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09-21 投稿


kinescope 发音

英:[ˈkɪnəˌskoʊp]  美:[ˈkɪnəskəʊp]

英:  美:

kinescope 中文意思翻译




kinescope 词性/词形变化,kinescope变形

动词过去式: kinescoped |动词过去分词: kinescoped |动词第三人称单数: kinescopes |动词现在分词: kinescoping |

kinescope 短语词组

1、kinescope recording ─── [电] 光电显像管录像

2、kinescope grid ─── 显像管控制栅, ─── 显像管调制栅

3、monitor kinescope ─── 监视器显像管

4、metal kinescope ─── 金属壳显像管

5、kinescope bulb ─── 显像管灯泡

6、color kinescope ─── [电] 彩色影像管

7、kinescope tube ─── 显像管

8、kinescope recorder ─── [电] 光电显像管记录器

kinescope 相似词语短语

1、kinescopes ─── n.映像真空管;电视显像管;电视节目录像;vt.电视节目录影

2、fibrescope ─── n.纤维镜,[医]纤维内窥镜

3、fiberscope ─── n.纤维镜,纤维光学镜;纤维内窥镜;光纤视镜

4、ninescore ─── 九芯

5、kinetoscopes ─── n.活动电影放映机;活动照相机;投观影装置

6、koniscope ─── n.尘粒镜,检尘器(等于coniscope)

7、kinetoscope ─── n.活动电影放映机;活动照相机;投观影装置

8、koniscopes ─── n.尘粒镜,检尘器(等于coniscope)

9、rhinoscope ─── n.照鼻镜,鼻腔检查镜

kinescope 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、reflection kinescope ─── 反射式显像管

2、color kinescope parameter tester ─── 彩色显像管参数测试仪

3、Application of reverse osmosis technology in pure water production of color kinescope industry was introduced. ─── 介绍了反渗透技术在彩管行业纯水制造中的应用。

4、(16) Colour television sets and TV kinescope; (17) Radios, tape recorders and their main parts ─── (16)彩色电视机及显像管:(17)收、录音机及其机芯

5、reflected beam kinescope ─── 反射式显象管

6、Sludge reduction technology for television kinescope wastewater treatment ─── 彩管废水处理中的污泥减量技术

7、Was hanged on the wall 2001, width broadcasts TV and kinescope program for a meter flat picture tube. ─── 2001年挂在墙上的、宽度为一米的扁平显像管播放电视和录像节目。

8、Keywords color kinescope;locknut;MPPO;injection mould;automatic de-threading; ─── 彩色显像管;锁紧螺母;改性聚苯醚;注射模;自动脱螺纹;

9、three-gun shadow-mask colo(u)r kinescope ─── 三枪屏蔽式彩色显像管

10、Research on Foam Glass by Using Waste Kinescope ─── 利用废显像管研制泡沫玻璃

11、Sludge reduction technology for television kinescope wastewater treatment ─── 彩管废水处理中的污泥减量技术

12、Does boast swim on the west how doesn't the kinescope of 2 look to return a responsibility? ─── 大话西游2的录像看不成怎么回事?


14、In a lot of kinescope about Deng Xiaoping, photograph or work of movie and TV, we often can see there is the camera lens of a smoke in his hand. ─── 在很多关于邓小平的录像、照片或影视作品中,我们经常可以看到他手中夹着一根烟的镜头。

15、Colour television sets (including projection television sets), colour kinescope and glass shielding ─── 彩色电视机(含投影电视机)、彩色显像管及玻壳

16、Therefore, the efficiency and value of save fuel of domestic fusion AZS check brick for the regenerator of kinescope glass tank were analysed especially by a series of calculation, and were compared with the traditional basic check bricks. ─── 在此基础上,通过热效率等的计算,分析了国产熔铸AZS筒型砖作蓄热室格子体材料的节能效果及节能价值,并与传统的碱性格子体进行了对比。

17、Development of Conductive Graphite Coating with Low Resistance Used on Internal Surface of Colour Kinescope ─── 彩管低阻内导电石墨涂料研制

18、Our company have delivered 14” kinescope welding clampwhich Matino Company consign us to design and manufature. ─── 我公司受马丁诺公司委托设计制造14”显像管焊接夹具己交付。

19、three color kinescope ─── 三色显象管

20、photoelectric kinescope ─── 光电显像管

21、television kinescope wastewater ─── 彩管废水

22、Labor ensures service or the tax authority is OK record, recording, kinescope, take a picture and duplicate concerned data; But, ought to expend an unit to keep secret for capture. ─── 劳动保障行政部门或者税务机关可以记录、录音、录像、照相和复制有关资料;但是,应当为缴费单位保密。

