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mausoleums 发音

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英:  美:

mausoleums 中文意思翻译



mausoleums 短语词组

1、imperial mausoleums ─── 陵寝皇 ─── 陵

mausoleums 词性/词形变化,mausoleums变形

名词复数: mausoleums |形容词: mausolean |

mausoleums 相似词语短语

1、soleus ─── n.[解剖]比目鱼肌(指小腿后面的一块扁平肌肉)

2、midsoles ─── 中底

3、maulers ─── n.双手

4、asylums ─── n.收容所;避难所;流亡生物区(asylum的复数形式)

5、mausolea ─── n.陵墓;阴森森的大厦(mausoleum的变形)

6、mausoleum ─── n.陵墓;阴森森的大厦

7、mausolean ─── 陵墓

8、museums ─── n.博物馆(museum的复数形式)

9、oleums ─── n.[无化]发烟硫酸

mausoleums 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、And the Tomb of Qin Shihuang's Mausoleum set up to deal with different agencies, by virtue of Egypt's Pharaonic incantation to protect themselves. ─── 与中国的秦始皇陵设置机关对付盗墓人不同,埃及法老凭借咒语来保护自己。

2、Cleopatra's mausoleum was very close to the palace complex where Octavian was lodged. ─── 克利奥帕特拉的陵墓和克利奥帕特拉的寝宫之间的距离很近。

3、To discover the secrets of the mausoleum, archaeologists have, since 1960s, started scientific drillings and investigations at the mausoleum. ─── 为了揭开秦始皇帝陵墓的奥秘,考古工作者从六十年代初开始逐步对陵园进行科学的钻探和调查。

4、"Her family reared a sumptuous mausoleum over her remains" (Macaulay). ─── “她的家人在她的遗体上立了一座华丽的陵墓” (麦考利)。

5、Chinese architecture ranges from temples, gardens, mausoleums, pagodas and imperial palaces to residential houses. ─── 中国建筑涉及寺庙,园林,陵墓,塔,宫殿,住宅等。

6、A town of western India east - northeast of Bombay.Founded in1610, it is near the site of a mausoleum erected by Aurangzeb in honor of his empress.Population, 284, 607. ─── 奥兰加巴德位于印度西部、孟买东北偏东一城镇。建于1610年,位于奥朗则布为纪念他的皇后而建的陵墓遗址附近。人口284,

7、Morningstar shadow hanging even ancient temples, optical Yeyue linked Kong Mausoleum. ─── 一痕隐射青天静,半点长随白日凝。

8、Is this mound the mausoleum? ─── 大牛:啊,这座土堆就是陵墓啊?

9、In my opinion, we should go to see the Sun Zhongshan Mausoleum. ─── 依我看,我们应该去瞻仰中山陵。

10、Excavations in Nisa, later renamed Mithradatkirt, have uncovered Mithraic mausoleums and shrines. ─── 出土于尼撒,后来命名为密特拉达克特,打开了密特拉陵墓和神殿。

11、The Shaanxi Archeology Institute, Emper or Qin's TerraCotta Museum, 2000. The archeology report on Emper or Qin's mausoleum (1999). Science Press, Beijing ( in Chinese). ─── 于国明,袁炳强,姚长利,等,2003.秦始皇陵高精度磁力测量成果报告.中国地质调查局发展研究中心.

12、"The mausoleum of Yellow Emperor, Xuanyuan, founder of the Chinese nation stands at the top of Mt. Qiaoshan, north of Huangling County seat. ─── "黄帝陵是中华民族始祖轩辕黄帝的陵园,位于黄陵县城北的桥山顶上。

13、Sun shining through fog on mausoleums. ─── 阳光透过迷雾笼罩在阴森森的陵墓上。

14、The Taj Mahal, the famous ancient domed mausoleum built in 17th century in India, is suffering from air pollution with its white marble facade apparently turning yellow. ─── 印度著名的17世纪古迹泰姬陵,在空气污染侵害下,白色大理石的外观逐渐发黄,政府决定使用具有美白效果的火山泥浆膜,帮助泰姬陵去除污垢,但结果却适得其反。

15、Mausoleums and tombs with stone sculptnres at this time are treasure of Zhenjiang's culture. ─── 丹阳南朝陵墓及其石刻艺术对探索南朝齐梁时期的陵寝制度具有极高的史料、文化、艺术价值。

