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09-20 投稿


plumbum 发音

英:[ˈplʌmbəm]  美:[ˈplʌmbəm]

英:  美:

plumbum 中文意思翻译



plumbum 短语词组

1、plumbum metallicum ─── 金属梅花

2、plumbum subaceticum ─── [医] 次醋酸铅, 硷性醋酸铅

plumbum 相似词语短语

1、lumbus ─── n.腰

2、plumbic ─── adj.铅的;含四价铅的

3、plumbous ─── adj.铅的

4、crumbum ─── 碎屑

5、plumber ─── n.水管工;堵漏人员

6、plumbism ─── n.[内科]铅中毒

7、glum bum ─── n.悲观主义者

8、plumb ─── vt.使垂直;探测,探索;n.垂直;铅锤;adv.恰恰,正;垂直地;vi.当管子工;adj.垂直的;n.(Plumb)人名;(英)普拉姆

9、plumbed ─── adj.[测]铅垂的;v.用铅锤测量;达到…的最低点;探究(plumb的过去分词)

plumbum 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、This is the handyman who fixed your bathroom pipes when they were only made of plumbum, or “lead”. ─── 这是杂谁的浴室固定管道时,他们才作出的铅,或“领导” 。

2、The study showed that the cause of the problem was attributed to the relative shortage in concentration of plumbum dithiocarbamate in the coloring agent . ─── 研究结果表明,产生这种现象的原因在于显色剂中二乙基二硫代氨基甲酸铅数量的相对不足。

3、Correlation of Bone Mass Density with Serum Selenium, Zinc, Ferrum, Calcium, Plumbum, and Alkaline Phosphatase in 95 Children ─── 儿童骨密度与血清硒、锌、钙、铅及碱性磷酸酶水平的关系:附95例报告

4、Keywords plumbum smelter push and pull type ventilation; ─── 熔铅锅;吹吸式通风;

5、The test items included organic phosphorus, organic chlorine, pyrethroids, dicofol, nitrate and heavy metal plumbum. ─── 检测项目包括有机磷、有机氯、菊酯、三氯杀螨醇、硝酸盐和重金属铅。

6、Research of Conditions of Trace Plumbum Pre-Concentration from Water on a Cylinder of Cotton Using Dithizone as a cheating Agent ─── 双硫腙-棉花柱富集分离水中痕量铅的条件研究

7、The Determination of Plumbum, Cadmium and Hexavalent Chromium in the Electronic Information Product by Using the Atom Fluorescence Spectrum ─── 原子荧光光谱法测定电子信息产品中铅、镉和六价铬

8、Keywords sludge;plumbum;cadmium;potential stripping analysis; ─── 污泥;铅;镉;电位溶出法;

9、Keywords ferroelectric relaxor ceramics;plumbum niobate magnesiate;pyrochlores;microstructure; ─── 关键词弛豫铁电陶瓷;铌镁酸铅;焦绿石;显微结构;

10、During 2002-2004 many species of plants had been disappearing around Lianhua Plumbum Workshop because of heavy plumbic pollution coming from the workshop. ─── 莲花铅厂在2002-2004年生产期间污染严重,导致大量的植物死亡。

11、Coordination titration is used with mercury membrane electrode and wolfram as working and reference electrodes.Standard solution consists of EDTA, plumbum. ─── 采用汞膜电极、钨电极的配位滴定法,以EDTA、铅为标准溶液,连续测定镀铜锡电解液中的铜、锡及焦磷酸盐、正磷酸盐的含量。

12、Keywords jamesonite;plumbum oxide minerals;marmatite;preferential flotation; ─── 脆硫锑铅矿;氧化铅矿物;铁闪锌矿;优先浮选;

13、The relationship between the species, number of oribatid mites and the level of plumbum pollution was explored in this study. ─── 对土壤中甲螨孳生的种群数量与土壤铅污染之间的相互关系进行探讨。

14、protease was inhibited by 0.5% CuSO4 and 0.5% acetic plumbum, but activated by 0.5% NaCl. ─── 硫酸铜和0.5%醋酸铅对红曲蛋白酶有抑制作用,0.5%氯化钠对红曲蛋白酶则有激活作用。

15、plumbum subaceticum ─── [医] 次醋酸铅, 碱性醋酸铅

16、Keywords Gasoline;Plumbum;Reagent blank;Iso-octane;Pb-poor gasoline; ─── 汽油;铅;试剂空白;异辛烷;贫铅汽油;

