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lixiviation 发音

英:[[lɪkˌsɪvɪ'eɪʃən]]  美:[[lɪkˌsɪvɪ'eɪʃən]]

英:  美:

lixiviation 中文意思翻译



lixiviation 短语词组

1、lixiviation process ─── 浸出法

2、lixiviation definition ─── 浸出定义

3、lixiviation pdf ─── 浸出pdf

4、lixiviation en tas ─── 浸提

5、lixiviation suzanne ciani ─── 苏珊切尼浸提液

6、lixiviation au cyanure ─── 浸金氰化物

7、lixiviation meaning ─── 浸出意义

lixiviation 相似词语短语

1、lixiviating ─── n.去碱作用;浸滤;v.浸提;沥滤(lixiviate的ing形式)

2、laciniation ─── n.条裂形结构,锯齿状结构

3、initiation ─── n.启蒙,传授;开始;入会

4、lixiviates ─── v.(用滤液)沥滤

5、lixiviate ─── v.(用滤液)沥滤

6、lixiviated ─── v.(用滤液)沥滤

7、dimidiation ─── n.分为两半

8、exuviation ─── n.脱壳;蜕皮;脱落物

9、luxuriation ─── 茂盛

lixiviation 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Water lixiviation rate ─── 水浸率

2、lixiviation process ─── 浸出法

3、Authors optimized three types of firming agent systems based on many experiments andanalyzed the firming effect by testing of multi-mersion, lixiviation and static immersion. ─── 在大量实验的基础上优选出了三种固化剂体系并通过多次浸泡实验、淋洗实验和静态浸出实验对固化效果进行了分析。

4、Keywords electroplating sludge;thermal disposal behavior;thermogravimetric analysis;lixiviation;separation; ─── 电镀污泥;热处置特性;热重分析;浸出特性;迁移特性;

5、英文摘要 : Tea wine has healthcare functions and is produced by the processing of tea (main materials) including direct lixiviation or bio-fermentation, filtration, aging and blending. ─── 摘要 : 茶酒是以茶叶为主要原料,经直接浸提或生物发酵、过滤、陈酿、勾兑而成的一种具有保健功能的饮料酒。

6、Keywords manganese-rich slag;acid lixiviation;anhydrous manganese chloride; ─── 富锰渣;酸浸;无水氯化锰;

7、Keywords fly ash;Lixiviation test;water environment; ─── 粉煤灰;浸出试验;水环境;

8、Keywords tea;trace element;lixiviation regulacity; ─── 茶叶;微量元素;溶出规律;

9、Potassium-rich brines resources can be classified into sedimentary metamorphic type and lixiviation sylvine.These two kinds are also new ways of looking for sylvine in Sichuan. ─── 卤水钾资源有沉积变质型和钾盐溶滤叠加型两类,也是四川找钾工作的新方向。

10、Keywords baked ore;lixiviation rate;detemination; ─── 焙烧矿;浸率;测定;

11、acid lixiviation ─── 酸浸

12、Lixiviation of Trace Elements from Tea ─── 茶叶中微量元素的溶出规律

13、Keywords Penixillium oxalicum;pectinases;lixiviation method; ─── 草酸青霉;果胶酶;浸提方法;

14、Keywords powder coal ash;deleterious element;lixiviation;transfer; ─── 粉煤灰;有害元素;浸出;迁移;

15、Keywords Schisandra;Process;Water lixiviation rate;Appraising index of quality; ─── 五味子;炮制;水浸率;质量评价指标;

16、METHODSQingyan Spray was prepared through decoction,penetrability,lixiviation and its clinic effects were observed. ─── 方法采用煎煮、渗漉法、浸渍法制成清咽喷雾剂,进行疗效观察。

17、Keywords bacteria;lixiviation;pretreatment;refractory gold ores.; ─── 细菌;预处理;浸出;难选金矿;

18、The results showed that the contents of 8 kinds of trace elements, their lixiviation ratio and residual ratio in green and red tea were all different. ─── 结果表明,绿茶和红茶的茶叶干样、茶水和茶渣中8种微量元素含量及溶出率、残留率各有差异。

19、and detailedly discuss the influence of binder, film thickness, lixiviation and anticorrosion agent in pot on antibacterial property. ─── 详细研究了基材、膜厚、浸滤、罐内防腐剂等可变因素对抗菌性能的影响。

