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09-21 投稿


kempt 发音

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kempt 中文意思翻译



kempt 网络释义

adj. 整洁的;梳理过的

kempt 短语词组

1、ill-kempt a. ─── 不整洁的, 蓬乱的

kempt 相似词语短语

1、empt ─── abbr.事件处理规划小组(EventsManagementPlanningTeam)

2、kept ─── adj.被资助的,(尤指)被包养的;v.保持,处于;继续;耽搁;保留,留着;存放;开设,经营;保守(秘密);遵守(诺言);记(日记),做记录;供养,包养;保护,使免受(keep的过去式和过去分词)

3、kempy ─── 凯比

4、kemp ─── n.粗毛;死毛(羊毛中的粗毛);n.(Kemp)(美、加、英)肯普(人名)

5、nempt ─── nempt公司

6、tempt ─── vt.诱惑;引起;冒…的风险;使感兴趣

7、kemps ─── n.(Kemps)人名;(德、法)肯普斯

8、unkempt ─── adj.蓬乱的,不整洁的;(言语等)粗野的

9、coempt ─── 共同的

kempt 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Two of Durutte's regiments go and come in affright as though tossed back and forth between the swords of the Uhlans and the fusillade of the brigades of Kempt, Best, Pack, and Rylandt; ─── 迪吕特的两个联队,跑去又跑来,惊慌失措,好象是被枪骑兵的刀和兰伯特、贝司特、派克、里兰特各旅的排枪捆扎住了。

2、Kempt, on the left wing, demanded reinforcements. ─── 左翼的兰伯特请援。

3、SLIGHT, well-kempt in grey trousers and a powder-blue shirt, the man in the dock cut the image of an ageing schoolteacher. ─── 消廋,但穿着灰色的裤子和深蓝色的衬衫,这个正在受审的男人的形象是一个正渐渐老去的学校老师。

4、My Dream This is my dream, It is my own dream, I dreamt it. I dreamt that my hair was kempt. Then I dreamt that my true love unkempt it. ─── 这是我的梦,它是我自己的梦,我梦到了它。我梦到我的头发梳理整洁。然后我梦到我的爱人弄乱它。

5、Two of Durutte's regiments go and come in affright as though tossed back and forth between the swords of the Uhlans and the fusillade of the brigades of Kempt, Best, Pack, and Rylandt; ─── 吕特的两个联队,跑去又跑来,惊慌失措,好象是被枪骑兵的刀和兰伯特、贝司特、派克、里兰特各旅的排枪捆扎住了。

6、The tourist industry requires that citizens look well-kempt and prosperous. ─── 旅游业要求市民穿着得体、富有时尚。

7、a word or morpheme that is used only in certain restricted contexts,as kempt in unkempt,but is otherwise obsolete ─── 只用于某种限定的上下文中的词或语素,如kempt in unkempt,在别处已废弃不用

8、I dreamt that my hair was kempt. ─── 我梦到我的头发梳理好了。

9、The girls are kempt. ─── 女孩们很整洁。

10、A word or morpheme that is used only in certain restricted contexts, as kempt in unkempt, but is otherwise obsolete. ─── 旧词只用于某种限定的上下文中的词或语素,如kemptinunkempt。在别处已废弃不用

11、I dreamt that my hair was kempt. ─── 我梦到我的头发已做好梳理,

12、Kempt, on the left wing, demanded reinforcements. ─── 左翼的兰伯特请援。

13、In this paper, a new performance appraisal model named KEMPT is presented according to the exact condition of Ganzhou railway maintenance bureau. ─── 本文结合工务段的实际情况,运用相关理论创建了一套KEMPT考核模型。

14、A nicely kempt beard. ─── 漂亮整齐的胡子

15、You saw deer in the hills occasionally, and once, wandering up the hill there was a bear, dusty and ill-kempt. ─── 在山里你偶尔能看到鹿,有一次漫步上山的时候,还碰到一头熊,满身灰尘,皮毛蓬乱。

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