vega 发音
英:['veɪgə] 美:[ˈvigə]
英: 美:
vega 中文意思翻译
vega 短语词组
1、el condor sergio vega ─── 秃鹰塞尔吉奥维加
2、Lope Felix de Vega Carpio ─── [网络] 维加
3、Lope de Vega ─── [网络] 洛佩•德•维加;罗陪·德·威加;维加市
4、coxa vega ─── 织女星大腿
5、pilot vega ─── 领航织女星
6、las vega ─── 拉斯维加
7、the upper hand denis vega ─── 占上风的丹尼斯·维加
8、vega chang ─── 张维嘉
9、valves of inferior vega csva ─── [医] 下腔静脉瓣
vega 相似词语短语
1、viga ─── n.椽(西班牙老式建筑中用);n.(Viga)人名;(德)维加;(西)比加
2、vela ─── n.[天]船帆座(南天星座名)
3、vegan ─── n.严格的素食主义者;adj.严格的素食主义的
4、vera ─── abbr.通用实验性反应堆装置(VersatileExperimentalReactorAssembly);n.(Vera)人名;(西)贝拉;(泰)威拉;(俄、塞、匈、罗、波)薇拉
5、Vega ─── n.[天]织女星
6、mega ─── adj.巨大的,宏大的;优秀的,杰出的;adv.的确;n.(Mega)(美、意、俄、阿根廷)梅加(人名)
7、vena ─── n.脉;[解剖]静脉;n.(Vena)人名;(罗、塞、意)韦娜(女名),韦纳
8、vego ─── n.素食主义者;adj.素食的
9、veg ─── n.蔬菜;vi.虚度;n.(Veg)人名;(俄、塞、瑞典)韦格
vega 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、"Little" Louie Vega, Kenny "Dope" Gonzales, Todd Terry, Roger Sanchez apod. ─── Nejzn谩m臎j拧铆mi producenty jsou nap艡.
2、In interface environment named Lynx of Vega, users can define all kinds of preferences, initializing some properties of program. ─── 在Vega的界面环境下进行应用程序的预定义,通过在LynX中定义各种面板参数,对程序的某些属性进行初始化。
3、Two software related with Vega are Creator for modeling and Lynx for integrating virtual scene. ─── 与Vega环境相关的应用程序还有三维建模工具Creator和虚拟场景集成工具lynx。
4、Vega -based Virtual Scene Walkthrough System ─── 一个基于Vega的虚拟场景漫游系统
5、In order to demonstrate the benefit of this component and provide use case, we designed and implemented a Grid-based online game service platform, called Vega Game Grid. ─── 为了体现该信息服务部件的特点及提供使用案例,我们设计和实现了一种基于网格的在线游戏服务平台,称为织女星游戏网格(Vega Game Grid)。
6、On alltest problems, Pareto-MEC outperforms Rand, VEGA and NSGA; ─── 实验结果表明Pareto-MEC在所有的测试太原理工大学硕士研究生学位论文函数上都超越了Rand,VEGA和NSGA这三种算法;
7、A Study of the Methods for Star Field Simulation in Vega ─── 基于Vega的星空模拟方法研究
8、Vega Aircraft Radar Enhancing System ─── "维加"飞机雷达增强系统
9、6. Caption:: In summer night time, the milky way is the most easily seen object, apart from that, the summer triangle - Altair , Vega and Deneb are also shinning brightly. ─── 在夏夜,在漆黑的夜空中除了可见壮丽的银河横夸整个天际外,夏季大三角牛郎织女天津四等星也在夜空中闪烁,照亮大地。
10、As if I can see the Vega and Altair meet in the sky. ─── 好像能看见牛郎和织女在喜鹊桥相会的样子。
11、I could gobble up the fifteen hundred plays of Lope de Vega in one sitting. ─── 做菜时放些炒腊肠,我可以一顿吞下维加的一千五百出戏。
12、Lyra consists of a little triangle, of which Vega is part, with a little parallelogram attached. ─── 天琴座由一组三角形和一个小四边形组成,织女星只是其中一部分。
13、Realization of User Defining Motion Model in Vega ─── vega用户自定义运动模式的实现方法
14、Research on Design of Virtual Library Based on MultiGen Creator & Vega ─── 基于MultiGen Creator/Vega的虚拟图书馆设计研究
15、Vega programming ─── Vega编程
16、Based on the existing grid technologies, the design of Vega Grid is proposed and make research on some important issues are studied. ─── 在分析比较现有网格技术的基础上 ,提出了织女星网格的体系结构设计 ,并对其中的关键问题进行了研究 .