23、Effect of chemical rubbing on properties of electron gun parts of color kinescope ─── 化学研磨对彩色显象管电子枪零件性能的影响

24、Mr Liu signed up for instantly case, police discovered through bank monitoring kinescope this man is most suspicious. ─── 刘先生立即报了案,警方通过银行监控录像发现了该名男子最为可疑。

25、Construction of Shield Melting Kile for a New Colour Kinescope Glass ─── 引进新型彩色显像管玻壳屏熔窑的施工

26、kinescope recorder tube ─── 屏幕录像管

27、(16) Colour television sets and TV kinescope;(17) Radios, tape recorders and their main parts; ─── (16)彩色电视机及显像管:(17)收、录音机及其机芯;

28、colour kinescope ─── 彩色显像管

29、Development of Ultra-Low-Carbon Steel Strip for Shadow Mask in Color Kinescope ─── 彩色显象管用超低碳荫罩带钢的发展

30、Inside a semester, the frequency that the media type that about 400 students and their parent can use in report home and child use, include game of TV, computer, video, kinescope to wait. ─── 在一个学期内,大约400名学生和他们的家长报告家中可以使用的媒体类型以及孩子使用的频率,包括电视、电脑、视频游戏、录像等。

31、mainly used in making colour kinescope , magnetic - materials , fluorescent glass , ceramics , etc. ─── 主要用于制造彩色玻壳、磁性材料、特种玻璃、陶瓷、制糖等行业。

32、By bulging forming technology analysis of color kinescope shaded cover, die structure and main parts designs are introduced. Punch surface shape is also designed by surface equations. ─── 对彩管荫罩零件进行张拉成形工艺分析,介绍了模具结构及主要零件设计,并运用曲面方程进行凸模曲面形状设计。

33、Issues on Producing Tape and Kinescope during Interrogating Understanding and Officiatating Building Preemption ─── 房屋优先购买权的法律认识及其司法保护

34、Of course, kinescope is real time for certain. ─── 当然,录像肯定是实时的。

35、Application research on Kinescope-feedback Control in the Serving Technique Teaching of Elective Volleyball Courses ─── 录像-反馈控制法在排球普修课发球技术教学中的应用研究

36、Keywords steel strip;shadow mask;color kinescope;development; ─── 带钢;荫罩;彩色显象管;发展;

37、kinescope recording ─── 屏幕录像

38、The conference adopts the spot to look around, the form that treats kinescope and tie of typical speech photograph, obtained better result. ─── 会议采取现场参观、看录像和典型发言相结合的形式,取得了较好效果。

39、three gun shadow mask color kinescope ─── 三枪荫罩式彩色显像管

40、one gun shadow mask color kinescope ─── 单枪荫罩彩色显像管

41、three-gun shadow mask colour kinescope ─── 三枪荫罩彩色摄像管

42、Cleaning of press Tube System and Fittings of Colour Kinescope ─── 彩色显像管压机管路系统及其配件的清洗

43、kinescope recorder ─── 屏幕录像机

44、aperture mask tricolor kinescope ─── 多孔障板式三色显像管

45、all-glass kinescope ─── 全玻璃显像管

46、Kinescope is showing Iraqi soldier by shoot dead before, broadcasted the voice of the person with an unidentified identity. ─── 录像在表明伊拉克官兵被枪决而前,播岀了一个身份不明的人,的声晌。

47、Analysing the Criminal Case Evidence Instruct System from the Whole Course Kinescope of Procuratorate Inquest ─── 从检察院审讯全程录像谈刑事案件证据开示制度

48、skill kinescope ─── 技术录像

49、multi-gum kinescope ─── 多枪显像管

50、Basically include data of literal material, blueprint, chart, computation, photograph, recording, kinescope to wait. ─── 主要包括文字材料、图纸、图表、计算资料、照片、录音、录像等。

51、multiplier kinescope ─── 倍增式显象管

52、projection kinescope ─── 投影显象管

53、Eleetro-galvanized strip for colour kinescope shasow mask eaniny, antiexplosion plate antiexploston steel for colour kinescope, colour kinescope fame. ─── 彩色显像管防罩框架,彩色显像管耳环、彩色显像管防爆板用电镀锌钢带、彩色显像管防爆用钢、彩色显像管框架。

54、The results provide a theoretic reference for improving refractories used in the regenerator of kinescope glass tank. ─── 为开发适应于显像管玻璃熔窑蓄热室格子体工作特点的耐火材料,提供理论参考。

55、Study of Detecting Way on Kinescope's Landing Error Based SCM ─── 基于单片机彩管着屏误差检测方法的研究

56、The Function of Skill Kinescope in Training and Competition of Synchronized Swimming ─── 技术录像在花样游泳训练和比赛中的作用

