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09-21 投稿


liberalize 发音

英:[ˈlɪbrəlaɪz]  美:[ˈlɪbrəlaɪz]

英:  美:

liberalize 中文意思翻译




liberalize 同义词

openness | free thought | charity | kindness |breadth | tolerance | open-mindedness | liberalness

liberalize 短语词组

1、liberalize the conditions of loan ─── [经] 放宽贷款条件

liberalize 反义词


liberalize 词性/词形变化,liberalize变形


liberalize 相似词语短语

1、liberaliser ─── 自由化

2、liberalise ─── 使自由化

3、liberalized ─── vt.使自由化;宽大;vi.自由化

4、liberalises ─── 使自由化

5、literalize ─── v.照字面,按照字面意义解释

6、illiberalize ─── 不自由化

7、liberalizer ─── 自由化者

8、liberalizes ─── vt.使自由化;宽大;vi.自由化

9、liberalised ─── 使自由化

liberalize 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Singapores Deputy Prime Minister and economic czar Lee Hsien Loong also used the downturn to liberalize the financial sector and, in particular, push through sweeping banking reforms. ─── 新加坡总理兼财政部长李显龙也利用了经济低迷来使经济自由化,还特别地推行银行改革。

2、LIBER; League of Friends of Paul; ─── 圣保罗之友联盟;

3、However, the PRC government has taken gradual measures to liberalize interest rates by widening the band within which commercial banks may set their Renminbi lending rates around the benchmark rates. ─── 然而,中国政府已采取渐进措施,藉扩大商业银行以指引利率为基准厘定的人民币借款利率的范围,以开放利率管制。

4、According to the principle of "when all things are equal, better takes precedence and moderately liberalize", Tianjin will adjustrelevant policies so as to strengthen attractiveness to Taiwanese businessmen. ─── 根据“同等优先、适当放宽”的原则,天津市将调整有关政策,以增强对台商的吸引力。

5、Should debunk is new latitudinarian carry out the 3 hypocritical sexes that liberalize greatly and fabulosity. ─── 应揭穿新自由主义推行三大自由化的虚伪性和非现实性。

6、Caloneis liber ─── n. 离生美壁藻

7、And he expects China to liberalize its economy and allow the renminbi to become a more widely used international currency. ─── 他还估计中国会实现经济自由化,并允许人民币成为国际使用范围更广的货币。

8、margo liber ovarii ─── 卵巢游离缘

9、margo liber unguis ─── 甲游离缘

10、As trade starts to liberalize in Taiwan during the early 1990s, the income distribution of farm households has changed dramatically. ─── 摘要在1990年代初期,台湾随著贸易逐渐自由化,农家所得分配也开始产生变化。

11、Mr. Lee said he thought it could take a while, though, before China takes more dramatic steps to liberalize trading in its currency. ─── 即使这样,李光耀说要中国采取这样激动人心的措施放宽人民币在世界范围内的交易还需要一段时间。

12、According to the source, the right to use public houses by the stock market is relatively large, on how to liberalize, theorists have different views, the city departments have been several seminars. ─── 据有关人士介绍,使用权公房的存量市场比较大,对于如何放开,理论界一直有不同的看法,市有关部门也进行过多次专题研讨。

13、Once fully liberalize the financial sector, domestic banks if they have not adapted to the fierce international competition, it is very likely at a disadvantage. ─── 一旦金融业全面放开,国内的银行如果还没适应激烈的国际竞争,就很有可能处于不利地位。

14、Modern Chinese Poetry Is the Result of Liberalize and Pragmatism during the End of the Qing Dynasty to the Beginning of Repulic of China ─── 新诗是清末民初思想文化自由化与实用化的产物

15、They use the words privatize, liberalize, and deregulate when advocating the rules for applying information age technologies to businesses. ─── 他们在申请信息时代技术规则使用时,使用了企业私有化,自由化,解除管制这样的词。

16、Liberalize the cross-border movement of merchandises and resources. ─── 对穿越国境的商品和资源流动放宽限制.