16、Rich Romans built villas, tombs and mausoleums here, against a backdrop of the purple Alban hills. ─── 富有的罗马人建别墅,墓和烈士陵园在此背景紫色阿尔邦山头。

17、The mausoleums of the Tang Dynasty are precious cultural heritage, having very high value both in academic research and tourism development. ─── 唐代帝王陵墓是宝贵的文化财富,具有很高的学术研究价值和旅游开发价值。

18、In the past Kremlinologists monitored Soviet leaders by their line-up above Lenin's mausoleum. ─── 在过去,苏联研究者们观察该国领导人在列宁墓上的站位;

19、The main structures of Wudang Lamasery are six palaces, three mansions and one mausoleum, which have respective functions. ─── 五当召风景区分六殿、三府、一陵,这些部分具有不同的功能。

20、In this small cemetery is the Black Mausoleum where the poltergeist is. ─── 只有当他们将你带入一个叫做“神圣盟约监狱”的时候,旅游才算真正开始,这是一块面积不大的墓地,这里有一个叫做“黑陵”的坟墓,里面就住着那个闹鬼。

21、They never delivered a casketto the mausoleum. ─── 他们没有送过一个棺材去陵墓。

22、Excavations in Nisa, later renamed Mithradatkirt, have uncovered Mithraic mausoleums and shrines. ─── 出土于尼撒,后来命名为密特拉达克特,打开了密特拉陵墓和神殿。

23、"One Palace and Three Imperial Mausoleums " are the symbols of the culture of the Qing Dynasty in Liaoning and Shenyang area. ─── “一宫三陵”是辽沈地区清文化的象征。一宫为沈阳故宫,三陵分别为永陵、昭陵和福陵。

24、Stone Sculptures at Mausoleums of the Southern Dynasties at Nanjing. ─── 南京南朝陵墓石刻.

25、Some farmers are harvesting behind the destroyed statuary of Song Mausoleum. ─── 在残损的宋陵雕像后收获秋粮的农民。

26、Some said she had been an architect, but had given it up when she realized that the grandest commissions were for the mausoleums. ─── 有人说她曾是一个建筑师,但当她意识到交给她的宏伟任务是修建陵墓时,她放弃了。

27、Although built on a much grander scale, the Mausoleum took inspiration for its design from the Nereid Monument of Lycian Xanthos. ─── 一套刻的是与半人半马怪物交战图,另一套刻的是希腊人和亚马逊女战士作战图。

28、The Ding Mausoleum is a tomb of Emperor Wanli (Ming Dynasty) and his two empresses. ─── 定陵是明代万历皇帝及其两皇后的陵墓。

29、Take me to look at the Mausoleum of General Yue Fei. ─── 你快带我去看一下岳飞墓吧。

30、So far three vaults have been excavated in which terra cotta figures were found, located some 1500 metres to the east of the First Emperor's mausoleum. ─── 兵马俑坑,在秦始皇陵墓乐侧1500米处,已试掘3个坑。

31、On the Pure Brightness Festival, people visit family tombs or go to mausoleums of revolutionary martyrs. ─── 人们在清明节去扫墓,或去祭扫革命烈士墓。

32、"Couplet inscribed in the column:" pet since the days of Antarctic Streamer Shanghai-Kok Kang, Taiwan by Yiu-Chung River Jisheng Okazaki Mausoleum. ─── 中柱对联刻:"宠自天申南极流光齐角亢,荣增台耀西河纪盛颂冈陵"。

33、A town of western India east-northeast of Bombay. Founded in 1610,it is near the site of a mausoleum erected by Aurangzeb in honor of his empress. Population,284,607. ─── 奥兰加巴德位于印度西部、孟买东北偏东一城镇。建于1610年,位于奥朗则布为纪念他的皇后而建的陵墓遗址附近。人口284,607。

34、Under the eaves in front is hung a huge vertical board on which are inscribed, in both Chinese and Mongol, words which stand for "The Mausoleum of Genghis Khan". ─── 八角飞檐下,悬挂着“成吉思汗陵”五个蒙汉文金色大字的竖匾。

