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09-21 投稿


sisal 发音

英:['saɪs(ə)l]  美:['saɪsl]

英:  美:

sisal 中文意思翻译



sisal 网络释义

n. 剑麻;西沙尔麻n. (Sisal)人名;(苏里)西萨尔

sisal 同义词


sisal 反义词


sisal 短语词组

1、sisal family ─── [网络] 剑麻家族

2、sisal hemp ─── 剑麻

3、bailing twine sisal ─── 剑麻绳

sisal 相似词语短语

1、surmisal ─── surmisal公司

2、despisal ─── 卑鄙的

3、sial ─── n.硅铝带;硅铝层;n.(Sial)(巴、美、英、印、加)西亚尔(人名)

4、Vidal ─── n.威代尔(葡萄酒名);比达尔(男子名)

5、Pisan ─── n.比萨(意大利城市)(Pisa的变形)

6、Nisan ─── n.尼散月;犹太历的第七个月

7、sinal ─── adj.窦的

8、sisals ─── n.剑麻,菠萝麻(一种中美洲植物,可用于制绳);似剑麻的纤维;龙舌兰科(植物)

9、Rizal ─── 黎刹(菲律宾地名)

sisal 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Keywords sisal fiber;unsaturated polyester;composites;wear-resistance; ─── 剑麻纤维;不饱和聚酯;表面处理;耐磨性能;

2、The paper-based fiber composite was studied.The sisal pulp and aramid fiber were chosen as the composition of base paper. ─── 对纸基纤维复合材料的成型及有关影响因素进行了初步研究。


4、Agriculture: bananas, sugarcane, coffee, sisal; livestock; forest products; fish. ─── 农业:香蕉,甘蔗,咖啡,波罗麻,家畜,森林产业,渔业.

5、Keywords sisal hemp;crystallinity;orientation;mechanical properties;chemical constituents;alkali treatment;thermal stability; ─── 剑麻;晶性;取向;机械性能;化学组份;碱处理;热稳定性;

6、Made from rut, assorting sisal hemp and cotton cloth. Sisal Hemp nipping, cotton cloth glued with wax, showed the strength extremely at the. ─── 用剑麻和棉布配合,车扎制成,剑麻锋利,棉布粘腊,双重作用下特显磨削力,适合不锈钢等一切金属的粗磨。

7、Keywords sisal fiber;phenol formaldehyde;composites;silane coupling agent; ─── 剑麻纤维;酚醛树脂;复合材料;硅烷偶联剂;

8、Our main commodities include gum rosin, rosin ester, gum turpentine, sisal products, jute bag, canned vegetables, Star Aniseed, Cassia, essentials oils est. ─── 公司经营的主要出口产品有:松香、树脂、松节油、剑麻产品、麻袋、水果罐头、八角、桂皮、香料油等。

9、The Reactive Difference of Sisal Hemp to Defferent Fertilizers ─── 剑麻对不同营养元素反应差异研究

10、fabric of sisal, woven ─── 机织西沙尔麻织物

11、Investigation of zebra strip diseases in regenerated sisal hemp field ─── 五星农场更新剑麻园斑马纹病调查分析

12、Manufacturers of braids, ropes, string. Polypropylene, hemp, jute, sisal for nautical sector,... ─── 分类标题:钓鱼器具|丝线、细绳...

13、Pineapple leaf fiber is one of environment-friendly natural fiber with some peculiar-physical properties as ramie, flax and sisal, etc. ─── 摘要菠萝叶纤维具有类似苎麻、亚麻和剑麻等麻类纤维的特性。

14、Hand painted sisal rugs, Handcrafts of all sizes. ─── [相关分类:竹制,藤制和柳制家俱,地毯,小地毯和垫席

15、floor mat, of coir or sisal fibre with a base of cordage roof woven textile fabric ─── 地垫,椰壳纤维或西沙尔麻纤维制,其底部系绳索或由纺织纤维制

16、Tanzania and Brazil are the main producers of sisal. ─── 坦桑尼亚和巴西是最主要的生产国。

17、sisal dregs ─── 剑麻渣

18、Keywords sisal hemp;fine structure;length} width;chemical composition;lignin;distribution;degree of polymerization/resistance to corrosion; ─── 剑麻;精细结构;长度;宽度;化学成分;本质素;分布;聚合度/耐腐力;

