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09-21 投稿


loneness 发音

英:[['ləʊnɪs]]  美:[['loʊnɪs]]

英:  美:

loneness 中文意思翻译



loneness 短语词组

1、loneness is marked by ─── 孤独的标志是

2、loneness and wisdom ─── 孤独与智慧

3、loneness kills ─── 孤独致命

4、loneness and freedom ─── 孤独与自由

loneness 相似词语短语

1、oneness ─── n.统一性;单一性;同一性;完整

2、looseness ─── n.松动;松弛;漠然

3、goneness ─── n.衰弱,软弱

4、closeness ─── n.亲密;接近;密闭;严密

5、doneness ─── n.(肉的)煮熟度

6、blondeness ─── 金发

7、loneliness ─── n.寂寞,孤独

8、longness ─── n.长度

9、aloneness ─── n.孤独感

loneness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、You can only reach the highest point of study in exterme loneness. ─── 只有在寂寞的顶峰,才能到达学习的最高境界.

2、When investing in a business, he always likes to play a lone hand. ─── 在投资时,他总喜欢单枪匹马的去干。

3、Accustomed to flattering, flattery died upon his lips when he addressed Lone. ─── 他是惯于阿谀奉承的,可是一跟伊俄涅说话,却一句奉承的话都说不出来了。

4、He turned to Cabell, the ancient lone survivor of the scientists of Tirol. ─── 他转身向卡贝尔走去,老人是唯一幸存的泰洛科学家。

5、Mr. A seems to be a lone wolf; he does not have any friends. ─── 先生似乎是位孤独者;他没有什麽朋友。

6、Live well, lone lots and laugh after. ─── 善待生活,热爱一切,经常开怀大笑.熟能生巧.

7、He is in some ways a lone bird. Perhaps a certain kind of shyness had helped to make him a bachelor. ─── 从某些方面来讲,他是一个不太喜欢与人交往的人。也许生性腼腆使他成了单身汉。

8、In that cloudy sky only one lone star can be seen. ─── 在那多云的天上,只能看到孤零零的一颗星星。

9、Shortly after they arrived, a taxi drove up with a lone passenger in the back seat. It was Master! ─── 不一会儿,一辆计程车到达旅馆大门,后面只有一位乘客,果真是师父!

10、The lone doctor in the county. ─── 县里唯一的一个医生

11、Somewhere there is an end to everything,and the loneness of the dark is one's own. ─── 万事终将有个尽头,黑暗中的幽静是属于一个人的。

12、Once the eggs are hatched,however,a lone parent does almost as well at raising the chicks as both do together. ─── 但是,一旦鸟卵孵化,单亲就几乎可以和双亲一样抚养幼鸟了。

13、There is one lone megakaryocyte at the right center. ─── 在右侧中心处有一个孤立巨核细胞。

14、She lived a lone life ever since. ─── 她从此过着孤寂的生活。

15、A lone gull flew across the sky . ─── 一只孤单的海鸥飞过天空。

16、Romo, 19 of 27 for 198, but his lone touchdown in the game was the winner. ─── 27次中19次合计推进198码,但他在比赛中独自的触地得分是决胜球。

17、Not knowing why, I have always holding a deep sense of loneness in my heart when I was a little girl. ─── 也许从小酷爱看书的缘故,从小我就是一个梦想家。

18、"I now 26 years old, lone, it is a M.d.. ─── “我现在26岁,单身,是个医学博士。

19、In prattle, li Heping professes to leave different lone. ─── 在闲聊中,李和平自称离异单身。

20、Somwhere, we got lost.You being the lone voice in the wildness. ─── 估计午夜肯定会有一个大礼包砸在头上!

21、He is on a lone fun run, nothing to do with the race. ─── 他自己跑著玩的,和竞赛无关。

22、With her sister she was much alone, a lone figure in a tossing, thoughtless sea. ─── 和她姐姐在一起,她感到自己就像无情的汹涌大海里的一叶孤舟,孤苦无依。

23、Lone antiprotons can thus mimic the antihydrogen signal. ─── 因此,单一的反质子也会产生类似反氢的讯号。

24、The lone possible exception to this is the Profiler trace. ─── 唯一的例外可能就是事件探查器跟踪。

25、A lone flower in the garden. ─── 园里唯一的花。

26、He alwery likes to paly a lone hand. ─── 他喜欢单枪匹马去做事。

27、She lived a lone life after her daughter's death. ─── 她在女儿死後过著孤寂的生活。

28、But to see General Musharraf as lone defender against the Islamic tide is to misread Pakistan. ─── 但是如果把穆沙拉夫将军看作是抵挡伊斯兰浪潮的唯一依靠那就大错特错了。

29、Moreover, as a member of generation of one child, they are also characterized with loneness, emptiness and confusion. ─── 除此之外,孤独、空虚、迷惘也是八零后作为“独生一代”所独有的气质。

30、In a lone Halifax bomber flying low over the Channel, the Jedburgh team "Maurice" was on its way. ─── 一架孤零零的哈利法克斯式轰炸机在英吉利海峡上空低低飞行,杰德堡行动组“莫里斯”出动了。

31、What future does a lone man have? ─── 一个人能有什么蹦儿?

