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09-22 投稿


garters 发音

英:[ˈgɑːtəz]  美:[ˈgɑrtərz]

英:  美:

garters 中文意思翻译




garters 词性/词形变化,garters变形

动词第三人称单数: garters |动词过去式: gartered |动词现在分词: gartering |动词过去分词: gartered |

garters 短语词组

1、gardener's garters ─── [复数,用作单数]【植物】条纹草芦,花叶草芦

garters 相似词语短语

1、parters ─── 合作伙伴

2、gasters ─── n.法莫替丁(药物名称);锤腹;[昆]柄后腹

3、gaiters ─── n.鞋罩;长统橡胶靴(gaiter的复数)

4、karters ─── 卡特斯

5、darters ─── n.蛇鹈;鲈;蜻蜓;飞奔者;投掷者;n.(Darter)(美)达特(人名)

6、barters ─── vi.进行易货贸易;[贸易]作物物交换;讨价还价;vt.以…作为交换;拿…进行易货贸易;n.易货贸易;物物交换;实物交易;n.(Barter)人名;(英)巴特

7、gaters ─── n.盖特(人名)

8、garners ─── vt.获得;储存;把…储入谷仓;n.谷仓

9、garter ─── n.袜带;绣箍;吊袜带;嘉德勋章;v.吊袜带吊住

garters 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He has to finish it before lunchtime or else they will have his guts for garter ─── 他非得在午饭前做完这事,要不他们会抽他的筋

2、garter snake gall ─── 乌蛇胆

3、2. The Order of the Garter is an ancient order of chivalry. ─── 嘉德勋位是古老的骑士勋位.

4、Our company manufactures and deals in sexy lingerie,bra,panty ,garter belts,underware and panties of... ─── 发布者:白娟所在地:北京丰台区行业:服装职位:业务助理工作年限:

5、SUPER SEXY STRETCH WOVEN PIN STRIPE EMBROIDERY AND STRETCH MESH CORSET STYLE CHEMISE With under wired cups, adjustable straps, ribbon lace-up back. Comes with removable and adjustable garters. ─── 午夜挑情塑身马甲:窄裙式塑身马甲,活动式吊袜带可取下调整,钢圈托高创造深型魔法!上端蕾丝更添绮思!伸缩条纹布料,背后有可调整松紧的束带!肩带可调整。

6、He had to return before lunchtime or else his wife would have his guts for garters. ─── 他非得中饭前回去,否则他妻子会对他不客气。

7、Over time this has evolved from wearing a blue clothing to wearing a blue band around the bottom of the bride's dress and to modern times where the bride wears a blue or blue-trimmed garter. ─── 时过境迁,这个习俗已经由穿蓝色的衣服演变为穿一件底部有蓝色镶边的新娘礼服,到了现代变为新娘穿着一件蓝色的吊带袜。

8、SATIN TAPESTRY FLOWERED JACQUARD STRAPLESS CORSET With contrasting boning, Venice trim, hook &eye front and waist slimming lace-up back, removable garters. ─── 东方迷情塑身马甲2件一套:马甲上绣有东方风格花样,蕾丝花边装饰更添迷情!

9、rayon elastic garter ─── 人造丝宽紧吊袜带

10、A jeweled figure of Saint George killing the dragon, used as an insignia of the Knights of the Garter. ─── 乔治湖美国佛罗里达州东北的湖泊,由圣约翰河扩宽而成

11、a jeweled figure of Saint George killing the dragon,used as an insignia of the Knights of the Garter ─── 乔治湖,美国佛罗里达州东北的湖泊,由圣约翰河扩宽而成

12、SKF seals are, therefore, produced as standard with a variety of materials for the sealing lip (table 1), shell (casing) and garter spring, to cater for the different demands of applications. ─── 因此,SKF密封件标准产品的密封唇口(表1)、壳体(外壳)和卡紧弹簧采用多种不同材料制造,以适应多种应用场合的不同要求。

13、the Order of the Garter. ─── 嘉德勋爵士团

14、My Lord Steyne, with garter and ribbon, with a bald head and shining eyes, and a collar of red whiskers round his face, always looked grand upon an occasion of State. ─── 斯丹恩勋爵挂着嘉德勋章和绶带,加上他的秃脑瓜,那对目光炯炯的眼睛,脸膛周围那一圈火红的鬓髯,在这个隆重的场合,格外显得威风凛凛。

15、You can hit the Manchester United megastore, and look at anything from jewelry to lacy garters. ─── 你可以找到曼联专卖店,挑选从珠宝首饰到花边吊袜带的众多商品。

16、Then, a twisted grey garter looped round a stocking: rumpled, shiny sole ─── 接着是一只歪歪拧拧地套在长袜上的灰色袜带。袜底皱皱巴巴,磨得发亮。

17、Adjustable garters allow for all stocking styles or may be removed if stockings are not used. ─── 可调吊袜带让所有放养的方式或可能会被删除,如果袜子不使用。

18、e.g.Few people in China wear garters. ─── 中国很少有人穿吊袜带。

19、the Garter ─── 嘉德勋章,嘉德勋位(英国的最高勋位)

