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09-22 投稿


locator 发音

英:[loʊˈkeɪtərˌˈloʊkeɪtər]  美:[ləʊˈkeɪtə(r)]

英:  美:

locator 中文意思翻译



locator 常用词组

uniform resource locator ─── 统一资源定位符

locator 词性/词形变化,locator变形


locator 短语词组

1、locator data ─── [计] 定位数据

2、null locator ─── [计] 空定位符

3、electronic locator ─── [电] 见metal detector

4、locator qualifer ─── [计] 定位修饰符

5、Berman-Moorhead locator ─── [医] 贝-穆二氏 ─── [金属]异物探索器

6、metal locator ─── [电] 金属位置器

7、locator device ─── [计] 定位输入器

8、Moorhead foreign body locator ─── [医] 穆尔赫德氏 ─── [金属]异物探索器, 贝-穆二氏 ─── [金属]异物探索器

9、locator variable ─── [计] 位置变量; 定位变量

10、fault locator ─── [计] 故障定位程序 ─── [化] 毁损定位器

11、jamming locator ─── [计] 干扰探测器

12、locator qualification ─── [计] 定位器限定, 定位器修饰

13、electroacoustic locator ─── [医] 电声异物定位器

14、character locator ─── [计] 字符定位格子

15、errata locator ─── [计] 误符定位子

16、crash-locator beacon ─── [电] 本机失败指标

17、locator argument ─── [计] 定位变元

18、locator of pipe ─── [化] 摆管器

19、locator device state ─── [计] 定位器设备状态

locator 相似词语短语

1、evocator ─── n.唤起人;招魂者;诱发物

2、relocator ─── n.重定位器

3、allocator ─── n.分配算符

4、locater ─── n.定位器(等于locator)

5、laxator ─── 泻药

6、locators ─── n.定位器,探测器

7、locavore ─── n.土食者(指那些热衷于食用住所附近所产食物的人)

8、donator ─── n.捐赠者

9、location ─── n.位置;地点;外景拍摄场地

locator 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、If a table has a BLOB or CLOB column, you count row length using the LOB locator, not BLOB or CLOB data directly. ─── 如果表中包含BLOB或CLOB列,则使用LOB定位器而不是直接使用BLOB或CLOB数据计算行长度。

2、Product Information: Floor Care, Hardwood Floors, Mops, Wood Care, Laundry Care, Household Cleaners, Store Locator. ─── 企业简介: 主营产品:主要经营地板保护,硬木地板,拖把,木制产品保护,洗衣保护,家用清洁用具等产品.

3、In those instances where cables are de-energized, they should be energized or a cable locator with signal generator used to allow for proper identification of these cables. ─── 在电缆断电的情况下,应使电缆通电,或在线缆点放置信号发电器,以使得对这些线缆的正确识别..

4、URL(Uniform Resource Locator) ─── 全球资源定位器

5、Unlike the guys in the raft, we had an emergency locator beacon so the Coast Guard could find us. ─── 与呆在救生艇上的人不同的是,我们有一个紧急定位信标,所以海岸警卫队能发现我们。

6、URL - Uniform Resource Locator URL. ─── 全球资源统一定位符,网页在全球互联网上独一无二的定位点。

7、As you can see, Real-Time Asset Locator provides integration points for services that can be provided through a number of business systems. ─── 如您所见,Real-TimeAssetLocator为一些可以通过几个业务系统提供的服务提供了一些集成点。

8、Optical Locator Laser Station ─── 光学定位器激光站

9、Real-Time Asset Locator will be responsible for interpreting the button event and map it to a change in state of an asset. ─── Real-TimeAssetLocator将负责解释这个按钮事件并将其映射到一个资产状态更改。

10、Reconnaissance of the area as the first step, the locator, using available topographic maps and sometimes an airplane, explores the area. ─── 区域踏勘是定线测量的第一步。定线人员利用现有地形图,有时利用飞机对该区域进行探测。

11、Be a Japanese methane locator of the Tokyo Ran spirit(TGE) laser series big China area sole agent, sale, technique support and after-sales service in big China region. ─── 作为日本东京燃气(TGE)激光甲烷探测器系列大中华区总代理,在大中华地区的销售、技术支持及售后服务。