32、If we don't meet each other, I can not taste loneness and worry. Some kinds of touching, accompany hot tear to sleep. ─── 假如人生不曾相遇,我不能深刻的体会孤独和忧伤,有着莫名的感动,激荡着热泪盈眶的心情入眠。

33、Once the eggs are hatched, however, a lone parent does almost as well at raising the chicks as both do together. ─── 但是一旦鸟卵孵化,单亲就几乎可以和双亲一样抚养幼鸟了。

34、About eight at night, and already very weary, I came to a lone house. ─── 大约是晚上八点钟,我精疲力竭地来到一间孤零零的屋子眼前。

35、To survive as a lone marmot, you have to be tough. ─── 一只独立的土拨鼠要想能生存下去,它必须要能经受住风风雨雨。

36、She could see a lone figure on the deserted beach. ─── 她在空旷的海滩上能看到一个孤独的身影。

37、Somewhere there is an end to everything, and the loneness of the dark is one's own. ─── 万事都有个终结,黑暗的静寂是个人独有的。

38、As the lone dissenter in the group, she was going against the flow of opinion. ─── 在这个团体里作为一名孤独的反对者,她正在逆思潮而为

39、He always likes to play a lone hand. ─── 他喜欢单枪匹马地去干。

40、He was the first man dawn the gangway and into the lone telephone booth on the wharf. ─── 他第一个冲下跳板,跑进码头上独一无二的电话间。

41、A lone bag made a break for freedom and buoyed by the swish of air it lifted across the room like a jellyfish. ─── 一条袋子没关好,随着透过房间的风像水母一样飞了起来。

42、Hey,you might end up fabulously rich or even become a huge superstar lone day. ─── 嘿,妳最后可能会非常富有,甚至某天会成为一个超级钜星。

43、How affection comes? Loneness ,Cold or trepidation? Or maybe support from each other? ─── 为什么会依恋呢?寂寞么?寒冷么?对未来感到恐惧么?需要寻找依靠么?

44、Tom was always a lone hand in investment circles. ─── 在投资界,汤姆一向是个独行其是的人。

45、The Matrix also scored the lone Inter goal during Wednesday' s loss to Roma. ─── “矩阵先生”(马)周三输给罗马的比赛中也攻如了国际米兰的唯一的进球。

46、Molecules orions which act a ligands should therefore have lone pairs of electrons for donation. ─── 因此,作为配体的分子或离子有具有作给予用的孤电子对。

47、Outside looking in, a lone male elephant seal lurks at the edge of a harem. ─── 在外面查看有一只孤单的雄性象海豹潜伏在闺房的边缘。

48、A lone employee turned up for the meeting. ─── 一位员工单独前来参加这场会议。

49、Some psychologist think that people who are away from home may feel lone. ─── 一些心理学家认为,人们出门在外时可能感到孤独。

50、The Lone Ranger and Tonto were camping out one night. ─── 一天晚上,罗恩兰格和通图去野营。

51、I forget not the fairy in lone woods beyond the world. ─── "终不忘,世外仙姝寂寞林."

52、A lone sea gull flew across the sky. ─── 一只孤独的海鸥在空中飞过。

53、In the police force he had the reputation of being something of a lone wolf. ─── 在警队中,他被誉为独行侠。

54、Suffering , loneness and a bit of tiredness . ─── 痛苦、寂寞,还有一些疲惫。

55、Somewhere there is an end to everything, and the loneness of the dark is one's own. ─── 万事都有个终结,黑暗的静寂是个人独有的。

56、Let so much deep emotion face loneness. ─── 任多少深情独向寂寞。

57、A lone wolf can be considered as either independent or socially awkward. ─── 一位孤独者,可能被认为是独立的,或是社会上??扭的人。

58、there is an end to everything, and the loneness of the dark is one's own. ─── 万事都有个终结,黑暗的静寂是个人独有的。