20、You can hit the Manchester United megastore, and look at anything from jewelry to lacy garters. ─── 你可以找到曼联专卖店,挑选从珠宝首饰到花边吊袜带的众多商品。

21、Avowal.Sonnez.I could.Rebound of garter. ─── 喧嚣声,唱呀,我会唱的,吊袜带的弹击声。

22、I.), telling him that if he wants to earn her favor, he should dress in yellow stockings and crossed garters, act haughtily, smile constantly, and refuse to explain himself to anyone. ─── 为收信人),信中表示如果他想要赢得她的青睐,就应该穿戴黄色长袜配上横条的吊袜带,脸露微笑,态度高傲,且不能对任何人解释他的行为。

23、Variety Accessories(Gloves,Leg Garter,Feather Shoes... ─── 手套袜带,羽饰,羽扇,羽毛鞋..等各类配件系列

24、She flicked something at me. I held my hands out automatically, and the filmy white garter landed in my palms. ─── 她将什么东西抛给我。我不自觉地伸手去接,手心里便多出了一条薄薄的白色吊袜带。

25、garter snake skin ─── 乌蛇皮

26、garter stitch ─── n. (织物的)平针织法

27、“Get away. don't come so near me,” said the garter, “you appear to me quite like a man. ─── 从前有一位漂亮的绅士;他所有的动产只是一个脱靴器和一把梳子。但他有一个世界上最好的衬衫领子。

28、The bride's garter is cousin to the girdle of Venus. ─── 新娘的袜带和维纳斯的腰带是表姊妹。

29、Drawing smooth pearly silk stockings on her legs and up her thighs to the garters gave Natalie a very queer feeling ─── 娜塔丽在把平滑的,珠母似的丝袜拉上她的双腿,一直拉到大腿上的吊袜带的时候,一种难以名状的感觉涌上心头。

30、Lacquer Printed Charmeuse corset with matching multi-strand Pearl Necklace. Corset has hook and eye front, lace-up back, removable garters, White stockings and matching thong. ─── 亮面印花塑身马甲4件一套:珍珠项鍊+亮面印花马甲+内裤+丝袜,亮面印花塑身马甲,穿出妳的耀人好身材!珍珠项鍊更添珠圆玉润!吊袜带可取下,前排扣设计方便穿脱。

31、garter bra ─── 吊带乳罩

32、His Royal Highness Prince William Arthur Philip Louis of Wales, Royal Knight Companion of the Most Noble Order of the Garter. ─── 其实王室成员系无一个特定姓氏,所谓姓氏,都系同封号有关,威廉王子既正式称呼系:

33、garter snake oil ─── 乌蛇膏

34、He had to return before lunchtime or else his wife would have his guts for garters. ─── 他非得中饭前回去,否则他妻子会对他不客气。

35、"If you don"t sit still, you must be tied down," said Bessie. "Miss Abbot, lend me your garters; she would break mine directly. ─── “要是你不安安稳稳坐着,我们可得绑住你了,”贝茜说,“艾博特小姐,把你的袜带借给我,我那副会被她一下子绷断的。”

36、She checked her dress and pulled around her garter straps. ─── 她检查她的衣服,把她的吊袜带拉来拉去。

37、STRETCH VELVET AND EMBROIDERY WAIST CINCHER With boning, hook &eye front, lace-up back and removable and adjustable garters. ─── 塑身束腹:活动式吊袜带可取下来,弹性天鹅绒绣花布料,前排扣设计方便穿脱,塑腰设计更显纤腰。

38、garters of deerskin, worked with a thousand arabesques, and a hat whereon hung ribbons of all colors ─── 一双阿拉伯式的鹿皮长统靴和一顶拖着五色丝带的帽子。

39、My stars and garters !Miss.Lin .I'm very happy to meet you here . ─── 哎呀!我的老天,妳是林小姐?我在这里见妳很高兴,我都不敢认识妳了,因为妳太年轻漂亮了。

40、He has to finish it before lunchtime or else they will have his guts for garter. ─── 他非得在午饭前做完这事,要不他们会抽他的筋。

41、To put a garter on. ─── 戴吊袜带

42、Order of the Garter robes ─── 嘉德勋章

43、My stars and garters! What sort of man this is? ─── 天哪!这是怎样一种人?

44、double grip garter ─── 双钩吊袜带

45、The cream silk party stockings, fastened with elastic garters, the bronze kid pumps, the petticoats. ─── 冰激凌派对的丝袜,富有弹性的带子,铜的儿童玩具,和衬裙。

46、He come through with the money and the garter bags ─── 他拿着钱和吊袜袋逛了过来

47、An employee at the Harte and Garter Hotel, which overlooks the castle, said guests went out to observe the scene and could not believe their eyes. ─── 可以俯瞰城堡的哈特&嘉德宾馆的一位雇员说,客人们纷纷跑去看西洋景,都不敢相信自己的眼睛。

48、He had to finish it before lunchtime or else they would have his guts for garters. ─── 他非得在午饭前做完这事,要不他们会抽他的筋。

49、A man holding a British hereditary title of honor reserved for commoners, ranking immediately below the barons and above all orders of knighthood except the Garter. ─── 准男爵直接位于男爵之下但位于除嘉德勋位者外的,所有骑士等级之上的世袭身份拥有者,通常授予平民

50、If Jake found out he would have her guts for garters!. ─── 如果杰克发现了,他会把她揍扁的。

51、Garter Cone ─── n. 勋章芋螺(芋螺超科,芋螺科)

52、Order of the Garter ─── 嘉德勋章(英王爱德华三世于1344年创立的英国骑士最高勋章)

53、I'll have your guts for garters. ─── |我就一枪毙了你们!

