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mummified 发音

英:[ˈmʌmɪfaɪd]  美:[ˈmʌmɪfaɪd]

英:  美:

mummified 中文意思翻译



mummified 短语词组

1、mummified aphid ─── 木乃伊蚜虫

2、mummified fetus ─── [医] 木乃伊化胎儿, 干瘪胎儿

3、mummified pulp ─── [医] 干尸化牙髓

mummified 词性/词形变化,mummified变形

名词复数: mummies |

mummified 相似词语短语

1、mundified ─── vt.彻底清洁

2、munified ─── 慷慨的

3、emulsified ─── 乳化的

4、aurified ─── vt.(使)变成金色

5、Russified ─── 俄罗斯化

6、mummifies ─── vt.将…做成木乃伊;使干瘪;弄干保存;vi.成木乃伊状;干瘪

7、humified ─── adj.腐殖化的;v.使…成腐殖质(humify的过去分词)

8、humidified ─── v.(使)(空气)湿润(humidify的过去式及过去分词)

9、mummifying ─── vt.将…做成木乃伊;使干瘪;弄干保存;vi.成木乃伊状;干瘪

mummified 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、a mummified body was found. ─── 发现了一具干瘪的尸体。

2、mummified cell ─── 干尸化细胞

3、Thousands of mummified animals and many animal deity figurines were found from Egypt's Late Period, between 330 B.C. and 30 B.C. ─── 至今,人们发现了成千上万的动物木乃伊和动物神的小雕像,时期均为公元前330年-30年的埃及历史晚期。

4、They discovered a mummified body, believed to be Kato, lying in his bed, wearing underwear and pyjamas, covered with a blanket. ─── 在床上,他们发现了被毛毯盖着的尸体,尸体套上内衣盒睡衣。这具干尸被认为是加藤先生的。

5、vienna ( reuters ) - an austrian woman lived with the mummified remains of her aunt for a year , vienna police said wednesday. ─── 维也纳消息-周三,维也纳警方称一名奥地利女子与已故姑妈的尸体共居了一年。

6、Do not assume that all mummified pigs are caused by PPV infection. ─── 不要认为所有的木乃伊胎都是由猪细小病毒感染引起的。

7、This is quite different to PRRS infection, which kills the foetus only after 70 days of age inside the womb and therefore very late mummified pigs are seen in this disease. ─── 这一点和猪繁殖与呼吸综合征感染有很大不同,猪繁殖与呼吸综合征感染所造成的胎儿死亡只发生在70天以后的胎儿,所以猪繁殖与呼吸综合症感染只在晚期看到木乃伊胎。

8、The week before, he amputated three dry-gangrenous, mummified toes on her left foot. ─── 一周前,他截肢三个干坏疽,木乃伊脚趾在她的左脚。

9、More commonly, lost twins are discovered as tiny mummified attachments to the placenta of the live twin, after it is born. ─── 更常见的是死去的孪生儿变成了微小的干尸,当存活婴儿出生的时候,附在其胎盘上。

10、They bring the kidnapped Jones with them and force him at gunpoint to help them find some mummified remains from a plane crash. ─── 他们带着被绑架的琼斯,并且用枪强迫他帮助他们从飞机坠落处找到一些木乃伊遗留物。

11、"The pyramids of ancient Egypt were royal tombs. Each contained an inner sepulchral chamber that housed the deceased (usually mummified) ruler, members of his entourage, and artifacts." ─── 古埃及金字塔是帝王陵墓,每个金字塔内部都有一间内室,存放去世的国王(通常制成木乃伊)、陪葬者和手工艺品等。

12、On Mikage Aya's and her twin brother Aki's 16th birthday they were brought to their grandfather's where all their relatives were gathered and shown a box with a mummified hand inside. ─── 一个箱子里面有一只弄干保存的手显示在他们的面前。

13、Professor Lloyd said he had heard rumours in the early 1970s of a mummified lion being found in Egypt. ─── 劳埃德教授说早在20世纪70年代早些时候就有传言说埃及发现了一具狮子木乃伊。

14、Sows: Coughing, Fever, Nervous signs, Abortions, Mummified piglets, Stillbirths, Birth weak litters, Reproductive failure. ─── 母猪:咳嗽,发烧,神经症状,流产,木乃伊胎,死胎,产弱仔,繁殖障碍。