59、So life in your loneness. ─── 生命在孤寂之中。

60、With a conventional OS, the upsurge will simply swamp the lone server. ─── 利用常规的操作系统,流量的大量增加将冲垮这台孤立无援的服务器。

61、"Ah'm talkin' 'bout how it look ter folks, seein' Miss Pitty livin' 'lone. ─── "我谈的是有些人采取的态度,眼见皮蒂小姐独个儿住在那里。

62、The only opposition on the board came from the lone Republican, Tom Conlon.Mr. ─── 唯一的反对票来自董事会里势单力薄的共和党人TomConlon。

63、A lone cloud floated in the blue sky. ─── 一缕孤云在蓝天中飘流。

64、If I keep on being alone, that is nothing, because I have already been used to loneness. ─── 假如我就一直这样孤独下去,倒也不凡,因为已经习惯这样孤独下去。

65、One the way to success,loneness is the positon which have to pass,people can bare it could go ahead smoothly. ─── 在成功的道路上,寂寞是必经的一站;耐得住寂寞的人,才能顺利地继续前进。

66、FYB synchromesh lone is of special design accord the customer's request. ─── FYB汽车同步器锥环可根据用户的特殊要求进行特殊设计,也可按来图生产。

67、I happened to see a lone hut on the way home. ─── 在回家的路上,我偶然看见一间孤立的茅屋。

68、Tarter has often been a lone and nontraditional entity in her environment. ─── 在塔特的生长环境中,她一直是特立独行的。

69、A lone red fox picks through the snow in Yellowstone National Park. ─── 一只红狐在黄石国家公园的雪地里觅食。

70、If I keep on being alone, that is nothing, because I have already been used to loneness. ─── 假如我就一直这样孤独下去,倒也不凡,因为已经习惯这样孤独下去。

71、Maybe someone is veracious when he speaks highly of loneness, but who are not willing to be accompanied with a beloved? ─── 也许,当有人高度赞扬孤独的时候他是真诚的,但是有谁不希望能被自己心爱的人陪伴呢?

72、Molecules or ions which act a ligands should therefore have lone pairs of electrons for donation. ─── 作为配体的分子或离子应该有具有作给予用的孤电子对。

73、Do you believe there are many lone wolves in this country? ─── 你相信这个国家有许多孤孤单单的人吗?

74、Having been a lone wolf for so long, Mr. B has become very withdrawn. ─── 因为长期孤独,B先生变得沉默寡言。

75、Detective stories usually star a lone investigator who has some striking characteristics and eccentricities. ─── 侦探小说通常以一名孤独的侦探为中心,他有着一些与众不同的特点和怪癖。

76、A terrible loneness comes to my mind. ─── 可怕的孤单浮现在我的内心。

77、He is single but not loneness, because he has two goldfishes, and live happily veryday. ─── 3他单身但不孤独,因为他养了2条活金鱼,所以每天活的很开心。

78、He's not the sort to enter into partnership. He prefers to play a lone hand. ─── 他是不喜欢和别人合伙的,他宁愿单干。

79、Granted , loneness is hard and time flies like an arrow , in addition to the sear of gossips , no one is willing to age lonely . ─── 不错,人生寂寞难捱,光阴如流似箭,外加世俗流言相迫,我们都不愿意一个人孤独地老去。

80、Be lone after all compare freedom or somebody to accompany you happy? ─── 到底是单身比较自由还是有人陪伴你开心?

81、A lone voice at the back spoke up. ─── 一个孤独的声音在后面大声地讲。

82、In that cloudy sky only one lone star could be seen. ─── 在那多云的天上,只能看到孤零零的一颗星星。

83、What Joe Biden says: It's like Tonto getting mad at the Lone Ranger. ─── 什么拜登说:这就像获得Tonto在疯牛病龙游侠“ 。

84、What can the lone developer do? ─── 单独的开发者该做什么?

85、I watch, and I am like A lone sparrow on a housetop. ─── 7我儆醒不睡,就像房顶上孤单的麻雀。

86、In the cloudy sky only one lone star could be seen. ─── 在多云的天空,只看见孤零零的一颗星。

87、A lone bison pauses at sundown beneath the pastel sky of South Dakota's Badlands. ─── 在南达科他的一片荒地里,一只野牛形单影只,头上的天空蜡染般的美丽。

88、The life structure has two sides: the connotation is to express love, death and loneness and the form has motive power, individuality , rhythm growth . ─── 作为这一生命结构的两个方面:其内涵是表达爱情、死亡、孤独等形而上体验的生命内涵;其形式则是具有动力性、有机性、节奏性和生长性的生命形式。


loneness is a friend of mine翻译为:寂寞是我的一个朋友

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