19、Other twine, cordage, ropes and cables of sisal KG ─── 其它剑麻制绳索、缆

20、Cactus kind, the drought unripe flowers such as jade lotus, nandina, crape myrtle, sisal wants little water. ─── 仙人掌类、玉莲花、南天竹、紫薇、剑麻等旱生花卉要少浇水。

21、Angola traditionally exported not only oil but diamonds, iron ore, cotton, sisal and corn. ─── 安哥拉不仅盛产石油,而且钻石,铁矿石,棉花,剑麻和玉米都是传统的出口产品。

22、The sisal carpet and mat we supply are made of high quality sisal fibre, have the characteristic of acid-alkali-resisting ect. ─── 我司的剑麻地毯采用优质剑麻纤维精心制作而成,是绿色天然环保的室内装饰材料,广泛用于各种公共场所,如酒楼,饭店,宾馆,会议中心和交通工具的铺设等。

23、If you are looking to do up your home, a distinctive line of designs is available in sisal, bamboo and wood. ─── 如果你时常收拾你的房间,你会注意到剑麻,竹制品和木头做成的手工艺品都是非常有价值的。

24、sisal hemp ─── 剑麻

25、The beach clean up the plant is whirling Palm, trying to score as the sisal hemp, Inc., cactus, leaves flowers and azaleas will be operating in a flat sand States look terrific. ─── 洁净的沙滩上最多的植物是婆娑的棕榈,衬之以蓬蓬勃勃的剑麻、扶桑、仙人掌、叶子花和夹竹桃,将一片平坦的沙国经营得热热闹闹。

26、We supply all kinds of sisal rope,including oiled and unoiled,natural and bleached colors,and any specification as customers require. ─── 我司提供各种规格的剑麻绳,含油或不含油的,自然色和漂白色的。欢迎来信或致电询价。

27、sisal leaves ─── 剑麻叶片

28、At any rate there was no sisal that would face the market. ─── 无论如何没有可以供应市场的剑麻。

29、Keywords ENR;PVC;sisal short fibre;composite; ─── 环氧化天然橡胶;PVC;剑麻短纤维;复合材料;

30、As an agriculture-oriented country, Mozambique exports the traditional products like cashew nuts, cotton, cereals and sisal. ─── 莫桑比克是农业国,腰果、棉花、剑麻是传统出口产品。

31、All sisal quotations remained unchanged, while jute quotations eased slightly. ─── 所有剑麻的报价保持不变,而黄麻报价略有下降。

32、Keywords Cu;Sisal;Lime;Tolerance;Soil remediation; ─── 剑麻;石灰;耐性;土壤修复;

33、Sisal rope are made of high quality sisal fibre and have characteristics of strong pulling force, acid and alkali resistance, wear-resisting, bitter cold prevention etc. ─── 剑麻白棕绳,又名“西纱尔麻绳”,用优质剑麻纤维为原料制作。

34、zebra leaf spot of sisal ─── 剑麻斑马纹病


36、Sisal fibre/unsaturated polyester ecomaterials can be moulded at low pressure and room temperature using FRP mould. ─── 剑麻纤维/不饱和聚酯环境材料可以使用玻璃钢模具在常温低压下模压成型,且在生产过程中不污染环境。

37、To the existing bamboo curtain and bamboo products, including carpets, wood screens campaign, Reed series, Caolian Series, paper screens series, seagrass, a sisal carpet series. ─── 现有的方要产品包括竹帘和竹地毯、木帘系列,芦苇系列、草帘系列、纸帘系列,还有海草、合剑麻地毯系列。

38、Study of Tensile Properties of Dry Sisal Leaf and its Composite Board ─── 干态剑麻叶片及其复合板材拉伸性能研究

39、Especially,the properties of sisal and sisal fiber reinforced material were indicated.It is considered that the research and application of sisal-reinforced cement bas... ─── 对常用的增强纤维的性能作了对比,通过对剑麻纤维增强水泥基复合材料的研究,认为将剑麻纤维应用于水泥基复合材料前景广泛,意义重大。

40、Development and application of new type drying machine for sisal fibre ─── 新型剑麻纤维烘干机的研制与应用

41、Traditional Sisal and Manila Ropes are provided including Chinese white sisal rope and Philippines manila rope with different diameters and specifications for different kinds of usage. ─── 本公司提供传统之天然纤维绳缆包括:中国白麻绳及菲律宾麻绳,有多种规格直径,广泛应用于不同範畴。