12、Other features include remote door unlocking, roadside assistance, a stolen vehicle locator, and an “emergency call” feature. ─── 其他功能还包括遥控车门解锁,路边援助,被窃车辆定位,以及“紧急呼叫”功能。

13、Compass Locator at Middle Marker Site ─── 中间指点信标台罗经定位器

14、After Project Server is installed, a Project Server administrator can provide you with the Uniform Resource Locator (URL) so you can connect to it. ─── 完成Project Server的安装后,Project Server管理员将提供一个“统一资源定位符”(URL),您可以使用该URL连接到服务器。

15、Association of NEW car dealerships in the GTA area. Includes dealer locator and consumer tips. ─── 含消费者指导及多伦多各类型新车销售商联系地址等资讯。

16、Defense Information Automated Locator System ─── 国防信息自动定位器系统

17、By consid locat with a lower cost of live such as Atlanta, Minneapoli or Austin, Tex., your paycheck dollar will stretch further. ─── 可以考虑如亚特兰大,明尼阿波利斯市,或德州奥斯丁这样生活利息较低的地区,那么你收入就会更经用。

18、You find the information of interest by using the word as a key locator. ─── 你可以使用单词作为关键定位器来寻找感兴趣的信息。

19、The locator service locates the name, and then sends a datagram to the domain controller that registered the name. ─── 定位程序服务查找该名称,然后向注册了该名称的域控制器发送数据报。

20、This is a graphic file pre-viewer, locator and organizer which simplifies the process of finding and maintaining graphics, fonts and animations. ─── 内容撮要:本软件是一个图像档案的阅览器、搜索器及组织器,可简化搜寻及保存图像、字体及动画。

21、A locator is a node that marks a position in world space. It appears as a small gnomon with lines extending in each major direction (along the X, Y, and Zaxis). ─── 一个定位器是一个节点在世界坐标空间的标记的一个位置。它看起来象是一个小的指时针和在每个主要的轴向上(X,Y,Z轴)的线的延伸。

22、Scaling a light or camera locator ─── 可缩放的灯光或摄像机的定位器

23、To loosely couple the user interface and the Service tier, the Business Delegate should leverage a Service Locator to look up the Service tier implementation. ─── 为了松散耦合用户接口和Service层,Business Delegate应该利用Service Locator来查看Service层实现。

24、A multi-resolution label locator system divides an input image into a plurality of multi-pixel cells. ─── 一种多分辨率标签定位器系统将输入的图像分成多个多像素单元。

25、Additionally, Category Locator simplifies organization of notes by multiple categories. ─── 另外,类别定位器简化笔记的组织按多个类别。

26、They are theories of: efficiency, Principal-Agent, transaction fee,undervaluation, market power and wealth real locat ion. ─── 主要有:效率理论、代理理论、交易费用理论、价值低估理论、市场势力论和财富再分配理论。

27、An l-value represents a storage region's “locator” value, or a “left” value, implying that it can appear on the left of the equal sign (=).L-values are often identifiers. ─── 一个左值表达式代表一块存储区域的“定位”值,或者叫做一个“左”值,意味着它可以出现在等号(=)的左边,左值一般是一些标志符。

28、Message prompt in search screen, like message, locator, transportation, DND. ─── 多种信息提示,像访客留言,客人留言,叫车服务,DND。

29、Each of these components usually consists of a working part and a standard joint locator. ─── 这些定位器一般由工作头和标准接头定位器两部分构成。

30、The key to design a well-behaved embedded system is to write the program Locator and runtime Startup Code. ─── 如何对这类应用程序进行重定位,并编写它们的启动程序,是设计好嵌入式系统的关键。

31、Pipeline Leak Locator Based on Virtual Instruments ─── 基于虚拟仪器的管道检漏系统

32、Locator defines the following methods. ─── Locator定义下列方法。

33、Ground-LASER Locator Designator Evaluator ─── 地面激光定位指示器/鉴定器

34、In computer graphics, a locator device with a flat surface and a mechanism that converts indicated positions on the surface into coordinate data. ─── 在计算机图形学中,一种定位装置,它有一块平板和一个把该面上所指示的位置转换成坐标数据的机构。