17、Taking a coarse plumbum smelting plant in Guiyang county in Hunan province as an example, the cost and environmental economy benefits of calcareousness desulfurization were investigated and analyzed. ─── 以湖南省桂阳县一粗铅冶炼厂为例,调查分析了石灰脱硫的成本和环境经济效益,揭示了闲置脱硫塔的原因,并提出了相应的建议。

18、Improvement of Melting Point Comparative Experiment of Soldering Tin, Stannum, Plumbum ─── 焊锡、锡、铅熔点比较的实验改进

19、The research on limits standard of plumbum and fluorin in tea and rice ─── 关于茶、稻中铅、氟限量标准的讨论

20、recoveries of plumbum were determined in different enrichment conditions by flame atomic absorption spectrometry. ─── 用火焰原子吸收法分析了不同分离条件下铅的回收率。

21、In this paper the optimized conditions of enriching trace plumbum in water on a cylinder of dithizone activated carbon are researched. ─── 本文研究了用活性炭加双硫腙柱富集、分离水中痕量铅的适宜条件。

22、Determination of Plumbum in Pickled Vegetables by Hydride-Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometry ─── 氢化物-原子荧光法测定泡菜中的铅

23、One of the earliest known metals is plumbum in the history of world metallurgy.China has a long nistory of using plumbum. ─── 摘要铅是世界冶金史上最早发现的几种金属之一,我国用铅的历史比较悠久。

24、"Some hark Back to Latin names: Au (aurum) for gold, PB (plumbum) for lead. Others are named for people or places (e.g. einsteinium, Es, for Einstein)." ─── 有时化学符号来自元素的拉丁文名称,如︰Au代表金,Na代表钠。其它还有用人名和地方来表示,如Es(鑀)代表爱因斯坦。

25、lead(plumbum)level in blood ─── 血铅水平(浓度)

26、It is widely used in the roughing,concentration,and reverse flotation of those non-ferrous metal like cuprum,plumbum,zinc,nickel,molybdenum,ferrous metal and nonmetal mine. ─── 广泛用于铜、铅、锌、镍、钼、金等有色金属,黑色金属和非金属矿物的粗选、粗选和反浮选作业。

27、The recoveries of plumbum were determined in different enrichment conditions by flame atomic absorption spectrometry. ─── 用火焰原子吸收法分析了不同分离条件下铅的回收率。

28、A method was established for the content determination of residual heavy metal plumbum(Pb)in rice wine by ICP-AES. ─── 建立以干法灰化法处理黄酒样品、全谱直读等离子光谱仪测定黄酒中铅含量的测试方法。

29、Methods:Wetnitration and flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry were employed.Results:Plumbum and Cadmium were not detected. ─── 方法:采用湿法消化、火焰原子吸收分光光度法测定。

30、The situation of internal heavy metal pollution, especially plumbum, in the soil and the mechanism of heavy metals' effect on plants are summed up. ─── 总结了土壤遭受重金属铅污染及其对植物的影响的机理;

31、,Reineckia carnea(Andr.)Kunth and Sedum sarmentosum Bunge to copper, cadmium, plumbum on the basis of tests conducted in pots . ─── 研究结果表明,瞿麦对镉污染土壤修复效果显著,吉祥草对铜污染土壤修复效果最好,垂盆草对铅污染土壤修复效果最好;

32、Determine the Content of Plumbum in the Tea Cup of Chaozhou's Gongfu Tea ─── 潮州工夫茶杯中铅的溶出量测定

33、The Change of Plumbum Content in TSP of Changchun Ambient Air Before and After Using Lead-free Gasoline ─── 无铅汽油使用后长春市区环境空气TSP中Pb含量的变化

34、Determination of the Availability of Plumbum in Agricultural Soil of Baoding District ─── 保定地区农业土壤中有效铅含量的测定

35、Atom fluorescence spectrometetic method is used to analyze plumbum in soil, this method is simply, rapid, high sensitivity and less determination limits. ─── 摘要用原子荧光光谱法测定土壤样品中的铅,具有操作简单、快速、灵敏度高、检出限低等优点。

36、Blood plumbum ─── 血铅

37、Study on Cleaner Production Process of Reclaim Waste Storage Cell Contained Plumbum and Acid ─── 废铅酸蓄电池铅回收清洁生产工艺

38、Keywords Polyvinyl Alcohol Immobilization Cell Plumbum Cadmium; ─── 聚乙烯醇;固定化;细菌;铅;镉;

39、Keywords Kechuanping Granules;Metal element;Calcium;Cadmium;Cuprum;Plumbum; ─── 关键词咳喘平冲剂;金属元素;钙;镉;铜;铅;

