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09-21 投稿


limbo 发音

英:[ˈlɪmboʊ]  美:[ˈlɪmbəʊ]

英:  美:

limbo 中文意思翻译




limbo 网络释义

n. 监狱;地狱的边境;放置丢弃物的场所;处于中间的或不定的状态n. (Limbo)人名;(纳米)林博

limbo 同义词

limbo 反义词


limbo 词性/词形变化,limbo变形


limbo 短语词组

1、soft shoulder limbo ─── 软肩边缘

2、Gumbo-limbo virus ─── 巨无霸-limbo病毒

3、inside limbo ps ─── 内部limbo ps

4、in limbo ─── 处于不稳定(或中间过渡)状态

5、laundry limbo

6、limbo x Limbo x ─── 公司

7、gumbo-limbo n. ─── [植物]裂榄(Buresera simaruba) ─── [亦称作 gum elemi]

limbo 相似词语短语

1、bimbo ─── n.女人(尤指行为不检点者,如妓女);男人(尤指名誉不好者,如流氓);n.(Bimbo)人名;(德、意、尼日利)宾博;(西)宾沃

2、kimbo ─── 金波

3、dimbo ─── 烟雾

4、limb ─── n.肢,臂;分支;枝干;vt.切断…的手足;从…上截下树枝;n.(Limb)人名;(朝)林;(英)利姆

5、limbs ─── n.[解剖]四肢(limb的复数)

6、limbi ─── 边缘

7、limbos ─── n.监狱;地狱的边境;放置丢弃物的场所;处于中间的或不定的状态(limbo的变形)

8、limba ─── n.西非榄仁木;榄仁树

9、himbo ─── n.英俊却无头脑的年轻男子;徒有外表却无内涵的男人

limbo 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Her anguish grew from her concentration as she saw herself sunken in that thick impenetrable fog: could she be in limbo? ─── 当她集中精神注视自己、发现自己正沉没在难以渗透的厚雾中时,她的痛苦增长了:她可能是在地狱的边缘吗?

2、Her anguish grew from her concentration as she saw herself sunken in that thick impenetrable fog: could she be in limbo ? ─── 当她集中精神注视自己、发现自己正沉没在难以渗透的厚雾中时,她的痛苦增长了:她可能是在地狱的边缘吗?

3、A world in limbo, in the state of foetus, what an unheard-of spectre! Saint-Simon, Owen, Fourier, are there also, in lateral galleries. ─── 一个处于胚胎状态的鬼域里的世界,这是多么离奇的形相!圣西门、欧文、傅立叶,也都在那里的一些侧坑里。

4、From the change in the lower-class society we see that the common people as a class have gradually left the limbo of stupidity, manifesting its rich energy in the opulent repertoire of life force. ─── 总结以上春秋时期平民社会的变革情状,可见平民社会已渐次脱离昏昧的状态,而展现其蕴蓄无穷的精神活力。

5、He was surprised and dazed to find himself in such a glittering region, away from the shadowy limbo of his shelves. ─── 走出下面阴暗的排排书架,他对自己身处在这样一个光芒熠熠的地方感到既惊讶又震惊。

6、Stand by John to find an exit out of this limbo in an action shooter of the creepy kind. ─── 下面需要面对死尸、食尸鬼和狼人等从黑暗地下室涌出的邪恶!

7、Throughout that night I lay in the purple limbo between sleeping and waking. ─── 我在半睡半醒的缥缈幻境中度过整晚。

8、Their neighbourhood foes, AC Milan, were on a roll and well financed by Berlusconi and Juventus were influenced by the powerful Agnelli family as Inter were in a limbo. ─── 同称死敌AC米兰势如破竹,贝鲁斯科尼为他们注入了庞大的资金。尤文也得到了阿涅利家族强有力的支持。与此同时,国际米兰却深陷危机。

9、I'm over existing in limbo ─── 我就生存在地狱的边缘

10、His life seemed stuck in limbo; he could not go forward and he could not go back. ─── 他的生活好像陷入了不知所措的境地;进退两难。

11、be consigned to limbo; be left out in the cold; be neglected ─── 被打入冷宫

12、However valid, these doubts and quibbles left the accord in limbo. ─── 然而实际上,诸如此类的怀疑和遁辞只会把协定打入冷宫。