15、The Alpine guide Kurt Fritz organised the transportation by helicopter of the mummified remains, and was killed by a snowslide in an accident in the mountains, in an area he knew well. ─── 库尔特-弗里茨,阿尔卑斯山的导游,曾负责指引直升机搬运木乃伊。弗里茨在一次登山中遭遇雪崩身亡。

16、In the absence of any other signs of illness in the breeding females, PPV disease can be suspected by increases in mummified pigs and small litter sizes. ─── 如果一个繁殖母猪群在没有任何其他疾病症状的情况下,持续发生母猪产木乃伊胎数量增加和每窝产仔量下降,应怀疑本病。

17、mummified aphid ─── 僵蚜

18、The ancient Egyptians mummified their kings and queens. ─── 把死去的国王王后制成木乃伊。

19、The mummified remains have a connection to the crystal skull of the title, and both deeply interest Spalko, who feels that if she can find where the skull came from, great knowledge will be hers. ─── 这些木乃伊跟一个水晶骷髅有关,斯帕高对这很感兴趣,她认为如果能找到这个水晶骷髅是从哪来的,那么所有的发现都会属于她了。

20、The mummified rulers were likely to be artificial mummies, but the mummification method of the Inca are not fully known. ─── 被制成木乃伊的统治者很可能是人工制作的木乃伊,不过印加的炮制木乃伊的方法并不完全为人所知。

21、Heart scarabs were placed next to the heart after the body was mummified. ─── 心圣甲虫在人身体做成木乃伊之后紧邻心放置。

22、Species from all over the world were gathered and mummified for this purpose. ─── 这样,来自全世界的物种都为此被收集起来并木乃伊化。

23、At present,sow reproductive capacity defect result from tong anestrus and decreased live pigs born,and then open,abortion,underpriviled Rig,mummified fetus,embryonic mortality etc. ─── 分析了造成母猪繁殖能力低的因素主要表现为乏情期长和产仔数低,其次是不孕,流产,产弱仔,产木乃伊胎及死胎等。

24、a mummified body ─── 制成木乃伊的屍体.

25、Sometimes, when she became lonely, she thought about going out into the desert, and lying down beside Kreiger's mummified corpse;letting the sand smother her.But something stopped her from doing it. ─── 有时候,露辛迪克也会觉得孤单,她曾考虑重新回到沙漠中,回去躺在已经变成干尸的克里奇身边,让风沙将他们一起掩埋。

26、In 1323 BC Egypt's boy-king Tutankhamun died - he was just 18 years old.Hastily mummified he was placed in an unfinished tomb, his existence unknown until the tomb's sensational rediscovery in 1922. ─── 图坦卡蒙-埃及史上最年轻早逝但又最著名的法老王,他的著名不在于其丰功伟绩,而是他的王陵在1922年被考古学家发掘出来,从而揭开他的死亡之谜。

27、"They were all mummified in salt, " she says fondly, "then washed in vinegar, and put back in their clothes. " ─── “他们都被用盐制成木乃伊,”她不无怜爱地说,“然后放在醋里洗涤,再穿上衣服。”

28、A Ktonian Necromancer summons the soul of a dead Seal Guard and makes it repossess its mummified body to resume its sacred task. ─── 遁世亡灵巫师召唤一个死去的封印卫士的灵魂,并使其重返他已被木乃伊化的身躯以继续履行那个神圣任务。

29、The disease mummified many fruits. ─── 这种病害使许多果实干枯。

30、In some cases, cats were mummified in the same way as humans and buried at temples. ─── 在一些特例中,猫甚至也被做成木乃伊并且埋在庙宇里面。

31、Few items are more prized than the mummified remains of its ancient pharaohs, and Egypt has tried for years to recoup what is likely the 3000-year-old body of Pharaoh Ramses I from U.S. museums. ─── 很少的文物可以与埃及古代法老的木乃伊的价值相提并论,所以,埃及花费了数年的努力去追回存放于美国博物馆的一具极有可能是拉美西斯一世的木乃伊。

32、Preserved Head - Mummified Trophy - Minion Skull ─── 防腐之首-木乃伊印记-随侍之骨

33、At saqqara, we are told that people bought offerings to his cult center, including mummified Ibises and sometimes, clay models of diseased limbs and organs in the hope of being healed. ─── 在萨卡拉,人们买许多奉献的牺牲到他的朝拜中心,包括木乃伊鹳,有时候是用黏土做成的生病肢体或是器官,以祈求得到治愈的希望。