17、More social welfare would be attained if the government deregulates petroleum market.Thus we recommend the government continue to liberalize the petroleum sector. ─── 因此随着油品市场逐渐开放,油品市场的产出增加,可以增强我国石油产业和总体经济应对国际油价上升冲击的能力,应继续推动我国石油产业市场自由化的进程。

18、(Homo liber, qui inter ignaros vivit, eorum, quantum potest, beneficia declinare studet. ─── 一个生活在无知的人群中的自由人将尽可能努力避免他们的恩惠。

19、A parallel attempt to liberalize the electricity industry was initiated in 1990, the last of the Thatcher years. ─── 平行在 1990 年尝试使宽大电业被开始, 最后者那茸数年。

20、Preventing a humanitarian crisis in Balochistan would make convincing Iran to liberalize much easier. ─── 遏制在俾路支省发生的人道危机将公使促成伊朗解放变得容易一些。

21、Scene warm atmosphere, filled with gourmet flavor, the presence of foreign wives from various countries were to liberalize the restrained, 3322 to flaunt talked about everyday matters. ─── 现场热烈的气氛,弥漫着美食的香味,在场来自各国的洋太太们放开了拘谨,三三两两地拉起了家常。

22、Liber Pontificalis ─── 教宗史书

23、He pointed out that this year it is necessary to deepen the reform of prices and charges in a timely manner appropriate to liberalize prices determined by market supply and demand. ─── 他指出,今年要深化价格和收费改革,及时将适宜放开的价格改为由市场供求决定。

24、The representative of China confirmed that during the three years of transition, China would progressively liberalize the scope and availability of trading rights. ─── 中国代表确认,在年过渡期内,中国将逐步放开贸易权的范围和可获性。

25、Honorius, according to the Liber Pontificalis, came from Campania and was the son of the consul Petronius.He became pope on October 27, 625, two days after the death of his predecessor, Boniface V. ─── 关于霍诺留斯就职的日期有两种说法,一种是11月3日,另一种是10月27日。

26、China earlier this week said it would liberalize the exchange of land among the nation's farmers to revitalize the rural economy and boost food production. ─── 中国政府上周表示,将开放农村土地流转,以振兴农村经济、提高食品产量。

27、Argument: The following is a letter from an editor at Liber Publishing Company to the company's president. ─── 另一个看都没有看, 义无返顾地选择了这个issue, 因为这一个总有点映象啊。

28、Expands and codifies the law merchant and common law in order to modernize , clarify, standardize, and liberalize the rules. ─── 扩大商业习惯法和普通法,并将其编撰成法典,以促进其现代化,并阐述其法规,使之标准化、自由化。

29、Sunt bona, sunt quaedam mediocria, sunt mala plura quae legis hic. aliter non fit, Avite, liber. ─── 好东西,一些平凡的东西,更多糟糕的东西,你都在这儿读到。若非这样,阿维陀,书就造不成了。

30、If you have read some of the comments that have been made by people in Hong Kong and by bourgeois scholars in foreign countries,you will see that most of them insist that we should liberalize,or say that there are no human rights in China. ─── 你们注意看一些香港的议论,一些外国资产阶级学者的议论,大都是要求我们搞自由化,包括说我们没有人权。

31、They beat down every attempt to liberalize the press. ─── 他们压制了一切新闻报道自由化的意图。

32、secondary liber ─── 次生韧皮部

33、They have already implemented free-trade pacts on a wide range of goods and are working to liberalize investment and the service sector. ─── 双方已在很大范围的货物买卖方面签署了自由贸易的合约,目前的目标是努力实现投资和服务部分实现自由化。

34、There is a move to liberalize literature and the art. ─── 文学与艺术有自由化的动向。

35、These principles and all liberalized development are not contradictory, contrary they or necessary to what liberalize complement. ─── 所有这些原则与自由化的发展并不矛盾,相反它们还是对自由化的必要补充。

36、.. Liberalize in international economic integration, commerce below the setting that the trend strengthens increasingly, our country produce faces internationalization competition necessarily. ─── 在国际经济一体化、贸易自由化趋势日益加强的背景下 ,我国农产品必然面临国际化竞争。

37、China must modernize, it must absolutely not liberalize or take the capitalist road, as countries of the West have done. ─── 中国要搞现代化,绝不能搞自由化,绝不能走西方资本主义道路。

38、liberalize the conditions of loan ─── [经] 放宽贷款条件

39、Its basic aim is to liberalize world trade, and place it on a secure basis, thereby contributing to economic growth and development and to the welfare of t he peoples in the world. ─── 关贸总协定的基本宗旨是世界贸易自由化,并是世界贸易建立在一个牢靠的基础上,从而为经济增长和发展,为世界各国人民的福利做出贡献。

40、According to the principle of "when all things are equal, better takes precedence and moderately liberalize", Tianjin will adjust relevant policies so as to strengthen attractiveness to Taiwanese businessmen. ─── 根据“同等优先、适当放宽”的原则,天津市将调整有关政策,以增强对台商的吸引力。