13、emotional limbo ─── 情绪荒漠

14、purchased often with lassitude received with distaste and soon relegated to the limbo of attic or ash heap. ─── 疲于购买,厌于接受,很快就扔在阁楼上或垃圾中,忘掉在脑后。”

15、A further goal is to wrap up the RDF schema specification, which is currently still in limbo as a candidate recommendation. ─── 更进一步的目标是完成RDF模式规范,该规范当前作为一个候选推荐仍处于中间过渡状态。

16、His life seemed stuck in limbo ; he could not go forward and he could not go back. ─── 他的生活好像陷入了不知所措的境地,进退两难。

17、In 1957, MGM, without warning to the crew, closed down their Cartoon Division, putting Tom &Jerry in cartoon limbo, and Hanna, Barbera and staff without a job. ─── 1957年,米高梅,没有警告船员,关闭他们的卡通司,使汤姆和杰里的卡通境地,和汉娜,巴伯拉和工作人员没有工作。

18、Cole is very much in limbo four days before the start of the Premiership season and just over a fortnight until the transfer window closes until January. ─── 离英超联赛开赛只有四天时间了,离转会截止时间也只剩下两周,而下次转会开启将是一月,现在科尔想生活在恶梦中一样。

19、But the bottom line is that nuclear negotiations remain in limbo. ─── 但问题的关键是,伊朗核谈判仍然毫无进展。

20、But it's easy to lose heart; especially when you are caught in the bewildering limbo between the death of the old and the birth of the new. ─── 但是,人们总是很轻易地就失去了信心,尤其是陷于新旧交替的当口时更是如此。

21、Hanin Mahmood, who sits on the Iraqi parliament's foreign relations committee, insists that some solution must be reached quickly to prevent foreign troops from going into a legal limbo. ─── 伊拉克议会外交委员会委员马哈茂德坚持认为,为了防止一些外国军队陷入不能合法留在伊拉克的局面,某种决议必须尽快达成。

22、Tihocan: For your treachery; for using the knowledge of the Scion to unleash our armies against us, I expel you forever from the scared order of The Three, and condemn you to shame in the frozen limbo of eternity. ─── 蒂霍坎:由于你背信弃义,并且擅用司祭盎的驱策我们自己的军队攻击夸洛佩克和我本人,现在我要将你永远地驱逐出去,并让你在冰冻的炼狱里忏悔自己的罪过。

23、Grey District mayor Tony Kokshoorn said the region was "in limbo" as they waited to hear the fate of the miners. ─── 格雷区市长托尼-考克舒恩说,当他们等待矿工命运如何的时候,一切都还是“悬而未决”的。

24、He instead is consigned to limbo, never being used.Those guys who seek for position, fame and interest should keep it in mind. ─── 所以,一个业绩突出的业务员,他绝对不能信心满满地以为,下一回课长出缺,这个位置必定是他的囊中之物。

25、There had been concern that British and other foreign forces would be thrown into a legal limbo if no agreement was reached. ─── 此前有人担心,如果没有达成任何共识,英国和其它外国军队将失去驻扎在伊拉克的明确法律依据。

26、Once insulate, imprison in the slope of the garden the previous and small house, I the feeling consign into limbo, very depressed. ─── 一旦隔离,拘禁在花园山坡上一幢小房子里,我顿感打入冷宫,十分郁郁不得志起来。

27、Soapy turned off Broadway. It seemed that his route to the coveted island was not to be an epicurean one. Some other way of entering limbo must be thought of. ─── 索丕转身离开了百老汇大街。看来他渴望去的那个岛不能以这种享乐方式达到。必须想另外一条进监狱的办法。

28、Find out how to interact with the locals without dooming them to limbo. ─── 找找怎样才能和当地人交往而不把他们推到地狱边境的方法吧。

29、Elvir Baljic and Geremi Ndjitap are among those who don't figure in the club's plans. Albert Celades, Pedro Munitis and Edwin Congo are also currently left in limbo. ─── 巴利奇和格雷米是无法涉足球队新赛季计划七位成员之一,塞拉德斯,穆尼蒂斯,哥伦比亚前锋孔戈也是将被遗弃的一份子。

30、And as the recession drags on, ever more youngsters are likely to find themselves left in economic limbo. ─── 同时,随着经济衰退迟迟不散,越来越多的青年可能会发现他们给抛弃在经济危机的炼狱之中。

31、How is any fan to maintain focus and concentrate on the critical job in hand when European Championship qualifiers send the calendar into limbo? ─── 当欧锦赛的资格赛使俱乐部日程陷入僵局,我们该如何维系球迷对我们的关注,该如何集中精力完成手头的鉴定工作?