34、Any of them might conceal a mammoth graveyard or the next mummified Lyuba. ─── 他们中的任何一个都可能隐藏着一个猛犸象墓地或下一个木乃伊一样的柳芭。

35、VIENNA (Reuters) - An Austrian woman lived with the mummified remains of her aunt for a year, Vienna police said Wednesday. ─── 维也纳(路透社)--周三维也纳警方说一名奥地利妇女与她姨妈的尸体生活了一年。

36、In addition to cats, the Egyptians also mummified dogs, birds, snakes and monkeys. ─── 除了猫木乃伊外,埃及人还将狗、鸟、蛇、猴做成木乃伊。

37、All told, earth has gathered records that show sees that over 1400 species were mummified over the 4000-year cycle of the Pharaohs. ─── 地球收集到的记录表明,总共有超过1400个物种在法老的4000年周期中被木乃伊化。

38、"Mummified" trees that lived around Viking times have been discovered near a fjord in southwestern Norway, scientists say. ─── 科学家们称,他们近期在挪威西南部的一个峡湾附近发现了一些生长在维京时期的“木乃伊"古树。

39、Hawass said that when he opened it, he found a body mummified in the style typical of the 26th Dynasty, covered in linen and resin. ─── 哈瓦斯说,当他打开这具石棺时发现了一具婴儿的木乃伊。在它身上覆盖着亚麻布和树脂,这是典型的第二十六王朝样式的木乃伊。

40、Then on the mummified remains which have survived, the tattoos were noted on torsos, limbs, hands, the fingers and thumbs, and sometimes facial tattooing was practiced. ─── 在幸存下来的干尸中,纹身遍布了躯干,四肢,手掌和手指,有时候脸上也有纹身。

41、Egypt's national flag shows a bird of prey,which symbolizes strength. Kestrels[3] were held sacred in Ancient Egypt,and were often mummified. ─── 埃及国旗上有一只食肉猛禽,它象征着力量。在古埃,茶隼被视为神物,常被制成木乃伊。

42、Mummified body ─── 木乃伊尸

43、Had the researchers examined some newly found document, mummified body, or other forensic evidence, that would be one thing. ─── 研究人员是否考证了一些新发表的论文、木乃伊化的躯体、或其它的法医证据,这是一回事。

44、Neroli was once an oil heavily used in embalming those who were mummified in ancient times. ─── 橙花曾是一种在古代大量用于给木乃伊涂香油的精油。

45、Each kingdom was brought back alive at the suggestion of the false gods and then mummified and placed into the pyramids. ─── 依照虚假神的建议,每个物种都被活着带回来,然后被制成木乃伊而安放到金字塔中。

46、The mummified corpse of an ancient Lizard King is brought from his sacred tomb and given life through dark rites of rebirth. ─── 通过这个黑暗的仪式,一位远古的蜥蜴王留下的木乃伊将从他的神圣坟墓中被唤醒,并获得新的生命。

47、The mummified trees are different from petrified wood, a kind of fossil created when wood is replaced with minerals over thousands of years. ─── 这些木乃伊树有别于石化的树。石化树是一种化石,因其木质在千百年中转化成矿物质而形成。

48、High incidence of Swine Fever on some farms threated to pig industry because it resulted in a high rate of mortality, and abortions, died and mummified fetuses. ─── 目前河南省部分猪场猪瘟发病率较高,给全省的养猪业带来较大危害。该病发病率高,死亡率较高,对妊娠母猪影响也较大,主要引起流产、死胎、木乃伊等。

49、Hawass said that when he opened it, he found a body mummified in the style typical of the 26th Dynasty, covered in linen and resin. ─── 哈瓦斯说,当他打开这具石棺时发现了一具婴儿的木乃伊。在它身上覆盖着亚麻布和树脂,这是典型的第二十六王朝样式的木乃伊。

50、He wiped his wet slockets with his mummified sleeves, ─── 他用他那木乃伊袖子擦干眼窝,

51、Since the Egyptians believed that mummification was essential for passage to the afterlife, people were mummified and buried as well as they could possibly afford. ─── 由于埃及人认为只有成为木乃伊以后才可以通往来世,所以人们尽他们最大的能力来使尸体在木乃伊化的情况下埋葬。

