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09-21 投稿


laundress 发音


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laundress 网络释义

n. 洗熨衣物的女工

laundress 词性/词形变化,laundress变形

动词现在分词: laundering |动词过去分词: laundered |名词: launderer |动词第三人称单数: launders |动词过去式: laundered |

laundress 短语词组

1、the laundress ─── 洗衣女工

laundress 相似词语短语

1、undress ─── v.使脱衣服;使卸去装饰;把(伤口上的)敷料拿开;n.裸体;(别于礼服)军便服;adj.便服的

2、launders ─── n.(Launders)人名;(英)朗德斯

3、laundries ─── 洗衣店;衣物;洗衣间

4、laundresses ─── n.洗熨衣物的女工

5、foundress ─── n.女创立者;女奠基者

6、launderers ─── n.洗衣工;洗黑钱的人

7、chauntress ─── 温特斯

8、laundrettes ─── n.自动洗衣店(可投币的)

9、sundress ─── n.太阳裙;背心裙

laundress 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、juno , as a peasant woman , caught jupiter and his little laundress cleverly and boxed his ears. ─── 扮成农妇的天后当场抓住朱庇特和洗衣女,打了他耳光。

2、she was a laundress who worked in the house when I was about six years old. ─── 我大约六岁时,她在我家里做洗衣女工。

3、One day, at the age of eighty, he was sur-prised by a grandson in the arms of a young laundress. ─── 有一天,80多岁的雨果吃惊地看到小孙子躺在年轻的洗衣女工怀里。

4、" The door between the sitting-room and bed-room was half open, and he could see the laundress bustling about, dusting the furniture, and rearranging things that had never been disarranged. ─── 起坐室与寝室之间的门是半开着的,他看得见清洁女佣忙忙碌碌的情况:她去掉家具上的灰尘,把从来没有弄乱的东西再整理一番。

5、The laundress looked on in astonishment, but as she had been promised twenty Louis, she made no remark. ─── 那洗衣女露出惊奇的神色,但因为说好她可以拿到二十个路易,所以并不说话。

6、She affirmed that the British laundress was not a mistress of her art ─── 她还断言,英国的洗衣妇没有掌握这一行的本领。

7、The masters took advantage of my age-- and then I had my daughter, who was a laundress at the river. She earned a little also. ─── 此外,我从前还有一个女儿,她在河里洗衣服,在这方面她也赚点钱。

8、The laundress was roning the linen. ─── 洗衣妇正在用熨斗熨亚麻布。

9、One story about the American cavalry in the Wild West tells of a Mrs Nash, company laundress in the 7th Cavalry. ─── 美国骑兵在西大荒的一个故事,谈到第七骑兵团一位纳什太太。

10、The masters took advantage of my age-- and then I had my daughter, who was a laundress at the river ─── 此外,我从前还有一个女儿,她在河里洗衣服。

11、A man in black trousers and a striped linen jacket, which was evidently fresh from the hands of the laundress, opened the door. ─── 有个人来开门,他穿黑裤子和条纹亚麻布茄克衫,衣服显然是新洗新烫的。

12、I never ask this man for anything.I am the cheerleader, the cook, the laundress and the nurse. ─── 我从来没有要求过他任何事,在家洗衣做饭我全包,同时还要兼任拉拉队长和护士。

13、Women who continue to work while caring for children often find themselves in the unenviable position of being the babysitter, house cleaner, cook and laundress in addition to their full-time jobs. ─── 在照顾小孩继续工作的女性经常发现自己谁都不愿意处于的处境中:除了全职之外,她们还是保姆、房屋清洁员、厨子和洗衣女工。

14、the laundress looked on in astonishment , but as she had been promised twenty louis , she made no remark. ─── 那洗衣女露出惊奇的神色,但因为说好她可以拿到二十个路易,所以并不说话。

15、I am the cheerleader, the cook, the laundress and the nurse. ─── 我是啦啦队队员,是厨师,是洗衣女工,是护士。

16、She was the only laundress left who knew how to do up damask ─── 她是仅有的一位懂得如何洗净锦段的洗衣妇。

17、I never ask this man for anything. I am the cheerleader, the cook, the laundress and the nurse. ─── 我从来没有要求过这个男人任何事情,在家里,我是他的拉拉队长,厨师,洗衣女工,护士。

18、He put the books aside on a little table in a corner of the fire-place, and waited patiently while the laundress finished her work. ─── 他回到起居室时,马隆尼夫人正在收拾掉他吃剩的东西。他把书放在挨近火炉一角的一张小桌子上,耐心地等待清洁女佣把她的活儿干完。

19、She affirmed that the British laundress was not a mistress of her art. ─── 她还断言,英国的洗衣妇没有掌握这一行的本领。

20、The laundress looked on in astonishment, but as she had been promised twenty louis, she made no remark ─── 那洗衣女露出惊奇的神色,但因为说好她可以拿到二十个路易,所以并不说话。

21、I never ask this man for anything. I am the cheerleader, the cook, the laundress and the nurse. I wasn't asking for an elaborate event, just 30 people or so. ─── 我从未向这个男人要求过什么。我是啦啦队的,是厨师,是房东也是护士。我并不需要精心筹备的晚会,30多个嘉宾就很好了。

22、He hired a battery of staff to help him with the daily chores, including a scullion (dishwasher), a laundress and a shoeblack (someone who cleans shoes). ─── 当时达尔文雇了很多人帮他打理日常事务,其中包括厨房佣人(洗碗工),洗衣女工和擦鞋匠。

23、and to have had a daughter, who was a laundress; but that has not been proved. ─── 并且有过一个洗衣姑娘,但是那些经过是没有被证实的;

24、In the American Civil War, she served as a nurse, laundress, and spy for Union forces in South Carolina. ─── 在美国南北战争期间,她担任护士,洗衣,并进行间谍活动,在南卡罗来纳州联盟部队。

25、Bacon tumbled over the laundress's buckets in the passage through which he had to pass ─── 洗衣妇的水桶挡住了培根的必经之路,使他差一点绊倒。

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