20、The Action of Chlorine Ion and Its Influence on Lixiviation in In-Situ Leaching of Uranium ─── 地浸采铀工艺中氯离子的作用及其影响

21、The Study of Improving Coal Gangue by Lixiviation ─── 煤矸石浸出脱铁试验研究

22、Keywords dry disposal site;fly ash;lixiviation test;leaching test; ─── 干贮灰场;粉煤灰;浸出试验;淋溶试验;

23、Chapter 4, the industrial testing of the liquid delivery by drilling-lixiviation was introduced. ─── 第4章主要介绍了钻孔布液的工业性试验情况。

24、rate for gold lixiviation from the ore is high. ─── 矿石中金的浸出率高。

25、lixiviation method ─── 盐酸浸提法

26、Keywords bentonite;alkali activation;lixiviation; ─── 膨润土;碱法活化;浸取;

27、Keywords tea;selenium;lixiviation;fluorometric; ─── 茶;硒;浸出;荧光法;

28、Keywords low-grade gold ore;cyanide fusant;column lixiviation; ─── 低品位金矿;柱浸;氰熔体;

29、The unique dual techniques of enzymolysis and lixiviation were adopted to manufacture aloe juice. ─── 在制取芦荟汁时,采用了酶解与浸提的双重工艺。

30、Lixiviation test ─── 浸出试验

31、Keywords antibacterial coatings;bacteria inhibition circle;lixiviation;mildewproofing;interior wall coatings; ─── 抗菌涂料;抑菌圈;浸滤;防霉;内墙涂料;

32、leakage lixiviation ─── 渗漏浸出

33、The results showed as follows: The exogenous enzymes could increase the lixiviation rate of Kuding tea. ─── 结果表明: 外源酶可提高苦丁茶的浸出率。

34、lixiviation apparatus ─── 浸滤器

35、Biological Lixiviation-The Research on Separating Color Wulfenite Through Extraction ─── 生物浸出——萃取法分离彩钼铅矿的研究

36、Keywords microbe;desulfurization;coal;lixiviation; ─── 微生物;脱硫;煤炭;浸出;

37、Lixiviation and evaporation are main salinization processes of groundwater stored in loose sediments in inland arid basins. ─── 溶滤和蒸发作用是内陆干旱盆地平原区松散沉积层地下水咸化的主要原因。

38、Tea wine has healthcare functions and is produced by the processing of tea (main materials) including direct lixiviation or bio-fermentation, filtration, aging and blending. ─── 摘要茶酒是以茶叶为主要原料,经直接浸提或生物发酵、过滤、陈酿、勾兑而成的一种具有保健功能的饮料酒。

39、Direct Lixiviation and Oxidation in Liquid Phase-New Technological Process for Preparation of High - quality Zinc Oxide ─── 液相氧化直接浸出制取高级氧化锌新工艺

40、Application of flavoring enzyme hydrolysis and pectase lixiviation could effectively distill the original flavoring substances in grape fruits. ─── 可利用风味酶水解和果胶酶浸提法有效地浸取葡萄中原有的风味物质;

41、Keywords lithium;brine;precipitation of A1(OH)_3;lixiviation; ─── 锂;卤水;氢氧化铝沉淀法;浸出;

42、Keywords lixiviation;salting out;mixed salt;pectin; ─── 浸取;盐析;混合盐;果胶;

43、? Applyng this method to analyze the groundwater salinization features in Taklimakan Desert,lixiviation is proved to be the main salinization process of groundwater though there is an arid climate and a high evaporation. ─── 该方法应用于塔克拉玛干沙漠地下水咸化特征的分析,证明虽气候干旱,蒸发作用强烈,但地下水的咸化仍以溶滤作用为主。

44、The coal desulfurization technology of microbe with lixiviation techniques ─── 煤的微生物浸出脱硫技术

45、Keywords Chemical treatment after separation;zinc concentrates;oxygen pressing and acid leaching;rare element;lixiviation rate; ─── 选后化学处理;锌精矿;氧压酸浸;稀散元素;浸出率;

46、Keywords silt of Yangtze River;Sc;lixiviation;extraction; ─── 长江淤砂;钪;浸出;萃取;

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