17、Vega Technology and Its Application in Highway Traffic ─── Vega技术及其在公路交通中的应用
18、When the seventh day at the zenith ji gao mei, originally in the galaxy star Altair and vega on both sides of the line do it, so can also called qixi. ─── 七月初七暝时看天顶的星,本来在银河两边的牛郎星和织女星会行做一下,所以也叫做七夕节。
19、Leggy Lana Angelique Elvira Pantyhose Jo Kaya Christine Vinson Mindy Vega Busty Angelique... ─── 以下为预览页面,雅虎与该页面无任何关系并且不对其内容负责。...
20、Just a few meteors per hour stream away from the shower's radiant point near bright star Vega in the constellation Lyra. ─── 天琴座流星雨的规模不大,约莫每小时仅有数颗流星来自此流星雨的辐射点(天琴座织女星)。
21、Analysis and Design of Rendering Software Based on Vega ─── 基于Vega的视景驱动软件的分析与设计
22、In the late autumn period, it may be more difficult to rule out late-moulting Vega Gulls if we are to use "white heads" as our main method of separating the two. ─── 在秋季后期,我们如果主要是利用头部全白与否来分辨这两种,那就很难排除那些换羽较迟的织女银鸥个体。
23、Virtual reality system of ancient architecture based on Vega Prime ─── vega Prime环境下的古建筑虚拟现实系统
24、VEGA Networks Enterprise located in Arumugam Road singapore. It provides product marketing etc. ─── 你可以点击"公司信息","贸易商情"和"联系我们"浏览和看VEGA网站的其它信息。
25、Humber Vega mercado, Joseph R Powers, et al.Journal of Food Science, 1995, 60(5) : 1143. ─── 何熙胡飞.高压电场对毛霉蛋白酶活力的影响及应用于腐乳催熟[J].无锡轻工大学学报:食品与生物技术,2003,22(4):65-68.
26、Tanabata led by the cattle can sit Vega, civil customs, Legend has it that in each of the night, the sky is Zhinv Queqiao meet with the Cowherd and in the time. ─── 七夕坐看牵牛织女星,是民间的习俗,相传,在每年的这个夜晚,是天上织女与牛郎在鹊桥相会之时。
27、Even on the brightest star, like Vega, it showed a well-defined air-disk. ─── 即使是最闪亮的一颗星,织女星一样,它表明一个清楚界定的空磁盘.
28、It is said that on the night of Qixi, you can see the cowherd meet the vega in the Milky Way or you can probably overhear what they are talking about if you stand under a grapevine on that day. ─── 人们传说在七夕的夜晚,抬头可以看到牛郎织女的银河相会,或在瓜果架下可偷听到两人在天上相会时的脉脉情话。
29、Karlheinz Brandenburg used a CD recording of Suzanne Vega's song "Tom's Diner" to assess the MP3 compression algorithm. ─── Karlheinz Brandenburg使用CD介质的Suzanne Vega的歌曲Tom's Diner来评价MP3压缩算法。
30、Shanghai Vega Flavors & Fragrances Co., Ltd. ─── 上海味佳香精有限公司
31、Lope de Vega ─── Vega
32、That was the last time Ms Vega saw him. ─── 那是伟加太太最后一次看见他了。
33、Realization of Chinese Characters Display Technology in Vega ─── Vega环境下汉字显示技术的实现方法
34、Vega Aircraft Enhancing System ─── "维加"飞机改进系统
35、Research on Extending Vega Development Environment ─── Vega开发环境的扩展研究
36、Once again, he went through the complex Vega diagnostic process, and to his amazement, the health index now showed a value of 1 - the health of a newborn baby! ─── 他又重复了织女星综合检查过程。令他惊讶的是,现在的健康指数竟然是1新生儿的健康。
37、Vega said she wanted to meet with Chinese producers and directors to see if they had any work for her. ─── 她说,她想见见中国的制片人和导演,看看他们能否给自己一些工作机会。
38、Design of travel sight walkthrough system based on Vega ─── 基于vega的旅游景点漫游系统设计
39、The ship is immobilized, sir. Vega's man are ready to blow down a sinkhole. ─── 这船不能动了,长官。维加的人正准备炸出一个坑来。
40、Vega software ─── Vega软件
41、Alex Vega:I've taken that time,at your urging, ─── 不能在面临错误指控的时候做这种决定。
42、a constellation in the Northern Hemisphere near Cygnus and Hercules and containing Vega ─── 天琴星座北半球一星座,在天鹅座和武仙座附近,星座内包括织女星
43、Design of urban planning system based on VEGA API ─── 基于VEGA API的城市规划系统的研究
44、valves of inferior vega csva ─── [医] 下腔静脉瓣
45、API function of Vega ─── Vega的API函数
46、Although today's chart doesn't show it, if you look in the actual sky this evening, you'll find that the moon pretty much lines up with the two brilliant Summer Triangle stars, Vega and Altair. ─── 今晚的夜空看上去无法显示夏季大三角,但是你可以发现月亮和夏季大三角的两颗很亮的星星,织女星和牛郎星,处同一直线。
47、the development kit of Vega ─── Vega开发工具
48、Smallest impatient, quick, quick see overtook vega, annoyed the heavenly queen: "well, did you want your smallest chase to the up? ─── 二小心急,追得快,眼看快追上织女时,惹恼了王母娘娘:“好你二小,莫非你要追到灵霄殿上去吗?”