42、Sisal Tolerance of Cupreous and Its Accumulation Preliminary Explore ─── 剑麻对铜的耐性与累积效应研究初探

43、Keywords sisal fibre;cyanoethylated modification;crystallinity;orientation;fine structure; ─── 剑麻纤维;氰乙基化变性;结晶度;取向度;微细结构;

44、Companhia do Sisal de Angola; ─── 安哥拉西沙尔麻公司;

45、Our main commodities include gum rosin, gum turpentine, sisal products, jute bag, canned vegetables, Star Aniseed, Cassia, and essentials oils est. ─── 公司经营的主要出口产品有:松香、松节油、剑麻产品、麻袋、水果罐头、八角、桂皮、香料油等。

46、SISAL YARN SERIES ─── 剑麻系列纱线


48、In the agricultural economic crops such as coffee, cocoa, sugar cane, cotton, peanuts, oil palm, cashew nuts, sisal, such as planting a considerable proportion. ─── 农业中经济作物如咖啡、可可、甘蔗、棉花、花生、油棕、腰果、剑麻等的种植占有相当比重。

49、Sisal fiber are longer and have character sticks of pure whiteness, tough texture, strong tensile and wear resisting, etc, which are major materials for cabled ropes making and other sisal products. ─── 剑麻纤维,又称西纱尔麻,具有纤维长,色泽洁白,质地坚韧,拉力强,耐磨等特点,是制作各绳缆及其它剑麻制品的主要原料。

50、jute & sisal hat ─── 幼麻编帽

51、Companhia do Sisal de Angola ─── 安哥拉西沙尔麻公司

52、Strategic Approach and Countermeasures on Development of Sisal Hemp Industry of Guangxi ─── 广西剑麻产业发展战略构想及其对策研究

53、Made from rut, assorting sisal hemp and cotton cloth.Sisal Hemp nipping, cotton cloth glued with wax, showed the strength extremely at the double function. ─── 备 注:用剑麻和棉布配合,车扎制成,剑麻锋利,棉布粘腊,双重作用下特显磨削力,适合不锈钢等一切金属的粗磨。

54、Keywords wet paper-based friction material;sisal fiber;aramid fiber;phenol formaldehyde resin; ─── 湿式成型纸基摩擦材料;剑麻纤维;芳纶;酚醛树脂;

55、Zhanjiang is also an important production base of sugar, and the largest bases of eucalyptus, sisal and mangrove, and teems with outward vegetables and tropical and subtropical fruits. ─── 湛江还是我国重要的糖业产区,拥有全国最大的桉树、剑麻生产基地和红树林基地,盛产外运菜和热带亚热带优质水果。

56、Made from rut, assorting sisal hemp and cotton cloth. Sisal Hemp nipping, cotton cloth glued with wax, showed the strength extremely at the. ─── 用剑麻和棉布配合,车扎制成,剑麻锋利,棉布粘腊,双重作用下特显磨削力,适合不锈钢等一切金属的粗磨。

57、The residual strength of sisal textile reinforced vinyl ester resin is studied using specimen with a central hole. ─── 摘要采用中间开孔试样对剑麻织物增强乙烯乙酯基复合材料的剩馀强度进行了研究。

58、Tanzania and Brazil are the main producers of sisal. ─── 坦桑尼亚和巴西是最主要的生产国。

59、H. 11648 hybrid sisal ─── H.11648麻

60、Keywords sisal fiber;frictional material;friction;wear;brake pads; ─── 剑麻纤维;摩擦材料;摩擦;磨损;制动衬片;

61、A Study of the Mechanical Properties for Short Sisal Fiber-Reinforced Polypropylene Composites ─── 剑麻纤维增强聚丙烯复合材料的力学性能研究

62、And though the celebrations of spuds and sisal may have happily passed you by, this one, I would suggest, is worth noticing. ─── 尽管在土豆和剑麻的庆祝会中你可能过的很开心,但这一次我认为是很值得关注的。

63、Henan Xinxiang Huaxing Sisal Fiber Products Co., Ltd. ─── 河南省新乡华星剑麻纤维制品有限公司。

64、sisal fiber ─── 剑麻纤维

65、Natural Loofah Products; pet toy; bath; loofa; luffa; glove; sponge; sisal; ramie; hotel; powder; slipper; ─── 卫浴用具;宠物玩具;厨房清洁剂;酒店客房用品;植物提取物;沐浴液;