52、Although the breeding and burial of lions as sacred animals in Egypt is mentioned by ancient sources, to date no one had found a mummified specimen. ─── 尽管有古代文献记载狮子在古埃及被看作神圣的动物来喂养和埋葬,然而在此之前,还没人发现过狮子木乃伊标本。

53、In the United States, people are paying up to $150,000 to be mummified after death. ─── 在美国,有人愿意花高达15万美元的费用在死后将尸体制成木乃伊。

54、Egypt's national flag shows a bird of prey, which symbolizes strength. Kestrels were held sacred in Ancient Egypt, and were often mummified. ─── 埃及国旗上有一只食肉猛禽,它象征着力量。在古埃,茶隼被视为神物,常被制成木乃伊。

55、The mummified corpse of a Hierodule is brought from the tomb of a High Priest and given life through dark rites of rebirth. ─── 通过这个黑暗的仪式,一位膑妃留下的木乃伊将从大祭司的坟墓中被唤醒,并获得新的生命。

56、mummified fetus ─── 木乃伊化胎儿

57、I saw avocados that looked nearly mummified, and bought jalapenos that tasted like bell peppers, inexplicably lacking any hint of heat. ─── 我看到过几乎干瘪的鳄梨,还买过吃起来像甜椒的墨西哥胡椒,而且匪夷所思地一点辣味都没有。

58、EgyptEgypt‘s national flag shows a bird of prey, which symbolizes strength. Kestrels were held sacred in Ancient Egypt, and were often mummified. ─── 埃及国旗上有一只食肉猛禽,它象征着力量。在古埃,茶隼被视为神物,常被制成木乃伊

59、mummified pulp ─── 干尸化牙髓

60、This girl is special in that she's been mummified, a way of keeping a dead body from decomposing. ─── 这女孩的特别之处在于她被制成木乃伊了,这是一种可以防止尸体腐化的方法。

61、His mummified face, including his toothy smile, and his teenage feet are the only visible parts behind the thick glass walls. ─── 他木乃伊化的脸颊,露齿的微笑和年轻的脚部是隔着厚厚玻璃墙唯一可见的部分。

62、Porcine Parvovirus(PPV) is one of major causative agents, resulted in a sydrome of reproductive failure in swine, which includes stillbirths, mummified failure in early embryonic death, and infertility. ─── 猪细小病毒(Porcine Parvovirus ,PPV)可引起猪的繁殖障碍性疾病,其特征为感染母猪,特别是引起初产母猪流产,产出死胎、畸形胎、木乃伊胎及病弱仔猪。

63、Police in Florida are finding more clues as they investigate a mummified baby found in a suitcase. ─── 佛罗里达的警方正在为在一具在手提箱中发现的婴儿干尸寻找更多的线索。

64、Before this feat, Professor Zhao had successfully reproduced images of some 20 ancient people based on their remains, either a mummified body or a piece of skull. ─── 在成功复制史前人类形象图之前,赵先生还根据一些远古人类遗留下的已经木乃伊化的躯体或头骨碎片复制了20多位古人类的画像。

65、An Oracle or Ktonian Necromancer summons the soul of a Pale One and makes it repossess its mummified body. ─── 圣谕者或亡灵巫师们用这个法术召唤1个苍白者的灵魂,并令其重返那个木乃伊躯体。

66、Archaeologists have uncovered the first example of a lion mummified by the ancient Egyptians, in the tomb of the woman who helped rear King Tutankhamun. ─── 考古学家日前在一名埃及妇女的墓中挖掘出首具古埃及狮子木乃伊。这位妇女曾经抚养过图坦卡门法老。

67、14.When a body was mummified, its brain was removed through one of its nostrils and its intestines were also removed and placed in jars called canopic jars. ─── 14,当尸体制成木乃伊,其脑部通过鼻孔移除,而脊椎也会移走,安放在盛放内脏的罐子。

68、Rogers S O,Bendich A J.Extractionof DNA from Milligram Amounts of Fresh,Herbarium and Mummified Plant Tissues.Plant MolBiol,1985,5(2):69. ─── 扬振棠,胡桂珍,李方元.植物激素影响离体西洋参胚的萌发与幼苗生长.特产研究,1994(2):20.

69、Underneath piles of trash in a bathtub filled with dirt, a mummified body. ─── 在一个全是污垢并堆满了废物的浴缸里,他发现了一具干尸。

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