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09-22 投稿


knelling 发音

英:[ˈnɛlɪŋ]  美:[ˈnɛlɪŋ]

英:  美:

knelling 中文意思翻译




knelling 词性/词形变化,knelling变形

动词第三人称单数: knells |动词过去分词: knelled |动词现在分词: knelling |动词过去式: knelled |

knelling 相似词语短语

1、unselling ─── vt.劝说而使不赞成;说服…使不信…的真实性

2、panelling ─── n.镶板;v.用木或玻璃板等镶嵌或装饰(panel的现在分词形式)

3、kneeling ─── v.(人)跪下(kneel的现在分词);n.跪着的

4、-nelling ─── -缩进

5、knevelling ─── 井喷

6、kvelling ─── 扬扬得意

7、-belling ─── n.压凸;压凸加工;adj.扩成喇叭形的;v.按铃;给…系上铃(bell的现在分词)

8、kernelling ─── 内核化

9、kennelling ─── 犬舍

knelling 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、" In the words of this policeman, one may hear the death knell of the old society. ─── 国民党人没有能力收拾局面,这一点已经暴露无遗。

2、Skills: Lesser knell beetles have a +4 racial bonus on Balance, Listen, and Spot checks. ─── 技能:小丧钟甲虫在平衡、聆听和侦察检定中有+4种族加值。

3、Combined with their own screeches, lesser knell beetles often seem as durable, if not more so, than their heftier kin. ─── 再加上它们自身的尖啸,小丧钟甲虫通常被认为即使没有超过,也至少同它们那些肌肉发达的同胞同样的持久。

4、ring the knell of ─── vt. 给 ... 敲丧钟(宣告 ... 的死亡)

5、It sounds like a knell. ─── 听起来像是一场悲剧。

6、Lesser and Normal knell beetles are immune to each other's shake the earth ability, as well as their own. ─── 小丧钟甲虫和普通丧钟甲虫免疫彼此的地动山摇能力,同时也免疫自身的。

7、Political Correctness Rings Hunchback Death Knell ─── 政治正确“驼背”无理

8、From Cairo, Yolande Knell reports. ─── K.从开罗发回的报道。

9、If multiple knell beetles activate their shake the earth ability in the same round, the radius of the effect expands as the resonance in the ground combines. ─── 如果多只丧钟甲虫在同一轮启动它们的地动山摇能力,效果的作用半径由于地面的共振叠加而增大。

10、Knell beetles have also been known to be used as mounts by Underdark races. ─── 已经知道丧钟甲虫会被幽暗地域的种族用作坐骑。

11、The decline of glaciers could cause wider problems, as well as being skiing's death knell, because the glacial waters are the source of drinking water and of generating7 electricity. ─── 冰河衰退可能引起更广泛的问题,也敲响滑雪的丧钟,因为冰河的水是饮用水及发电的泉源。

12、Skills: Knell beetles have a +8 racial bonus on Balance, Listen, and Spot checks. ─── 技能:丧钟甲虫在平衡、聆听和侦察检定上有+8种族加值。

13、Imperial finance in the mid-16th century to the 17th century during the mid-century, has six times to declare bankruptcy, sounded the death knell for the collapse of the empire. ─── 帝国财政在16世纪中叶至17世纪中叶 的百年期间,先后6次宣告破产,奏响了帝国垮台的丧钟。

14、sound the knell of something ─── sound the death knell 或 the death-knell of something

15、Rend(Ex): If a knell beetle hits with both claw attacks, it latches onto the opponent's body and tears the flesh, This attack automatically does an additional 4d8+12 points of damage. ─── 撕扯(Ex):如果丧钟甲虫两次爪抓攻击都命中目标,它就会抓住对手的身体并把对手的血肉撕裂。这次攻击将自动造成额外的4d8+12点伤害。

16、Back-to-school sales need not be the death knell for summer vacations. In fact, some of the best deals of the season can be found in September. ─── 免责声明:本站数据全部由蜘蛛程序自动抓取而来,且仅提供文章链接及部分摘要信息,文章所持观点和本站无关,请点击原文链接查看原作者和出处!

17、Knell beetles were used as mounts by the warrior legions of the ancient Dhakaan Empire. ─── 丧钟甲虫被古代达卡安帝国的武士军团作为坐骑使用。

18、His sudden illness was the death knell of his hope to go traveling with his schoolmates. ─── 他这突然一病,使他想与同学们一起去旅行的希望化为了泡影。

19、2. The bell is knelling . ─── 丧钟已经敲响。

20、Rend(Ex): If a knell beetle hits with both claw attacks, it latches onto the opponent's body and tears the flesh, This attack automatically does an additional 2d10+6 points of damage. ─── 撕扯(Ex):如果丧钟甲虫两次爪抓攻击都命中目标,它就会抓住对手的身体并把对手的血肉撕裂。这次攻击将自动造成额外的2d10+6点伤害。