35、Displaying in a centralized way the typical extracted relics unearthed in dozens of satellite tombs of Zhaoling Mausoleum. ─── 展示昭陵数十座陪葬墓出土的具有代表性的精品文物。

36、Breakfast at hotel, 8:00 am Ha Noi City tour: Visit: Ba Dinh square, HCM's Mausoleum, Uncle Ho's museum, One-Pillar Pagoda. ─── 00早上,参观越南巴亭广场,国父胡志明的纪念馆,故居和陵墓。象征河内精神,建于1049年的一柱庙。

37、The geomantic omen doctrine was very current in North Song dynasty and had much influence on the mausoleum system then. ─── 宋代阴阳堪舆术影响甚盛,陵寝制度深受其影响。

38、Part of the tour is for all of the participants to be locked in the tiny mausoleum for ten minutes. ─── 在游览中有一部分内容是把游客关在一个很小的墓穴里,让他们在里面呆十分钟。

39、About five miles across, it has 500 years' worth of crumbling mausoleums. Children beg on the graves of the recently dead. ─── 墓地有五英里之长,有些岩块剥落的墓葬已经有五百年的历史,有孩子在新近葬下的墓前乞讨。

40、There are altogether 20 mausoleums of the Tang Dynasty, amongwhich 18 are located in flat plain or between loft beautiful hills in northern part of central Shaanxi plain. ─── 唐代共有20座帝王陵墓,其中18座分布在关中北部坦荡如砥的平原和挺拔峻秀的崇山之间。

41、From the contents of the burial pits as well as the historical records, the mausoleum is the representation of Shi Huangdi's kingdom above the ground. ─── 从这些陪葬坑的内涵和史书中对秦陵地宫设置情况的记载来看,秦始皇帝陵园就是当年秦王朝地上王国的再现。

42、Isn't there a famous Mausoleum of Genghis Khan? ─── 不是有一个很有名的成吉思汗陵吗?

43、D.Directly in front of the entrance to the mausoleum was a stately, cloaked figure, probably representing Herma's father or grandfather. ─── 在陵墓入口的正前方是一个形象庄严、披着斗篷的人物形象,它很可能代表了赫尔马的父亲或者祖父。

44、His grave was found inside the mausoleum of one Gaius Valerius Herma, a rich Roman.Flavius must have been Herma's relative. ─── 他的坟墓是在一个名叫盖厄斯.瓦列留厄斯.赫尔马的罗马富人的陵墓里面发现的,弗拉维厄斯肯定曾是赫尔马的亲人。

45、Early Tang Dynasty Mausoleum ci yu alteration and plastic, as in the side hall in a palace of Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties repair. ─── 唐初改建陵园祠宇,并塑唐太宗像于配殿之中,宋、元、明、清历代修葺。

46、The waste debate has gone on so long that there are now 10 “orphan” sites, radioactive mausoleums where the power plant is gone but the waste remains. ─── 在废料问题的争论长久持续下,已经有10个“遗孤”站点了,这些放射性陵墓就是那些只剩下废料的就发电站。

47、The most important spots in Nanjing are Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum and Soul Valley Temple. ─── 南京最著名的的景点是中山陵和灵谷寺。

48、As an important part of historical culture,the ancient mausoleums agglomerate the theory of politics,philosophy,architecture,aesthetics and the national financial state. ─── 为全面系统地介绍中国古墓,多侧面展示古墓文化的博大精深、源远流长的古墓文化所具备的深厚博大的东方文化内涵不仅属于中国的,也是属于世界的。

49、After this, the place was renamed Yikingbolo which means the mausoleum of the great master. ─── 从此,人们就把这地方叫做“伊金霍洛”,意思是“主人的陵园”。

50、Soon the pleasant road, shaded with cypresses and umbrella pines, passes scattered piles of eroded bricks that once were grand mausoleums. ─── 不久宜人路,绿荫与留念和雨伞松通过分散桩侵蚀砖一度宏伟陵园。

51、A town of western India east-northeast of Bombay. Founded in1610, it is near the site of a mausoleum erected by Aurangzeb in honor of his empress. Population,284, 607. ─── 奥兰加巴德位于印度西部、孟买东北偏东一城镇。建于1610年,位于奥朗则布为纪念他的皇后而建的陵墓遗址附近。人口284,607