57、average kinescope gamma ─── 平均显象管γ值

58、Colour television sets and TV kinescope; (17) Radios, tape recorders and their main parts; ─── 彩色电视机及显像管:(17)收、录音机及其机芯;

59、Preparation of External Electrical Conductive Coating Brushed on Colour Kinescope ─── 彩色显像管外导电刷涂涂料研制

60、For dynamical observation of eyeground micrograph and image manipulation,eyeground television or compatibility of telegraph and kinescope has developed into one of the key area of eyeground camera. ─── 为了动态地观测眼底显微图像,为了便于进行图像处理,眼底电视或摄录兼容已成为眼底照相机近年来的一个重要发展方向。

61、aperture mask tricolour kinescope ─── 多孔障板式三色显象管荫罩彩色显象管

62、Watching and analyzing the kinescope of skill is a common way using by many sports items, it work the guidance function on training. ─── 观看与分析技术动作录像是众多竞技运动项目常用的一种方法手段,它可对下一步的训练起指导性的作用。

63、color kinescope ─── 彩色显象管彩色显像管

64、color kinescope are made of stainless steel which has high hardness and intensity. ─── 彩色显象管电子枪零件一般由不锈钢材料制成,具有较高的硬度和强度。

65、For more effectively refutes a rumor, the website used a large number of photographs and kinescope data to prove Aobama's innocence. ─── 为了更有力地辟谣,网站使用了大量照片和录像资料来证实奥巴马的清白。

66、The accountant read a brief informal note, very composed ground above added a word to give it go back: "Blamed, help your tie orderly, they are replacing your kinescope. ─── 会计把条子读了一遍,很镇静地在上面添了一行字把它递了回去:“混蛋,把你领带拉整洁,他们正在替你录像。”

67、Development of rubber wedge for kinescope in TV set ─── 彩电显像管橡胶楔子的研制

68、colour kinescope manufacture ─── 彩色显象管制造

69、recording kinescope ─── 录象显象管

70、Both kinescope and video output function working at the same time. ─── 录像、放像双工功能,录像的同时可以放像。

71、kinescope recording machine ─── 屏幕录象机

72、Colour television sets (including projection television sets), colour kinescope and glass shielding ─── 彩色电视机(含投影电视机)、彩色显像管及玻壳


74、Analyzing for VTS kinescope function and its normal status ─── VTS录像的作用及法律地位分析

75、Development of High-impedance Graphite Interior Coating for Colour Kinescope ─── 彩色显像管高阻抗内涂石墨研制

76、For example, how making tie we joined skeletonize to pursue for image and kinescope in this one page. ─── 例如,在如何打领带这一页面中我们为图像和录像加入了缩略图。

77、For more effectively refutes a rumor, the website used a large number of photographs and kinescope data to prove Aobama's innocence. ─── 为了更有力地辟谣,网站使用了大量照片和录像资料来证实奥巴马的清白。

78、9 see joke: When I remember our high school, there is a classmate to often go to kinescope house seeing maize kinescope on the class. ─── 9看笑话: 我记得我们高中的时候,班上有一个同学经常去录像馆看黄色录像。

79、Kinescope Expert 6.0 ─── 屏幕录像专家6.0

80、tricolo(u)r kinescope ─── 三色显像管

81、Kinescope tapes contain all TV programs of 2500 minutes, and thus can be suited for collection as data. ─── 录像带内容包含了全部2500分钟的电视节目,最适合作为资料收藏。

82、Research on Black Matric Graphite Emulsion Used in Colour Kinescope ─── 彩色显像管用黑底石墨乳研究

83、color kinescope recording ─── 彩色屏幕录像彩色显像管记录

84、Description of the profile of electron beam is one of the difficult points in detection of color kinescope. ─── 电子束轮廓的描述是彩色显像管特性检测中的难点之一。

85、Xianyang Rainbow Kinescope General Olant ─── 咸阳彩虹显像管总厂

86、The new kinescope has a revolving power of 800 lines. ─── 新型显像管有旋转800线圈的功能。

87、Keywords glass shell of kinescope;lead dust;atomosphere;movement and dispersion; ─── 关键词显像管玻壳;铅尘;大气;迁移扩散;

88、By bulging forming technology analysis of color kinescope shaded cover, die structure and main parts designs are introduced. ─── 介绍了彩色显像管荫罩成形模设计与制造工艺,给出了荫罩成形模的设计流程。

89、But, of tort of goods of kinescope of the work that know perfectly well or should know a link, performance, recording, ought to assume collective tort responsibility. ─── 但是,明知或者应知所链接的作品、表演、录音录像制品侵权的,应当承担共同侵权责任。”

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