她的眼睛呆板无神仿佛是铅铸的一般,满腹狐疑地张望查找我的夹克里面的活獾或裤腿里面的黄鼠狼。

75、But since the local-food movement looks suspiciously like old-fashioned protectionism masquerading[3] as concern for the environment, helping poor countries is presumably not the point. ─── 不过,地产食品运动看上去似乎就是打着关心环境幌子的贸易保护主义运动,大概压根儿就没想过要帮助穷国吧。

76、His breath smelt suspiciously of drink ─── 他嘴里呼出的气息好象有酒味。

77、She has yet to spell out much of her policy platform, including on such vital issues as tax or climate change; and has suspiciously meddlesome tendencies. ─── 另外她还需要详细阐述她的主要政策纲领,包括像税收或环境变化这样重大的议题,而且有人怀疑她有过度干涉的倾向。

78、The man looked at her suspiciously. ─── 那个男人以狐疑的目光看着她。

79、Text: One afternoon, the coast guards' boat spotted a vessel suspiciously and ordered it to stop for an inspection; ─── 当天下午,边防快艇发现可疑船只,并要求对方停船接受检查。

80、An unfamiliar butler with a villainous face squinted at me suspiciously from the door ─── 一个面目恶毒的陌生仆人从门口满腹狐疑地斜眼看着我。

81、He regarded us suspiciously. ─── 他以怀疑的眼光看着我们。

82、Yet a suspiciously large number of top people have surnames beginning with letters between A and K. ─── 在读第三段的时候我们需要关注的仍然是作者是否将第一段的主题转变。

83、A man who was reported to have been acting suspiciously near the church has been arrested. ─── 据报道,事出前在教堂附近行踪诡异的一名男子已被逮捕。

84、he prodded water buffaloes through the rice-fields, but also received a suspiciously good education. ─── 他在稻田上放牛,但是怀疑也接受过很好的教育。

85、He suspiciously arrogated bad motives to other people. ─── 他疑神疑鬼地以小人之心度君子之腹。

86、A woman shouted."Ain't servin' now." Her unmoving eyes. heavy as if cast from lead. watched suspiciously for a live badger my acket or a weasel up my pantleg. ─── 一个女人扯着嗓门喊到:暂不接待.她死鱼般的眼睛.就像是铅灌的一样.忧心忡忡的的看着我的身上是否藏有活的小动物.

87、These same vectors also happen to be suspiciously close to the direction of the sun's motion through the universe. ─── 启人疑窦的是,这些向量恰好就接近太阳在宇宙中的运动方向。

88、The dog looked at them suspiciously and asked, "Was that your lunch? ─── 小狗狐疑地看着他们,问道:“那是你们的午餐吗?

89、A capital fellow! He little imagined how my heart warmed towards him when I beheld his black eyes withdraw so suspiciously under their brows, ─── 一个绝妙的人!在我骑着马走上前去时,看见他的黑眼睛缩在眉毛下猜忌地瞅着我。

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