35、A uniform resource locator (URL) or a uniform naming convention (UNC) path to an XML data file. ─── 到XML数据文件的统一资源定位符(URL)或统一命名约定(UNC)路径。

36、Compass Locator at Inner Marker Site ─── 内指点信标台罗经定位器

37、In computer graphics, a hand-held locator operated by moving it on a flat surface.A mouse generally contains a control ball or a pair of wheels. ─── 在计算机绘图技术中,通过在平面上移动进行操作的一种手握的画面定位装置。它通常有一个控制球或一对轮子。

38、The pointer from an index row in a nonclustered index to a data row is called a row locator. ─── 从非聚集索引中的索引行指向数据行的指针称为行定位器。

39、Press fit buttons with other than centered round holes will use dowel locator for position or flat key. Dowel locators are preferred due to space requirements. ─── 孔不在中心的压配合嵌套必须使用合销或扁平健固定其位置,因空间要求合销定位是首选。

40、Uniform Resource Locator [URL] ─── 划一资源定位

41、As the artist moves between floors via an elevator lift, the video camera/ recorder/ transmitter/ receiver acts as a space meter and locator. ─── 主角在升降机中上上落落,摄录机/射器/收回就形心了测器和定位仪一样。

42、Subdomain hosts the domain controller locator DNS resource records for all the domain controllers in an Active Directory forest. ─── 子域主持Active Directory林中所有域控制器的域控制器定位器DNS资源记录。

43、Note that the SAX parser is not required to supply a Locator, but if it does, it must fire this event before any other event. ─── 请注意,不需要SAX语法分析器提供Locator,但是如果它提供了,则必须在任何其它事件之前激活该事件。

44、Publication Automated Information Locator System ─── 出版物自动信息定位系统

45、Together, the address is called a Uniform Resource Locator, or URL. ─── 同时,网址叫做统一资源定位符,或URL。

46、Military Engineering Data Asset Locator System ─── 军事工程数据资产定位系统

47、regenerative repeating fault locator ─── 再生中继障碍定位仪

48、ZXQ family of digital locator. ─── ZXQ系列数字定位器。

49、As a digital image measurement method,the sub-pixel accurate location of a corner can be found in digital image by sub-pixel accurate corner locator. ─── 作为一种数字图像测量方法,亚像素角点检测能够在数字图像中可以发现角点的亚像素精度的位置(简称亚像素角点检测方法)。

50、If the nonclustered index is nonunique, the overhead for the data row locator has already been considered in Step 1.3 And no additional modifications are required. ─── 如果非聚集索引不是唯一的,则已在步骤1.3中考虑了数据行定位符的开销且不需要进行其他的修改。

51、He has designed more than 30 types of safety equipments, including a low cost earthquake alarm, an epicenter direction finder and an epicenter distance locator. ─── 他已经设计了30多种安全装置,包括一个低成本的地震报警仪,一个震中方向确定议,以及一个震中距离确定仪。

52、A et of roce or-readable opcode and data. The output of compilers,a emblers, linkers, and locator are file containing object code. ─── 处理器能读的操作码和数据。编译器、汇编器、连接器和定位器的输出文件都含有目标代码。

53、A locator is a node that marks a position in world space. ─── 一个定位器是一个节点在世界坐标空间的标记的一个位置。

54、In some cases, only unique data elements are recorded which allow the user to access a locator table on a remote host containing the remaining information needed to access the item. ─── 在一些情况下,只有唯一的数据元记录在字段中,以允许用户访问一个在远端主机中的地址列表;而这个列表中包含了访问信息实体所需的其余信息成分。

55、As the artist moves between floors via an elevator lift, the video camera / recorder / transmitter / receiver acts as a space meter and locator. ─── 主角在升降机中上上落落,摄录机/发射器/接收回就形心了测器和定位仪一样。