32、Normally, officials in his position are left in limbo for weeks or months. ─── 但通常而言,官员会在事发后被保留职位长达数周或者数月。

33、Europe's poorest country, Moldova faces another year of political limbo after its parliament yet again failed this week to elect a new president. ─── 作为欧洲最穷的国家,摩尔多瓦在国会这周又一次没选出总统后,正面临着另一年不稳定的政局。

34、The negotiations have been in limbo since mid-December. ─── 谈判自12月中旬已陷入了僵局。

35、" With one foot in the conventional world of species propagation and the other foot in the domain of the marginalized female singleton, Israel thinks this growing segment is in a kind of limbo. ─── 伊斯里尔认为单身女性一面要应付传宗接代的传统思想,一边却要被排挤、被边缘化。在她看来,这种不断扩大的社会分歧像一个监牢将人禁锢其中。

36、In1969 John Wallace Spencer wrote a book called Limbo of the Lost specifically about the triangle. ─── 在1969年约翰华莱士斯宾塞写了一本称为消失的地狱的书明确提出有关魔鬼三角.

37、China expends extraordinary energy on pestering other governments to preserve the strange limbo inhabited by Taiwan, a self-governing island of 23m that it insists is a wayward province. ─── 中国花费巨大的精力纠缠其他国家来孤立台湾,坚持认为一个2300万人自治的岛屿只是个不听话的一个省。

38、Do nothing : Leave it by doing nothing.This leaves the content in limbo but sometimes happens when you need to check information or talk to others. ─── 什么也不做,这让该内容停留在过渡状态,通常发生在你需要查一些信息或域他人讨论的时候。

39、That would mean the negotiations staying in limbo well into next year, increasing the damage caused by global warming. ─── 也就是说,频临破裂边缘的谈判会持续到明年,进一步增长全球变暖带来的危害。

40、5 For example, if you don't pursue the power of politics, you will not have the chance to feel sad in case of being kept in limbo. ─── 因个人因素而造成的种种伤害,是绝对不会发生的。比如,你不贪求政治上的权力,那麽,你就不会有被打入冷宫的悲愁。

41、His great qualities did not fade away after a year spent in Serie B limbo; it's just a pity he's not that young anymore. ─── 他的高水平并没有因为一年地狱般的乙级时光而衰退,只可惜现在他已经不再年轻。

42、for using the knowledge of the Scion to unleash our armies against us, I expel you forever from the sacred order of The Three, and condemn you to shame in the frozen limbo of eternity. ─── 因你利用司祭盎的知识驱策我们自己的军队袭击我们,我要将你永远驱逐出神圣的三执政体,并将你永远囚禁在冰狱中。

43、There are already 10,000 frozen embryos floating around in liquid-nitrogen baths in the U.S., stuck in a kind of icy limbo as their would-be parents sort out the optio . ─── 没有目前已经有超过一万个冰冻胚胎泡在液态氧里,卡在一个冰冻的三不管地带,而它们的父母还在研究如何选择。

44、Agriculture is now in limbo. ─── 农业目前境况堪忧。

45、A similar$1.2 bn purchase in Iraq, however, is in a state of limbo following the fall of Saddam Hussein's regime. ─── 不过,由于萨达姆政权倒台,中国在伊拉克的一宗12亿美元的类似收购交易则处于搁置状态。

46、Gumbo Limbo virus ─── 冈姆博林姆博病毒

47、So all six of these teams are basically in limbo, which is to say that none should be expecting dramatic improvement. ─── 所以这6支球队基本处于原地踏步,这也就是说他们都不可能得到很大的提升。

48、The home of carnival, steel bands, calypso and limbo dancing, Trinidad and Tobago's blend of different cultures gives them an air of cosmopolitan excitement. ─── 特立尼达和多巴哥是刚鼓乐队和舞蹈之乡,不同的文化在这里汇集,从而使这里洋溢着活跃的大都市的氛围。

49、Neither party accepted her, so she was in limbo. ─── 两党都不承认她,所以她遭到忽略。

50、"By not specifying today which of the 21 plants would be closed, Mr. Stempel put the lives of thousands of workers in limbo." ─── 由于斯坦普尔先生今天未指明在21个厂中关闭哪一个,使得数千工人的生活没有着落。