40、Research of Conditions of Trace Plumbum Pre-Concentration from Water on a Cylinder of Activated Carbon Using Dithizone as a Chelating Agent ─── 双硫腙-活性炭柱富集分离水中痕量铅的条件研究

41、The manufacture and application of plumbum shield in group testing ─── 群检铅防护屏的制作与应用

42、The study of matrix interference and its elimination for determination of plumbum in high- calcium food by GFAAS ─── GFAAS法测定高钙食品中铅的基体干扰及消除试验研究

43、In this paper the optimized conditions of enriching trace plumbum in water on a cylinder of dithizone activated carbon are researched. ─── 本文研究了用活性炭加双硫腙柱富集、分离水中痕量铅的适宜条件。

44、Children Saturnism and Removing Plumbum by Diet ─── 儿童铅中毒与饮食驱铅

45、Keywords oribatid mites;plumbum pollution;soil;biological monitoring;indicator organism; ─── 甲螨;铅污染;土壤;生物监测;指示生物;

46、The Civil Plumbum and Zinc Mart Status and the Development of the Lanping Plumbum and Zinc Mine ─── 我国铅锌市场形势与兰坪铅锌矿的发展

47、Methods: Wetnitration and flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry were employed. Results: Plumbum and Cadmium were not detected. ─── 方法:采用湿法消化、火焰原子吸收分光光度法测定。

48、The recoveries of plumbum were determined in different enrichment conditions by flame atomic absorption spectrometry. ─── 用火焰原子吸收法分析了不同分离条件下铅的回收率。

49、Results Positive rate of plumbum acetate and ammonia hydroxide method is significantly higher than that of PH and reduction lactose method (P

50、objective The purpose is to compare plumbum acetate and ammonia hydroxide method with the PH and reduction lactose method on application of qualitative lactose measurement in babies excrement. ─── 目的试比较醋酸铅氢氧化铵法和PH还原糖法(改良班氏法)在婴幼儿粪便乳糖定性检测中的应用。

51、GFAAS Plumbum ─── 铅

52、Determination of plumbum in air of a urban traffic main road by graphite AAS ─── 石墨炉原子吸收分光光度法测定城市交通干道空气中的铅

53、Status of Food Pollution by Plumbum and Cadmium in Zhejiang Province During ─── 浙江省部分食品中铅镉污染水平研究

54、plumbum nitrate ─── 双硫腙指示剂

55、The cause analysis of exceeding standard of plumbum content in plum dried vegetable exported in Huizhou port ─── 惠州口岸出口梅菜铅含量超标原因分析

56、[abstract] Plumbum strontium titanate (PST) thin film is a kind of important ferroelectric thin film. ─── 钛酸锶铅(PST)薄膜是一类重要的铁电薄膜材料。

57、What bronze uses is not brass, but red copper and the alloy of plumbum and stannic. ─── 青铜所用的不是黄铜,是红铜和铅、锡的合金。

58、HG-AFS determination of plumbum and stannum in inflated food ─── 氢化物发生原子荧光光度法同时测定膨化食品中的铅和锡

59、Comparing and Selecting of Fast Charging Methods of Plumbum Acid Storage Battery ─── 密封铅酸蓄电池快速充电法比较

60、next pollution is plumbum, cadmium and chrome. ─── 其次是铅和镉,铬的污染较小。

61、Study on Disappearing of Plants And Their Plumbic Resistance Around Lianhua Plumbum Workshop ─── 莲花铅厂周围植被消亡动态与抗铅植物研究

62、In order to be in tune with the process of eliminating plumbum, our company has developed the lead-free copper ribbon(welding ribbon). ─── 为配合无铅化进程,公司开发出了无铅涂锡铜带(焊带)。

63、Keywords Plumbum;Matrix modifier;Ammonium phosphate monobasic-palladium chloride;Graphite fumace; ─── 石墨炉;铅;基体改进剂;磷酸二氢铵-氯化钯;

64、Determination of Plumbum, Chromium, Hydrargyrum and Arsenic and Safety Evaluation on Artemisia seleirgensis Turoz ─── 芦蒿中铅、铬、汞、砷的含量分析与安全评价

65、Research on the temperature intelligence detection and control closed loop system for the plumbum quenching of wire-steel for steel rope ─── 钢丝绳用钢丝铅淬火温度智能闭环测控系统的研究

66、Urine plumbum ─── 尿铅

67、The relationship between the species,number of oribatid mites and the level of plumbum pollution was explored in this study. ─── 对土壤中甲螨孳生的种群数量与土壤铅污染之间的相互关系进行探讨。