56、If the nonclustered index is over a clustered index, the data row locator is the clustering key. ─── 如果非聚集索引在聚集索引之上,则数据行定位符是聚集键。

57、Parking space locator -- no matter how bad your last air flight was, at least you'll have no trouble remembering which lot and section you left your car in! ─── 停车位记录-不管你的空中飞行有多糟糕,至少你会毫不费力的记起你的汽车停在哪个位置。

58、The tool can measure four parameters at the same time, They are flow rate, gamma , temperature and casing collar locator. ─── 一次下井可同时测取流量、伽马、井温、磁性定位四组参数。

59、City Boundary Stone at Victoria Road. But the exact locat... ─── 位于西宁街游乐场内之城市界石。

60、As indicated in the following figure, the locator service prefers domain controllers in the local Active Directory site and connects to the first domain controller that responds. ─── 如下图所示,定位程序服务首选本地Active Directory站点中的域控制器,并连接到第一个响应的域控制器。

61、Use the locator tool to find a Dodge Radio and get your vehicle back in shape. ─── 使用定位器工具发现道奇收音机和让您的车回到在形状。

62、The remaining alternative is to use a service locator, make it a singleton, but remove the reference cache. ─── 剩下的一个选择是使用服务定位器使用集合的方式,但是要去除引用缓存。

63、emergency locator transmitter (ELT) ─── 事故地点发射机

64、Ningbo Sanhan Tools Manufacture Co., Ltd, a member of Chinese Machine and Tool Corporation.,is locat... ─── 发布者:陈孝凤所在地:浙江宁波市行业:机械及行业设备职位:业务助理工作年限:一年以上

65、The principle method of HtmlHistory is Go, which navigates either to the specified position in the navigation stack or to a new Uniform Resource Locator (URL). ─── HtmlHistory的原理性方法是Go,它定位到导航堆栈中指定的位置或定位到一个新的统一资源定位符(URL)。

66、In computer graphics, a technique of echoing a locator, using a cursor. ─── 在计算机制图学中,一种使用光标回送定位器(符)的技术。

67、I ome cases, the locator" functio may e hidde with i the linker. ─── 在一些情况下,定位程序功能隐藏在连接程序中。

68、If the difference is large, then the point being shaded is further from the startShadow locator. ─── 如果差异是大的,那么被着色点是离开始阴影定位器很远。

69、The upper end axis and screw on cylinder body accord with NAMUR standard ,it is for installation of feedback device of valve supply and valve locator. ─── 上端轴以及缸体上的螺孔符合NAMUR标准。供阀位反馈装置以及阀门定位器的安装。

70、The locator and control station were connected by cables to the searchlight and a mobile electricity generator. ─── 定位器和控制站连接的电缆的探照灯和移动发电机。

71、To hide these transport and protocol details, the Workspace tier has been established in IBM Workplace to leverage the Business Delegate pattern combined with the Service Locator pattern. ─── 为了隐藏这些传输和协议细节,已经在IBM Workplace中建立了Workspace层,以利用Business Delegate模式和Service Locator模式。

72、If the nonclustered index is over a heap, the data row locator is the heap RID. ─── 如果非聚集索引在堆上,则数据行定位符是堆RID。

73、In computer graphics,a technique of echoing a locator,using a cursor. ─── 在计算机制图学中,一种使用光标回送定位器的技术。

74、If the nonclustered index is nonunique, the data row locator is combined with the nonclustered index key to produce a unique key value for every row. ─── 如果非聚集索引不是唯一的,数据行定位符将与非聚集索引键组合使用,以便为每一行生成唯一的键值。

75、If the nonclustered index is unique, the data row locator must be accounted for in all rows at the leaf level. ─── 如果非聚集索引是唯一的,则必须在叶级的所有行中说明数据行定位符。

76、In computer graphics, a lever with at least two degrees of freedom that is used as an input device, normally as a locator. ─── 在计算机制图中用的一种操纵杆,至少有两个自由度,用作输入装置,通常用作定位器。

77、The Mommy I'm Here child locator device is an advanced, stylish, cost effective and easy to use child locating aid. ─── 妈妈,我在这里是一种先进孩子定位装置,时尚,具有低成本效益,使用方便儿童寻找援助。