49、Digitial City Walkthrough Systems Design Based on VEGA ─── 基于VEGA的数字城市漫游系统设计
50、Regarding a virtual library as the research subject,we created the model and developed the system by MultiGen Creator and Vega. ─── 以虚拟图书馆为研究对象,利用MultiGen Creator和Vega进行建模和系统设计。
51、MultiGen-Creator and Vega is one of the best 3D modeling and driven software in virtual reality field. ─── MultiGen-Creator和Vega是当今最优秀的虚拟现实建模与驱动软件之一。
52、Vega technology ─── Vega技术
53、Star System: Vega - Planet: Percula ─── 恒星系统——Percula星球
54、Other rapidly rotating stars include Alpha Arae, Pleione, Vega and Achernar. ─── 其他快速旋转的恒星包括阿尔法星、昴宿星、织女星和阿克纳星。
55、However, when the emperor known as earth, smell vega flew into a rage. ─── 然而,当天帝闻知织女下嫁人间,勃然大怒。
56、Just a few meteors per hour stream away from the shower's radiant point near bright star Vega in the constellation Lyra . ─── 天琴座中明亮的恒星是流星的源头,每小时只有几颗流出。
57、Application of inter-operation based on generalized bounding box in Vega ─── 基于广义包围盒的交互操作在vega环境中的应用
58、23 April is a symbolic date for world literature for on this date in 1616, Cervantes, Shakespeare and Inca Garcilaso de la Vega all died. ─── 4月23日,对于世界文学领域是一个具有象征性的日子,因为塞万提斯、莎士比亚和加尔西拉索·德·拉·维加都在1616年的这一天去世。
59、After marriage, the cowherd and the vega loved each other and lived happily. ─── 婚后,牛郎织女男耕女织,相亲相爱,生活得十分幸福美满。
60、Study on Real-time Control Technology of Scene in Vega ─── 基于Vega的实时场景渲染技术研究
61、A 12-inch ruler, when placed at an arm's length from your eye, spans the approximate distance from Vega to the star Altair. ─── 12英寸的尺度,搁在离你面前只有一臂长的地方,竟然跨越织女星到牛郎星那么遥远的距离。
62、DIGI-IMAGE is capable of converting BMP, TIF or GIF picture files to VEGA image files. ─── “数码提花”是一套全自动的,将彩色照片,画稿等三维图像,自动转换成高质量的提花数据,织出翔翔如生的彩色织物。
63、The high precision terrain data in the STK/Terrain modul is used as data sources, which is converted to the OpenFlight format model that Creator or Vega can discriminated . ─── 以STK/Terrain 模块中的高精度地形高程数据作为数据源,将其转换成Creator 和Vega 能识别的OpenFlight 格式模型;
64、There are five parts in VEGA microprocessor, which hires five-stage pipeline: Integer Execution Unit (IEU), Memory Subsystem Unit (MSU), Registers, Pipeline Control Unit (PCU) and Bus Interface Unit (BIU). ─── VEGA处理器由定点执行单元、储存子系统(MMU、I-Cache和D-Cache)、寄存器堆、流水线控制单元和总线接口单元BIU五部分组成,采用五级流水线执行指令。
65、special effects module of Vega software ─── Vega特效模块
66、Recorded after moonset, the starry background features the bright star Vega on the right.Extending below the western horizon is the faint band of the northern Milky Way. ─── 上面这幅在月落后拍摄的照片里,背景星空右上方的亮星是织女星,贯过影像并延伸到西方地平线的暗淡带状结构是北天银河。
67、Vega is blue-white in color.It's sometimes called the Harp star. ─── 它是白蓝色的,有时人们会称它为天琴星,许多人都是通过它识别天琴座。
68、Vega, the brightest star in the constellation Lyra, for example, is a 0 mag star.The Sun is about -26 mag while the full Moon is about -12 mag. ─── 例如天琴座中最光亮的恒星-织女星是零等,而太阳约是负二十六等,满月时光度约为负十二等。
69、Pareto-MEC and SP-MEC are respectively compared with the reference algorithms of Rand, VEGA, NSGA and SPEA. ─── 分别将Pareto一MEC和SP一MEC与Rand,VEGA,NSGA和SPEA这四种算法进行了比较实验。
70、On all test problems, both Pareto-MEC and SP-MEC outperform Rand, VEGA and NSGA; Pareto-MEC is as good as SPEA on the first three test problems, but SP-MEC is better than SPEA; ─── 实验结果表明Pareto一MEC和SP一MEC在所有的测试函数上都超越了Rand,VEGA和NSGA这三种算法:在第三个测试问题上,Pareto一MEC与SPEA具有同样优越的性能,SP一MEC略好于SPEA;