21、His decision sound the death knell for all our hopes ─── 他的决定预报我们的希望将全部破灭

22、His failure sound the death knell for all his hopes ─── 他的失败宣告了他所有希望的破灭

23、sound the death knell; toll the death knell for sb. ─── 敲响丧钟

24、His failure sound the death knell for all his hopes. ─── 他的失败宣告了他所有希望的破灭。

25、The opening of the ports sounded this death knell of the ancient regime. ─── 港口的开放敲响了这个古老制度的丧钟。

26、Three knell beetles within 5 feet using the ability would generate an effect that affects all creatures within 15 feet of any one of the knell beetles. ─── 三只彼此相距不超过5英尺的丧钟甲虫产生的震动可以影响距离任意一只丧钟甲虫15英尺以内的生物。

27、Like a leaden knell the words came back at him ─── 像沉闷的钟声一样,那几句话又在他耳边响起

28、Perhaps this is all good people the idea of robbers and Carl's death, have been dragged into hell, which also sounded the death knell for those who do evil, to arouse people's love and kindness. ─── 或许这是所有善良的人的想法,劫匪和卡尔死后,都被拖进了地狱,这也给作恶的人敲响丧钟,唤起人们的爱心和善良。

29、Thus, two knell beetles within 5 feet of one another generate a shaking that affects all creatures within 10 feet of either knell beetle. ─── 因此,两只彼此相距不超过5英尺的丧钟甲虫产生的震动可以影响距离任意一只丧钟甲虫10英尺以内的生物。

30、They name thee before me, A knell to mine ear; ─── 他们把你名子放在我名字之前听上去好象丧钟回响在我耳际;

31、Those who sound the death knell of market capitalism are therefore mistaken. ─── 当这些条件缺失时,市场就失灵了;

32、Death knell? ─── 死亡丧钟?

33、Although not nearly as potent as the normal knell beetles, in groups, the lesser versions can be nearly as deadly. ─── 尽管没有普通丧钟甲虫那样有力,但在成群结队时,这种较小的版本几乎同样致命。

34、By telling the story of a grand feudal family from prosperity to destitution, the novel sounded the death knell of the feudal society. ─── 以描写显赫封建望族的兴荣衰败,敲响了中国封建社会的丧钟。

35、A knell beetle gets no saving throw against attacks that deal sonic damage. ─── 丧钟甲虫对造成音波伤害的攻击不能进行豁免检定。

36、rang the knell of ─── v. 给 ... 敲丧钟(宣告 ... 的死亡)

37、Knell beetles in groups fight by using their shake the earth ability, and attempting to knock prone as many enemies as possible. ─── 丧钟甲虫集体作战时会使用它们的地动山摇能力,尝试击倒尽可能多的敌人。

38、Like a leaden knell the words came back at him: ─── 像沉闷的钟声一样,那几句话又在他耳边响起:

39、“CTL has the potential to serve both the economic and environmental imperatives of 2007 and beyond,” says Global Insight's head energy analyst, Steven Knell. ─── 全球财经研究公司的能源分析负责人史蒂文?内尔说:“CTL有潜力同时服务于2007年及至2007年以后的经济要求和环境要求。”

40、The price of cereals and the price of calves at the present moment has virtually sounded the death knell of barley beef production ─── 日前的谷物价格和牛犊价格实际上已经敲响了用大麦生产牛肉的丧钟。

41、Like their large brethren, lesser knell beetles seek to attack in groups, using their shake the earth ability and sonic screeches to both deal damage on their foes and heal each other. ─── 和它们较大的同胞一样,小丧钟甲虫喜好集团进攻,使用它们的地动山摇能力和音波尖啸来伤害敌人并互相治疗。

42、In fact, Chicagoans are so engaged in the state of their skyline, public opinion in 2001 sounded the death knell for initial renderings of the Chicago Trump Tower. ─── 的确,芝加哥人非常沉迷于他们当地的天际景致,2001 年的舆论甚至给“芝加哥川普大楼”原始设计图敲了丧钟。

43、toll the death knell for sb ─── 为某人敲响丧钟

44、The ancient hobgoblin dynasty lives on as a series of ruins across Khorvaire, and knell beetles inhabit several of these sites. ─── 古代的大地精王朝已经成为横跨科瓦雷的一系列遗迹,而丧钟甲虫就栖息于部分遗迹所在之处。

45、Silence resounds then with the mournful clamor of bells knelling for a dead universe. ─── 寂静中回响着悲哀的喧嚣,那是为死亡的宇宙所敲响的丧钟声。

46、The lesser knell beetles attack in a line as a unit, while the normal knell beetles gather together behind their smaller brethren. ─── 小丧钟甲虫排成线状作为一个单位战斗,普通丧钟甲虫则聚集在它们的小个同胞身后。

47、The death knell of economic liberalism was heard when the governments had to act decisively to save the system. The neoliberalism ideology was suddenly cursed throughout the world. ─── 丧钟经济自由主义时听到各国政府必须采取果断行动,拯救系统。在新自由主义的意识形态突然被诅咒在世界各地。