41、Keywords leech extract;retinal pigment epithelium;RPE;intracellular liber calcium ion; ─── 水蛭;视网膜色素上皮细胞;细胞内游离钙离子;

42、Talks have continued late into the night in Geneva in an attempt to avoid a breakdown in negotiations to liberalize world trade. ─── 为努力避免谈判破裂,实现世界贸易自由化,日内瓦多哈会谈一直持续至深夜。

43、Liber scriptus proferetur, ─── 展开巨册案卷,

44、S. government's deficit spending -- many experts agree it would take a long time to liberalize China's currency enough to be used as a global benchmark. ─── 尽管如此,很多专家仍然认为,人民币在足以成为全球基准货币前还有很长的一段自由化进程要走。

45、Global Commerce Talks at the World Trade Organization in Geneva have collapsed after key governments failed to agree on steps to liberalize trade in agriculture and industrial goods. ─── 在世界贸易组织日内瓦总部举行的全球商业谈判破裂,几个关键国家的政府没能就农业和工业产品贸易自由化的步骤达成一致。

46、Her capacity to play a leadership role in global negotiations to liberalize world trade over the last 40 years has been crucial shaped by the common commercial policy(CCP). ─── 根据欧盟“共同商业政策”的规定,会员国必须在国际贸易的重要协议上采取一致的立场,惟决策程序受到不同会员国意见、共同体机构及其他不同因素所影响,先天上有其复杂性。

47、They gave suggestions to the Chinese government to liberalize its financial system and market. ─── 我总是担心这个刹车踩得太急或是太慢,都有可能车毁人亡。

48、Effect of hirudinoid extract on intracellular liber calcium ion of retinal pigment epithelium ─── 水蛭提取液对视网膜色素上皮细胞内游离钙离子的影响

49、Caloneis liber f. sinica ─── n. 离生美壁藻中华变型

50、The examination system of the optical liber sensor has been widely used in the large building. ─── 光纤传感检测系统在大型建筑物安全监测中已经得到了广泛的应用。

51、Czar of Russia (1801-1825) whose plans to liberalize his country's government were forestalled by wars with Napoleon I. ─── 亚历山大一世:俄国沙皇(1801-1825年),其放宽对该国政府限制的计划因与拿破仑一世的战争而告吹

52、The Latin saying liber ex libro expresses this idea, explaining that a book holds insights found in other books. ─── 拉丁语有这样一句谚语:“liber ex libro”,表达了这样一种思想:一本书所持有的观点是从其他书中获得的。

53、Internally China is working to improve its legal system, liberalize foreign investment restrictions and echance the legal rights and privileges of foreign investors. ─── 在国内,中国正致力于完善法律体系、放宽对国外投资的限制、以及增强国外投资者的法律权利和特权。

54、She's politically conservative; I'm more liber al. ─── 她政治上保守,而我却比较开明宽容。

55、However, as a first step he recommends that developing countries liberalize the rules governing stockholder and lender litigation. ─── 但他建议,作为第一步,发展中国家应该放宽股东和债权人提出诉讼的法律规定。

56、Phagus liber ─── 独立噬菌体, 家蝇葡萄球菌噬菌体

57、He further stated that China would continue to further its price reform, adjusting the catalogue subject to state pricing and further liberalize its pricing policies. ─── 他进一步表示,中国将继续深化价格改革,调整国家定价目录,进一步放开价格政策。

58、He said : "If the land market to fully liberalize, to change the land-auction price will only give rise to soaring. ─── 他认为,“如果将土地完全放开搞市场价,搞土地大拍卖,只会引起地价飞涨。

59、The media he helped to liberalize broadcast shows challenging his rule that appealed to a new, politically concerned middle class. ─── 然而,在他倡导下得以开放的媒体却开始挑战他的统治,唤起了新涌现的关心政治的中产阶级的共鸣。

60、but our shirts are our liber, or true bark, which cannot be removed without girdling and so destroying the man. ─── 我们的衬衣可是我们的韧皮,或者说,真正的树皮,剥下来的话,不能不连皮带肉,伤及身体的。

61、Invigorate; vitalize; enliven; liberalize ─── 搞活

62、Although Uruguay bout fails marine liberalize reach any materiality agreements, just brought into its the frame of GATS. ─── 尽管乌拉圭回合未能就海运自由化达成任何实质性协议 ,只是将其纳入了GATS的框架。

63、Now that the world economy is again in a downturn, will China take even more significant steps to liberalize the RMB exchange rate? ─── 今天,在全球经济下滑的时候,中国会不会更大幅度地放开人民币的汇率?