66、sisal flower ─── 剑麻花

67、The Unoiled (milky white) sisal yarn after special technical process is widely used to produce artscrafts, pet toys, decorative goods, and special core for steel wire rope. ─── 普通剑麻纱主要制作钢丝绳芯、捻线和剑麻布等制品。不含油(增白)剑麻纱经过特殊工艺处理,广泛用于工艺品、宠物玩具、装饰物及特殊钢丝绳芯的制作。

68、sisal waste ─── 剑麻废液

69、Keywords Sisal Fiber;Polypropylene;Composite;Impact Property; ─── 剑麻纤维;聚丙烯;复合材料;冲击性能;

70、And though the celebrations of spuds and sisal may have happily passed you by, this one, I would suggest, is worth noticing. ─── 尽管在土豆和剑麻的庆祝会中你可能过的很开心,但这一次我认为是很值得关注的。

71、sisal hemp carpet ─── 剑麻地毯

72、A few started throwing stones at its windows, while others pulled petrol bombs out of sisal sacks. ─── 有些抗议者已经开始向大厦的窗户丢掷石头,而其他人则从麻袋里取出了汽油弹。

73、Though sometimes referred to as sisal hemp, it is not related to true hemp. ─── 有时称为西沙尔大麻,但与真正的大麻无关。

74、Because the sisal primary processing is still in its starting stage, the processing capacity is about 160000t a year. ─── 但剑麻初加工业还处在起步阶段,一年仅能加工鲜麻片16万吨左右。

75、We specialize in producing all kinds of fashion fabric hats and wool felt hats as well as straw hats including raffia straw, ramie sisal, bao straw, sinamay straw hats, paper and strawbraid hats. ─── 凭借超过十几年的专业产品开发和生产的经验,竭诚为客户提供最好的产品和服务,共创双赢。产品主要销往欧美,是多个国际品牌的供应商。

76、Now there are more than ten categories and one hundred sorts of products, such as pure wood, bark, bamboo piece, jute, sisal, burlap, cattail, vine, bulrush, twine, and paper line, etc. ─── 现产品种类有纯木、树皮、竹片、黄麻、剑麻、粗麻、蒲草、葛藤、芦苇、麻线、纸线等十几大类百余种产品。

77、identification of sisal hemp:ash method ─── 剑麻的鉴别法: 灰分测定

78、Keywords sisal fiber;phenol formaldehyde;surface modification;wear resistance; ─── 剑麻纤维;酚醛树脂;表面处理;耐磨性能;

79、sisal hemp wall paper ─── 剑麻贴墙纸

80、Study of Impact Properties of Short Sisal Fiber Reinforced Polypropylene Composites ─── 剑麻纤维增强聚丙烯复合材料的冲击特性研究

81、sisal weevil ─── 剑麻象甲

82、Sisal fibre material managed by steam explosion and then NaOH pulping. ─── 通过对剑麻纤维原料爆破法处理,继而进行烧碱法化学蒸煮。

83、"Growing to a height of about 3 ft (1 m) and a diameter of about 15 in. (38 cm), the stalk Bears fleshy, rigid, gray to dark green, lance-shaped leaves in a dense rosette. Tanzania and Brazil are the main producers of sisal." ─── 主茎高约1公尺,直径约为38公分,主茎上密集丛生肉质矛形叶片,灰至深绿色,叶尖锐硬。坦桑尼亚和巴西是最主要的生产国。

84、A Study on Properties of Sisal Fibre ─── 剑麻纤维的性能研究

85、We want to buy Mesh Sponge, Natural Loofah Sponge, Wood Massager, Wood Brush, Sisal and Ramie Sponge, Non-Woven Products, Nylon Glove and Sponge, Bath Pillow Massager ─── 我们要采购网状海绵,自然络用丝瓜海绵,木材按摩器,木制刷子,剑麻和苎麻海绵,非织造布产品,尼龙手套和海绵,浴按摩枕

86、The early premix formulations contained sisal fibers . ─── 早期预混配方中包括剑麻纤维。

87、Keywords sisal fibre;resin;composite; ─── 剑麻纤维;树脂;复合材料;

88、Modifying of sisal and friction performance of the sisal reinforced resin composite ─── 剑麻纤维的改性及其在摩擦材料中的应用

89、Study on the Pulping Performance of Sisal Hemp Fibers ─── 剑麻纤维制浆性能的研究

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