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09-21 投稿


Manichee 中文意思翻译



Manichee 词性/词形变化,Manichee变形

Manichee 相似词语短语

1、manchette ─── n.(椅子的)靠手垫;n.(Manchette)人名;(法)芒谢特

2、manicure ─── n.修指甲,美甲,指甲护理;v.修剪,美甲,护理指甲

3、Manicheus ─── 摩尼教

4、manche ─── n.芒什省(法国省份);芒什海峡

5、manchet ─── n.精粉面包;n.(Manchet)(法)芒谢(人名)

6、Manichean ─── n.摩尼教;adj.摩尼教的;摩尼教徒的

7、Manichee ─── n.摩尼教徒

8、garnishee ─── n.第三债务人;v.传讯(第三方债务人);为偿付债务而扣押

9、Manichees ─── 摩尼教徒

Manichee 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In a later period, the theology of Augustine owed a great deal to his early experience as a Manichaean. ─── 在后期的时期,奥古斯丁把他的神学思想归咎于早期作为一个摩尼教徒的经历。

3、 双语使用场景

4、Mr Obama rightly eschews Mr Bush's crudely Manichaean simplifications of the “war on terror”. ─── 奥巴马明智的避免和他的前任一样,在“反恐战争”议题上简单粗暴地搞(摩尼教式的)正邪对决。

5、Less of Mr Bush's Manichaean arrogance would be welcome. ─── 布什那种摩尼教式的专横态度并不得人心。

6、Translation and Annotation of Four Manichaean Manuscripts in Old Uyghur Language ─── 四件回鹘语摩尼教赞美诗译释

7、Less of Mr Bush’s Manichaean arrogance would be welcome. ─── 少一些布什先生那种摩尼教徒式的傲慢将更为讨好。

8、2. Manichaean worship included fasting, daily prayers, and sacramental meals which differed greatly from the Lord's Supper. ─── 摩尼教的崇拜包括禁食,每日祷告,还有与最后的晚餐非常不一致的圣餐。

9、enshrined here is this Manichaean god, ─── 这里面供奉的就是摩尼教的神像,

10、The Gnostics and the Manichaeans also believed in transmigration, but early Christians who adopt-ed Gnostic and Manichaean doctrines were de-clared heretics by the church. ─── 诺斯替派和摩尼教都相信转世说,但那些接受诺斯替主张和摩尼教教义的人都曾被宣布为异教徒。

11、The Byzantine emperor Justinian issued an edict against the Manichaeans, and Saint Augustine, who for 9 years had been a Manichee, wrote and spoke against this heresy, as well as described his own experience in his Confessions. ─── 拜占庭帝国君主查斯丁尼颁布发令,反对摩尼教,圣奥古斯丁,有九年时间是摩尼教徒,口头和书面上反对这种异端,他的《忏悔录》也描写了自己的经历。

12、In Persia this fresh excited Arabic mind came into contact not only with Manichaean, Zoroastrian and Christian doctrines, but with the scientific Greek literature, preserved not only in Greek but in Syrian translations. ─── 在波斯,阿拉伯人这种创新、活跃的头脑不仅接触到摩尼教、琐罗亚斯德教和基督教等不同教义,而且接触到有关科学方面的希腊文献,既有希腊语的,也有用叙利亚语翻译的。

13、A Study of Manichaean Idolatry in Quanzhou in the Yuan Dynasty ─── 元代泉州摩尼教偶像崇拜探源

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