68、Keywords atomic absorption spectrometry;atomic fluorescent spectrometry;cosmetic;plumbum and arsenic; ─── 原子吸收光谱法;原子荧光法;化妆品;铅和砷;

69、The plumbum of ores belongs to the orogenic belt plumbu m ,essentially is the mixture plumbum of Earth's mantle and crust.The pl umbum originates from the orogenic belt and the metallization has relationship with the orogeny. ─── 矿石铅既具有地幔铅的特征,又具有上地壳铅的特征,并且具有造山带铅的特点,成矿作用与造山作用关系密切,铅来源于造山带物质,本质上是壳幔混合铅。

70、The Way, Harm and Control of Plumbum Absorption by Children ─── 儿童摄入铅的途径、危害与防治

71、Disquisition and Method kf Plumbum in Soy Sauce Vinegar by Hydride Generation-atomic Fluorescence Spectrometry ─── 氢化物发生-原子荧光法测定酱油醋中铅的方法研究

72、Confirming the Optimal Entrapping Condition of Immobilized Cell Beads Which Adsorbs Plumbum and Cadmium ─── 固定化细菌吸附铅和镉最佳包埋条件的确定

73、With the principal contributor of the rapid economic growth and mining industry,a large amount of soil was eroded by plumbum and caused water pollution as well as other environmental damages. ─── 量大面广的铅污染土壤已成为国内外环境保护与治理中不可忽视的问题,植物修复技术在治理铅污染土壤方面具有多种优势。

74、The plumbum in air of a urban traffic main road was collected by filter film of super thin glass fiber and determined by graphite AAS. ─── 用超细玻璃纤维滤膜收集城市交通干道空气中的铅 ,硝化后使用石墨炉原子吸收分光光度法测定。

75、The recoveries of plumbum were determined in different enrichment conditions by flame atomic absorption spectrometry(FAAS). ─── 用火焰原子吸收法分析了不同分离条件铅的回收率。

76、Genotypic Differences in Concentrations of Plumbum, Cadmium and Arsenicum in Polished Rice Grains ─── 水稻精米中铅镉砷含量基因型差异的研究

77、In this paper the optimized conditions of enriching trace plumbum in water on a cylinder of dithizone-cotton are researched. ─── 本文研究了用双硫腙浸泡过的棉花来富集、分离水中痕量铅的适宜条件。


79、First-Principles Study of Optical Properties of Plumbum Titanate ─── 钛酸铅光学特性的第一性原理研究

80、At first, the parameters of plumbum are acquired from the experimentation of milling and line-cut to ensure that the plumbum can be milled. ─── 首先通过铣削和线切割试验,获得了纯铅的机械加工参数,确定纯铅材料可以铣削的性能;

81、Keywords immobilization cell wall polysaccharides plumbum cadmium adsorption; ─── 固定化;胞壁多糖;铅;镉;吸附;

82、Keywords cell wall polysaccharides;immobilization;embedment;adsorption;plumbum;cadmium; ─── 关键词细菌胞壁多糖;固定化;包埋;吸附;铅;镉;

83、The effects of global plumbum price fluctuation have on the accumulator industry ─── 全球铅价格变动情况及对蓄电池工业的影响

84、Determination of ultratrace plumbum by catalytic spectrophotometry ─── 催化光度法测定超痕量铅

85、Keywords Antineoplastic;Compound Shougong powder;Trace metal element;Plumbum;Cadmium;Cuprum;Content determination; ─── 抗肿瘤药;复方守宫散;微量金属元素;铅;镉;铜;含量测定;

86、This article researches human thyroid, using MC universal software-MCNP4B to simulate the personnel thyroid absorbed dose with various thinkness of the plumbum glass when operation. ─── 本文以人体甲状腺为研究对象,应用蒙特卡罗方法通用软件MCNP4B,模拟计算了人员在操作核部件时,在不同厚度铅玻璃条件下人员甲状腺所受的剂量。

87、Keywords Artemisia seleirgensis Turoz;plumbum;chromium;hydrargyrum;arsenic;safety evaluation; ─── 芦蒿;铅;汞;砷;铬;安全评价;

88、Keywords raphite furnace atomic absorption spectrophotometry(GF-AAS);red wine;plumbum;standard additions; ─── 石墨炉原子吸收光谱法;红葡萄酒;铅;标准加入法;

89、Salicyl fluorones Plumbum carboxymethyl cellulose ─── 发光分子水杨基荧光酮羧甲基纤维素铅微球

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