51、After graduating from secondary school, I sank into the limbo of young-adult angst, working at a bar and taking the morning cleanup shift to avoid dealing with drunken customers. ─── 中学毕业后,我陷入年轻人常见的焦虑中,在酒吧工作做清晨大扫除,以避免处理那些深夜酒醉的顾客。

52、Perhaps in the mansions of limbo the heroes enjoy some such compensation for their loss of the Beatific Vision ─── 也许,在悬狱的殿堂里,为了补偿英雄们失去的至福幻象,他们正享受着青春柔情。

53、In 1969 John Wallace Spencer wrote a book called Limbo of the Lost specifically about the triangle. ─── 在1969年约翰华莱士斯宾塞写了一本称为消失的地狱的书明确提出有关魔鬼三角。

54、Some exiles have open personalities and strike up friendships with travelers from other planes, hoping to accompany them home and leave the dangerous realm of Limbo behind. ─── 有些坦率的流放者与来自其他位面的旅行者建立友谊,希望能和他们一起离开危险的混沌海。

55、consign to limbo ─── 打入冷宫

56、Our plans for buying a flat in Spain are in limbo at the moment. ─── 我们在西班牙购置一套公寓的计划目前被搁置。

57、Israel is in political limbo today. ─── 以色列今天陷入政治僵局。

58、I'm in limbo, waiting to know that whether or not I've got the job. ─── 我正处于尴尬地位之中,等待著知道是否有得到那份工作。

59、There is no fixed deadline for when the contracts will be awarded, keeping Ericsson, Alcatel Lucent, Nokia Siemens and local rival Huawei, in a state of limbo. ─── 至于中国将何时授予这些合同,目前没有确定的最终期限,这使得爱立信、阿尔卡特-朗讯(Alcatel-Lucent)、诺基亚西门子(Nokia Siemens)和中国竞争对手华为(Huawei)仍处于等待中。

60、the limbo of the stateless person ─── 无国籍人的不安定状态

61、Perhaps in the mansions of Limbo the heroes enjoy some such compensation for their loss of the Beatific Vision. ─── 也许,在悬狱的殿堂里,为了补偿英雄们失去的至福幻象,他们正享受着青春柔情。

62、How can limbo just be abolished? ─── 刚刚被打入冷宫怎么取消?

63、Get the smooth grand AP accept on the grounds that all the supervision, then we can Integrity of the AP not to take photographs and video-recorded, but limbo. ─── 得到的光面堂皇的理由是AP接受所有人的监督,那么我们看到AP不诚信了并且拍照摄录下来,却无人过问。

64、Andrew Matzner: In Legal Limbo: Thailand, Transgendered Men, and the Law, 1999. ─── 描述1999年时kathoey的一般社会与法律状况。

65、But as I trudged in the limbo between waking and dreaming, I knew it was but a dream, because you had said things you never would, but alas, how my heart was for a moment gladdened by such an illusion. ─── 当我彳亍在睡梦和苏醒的边缘,我便已经知道那不过是场梦,因为你说了你从来不会说的话,但在那一刻,我却是如此的心花怒放。

66、Somewhere in that limbo which Earth describes in Prometheus Unbound, that vague region filled with Dreams and the light imaginings of men, is the dreary phantom of an unstraightened picture upon a ghostly wall. ─── 然后又想像到在《解放的普罗米修斯》中描述的那个地狱边缘的某个地方,那个充满了人类梦想和愉快想像的模糊地带,有着阴沉可怕的幽灵,一幅画歪挂在鬼影般的墙上。

67、Daniel should not leave things in limbo. ─── 丹尼尔不会离开地狱的边缘。

68、We're in limbo at the moment because we've finished our work in this country and now we're waiting for our next contract. ─── 我们目前正处于断档期,因为我们在这个国家的工作已经完成,正在等待下一个合同。

69、I feel scared to dance with you on your limbo ─── 和你共舞在地狱的边境使我不寒而唳

70、By not specifying today which of the21plants would be closed,Mr.Stempel put the lives of thousands of workers in limbo. ─── 由于斯坦普尔先生今天未指明在21个厂中关闭哪一个,使得数千工人的生活没有著落。