64、Modem Chinese poetry is the result of poetic revolution as well as the liberalize, pragmatism and modernize during the end of the Qing Dynasty to the beginning of Repulic of China. ─── 摘要新诗的生成因素既有诗的更有非诗的,它是清末民初思想文化自由化、实用化及现代化的产物。

65、"To free (liberalize, decontrol, lift the control over) the grain prices" ─── 放开粮食价格

66、Liberalize interest rates, so that banks have more autonomy to different borrowers can implement different interest rates. ─── 利率的放开,使银行有了更多自主权,可以对不同的借款人实施不同的利率。

67、margo liber ─── 游离缘独立缘

68、Such leaders find themselves between a rock and a hard place and would be wise to liberalize preemptively. ─── 这些领导人发现自己置身于一个两难境地,因而会明智地选择先发制人,实现政治自由化的改革。

69、The GATS provides strong foundation and legal framework to regulate and liberalize trade in trade in services. ─── GATS的成立为国际服务贸易活动的规范提供了合法性基础与完整的互动的框架。

70、pnagus liber ─── [医] 独立噬菌体, 家蝇葡萄球菌噬菌体

71、The essence of the innovation of the university system is to liberalize the productivity of knowledge. ─── 大学制度创新的实质在解放知识生产力。

72、Now he proposes to liberalize the French economy to better compete in world markets. ─── 现在,他计划让法国的经济自由化,以此在世界市场上能有更强的竞争力度。

73、In return Beijing did little to further liberalize its markets to foreign trade or address its corruption-ridden banking system. ─── 作为回应,中国拒绝为外国贸易进一步开放其市场,也没有整顿其腐败的银行系统。

74、Through the E-marketing makes the situation of recreation agriculture management to modernize, liberalize, internationalize gradually. ─── 摘要休閒农业透过网路行销而使得休閒农业经营逐步迈向现代化、自由化与国际化。

75、There is a move to liberalize literature and the Arts. ─── 文学与艺术有自在化的意向。

76、Navicula liber f. sinica ─── n. 离生舟形藻中国变型

77、liberalize the condition of loans ─── 放宽贷款条件

78、But China also has been a conspicuously passive and marginal player in the Doha Round of talks to further liberalize global trade. ─── 然而,在旨在进一步消除全球贸易壁垒的多哈回合谈判(DohaRound)当中,中国仍然扮演着一个十分扎眼的边缘化被动角色。

79、Delegates to the World Trade Organization talks hope to reach compromises on a number of issues that have been holding up an agreement to liberalize world trade for the past seven years. ─── 参加世贸组织谈判的代表们希望在一系列问题上达成妥协,这些问题过去7年来一直阻碍着达成一项国际贸易自由化的协议。

80、De oppresso liber !!!!! ─── 愿上帝保佑美国!

81、It also wants developed countries to liberalize trade rules to allow the poorest an opportunity to create viable manufacturing export industries. ─── 它还要求发达国家将有关的贸易规则进一步自由化,从而允许最贫穷的人有机会创造一个可行的出口制造工业。

82、In order to liberalize movement of natural persons among member countries, WTO and a lot of regional trade agreements made favourable arranging for it. ─── 世贸组织和数量众多的区域性经济组织都对组织成员间的自然人流动做出了一定的优惠贸易安排,以促进成员间的自然人流动。

83、With China gradually liberalize market entry, the scale of the international industrial transfer to China is escalating . ─── 随着中国逐渐放宽市场准入,国际产业向我国转移的规模越来越大。

84、I instructed our Government to liberalize controls over the export to China of high technology products. ─── 我曾经指示我国政府放宽对中国出口高级技术产品的管制。

85、Finally, China should be at the front of talks to liberalize services -- not dragging the rear, as it is now. ─── 最后,中国还应该在会谈中带头提倡服务业的自由化,而不是像现在这样拖后腿。

86、Talks are continued late into the night in Geneva in an attempt to avoid a breakdown in negotiations to liberalize world trade. ─── 为避免谈判破裂,实现世界贸易自由化,日内瓦多哈会谈一直持续至深夜。

87、Liber, -i, m Italian god of fertility. ─── 注意这个Liber中的i是长音。

88、We should give more to, take less from and liberalize the countryside. ─── 我以为我们现在开始进入了第二个阶段。

89、Therefore having the trade liberalize strategy managed is the ideal selection on this stage of our country. ─── 因此,有管理的贸易自由化战略是我国现阶段的理想选择。

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