latitudinarianism 发音
英: 美:
latitudinarianism 中文意思翻译
latitudinarianism 同义词
opportunity | amplitude | grid | parallel | license | line | line of latitude | leeway | free | field | autonomy | parallel of latitude | coordinate | expanse | space | room | meridian | reach | hand | place | clearance | broadness | slack | range | spread | span | breadth | wideness | swing | free hand | location | measurement | stretch | breathing space | margin | position | width | extent | liberty | grid line | scope |freedom | carte | play | carte blanche | fullness
latitudinarianism 反义词
latitudinarianism 词性/词形变化,latitudinarianism变形
名词: latitudinarianism |
latitudinarianism 相似词语短语
1、platitudinarians ─── 铂族
2、altitudinarians ─── 海拔高度
3、latitudinarian ─── adj.自由主义的;形式的;能容纳不同意见的;n.自由主义者;不拘泥于教义和形式的人
4、attitudinarians ─── n.装模作样者,好摆架子的人
5、altitudinarian ─── 海拔高度
6、valetudinarianism ─── n.无病呻吟者;体弱多病;久病衰弱
7、attitudinarianism ─── n.装模作样者
8、platitudinarian ─── 扁桃体
9、latitudinarians ─── adj.自由主义的;形式的;能容纳不同意见的;n.自由主义者;不拘泥于教义和形式的人
latitudinarianism 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Economy is freethinking should as latitudinarian as western economy area comes apart. ─── 经济自由思想应与西方的经济自由主义区分开来。
2、Should debunk is new latitudinarian carry out the 3 hypocritical sexes that liberalize greatly and fabulosity. ─── 应揭穿新自由主义推行三大自由化的虚伪性和非现实性。
3、The scientific content that Si Mi economy contains in latitudinarian theory, deepen economic system reform to still have important revelatory sense to current our country. ─── 斯密经济自由主义理论中所包含的科学内容,对当前我国深化经济体制改革仍具有重要的启示意义。
4、Economy is latitudinarian the theory with nationalism is basic error. ─── 经济自由主义和民族主义的理论是根本错误的。
5、The core of this controversy is commerce latitudinarian with national intervention creed. ─── 这场争论的核心是贸易自由主义和国家干预主义。
6、Regard a kind of economy as thoughts, new latitudinarian transmission is very wide, become a lot of states for a time " national economics " , bigger effect produced inside limits of alive bound. ─── 作为一种经济思潮,新自由主义传播很广,一度成为许多国家的“国家经济学”,并在世界范围内产生了较大影响。
7、Economy is latitudinarian in intervening with the country creed is cantata of western economy theory all the time thematic. ─── 经济自由主义与国家干预主义一直是西方经济理论大合唱中的主旋律。
8、Because,this is, on one hand new latitudinarian inherent contradiction spreads out already adequately, people is right on the other hand new latitudinarian understanding also is deepened subsequently. ─── 这是因为,一方面新自由主义的内在矛盾已经充分展开,另一方面人们对新自由主义的认识也随之深化。
9、Finally, emphasize the thought that discussed Si Mi to adjust about proper motion of system of invisible hand, market to reach its thought of latitudinarian economic policy. ─── 最后,着重讨论了斯密关于看不见的手、市场制度自行调节的思想及其自由主义经济政策思想。
10、New latitudinarian generation has its history objective inevitability. ─── 新自由主义的产生有其历史客观必然性。
11、Our country is in economic shunt and period of perfect system construction at present, more need careful look upon current very popular new economy is latitudinarian thoughts. ─── 我国目前正处于经济转轨和完善制度建设时期,更需审慎看待当前颇为流行的新经济自由主义思潮。
12、Jake, when are you gonna be a little more latitudinarian and let up on this cuss jar of yers? ─── 杰克,你什么时候将会变得更心胸宽阔一点并且能停止你们的诅咒争吵呢?
14、Latitudinarian as a kind of thoughts, more expression is on economics meaning. ─── 自由主义作为一种思潮,更多地表现在经济学意义上。
15、Hayeke is the leading authority of latitudinarian economics, miao Erda Er is the first ancestor of school of new system creed. ─── 哈耶克是自由主义经济学的泰斗,缪尔达尔则是新制度主义学派的始祖。
16、Small fish is 4 girlfriends of Chen Yong, also be to persuade this successfully to pursue latitudinarian man good gracious the woman that walks into encircle a city. ─── 小鱼是陈勇的4个女朋友,也是成功说服这个奉行自由主义的男人乖乖走进围城的女人。
17、New latitudinarian economics is relative to the 19 century is traditional latitudinarian economics after Yu Simi character. ─── 新自由主义经济学是相对于斯密以后19世纪传统的自由主义经济学而言的。
18、In 80 time, hold to economy latitudinarian new classic macroeconomics is faddish at economics.. ─── 在80年代,坚持经济自由主义的新古典宏观经济学风行于经济学的...
19、This makes clear, new latitudinarian not be western state institute allege universally applicable " catholicon " . ─── 这表明,新自由主义并不是西方国家所宣称的放之四海而皆准的“万灵药”。
20、The answer of this one affirmation and the content that its prove are formed current and popular at the west new latitudinarian theoretical foundation. ─── 这一肯定的答案及其论证的内容构成目前流行于西方的新自由主义的理论基础。
21、However latitudinarian thoughts is in about weakening the thought of state sovereignty medium negative effect also showed economic globalization process to come out. ─── 然而自由主义思潮关于削弱国家主权的思想在经济全球化进程中的负面作用也显示了出来。
22、Right new latitudinarian the recognition that we must hold sober, cause the error on theory and policy likely otherwise. ─── 对新自由主义我们必须保持清醒的认识,否则就有可能导致理论和政策上的失误。
23、Be academic basis with new latitudinarian theory " shock therapy " policy, it is Russia and most transition country the economic society policy that implements 10 years before transition. ─── 以新自由主义学说为理论依据的“休克疗法”政策,是俄罗斯以及多数转型国家在转型前10年所实施的经济社会政策。
24、 双语使用场景
25、New latitudinarian this one academic point of view has major flaw. ─── 新自由主义的这一理论观点是有重大缺陷的。
26、Regard a kind of thought as superstructure, new latitudinarian the fight that never abandons ideological field. ─── 作为一种思想上层建筑,新自由主义从未放弃意识形态领域的斗争。
27、This could be admirably adventurous or dangerously latitudinarian. ─── 这可以是令人羡慕的优势也可以是危险的自由主义。
28、The nervous problem between economic freedom and social equality is western economy the dire straits that a basic academic difficult position and system design latitudinarian thoughts interior. ─── 经济自由与社会平等之间的紧张问题是西方经济自由主义思潮内部一个基本的理论困境和制度设计的困厄。
29、Right new latitudinarian the way that cannot take simplification, and should undertake concrete analysis. ─── 对新自由主义不能采取简单化的做法 ,而应进行具体的分析。
30、It is typical delegate with the United States and England, pursue " invisible hand " classic competition theory and " new latitudinarian " . ─── 它以美国和英国为典型代表,奉行“看不见的手”的古典竞争理论和“新自由主义”。
31、Right new latitudinarian the head that we should hold sober, beware be immersed in " the market is all-purpose theory " and " market apotheosis is talked " error. ─── 对新自由主义我们应保持清醒的头脑 ,谨防陷入“市场万能论”和“市场神化论”的误区。
32、1. He wants to know more about liberal latitudinarianism in theology. ─── 他想多了解有关神学上不拘泥教条的自由主义。
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