52、The full Peizangkang Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor in the original appearance of the RUF forces, as well as the high level of the production process. ─── 全面展现了秦始皇陵陪葬坑中的军阵原貌,以及高超的制作工艺水平。

53、Chinese architecture ranges from temples, gardens, mausoleums , pagodas and imperial palaces to residential houses. ─── 中国建筑涉及寺庙,园林,陵墓,塔,宫殿,住宅等。

54、We put in huge manpower and financial power with a devotional heart to shoot this documentary newsreel,revealing the truth of ancient mausoleums of China. ─── 她应该成为世界文化遗产而获得更好的保护和利用。我们以虔诚的心情和巨大的人力财力投入,实地拍摄制作本记录片。

55、With different size, each imperial mausoleum stands independently on one hill, composed by groups of architectures occupying tens of hectares of land. ─── 十三陵各陵虽有大小之别,但实际上每座陵都独据一个山头,各占地十几公顷,各自有一套独立的建筑群。

56、To guard Liao Dynasty tombs and sacrificial tomb town of Bong, the Mausoleum of the NATO two kilometers west of the valley. ─── 为守护和祭祀辽太祖陵墓的奉陵邑,陵在城西北约2公里的山谷中。

57、Stone Sculptures at Mausoleums of the Southern Dynasties in Danyang. ─── 丹阳南朝陵墓石刻。

58、Therefore,the first thing was to analyze the meaning of tourism exploitation about the value on the mausoleum and tomb resource. ─── 对陵墓资源进行旅游功能开发,首先要分析陵墓资源自身价值对旅游开发的意义。

59、Mithraic sanctuaries and mausoleums were built in the city of Hatra in upper Mesopotamia. ─── 密特拉的避难所和陵墓建立在美索不达米亚上部的赫拉城里。

60、These articles involve the regulations of the Ming mausoleum, the cultural relics unearthed from the mausoleums, and the research work done on the Great Wall-Juyongguan Pass. ─── 内容包括:明代陵寝制度,陵寝文物,博物馆工作以及有关居庸关长城的研究等等。

61、So we have a palace here and mausoleum there? ─── 因此我们可以看出这儿是一个宫殿,那儿有一个陵墓?

62、Her family reared a sumptuous mausoleum over her remains(Macaulay. ─── 她的家人在她的遗体上立了一座华丽的陵墓(麦考利)。

63、This is my third time to climb the mausoleum of emperor. ─── 可如此厚重而博大的历史,叫我如何能轻率下笔。

64、The emperors’ mausoleums of Tang Dynasty are a set of large-scale buildings in ancient Chinese feudalistic society.They are important architecture culture heritages in China. ─── 唐代帝王陵园是出现于封建社会的大型建筑群,是中国建筑文化的重要遗存。

65、Park inside still keep the mausoleum of Tang Jiyai who was the main leader of Chongjiu Revolution in Yunnan. ─── 园内还保存著云南辛亥重九起义主要领导人唐继尧的陵墓。

66、These mausoleums and tombs with the art of stone sculptnres are of great value in history,culture and art to explore the funeral system in Southern Dynasty. ─── 保护和利用这些具有高度文化艺术水平的陵墓石刻,对增强民族凝聚力、传承文明具有极为深远的意义,是时代赋予我们的重任。

67、Romans had to look elsewhere to build their mausoleums. ─── 罗马人不得不另觅地方建造自己的陵墓。

68、To introduce the ancient mausoleums of China in the round,and reveal every aspect of the abundance and long history of ancient mausoleums. ─── 她应该成为世界文化遗产而获得更好的保护和利用。

69、In the mausoleum, whether foundation floor, Fengtu around the drainage channels are included in neat form of a set of crosscutting surface drainage facilities. ─── 在陵园内不论是墙脚楼旁、封土周围,均列有整齐的排水管道,形成一整套纵横交错的地表排水设施。

70、But on the ground of the mausoleum, I could see three broken statue heads made of marble - of a man, a woman and a boy. ─── 但是在陵墓的地面上,我可以看到三个破碎的雕像头颅,一个是男人的,一个是女人的,还有一个是男孩儿的,都由大理石雕刻而成。

71、He is in Alexandria and he's got the control of the mausoleum. ─── 他救灾亚力山大,他控制这座陵墓。