78、Returns YES if declared as locator. ─── 如果声明为定位器,则返回YES。

79、At present, we have the following products: LED, ROOT-PI Apex Locator and Crystal tooth. ─── 公司经过多年研制开发,现拥有自主产权的产品:得悦LED光固化机、电子根尖测定仪、水晶牙饰、电活力测试仪。

80、Oh, nothing really. Just a satellite phone, GPS locator, fishing rod, water purifier, and... some seeds. Just silly stuff. ─── 哦,没什么特别的。只有一部卫星电话,一个GPS定位器,一个鱼竿,一个净水器和...一些种子。只是一些小玩意。

81、Hughes Emergency Locator Pack ─── 休斯公司紧急定位器包

82、In the part of business logic design, we use the facade DTO and service locator design patterns and particularly analyze the design and completion of Entity bean Student and Session bean StudMag. ─── 在业务逻辑实现部分,采用了facade、DTO和服务器定位器的设计模式,详细分析了Entity bean Student和Session bean StudMag的设计和实现。

83、The company lists 5 000 stores on the store locator part of its website. ─── 这家公司在其网站的商店定位系统部分列出了5 000家商店。

84、In some cases, the locator"s function may be hidden with in the linker. ─── 在一些情形下,定位程序功能潜藏在连接程序中。

85、Products are widely used in various electrical tools, the level of foot, locator, range finder, Swinger device, for lines, etc.Tools, and has adopted FDA, TUV, JQA certification. ─── 产品广泛用于各种电动工具、水平尺、定位仪、测距仪、扫平仪、投线仪等工量具中,并已通过FDA、TUV、JQA认证。

86、Two "trains" are acturely public corridors which locat in the south of Fulu road. ─── 两列火车呈几何图形,布置在阜埠河路南侧,其中“橘洲号”呈“八”字形分布,“天马号”呈“一”字形分布。

87、In the ballet dance performances and so on, in order to balance the actors, often in the back of the auditorium equipped with a red light positioning, the light on them, like a locator. ─── 在芭蕾舞等舞蹈演出中,演员们为了平衡,往往会在观众席的后面装上一盏红色的定位灯,这盏灯对他们而言就像一个定位仪。

88、Location: Guangzhou Purpose: End to end accountability for managing Tier 2 supplier relationships in respective locat...... ... ─── 公司名称:广州市泰伦企业管理咨询有限公司工作地点:广东省广州市发布时间:2009-8-3

89、My second implementation used a caching service locator. ─── 我第二个实现使用了缓存服务定位器。





当我们进入一个网页,地址栏中就会出现一串英文字母,你知道这一串英文代表着什么呢。很多人把这串英文字母叫网址,其实是不准确的,它叫URL,全称是Uniform Resoure Locator,翻译过来就是“统一资源定位符”。

一个完整的 URL 包括–协议部分、网址、文件地址部分。协议部分以//为分隔符,在 internet 中,我们可以使用多种协议:

HTTP——HyperText Transfer Protocol(超文本传输协议)FTP–File Transfer Protocol(文件传输协议)Gopher–The Internet Gopher Protocol(网际 Gopher 协议)File–本地文件传输协议HTTPS–安全套接字层超文本传输协议(http 的安全版)

在地址栏输入一个网址的时候,协议部分是不用输入的,浏览器会自动补上默认的 HTTP 协议。


如果我们去掉 www 的前缀后这个部分就叫域名,域名的最右边就是顶级域名,常见的比如:.com 表示商业机构,.org 表示非盈利性组织。.gov 表示政府机构。.edu 表示教育及科研机构。用来表示国家顶级域名的比如:.cn 表示中国。.us 表示美国。.jp 表示日本。


从域名后第一个/到最后一个/为止,是虚拟目录部分,从最后一个/开始到?为止,是文件名部。#号后面就是锚部分,虚拟目录、文件名、锚都不是 URL 必须的部分,虽然一个标准的 URL 地址看起来很复杂,但其实我们在输入 URL 的时候是只要输入网址或域名就可以了。

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