54、My stars (and garters)! ─── 好家伙!哎呀!

55、"My stars and garters! What sort of man this is?" ─── "天哪!这是怎样一种人?"

56、The garter snake is the least dangerous snake. ─── 无毒小蛇是最不危险的蛇。

57、Elastic garters ─── 弹力吊袜带

58、I had,indeed,like to have forgotten the little ornament about my shoulders[the garter],which gentlemen have so repeatedly mentioned in terms of sarcastic obloquy. ─── 我确实愿意忘掉我肩上这多次受到议员先生们挖苦、指责的小小装饰品(嘉德勋章)。

59、Why do women throw their garters at weddings? ─── 为什么女生结婚的时候要丢吊袜带呢?

60、single grip garter ─── 单钩吊袜带

61、A man holding a British hereditary title of honor reserved for commoners,ranking immediately below the barons and above all orders of knighthood except the Garter. ─── 准男爵直接位于男爵之下但位于除嘉德勋位者外的,所有骑士等级之上的世袭身份拥有者,通常授予平民。

62、" Voila! " I slide my hands under her dress and up her thighs. She's bearing stockings and garters. My kind of girl. "Clare? " ─── “嘿”我把手伸进她的衣服里,抬起她的腿,她穿着丝袜和吊袜带。她果真是我喜欢的类型。“克莱尔!”

63、“Don't come so near me,” said the garter; ─── “我还是一个漂亮的绅士呢!”衬衫领子说。

64、The Most Noble Order of the Garter ─── 授嘉德勋位制度

65、Change to smaller needles and work 7 rows in garter st (knit every row), noting first row is WS. Break A. ─── 改用细一点的针打七行在吊针上(每一行都是下针),注意第一行是在反面。裁断A线。

66、The order of the Garter is an ancient order of chivalry ─── 嘉德勋位是古老的骑士勋位

67、Why do women throw their garters at weddings? ─── 为什么女生结婚的时候要丢吊袜带呢?

68、The Groom Throws the Garter ─── 新郎丢吊袜带

69、have one's guts for garters ─── 抽其筋; 严厉惩罚

70、Mr. Garter, I'd like you to meet Miss Chen. ─── 卡特先生,我想给您介绍一下陈小姐。

71、Night sky moon, violet, colour of Molly's new garters. ─── 夜空,月亮,紫罗兰色,像摩莉的新袜带的颜色;

72、And among garter snakes, male-on-male contact may allow some solitary males to thermoregulate and, therefore, survive. ─── 在花斑蛇之间,同性的亲昵可以让一些落单的雄性获得体温,从而得以生存。

73、garter ring ─── 形如袜带之戒指

74、garter length ─── 半高统短袜

75、Womens full size garters and mens armbands.Retail and wholesale prices. ─── 产品目录: Offers bridal, prom, professional dancer, western, novelty styles.

76、Garters have become out of fashion. ─── 吊袜带变得不时髦了。

77、The badge of the Order of the Garter. ─── 徽章嘉德勋位的徽章

78、The groom throws his new wife's garter belt up in the air, the boy to catches the belt will be the next one to get married. ─── 接吊袜带:在婚礼仪式上,新郎背对一群未婚男士,把他的新婚妻子的吊袜带向空中抛去,人们说接住新郎抛来的吊袜带的男孩将是下一位结婚的新郎。

79、However, if a bride would like to include it in her wedding, she can purchase a silver sixpence from many companies that sell bridal supplies such as garters and invitati*****. ─── 但是,如果新娘想要在她的婚礼中包括这一项目,她可以从许多出售如吊袜带和请柬等婚礼用品的公司里买到六便士银币。

80、Knight of the Garter ─── 嘉德勋爵士

81、garter snake egg ─── 乌蛇卵

82、Common Garter Snake ─── n. 普通剑纹蛇(蝣蛇科,剑纹带蛇)

83、Hand over that circus, Freddie! - I'll have your guts for garters! ─── 弗莱迪交出马戏团!-我要用你的肠子做吊袜带!

84、The Order of the Garter is an ancient order of chivalry. ─── 嘉德勋位是古老的骑士勋位。

85、any of numerous,widely distributed,chiefly nonvenomous snakes of the family Colubridae,which includes the king snakes,garter snakes,and water snakes ─── 一种广泛分布的、尤指无毒蛇家族的无毒蛇,包括有王蛇、花蛇和水蛇

86、garter belt ─── n. 吊袜腰带

87、garter seal ─── 夹箍密封圈

88、have someone's guts for garters ─── 严厉惩罚某人

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