72、Isabel Are you sick? He is dead, old man. He lies in the mausoleum at The Hall of Heroes, next to his father. ─── 伊莎贝尔你脑袋有病吗?他已经死了,老家伙。现在躺在英雄祠的陵墓里,紧挨着他的父亲。

73、City goddess, climb the wei city and overlook the emperor family's mausoleum, the storehouse of the achuiersi's kingdom and the mausoleum of ajiamanno etc historic site. ─── 们的护城女神雅典娜所建的帕得嫩神庙,登上卫城得狮门眺望皇家陵墓,阿垂尔斯国王之宝藏地及。

74、A town of western India east-northeast of Bombay. Founded in '0, it is near the site of a mausoleum erected by Aurangzeb in honor of his empress. Population, 284,'07. ─── 奥兰加巴德:位于印度西部、孟买东北偏东一城镇。建于'0年,位于奥朗则布为纪念他的皇后而建的陵墓遗址附近。人口284,'07

75、After discovering the Herma mausoleum, a workman uncovered the first mention of Peter. ─── 在发现了赫尔马陵墓之后,一个工人首次发现了涉及伯多禄的古物。

76、Its most famous building was the monument that the satrap built for himself, which has become known as the Mausoleum . ─── 其最著名的建筑是古迹的satrap为自己建造,它已成为众所周知的陵墓。

77、"One Palace and Three Imperial Mausoleums"are the symbols of the culture of the Qing Dynasty in Liaoning and Shenyang area. ─── “一宫三陵”是辽沈地区清文化的象征。一宫为沈阳故宫,三陵分别为永陵、昭陵和福陵。

78、On this day in 1666, Shah Jahan, the mighty Mogul emperor of India who built the Taj Mahal as a mausoleum for his beloved wife, died at the age of 74. ─── 在1666年的今天,沙贾汗死亡,得年74岁,他是印度强大的莫卧儿帝国皇帝,为他的爱妻建造了泰姬玛哈陵。

79、When they were asked where was the mausoleum of King Shun, they said in reply, "King Shun became a deity and rose into heaven. There's no need for a mausoleum. ─── “舜帝陵寝在何处?” 和尚答道: “舜帝成仙上了天,从来就没有什么坟墓”。

80、Benz - is the favorite car of NK leaders.In Kim Il song mausoleum , his SEL 500 is parked forever on some porcelain supports. ─── 奔驰是领导人的最爱,在金日诚的纪念堂,他的奔驰SEL-500被永远停放在一些瓷制保护砖上。

81、Cleopatra is imprisoned inside her mausoleum. ─── 克利奥帕特拉被囚禁在她的陵墓里。

82、But little is left at the ancient crime scene and Cleopatra's mausoleum has never been found. ─── 克利奥帕特拉的宫殿和她临终前所在的陵墓的遗迹在这儿的某处。

83、All public projects are mausoleums, not always in shape, but always in cost. ─── 所有得公共项目都是坟墓,不总是外表相似,但总是付出的代价相似。

84、This is my third time to climb the mausoleum of emperor.A sort of unspeakable enthusiasm is stirred up in the deep of my heart after enjoying the mightiness of supremacy. ─── 今天我第三次登上帝陵封土,感受舍我其谁的王者霸气,一种说不出的开阔与豁达激荡于心底。

85、The pits are located to the east of the First Qin Emperor's Mausoleum, symbolizing the main defending force that guarded the Qin capital, Xianyang. ─── 兵马俑坑位于秦始皇陵东侧,象征着他们是保卫京都咸阳的近卫军。

86、The Da Yu Mausoleum at the foot of Kuaiji Mountain. ─── 位於会稽山脚下的大禹陵。

87、Soon the pleasant road , shaded with cypresses and umbrella pines, passes scattered piles of eroded bricks that once were grand mausoleums . ─── 不久宜人路,绿荫与留念和雨伞松通过分散桩侵蚀砖一度宏伟陵园。

88、It later became the mausoleum of Shah Jahan too. ─── 后来,这也成为了沙.贾汉的陵寝。

89、The glinting blue-grey panels are fixed on top of mausoleums, which in Spain hold five layers of coffins. ─── "这些闪闪发光的蓝灰色电池板安放在摆放了5层棺材的西班牙陵墓的顶部.

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