71、China expends extraordinary energy on pestering other governments to preserve the strange limbo inhabited by Taiwan, a self-governing island of23 m that it insists is a wayward province. ─── 中国一再花费巨大心思说服其他国家承认台湾只是中国一个不太听话的省,而无视台湾早已是2300万人自治的现实,这样一来对台湾来说无疑就是孤立。

72、In multiplayer games, you can lull your human opponents into a false sense of security by building huge numbers of military units, but leaving them undeployed and in limbo. ─── 在多人游戏中,你可以建造很多军队而不部署,这样你的人类对手会因你较低的军事力值而感到一种虚假的安全。

73、Chrysler recently announced it will be eliminating 25 percent of its dealer network, leaving about 44,000 in stock vehicles in limbo. ─── 克莱斯勒最近宣布,将取消百分之二十五的经销商网络,留下大约44,000库存车辆境地。

74、Unless United make the first move, Smith is set to remain in limbo until the start of pre-season training. ─── 他的良好状态因而为他赚取了英格兰国家队的位置,但是他担心他在下个赛季在曼联会很少首发机会.

75、The legal limbo surrounding their status as copies prevents them from being digitized. ─── 关于这些书籍法律上的未决地位使它们难以数字化。

76、They could profit instead from the mob's adventurousness: that sense of being in limbo, neither on sea nor on land, suspended in a state of fantasy. ─── 他们可以转而从人们的冒险需求中牟利:栈桥既不是大海也不是陆地的形态,会给人一种游走于海陆边缘,身处幻想之境难以自拔的感觉。

77、Now we are like in a limbo where the sadness and mistrust are running inside our minds and soul. ─── 现在我们就像生活在监狱一样,悲伤和不信任正在迅速占领我们的思想和灵魂。

78、"We have played through the season in limbo but we have never risked relegation.By winning the Coppa Italia, we will be able to play in Europe - this makes it even more important. ─── “本赛季我们已经打出了自己的特色,从没处于危险的境地,下一步是赢得意大利杯冠军,这对我们而言非常重要,欧洲大陆就在眼前。”

79、The NFL allows veteran quarterbacks to take part in the sessions, and Green was eager to get going after spending much of the offseason in limbo before the Kansas City Chiefs traded him June 6. ─── 联盟允许四分卫老将参加训练营,格林也盼望着早日开始训练。今年6月6日他从堪萨斯城酋长队被交易到了海豚队,终于摆脱了赛季间歇期的不安定状态。

80、Gumbo Limbo bunyavirus ─── 冈姆博林姆博本扬病毒

81、"It is not a good way to treat people, " he said, "to leave them in limbo with no actual job. " ─── “这样对员工是不好的”他说,“让他们没有实际工作,名存实亡是不好的。”

82、Most of them are "refugees in limbo" Stuck waiting for their claim as refugee to be accepted, or to get their permanent residence or citizenship. ─── 很多难民都深处绝境,一直在煎熬中期盼他们的难民身份被批准,或者获得他们在加拿大的居民或者公民身份。

83、Alvarez had originally agreed to join Torino, but the club were not granted entry to the top flight due to their financial status and the player was left in limbo. ─── 上赛季租借到卡利亚里,能左能右的边锋,做替补似乎不错,相信一下光头的眼光。即使是非欧盟球员,但因为是意大利内部交易而不会影响转会的。

84、But I'd rather see that, or even some honest friction, than a young guy still in limbo at the beginning of next season. ─── 我宁愿看到交易,即使有阻力,也不希望他在那样的矛盾中开始新赛季。

85、I'm in limbo, waiting to know if I've got the job or not. ─── 我心神不定,等着知道是否已得到了那份工作。

86、Githzerai are a hard-hearted, humanlike people who dwell in the plane of Limbo, secure in the protection of their hidden monasteries. ─── 吉斯瑟雷人是一种铁石心肠的类人人种,他们居住在林勃混沌海,为他们神秘的修道院所保护。

87、Management kept her promotion in limbo for months. ─── 有好几个月领导将她的升迁之事放置一边。

88、The neraphim originate in Limbo, but some have found their way to the great planar metropolises, including Sigil and Union. ─── 来自混沌海的涅拉蟾,在印记城以及联盟市这样的位面大都会中如鱼得水。

89、My mother's existing in limbo. ─── 妈妈,生活在忧虑中的妈妈。

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