48、Not staying on par with colleagues and those vying for your job will be a death knell. ─── 不注意跟同事和那些窥探你工作的人做比较,丧钟将为你而鸣。

49、sound the death knell of colonialism ─── 敲响殖民主义的丧钟

50、"The nun is dead," said he."There is the knell. ─── “那嬷嬷死了,”他说,“这是报丧的钟。”

51、A knell to mine ear; ─── 一声声有如丧钟;

52、A knell beetle is immune to its own sonic chime attack and that of other knell beetles. ─── 丧钟甲虫免疫自身和其他丧钟甲虫的音波谐鸣攻击。

53、When tyrants tremble in their fear and hear their death knell ringing, when friends rejoice both far and near how can I keep from singing? ─── 当暴君听到丧钟敲响恐惧颤栗,当朋友们无论远近都欢欣鼓舞,我怎能不放声歌唱?

54、We all mourned at the death knell of Tom. ─── 我们听到汤姆的丧钟的时候都很悲伤。

55、The national independence movement sounded the death knell of colonialism. ─── 民族独立运动敲响了殖民主义的丧钟。

56、Knell beetle are an off-shoot of giant beetles that were long ago warped by overexposure to transmutation magic and sonic energy. ─── 丧钟甲虫是一种巨甲虫的变种,在很久以前由于过度暴露于变形魔法和音波能量中而被扭曲。

57、2. Their refusal rang the knell of our hopes. ─── 他们的拒绝是我们希望破灭的凶兆。

58、rung the knell of ─── v. 给 ... 敲丧钟(宣告死亡)

59、Due to their sonic healing ability, which is more potent than that possessed by the larger specimens, the lesser knell beetles are able to fight much longer than expected. ─── 借助它们比普通丧钟甲虫更有效的音波治疗能力,小丧钟甲虫可以战斗的比预期中更长。

60、Gun and knell echo abreast ─── 枪声和丧钟比肩回响

61、Its recurrence was regular, but as slow as the tolling of a death knell. ─── 他弄不清这是什么声音,是远在天边还是近在眼前(似乎既近又远)。

62、Leaving him out of the team may sound the death knell for our chances of winning(= signal the end of our chances). ─── 不让他参加比赛,也许就意味着我们全无获胜的可能了。

63、death knell ─── n. 丧钟声(预示将要失败)

64、She did not resist as I gently opened her mouth, a knell sounded in my mind. ─── 我轻柔地掰开它的嘴,它没有拒绝。丧钟在我脑海里敲响。

65、His decision sounds the death knell for all our hopes. ─── 他的决定预报我们的希望将全部破灭。

66、Sea nymphs hourly ring his knell ─── 海的女神时时摇起他的丧钟

67、Knell beetles, like most vermin, are mindless hunters. ─── 丧钟甲虫同其他虫类一样是无意识的猎手。

68、For every knell beetle within 5 feet using shake the earth, the radius of the effect expands by another 5 feet. ─── 5英尺范围内的每只丧钟甲虫使用地动山摇能力都会使效果的作用半径增加5英尺。

69、A key difference in strategy when lesser knell beetles and normal knell beetles fight together seems to be an instinctual tactic. ─── 当小丧钟甲虫和普通丧钟甲虫共同战斗时,一个主要的策略上的不同可能是一种来自本能的战术。

70、For many of us, the National Holiday is the death knell of autumn - its passing signals a return to work without another break until New Year's Day . ─── 其实,我们很多人都会觉得国庆长假是秋天的丧钟,之后就要等到元旦才有休息。

71、Critics have been tolling the death knell of Formula One for years, saying it's lost the passion and relevance it once had. ─── 批评人士一直在收费丧钟的F1多年,说这失去了激情和相关它曾经。

72、Lesser knell beetles are the equivalent of the worker drones in a beehive. ─── 小丧钟甲虫就相当于蜂巢中的工蜂。

73、The arrival of large supermarkets sounded the death knell of many small local shops. ─── 大型超市的出现宣告了许多地方小商店的终结。

74、Knell beetles are immune to shake the earth generated by themselves or other knell beetles and never need to save against the effect. ─── 丧钟甲虫免疫自身和其他丧钟甲虫引发的地动山摇效果,对此效果不需进行豁免检定。

75、as they simultaneously signaled the death knell of many species of migratory animals as well as served up noise and air pollution. ─── 却也敲响许多迁移性动物的丧钟以及产生噪音和空气污染。

76、To resume the ivory trade would sound the death knell for the African elephants. ─── 恢复象牙贸易将会敲响了非洲象的丧钟。

77、sound [ toll, ring out ] the death knell for [ of ] sth. ─── 给某事敲丧钟, 宣告某事物告终

78、toll the knell ─── 敲起丧钟

79、The arrival of large supermarkets has sounded the death knell of the local shop. ─── 大型超市的落成宣告了当地小店的末日。

80、"It is the knell, Monsieur Madeleine. ─── “这是报丧钟,马德兰先生。

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