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09-21 投稿


trumpery 发音

英:['trʌmp(ə)rɪ]  美:['trʌmpəri]

英:  美:

trumpery 中文意思翻译



trumpery 词性/词形变化,trumpery变形

名词复数: trumperies |

trumpery 相似词语短语

1、thumper ─── n.重击者(或物);巨人;大谎话;月面结构特性探测器

2、trumpetry ─── n.喇叭声;喇叭吹奏法

3、trumped ─── n.王牌;法宝;喇叭;vt.胜过;打出王牌赢;vi.出王牌;吹喇叭;n.(Trump)人名;(英)特朗普

4、krumper ─── 面包屑

5、trumpet ─── n.喇叭;喇叭声;vt.吹喇叭;吹嘘;vi.吹喇叭;发出喇叭般的声音

6、tripery ─── n.肚子;内脏;废话(tripe的变形)

7、trippery ─── 卸料器

8、trumpets ─── n.喇叭;小号(trumpet的复数形式);干脐菇;v.吹喇叭;大声宣告(trumpet的三单形式)

9、trumperies ─── n.中看不中用的东西;废话;废物;adj.无用的;虚有其表的

trumpery 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The thing he bought yesterday was trumpery. ─── 他昨天买的只是一件没有什么价值的东西。

2、Example sentence: Elizabeth's desk at work is crammed with souvenirs, paperweights, and other such trumpery . ─── (伊丽莎白的办公桌上堆满了纪念品、书镇和其他琐碎之物。

3、Chagrin and remorse followed, and it was not until after full confession to Marmee that Meg realized the trumpery value of fashionable rivalry and the real worth of simplicity and contentment. ─── 梅格感到既委屈又懊恼,一直到她把此事向妈咪和盘托出之后,她才认识到这种时髦竞赛的浅薄无聊和朴素知足的真正价值。

4、"The trumpery in my house goe bring it hither for stale to catch these theeves." ─── (大意:把房间里那些中看不重用的东西作为诱饵,目的是为了抓住这群贼骨头。)

5、A truth which only glided into fine ears, he calleth falsehood and trumpery. ─── 一个真理,如果只能悄悄地诉诸聪耳,他认为是诳语与空话。

6、a wagon loaded with household trumpery ─── 载有家庭杂物的车子

7、In this paper,the training objective and training model of the surveying major are discussed,and some trumpery opinions are presented. ─── 从狭义上讲是为实现培养目标而采取的培养过程所构造式样和运行方式。

8、Thou could'st not prize the rose and the nightingale, but thou wast ready to kiss the swineherd for the sake of a trumpery plaything. ─── 当猪倌正被吻到第八十六下的时候,他就用拖鞋在他们的头上打了几下。“滚你们的!”皇帝说,因为他真的生气了。

9、A wagonloaded with household trumpery ─── 载有家庭杂物的车子

10、In this paper, the training objective and training model of the surveying major are discussed, and sent trumpery opinions are presented. ─── 文章主要探讨测绘工程专业的培养目标和培养模式,并提出粗浅的认识。

11、trumpery arguments ─── 浅薄的论据

12、As usual, a great proportion was trumpery which had begun to accumulate in his father's day. ─── 照常,大部分的东西是华而不实的,还是他父亲手里就开始积藏了。

13、A truth which only glideth into fine ears, he calleth falsehood and trumpery. ─── 一个真理,如果只能悄悄地诉诸聪耳,他认为是诳语与空话。

14、In this paper, the training objective and training model of the surveying major are discussed, and sent trumpery opinions are presented. ─── 文章主要探讨测绘工程专业的培养目标和培养模式,并提出粗浅的认识。

15、a piece of propaganda trumpery ─── 一篇无聊的宣传

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