71、Vega extension ─── Vega扩展
72、* NiuLang is also known as the Altair star whereas ZhiNu is also known as the Vega star. ─── * 牛郎和织女也是星星的名。他们都是很亮的星星。
73、On the morning of May 20, 1932, in Harbour Grace, Newfoundland, an atactive 34-year-old woman climbed into the 2) cockpit of her single-engine Lockheed Vega, and took off into the sky, 3) headed for Paris. ─── 1932年5月20日在纽芬兰葛瑞斯港,一个引人注目的34岁妇女爬进她那架单引擎洛克希德织女星型飞机的驾驶舱,升空向巴黎飞去。
74、For one, the size, shape, mass and general nature of the Kuiper Belt appear to be much like the debris belts seen around other nearby stars, such as Vega and Fomalhaut. ─── 其一,柯伊伯带的大小、形状、质量和一般性质,似乎和环绕在附近其他恒星(例如织女星与北落师门)的残馀带类似。
75、Divers wearing a traditional Vega (L) and Altair (R) costumes sit on Belugas as they jump from the water at the Hakkeijima Sea Paradise aquarium in Yokohama, June 28, 2008. ─── 28日,日本横滨八景岛海洋水族馆,身穿“牛郎”(左)和“织女”服装的潜水员坐在白海豚身上表演跳水。
76、Both Northern Cross and brilliant white Vega hang over a foreground grouping of cinder cones.Near the center are the reddish nebulae, stars and dust clouds of the central Milky Way. ─── 再往右一些,可见到从东方地平面升起的银河,及镶在银河盘面上以天津四星为最亮星的北十字星群。
77、Vega: A User-Centered Approach To The Distributed Visualization Of Geometric Algorithms ─── 一种使用几何算法的分布式可视化中的以用户为中心的方法
78、Modeling of 3D Digital Living District Based on Creator and Vega ─── 基于creator和Vega的三维数字小区建模
79、Using the SkyScout I was able to identify stars like Vega, the fifth brightest star in the sky, and find Venus just above the horizon. ─── 使用Sky-Scout,我能够识别出天空中第五亮的恒星——织女星(Vega),还能找到地平线上的金星(Venus)。
80、Application of vega software design in MFC ─── Vega程序设计在MFC中的应用
81、meaningful learning;Nonaka's knowledge formatting;brainstorming;AHP;VEGA ─── 关键词:有意义学习;知识螺旋;脑力激荡法;层级分析法;多目标VEGA
82、There was a doctor a few hours' walk away, but Ms Vega and her husband, Marco Lopez, had no money to pay him. ─── 虽然走几个小时就能找到医生,但是伟加太太和丈夫马可•洛佩兹却没钱让他给孩子看病。
83、BANDRICH VEGA, Alexis ─── 亚历克西斯·班德里奇·维加
84、The modeling method,process of the scene's formation and GUI lynx of Vega are explained. ─── 介绍了利用Creator的建模方法,整个场景的生成过程,以及用vega的图形界面Lynx和它提供的函数来实现对整个场景的控制.
85、Thunbergia take look at Vega. ─── 坐看牵牛织女星。
86、Here she wears a Lorick top, Vera Wang shorts, L.Erickson headband, Gabriela de la Vega bracelet and Delman shoes. ─── 在这里,布莱尔穿着Lorick上衣,王薇薇短裤,头戴埃里克森头带,佩戴加芙德拉维加德尔曼手镯。
87、Integral application of CAD and VR: With development tools of ObjectARX, Openflight API and Vega Prime API, Openflight files were written directly in AutoCAD environment and 3D View was also launched directly in AutoCAD environment. ─── GIS 与VR 集成:以ObjectARX、Openflight API、Vega Prime API 为开发工具,在AutoCAD 环境下直接生成Multigen 的Openflight 格式文件,并实现场景三维漫游;
88、how to use the Vega software of the MultiGen Inc. to develop the virtual city roamming system; ─── 如何利用vega软件开发虚拟城市漫游系统;
89、distributed Vega ─── 分布式Vega
合成乐 2 . 民歌 3 . orchestra 4 .house 5 . R&B
6 .迪斯科 7 .Soul 8 .reggae 雷鬼 9 .巴西音乐
10. 摇滚乐 11.碾核 12.Grunge垃圾 13 .硬核
14.艺术摇滚 15.朋克 16 .post rock 17. britpop
18 .SOFT ROCK 19 .金属乐 20. RAP 21.POP
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